These guys are too old


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016

I am not impressed with America's choices for President. They're both well into their 70's, both in poor health, and both declining mentally. They babble rather than speak in complete sentences, and neither can walk and chew gum at the same time. Political ideology aside, America needs to slap some upper age limits on it's Presidents. It's a tough job, and neither one of these old geezers are up to the task.
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I am not impressed with America's choices for President. They're both well into their 70's, both in poor health, and both declining mentally, they babble rather than speak in complete sentences, and neither can walk and chew gum at the same time. Political ideology aside, America needs to slap some age limits on it's Presidents. It's a tough job, and neither one of these old geezers are up to the task.
There are age limits for President. You have to be 35.

I am not impressed with America's choices for President. They're both well into their 70's, both in poor health, and both declining mentally, they babble rather than speak in complete sentences, and neither can walk and chew gum at the same time. Political ideology aside, America needs to slap some age limits on it's Presidents. It's a tough job, and neither one of these old geezers are up to the task.

I am not impressed with America's choices for President. They're both well into their 70's, both in poor health, and both declining mentally, they babble rather than speak in complete sentences, and neither can walk and chew gum at the same time. Political ideology aside, America needs to slap some age limits on it's Presidents. It's a tough job, and neither one of these old geezers are up to the task.
View attachment 356160
Right, Trump is an awesome leader,,for a Third World Banana Republic.
It says a lot, when military leaders consistently bring up what Trump has done to threaten the Constitution and our democratic process. It seems to be a consensus of non-political group of real leaders, who just happen to put country first and are verified patriots.
Also, I agree with the OP, we need fresh blood, not old geezers like Biden and Trump.w

I am not impressed with America's choices for President. They're both well into their 70's, both in poor health, and both declining mentally. They babble rather than speak in complete sentences, and neither can walk and chew gum at the same time. Political ideology aside, America needs to slap some upper age limits on it's Presidents. It's a tough job, and neither one of these old geezers are up to the task.
Biden is in MUCH worse shape than Trump, both mentally AND physically. I truthfully don't know if Creepy, Sleepy, Groper, Hair-Sniffer, Hair-Caresser, Hair Whisperer, Finger Banger, Decrepit, Depends-Wearing, Moronic, Idiotic, Near Catatonic, Senile, Old Joe WILL make it until November.

I am not impressed with America's choices for President. They're both well into their 70's, both in poor health, and both declining mentally, they babble rather than speak in complete sentences, and neither can walk and chew gum at the same time. Political ideology aside, America needs to slap some age limits on it's Presidents. It's a tough job, and neither one of these old geezers are up to the task.
View attachment 356160
Right, Trump is an awesome leader,,for a Third World Banana Republic.
It says a lot, when military leaders consistently bring up what Trump has done to threaten the Constitution and our democratic process. It seems to be a consensus of non-political group of real leaders, who just happen to put country first and are verified patriots.
Also, I agree with the OP, we need fresh blood, not old geezers like Biden and Trump.w
Good for him!

I am not impressed with America's choices for President. They're both well into their 70's, both in poor health, and both declining mentally. They babble rather than speak in complete sentences, and neither can walk and chew gum at the same time. Political ideology aside, America needs to slap some upper age limits on it's Presidents. It's a tough job, and neither one of these old geezers are up to the task.

With all respect OP

you are a moron

this has nothing to do with age

in fact....

I will vote for somebody who has more age than any of the scum soy boy younger idiots pink pussy hat scum.

know what we mean?

I am not impressed with America's choices for President. They're both well into their 70's, both in poor health, and both declining mentally, they babble rather than speak in complete sentences, and neither can walk and chew gum at the same time. Political ideology aside, America needs to slap some age limits on it's Presidents. It's a tough job, and neither one of these old geezers are up to the task.
View attachment 356160
Right, Trump is an awesome leader,,for a Third World Banana Republic.
It says a lot, when military leaders consistently bring up what Trump has done to threaten the Constitution and our democratic process. It seems to be a consensus of non-political group of real leaders, who just happen to put country first and are verified patriots.
Also, I agree with the OP, we need fresh blood, not old geezers like Biden and Trump.w
Enjoy New Somalia, fuckface! Brought to you by 1/2 Somalian Fresh Face Obama!
Enjoy! Before the whole area has to be white phosphoroused.

I am not impressed with America's choices for President. They're both well into their 70's, both in poor health, and both declining mentally. They babble rather than speak in complete sentences, and neither can walk and chew gum at the same time. Political ideology aside, America needs to slap some upper age limits on it's Presidents. It's a tough job, and neither one of these old geezers are up to the task.

With all respect OP

you are a moron

this has nothing to do with age

in fact....

I will vote for somebody who has more age than any of the scum soy boy younger idiots pink pussy hat scum.

know what we mean?

I am not impressed with America's choices for President. They're both well into their 70's, both in poor health, and both declining mentally, they babble rather than speak in complete sentences, and neither can walk and chew gum at the same time. Political ideology aside, America needs to slap some age limits on it's Presidents. It's a tough job, and neither one of these old geezers are up to the task.
View attachment 356160
Right, Trump is an awesome leader,,for a Third World Banana Republic.
It says a lot, when military leaders consistently bring up what Trump has done to threaten the Constitution and our democratic process. It seems to be a consensus of non-political group of real leaders, who just happen to put country first and are verified patriots.
Also, I agree with the OP, we need fresh blood, not old geezers like Biden and Trump.w
Enjoy New Somalia, fuckface! Brought to you by 1/2 Somalian Fresh Face Obama!
Enjoy! Before the whole area has to be white phosphoroused.
Nice rebuttal! :happy-1:

I am not impressed with America's choices for President. They're both well into their 70's, both in poor health, and both declining mentally, they babble rather than speak in complete sentences, and neither can walk and chew gum at the same time. Political ideology aside, America needs to slap some age limits on it's Presidents. It's a tough job, and neither one of these old geezers are up to the task.
View attachment 356160
Right, Trump is an awesome leader,,for a Third World Banana Republic.
It says a lot, when military leaders consistently bring up what Trump has done to threaten the Constitution and our democratic process. It seems to be a consensus of non-political group of real leaders, who just happen to put country first and are verified patriots.
Also, I agree with the OP, we need fresh blood, not old geezers like Biden and Trump.w
Enjoy New Somalia, fuckface! Brought to you by 1/2 Somalian Fresh Face Obama!
Enjoy! Before the whole area has to be white phosphoroused.
Nice rebuttal! :happy-1:
You'll get beat up next week by Somalians.
Post back then.
"Diversity is your strength!"
Unless you're a white Minnesotan. Then you're fucked.
The republicans blew it when they should have elected Cruz. Trump is awful. Biden would be awful

I am not impressed with America's choices for President. They're both well into their 70's, both in poor health, and both declining mentally. They babble rather than speak in complete sentences, and neither can walk and chew gum at the same time. Political ideology aside, America needs to slap some upper age limits on it's Presidents. It's a tough job, and neither one of these old geezers are up to the task.
The youngest an individual can be, to be president, is 35. That's actually important. You wouldn't want the president to be much younger. The human pro-frontal cortex isn't fully developed until the age of 25 years. The pre-frontal cortex is responsible for coordinating and adjusting complex behavior, impulse control and the control and organization of emotional reactions. While some individuals display such control in a bit younger years, most are not. Then there is the fact that some individuals pre-frontal cortex's develop somewhat later. Thus, the minimum age of 35 is a good rule to abide by.
The thing is, that any adult can run for political office in their jurisdiction and also, any adult 35 years or older, a natural-born citizen that has resided in the US for the last 14 years can run for the office of president. The reason you see mostly elderly citizens in these positions is that, that is who keeps getting the public to vote for them, with their promises.
As for Trump...he's a whole other ballgame. While a private citizen and businessman, he voted Democrat and donated to charities. But, he saw the troubling growth of the far left, cultural Marxist youth as well as the havoc George Soros was causing, and changed his political stance. He and others know full well of the true horror that is Communism and wanted to steer us away from that colossal failure in humanity. His stance has never been racist. He like other nations believe in borders and trying to ensure that those wanting in, come in legally and go through proper check points to be vetted properly. He saw our military crumbling, our nation not getting fair deals and wanted to make such changes.
As to the both Biden's and Trump's speeches:
Trump: Trump has always spoken simply and his grammar has always been, well, fair. He's never been and never will be a great orator. He's a product of his region. His age has nothing to do with his ability to speak.
Biden: If you follow each of his speaking engagements since running for president versus his speeches when he was younger, you will see that he has early-stage Alzheimer's. It's unfortunate. That's one condition that is terrible in that it robs people of their very self identity. If the Democrat party keeps him in the race, whoever is his running mate will actually have to run the office of president, from day one, if they win. A big if. I've never gone by polls. A great example is the 2016 election. All polls indicated that Trump had no chance...the media laughed. The only poll that matters is the one in the voting booth.
Regardless of age, what is important is the specified goals of each candidate, once in office.
So far, the only one with any talk of goals has been the republicans. The democrats have just been (for almost four years) bitching about the president and claiming all sorts of BS about him, rather than set forth to the public, any kind of policies they want to put to enact.
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I am not impressed with America's choices for President. They're both well into their 70's, both in poor health, and both declining mentally. They babble rather than speak in complete sentences, and neither can walk and chew gum at the same time. Political ideology aside, America needs to slap some upper age limits on it's Presidents. It's a tough job, and neither one of these old geezers are up to the task.
Yeah for the first ti
The republicans blew it when they should have elected Cruz. Trump is awful. Biden would be awful
Cruz wasn't born on U.S. soil like McCain was in Panama

I am not impressed with America's choices for President. They're both well into their 70's, both in poor health, and both declining mentally. They babble rather than speak in complete sentences, and neither can walk and chew gum at the same time. Political ideology aside, America needs to slap some upper age limits on it's Presidents. It's a tough job, and neither one of these old geezers are up to the task.

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