They stormed the Capitol to overturn the results of an election they didn't vote in

Burn it all down
Four words that describe Trumpism pretty well.

The world is changing, their country is changing, and they'd rather burn it down than deal with it and/or be a part of it.

Like the child who pushes the board game off the table in anger, when it's clear they're going to lose.
The world is becoming one world government. The country is becoming communist. Yes. Let's burn the fucker down.

My father, a big Indian over 6 feet was part of the force that stormed Normandie Beach. When he saw the communist shitstain obama as president he said if he knew what this country was going to come to he would have gone over to the Germans. When he died communist obama sent me a commendation for the WWII Vet. In my father's honor I burned it.
commie commie commie

You're really been conned.
a handful were registered as Democrats i
"a handful were registered as Democrats "..............................huh?? Which ones??? The window smashers or the asshole who threw the Fire extinguisher at the WONDERFUL POLICE!!!!

OK; so you know this HOW?? After all; they've been ARRESTED!! Of course they may ALL be without guilt....lmao.

It's pretty simple greg. You guys try deflecting everything, but all documented evidence shows the whites on the right were responsible for what went down.
a handful were registered as Democrats i
"a handful were registered as Democrats "..............................huh?? Which ones??? The window smashers or the asshole who threw the Fire extinguisher at the WONDERFUL POLICE!!!!

OK; so you know this HOW?? After all; they've been ARRESTED!! Of course they may ALL be without guilt....lmao.

It's pretty simple greg. You guys try deflecting everything, but all documented evidence shows the whites on the right were responsible for what went down.
I say the violent thugs at the Capitol all get arrested and dealt with according to LAW!! You say the same about BLM and Antifa thugs??? I do! Now stop lying you dolt!!

a handful were registered as Democrats i
"a handful were registered as Democrats "..............................huh?? Which ones??? The window smashers or the asshole who threw the Fire extinguisher at the WONDERFUL POLICE!!!!

OK; so you know this HOW?? After all; they've been ARRESTED!! Of course they may ALL be without guilt....lmao.

It's pretty simple greg. You guys try deflecting everything, but all documented evidence shows the whites on the right were responsible for what went down.
Dunno about that; the guys attacking Kyle were well known crims AND lefty supporters. Not White Supremacists at all.....and I doubt Kamala and co would have bailed so many nazis; no????

You're an idiot!!!


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