They are the same people responsible for the subliminal ads in the red banner here by the way.........................
What is so subliminal about words being directly spoken....
They are just fucking around because they can, the entire time they want us to know who is the masters of this planet... it is all a joke for them.
Now does Alec have to be one of them... no he doesn't he can be a paid actor, that is a job.
Have you ever wondered why the TV always a has something about Aliens, Superman(of some sort) and other random people with abilities.
Hiding the Truth in front of your eyes. It is only desensitizing you to the possiblities so they can become realities.
I have a thinking exercise for everyone.... it is real easy.
Ask yourself, "Why?"
If you know everything then you know nothing.
Oh one more thing... I just want the people watching behind the scense to see also...
Does anyone notice the same thing I do...
All these names of the aliens that you know that are involved in different "conspiracies"(I use that word loosly) but all have the same deminor and style.... but they all belong to their own story or do they??