They want to destroy Trump & America


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016

Analyst/trader Gregory Mannarino says America is in conflict with itself. Mannarino explains, “We have a President who gets it. He’s obviously not a socialist, and there is no doubt this man has the back of America. . . . There is a literal war going on right now between political parties here. This is a deliberate effort by some to destabilize our country, to bring America to its knees from the inside. They want to basically throw this country into some kind of third world situation, and I don’t think it’s going to happen. I think there are too many people on the opposite side of this trade that want to see America succeed.”

They Want to Destroy Trump & America-Gregory Mannarino | Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog

America is already on one knee the only ones who think other wise are those still in the Obama Clinton trance, but what they do see they blame on Trump of course what else can you expect when trained by a loser to use the blame game. Obama blamed Bush for everything the cowardly prick he is. Children learn from their parents and oh how well Obama's American Children learned they picked up all his good little bs habits and lies.
The only ones out to destroy America is Trump and his Kool-Aid drinkers.

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