They Never Quit / Lincoln Gay?


VIP Member
Dec 21, 2003
Everywhere, simultaneously.
Was Abe Lincoln Gay?
The blockbuster book that will change America’s history
by Doug Ireland

If the loving heart of the Great Emancipator found its natural amorous passions overwhelmingly directed toward those of his own sex, it would certainly be a stunning rebuke to the Republican Party’s scapegoating of same-sex love for electoral purposes. And a forthcoming book by the late Dr. C.A. Tripp — The Intimate World of Abraham Lincoln, to be published in the new year by Free Press — makes a powerful case that Lincoln was a lover of men.

Tripp, who worked closely in the 1940s and 1950s with the groundbreaking sexologist Alfred Kinsey, was a clinical psychologist, university professor and author of the 1975 best-seller The Homosexual Matrix, which helped transcend outdated Freudian clichés and establish that a same-sex affectional and sexual orientation is a normal and natural occurrence.

In his book on Lincoln, Tripp draws on his years with Kinsey, who, he wrote, "confronted the problem of classifying mixed sex patterns by devising his 0-to-6 scale, which allows the ranking of any homosexual component in a person’s life from none to entirely homosexual. By this measure Lincoln qualifies as a classical 5 — predominantly homosexual, but incidentally heterosexual."

Tripp also found, based on multiple historical accounts, that Lincoln attained puberty unusually early, by the age of 9 or 10 — early sexualization being a prime Kinsey indicator for same-sex proclivities. Even Lincoln’s stepmother admitted in a post-assassination interview that young Abe "never took much interest in the girls." And Tripp buttresses his findings that Lincoln was a same-sex lover with important new historical contributions.
Has anybody noticed that slowly, over time, the leftties of this world are trying to make many "heros" of the past into homosexuals? Lincoln is not the first and I dare say he will not be the last.
Oh, didn't you know? And by the way .... The Statue of Liberty, The Sphinx, Mount Rushmore, the statue of David, the Mona Lisa, the Tooth Fairy, Mickey Mouse, Popeye, the Lone Ranger, Santa Claus, those little icons that we use when we post messages, Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and the Jolly Green Giant are all gay!

P.S. Come to think of it, the Internet is gay, too!

This icon is gay >>>> :eek:

I think this one is too >>>> :eek:

But I'm not sure about this one >>>> :banned:
For sake of discussion, let's assume that Lincoln was gay. So what? He didn't promote it, he didn't flaunt it and he didn't practice it. In that case, he would fit in well with today's Republican Party.
KarlMarx said:
Oh, didn't you know? And by the way .... The Statue of Liberty, The Sphinx, Mount Rushmore, the statue of David, the Mona Lisa, the Tooth Fairy, Mickey Mouse, Popeye, the Lone Ranger, Santa Claus, those little icons that we use when we post messages, Frosty the Snowman, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer and the Jolly Green Giant are all gay!

P.S. Come to think of it, the Internet is gay, too!

This icon is gay >>>> :eek:

I think this one is too >>>> :eek:

But I'm not sure about this one >>>> :banned:

What about this one?

no1tovote4 said:

Why would anybody want to read this imbecile's work?
And who cares, anyway. Hell, I'll bet if ya people on the street if Lincoln was gay, most would give you that trout look. You know the fish out of water with the mouth movin an nothing coming out...If yer lucky you may get a "Linclon who?" from someone.
Actually, I think that this is just one more example of how off and how "out there" some members of the fringe left are.

Consider for a moment, WHY, they are doing this? What is the neccessity in peering into the pass for any examples of homosexual tendencies in the heros of history?

Its not to demean their achievements, because they would have a hard time stating that Lincoln wasn't a great president, an accomplished orator, etc....its not to make these men "better" somehow....these exposes are never about how living with their gayness or overcoming their homosexuality made them stronger more capable leaders...

No, the reason for these works is pretty obvious...they want to shock conservatives and tear down any images we have of leaders we like and respect by reading about how they were flamingly gay, really gay, kinda gay, sorta gay, a tad bit gay, thinking about being gay.

The problem for these authors is that they can't seem to grasp that most right-wing conservatives who they think they are going to shock and disgust....just don't care. Who CARES if Lincoln was gay...does it mean that the Emmancipation Proclimation was bunk? Did he not give his address in Gettysburg? Was he not the president of the United States during the Civil War? No? Than WHO CARES?? I never really gave a crap about crazy ol' Mary Todd Lincoln why would I care about the fact that when Lincoln was shirking his marital duties with Crazy Mary he was getting it on with Mark, Rick, or Steve?

This book, and many like it, was written to be read by people on the far left who will giggle as they imagine some bible-thumping "fundie" pulling out their hair as they read about Lincoln's "affairs." But they have completely missed the mark (yet again) because most people just don't care.

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