There's NOTHING on Obama, Gillum & Nelson Rally Crowd Size Today in Fla.

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Watched Obama on all three cable news channel networks (they'll all air his diatribe, but will not give one minute to Trump and his rallies unless you switch to CPAN-3, and if you're lucky, they're airing an actual Trump rally in real time!) and I could not gauge crowd size. Cameras did not pan out. Ne'er a peep about this in the media.

I've been looking EVERYWHERE to see how many people showed up to this gabfest by diarrhea-mouth. Same thing in Georgia, since Obama held a rally for Abrams at Morehouse College today. Not a peep about crowd size - even though there were allegations floating on CraigsList that people were getting paid $15 bucks to attend.

I've attached a link to a CBS News article about the FL rally today with Obama, Gillum & Nelson - but no mention of the crowd size.


CBS News ^

You have to remember the Democrats have no one, and I mean no one that can generate & fire up a huge crowd!!! The perfect storm befell us this afternoon...folks, with Shepard Smith, Chris Wallace of FNC & their fellow buddies over at CNN & MSNBC...all fawning over the failed POUTUS Barack Hussein Obama. The truth...Obama was nothing to write home about...period!!!
Watched Obama on all three cable news channel networks

Why on Earth would you do that? Checking to see if The Nimrod was giving different speeches on the other two channels ? :eek:

"I don't know if you've noticed, but our two-party system is a bowl of shit looking at itself in the mirror." -- Lewis Black
Watched Obama on all three cable news channel networks (they'll all air his diatribe, but will not give one minute to Trump and his rallies unless you switch to CPAN-3, and if you're lucky, they're airing an actual Trump rally in real time!) and I could not gauge crowd size. Cameras did not pan out. Ne'er a peep about this in the media.

I've been looking EVERYWHERE to see how many people showed up to this gabfest by diarrhea-mouth. Same thing in Georgia, since Obama held a rally for Abrams at Morehouse College today. Not a peep about crowd size - even though there were allegations floating on CraigsList that people were getting paid $15 bucks to attend.

I've attached a link to a CBS News article about the FL rally today with Obama, Gillum & Nelson - but no mention of the crowd size.


CBS News ^

You have to remember the Democrats have no one, and I mean no one that can generate & fire up a huge crowd!!! The perfect storm befell us this afternoon...folks, with Shepard Smith, Chris Wallace of FNC & their fellow buddies over at CNN & MSNBC...all fawning over the failed POUTUS Barack Hussein Obama. The truth...Obama was nothing to write home about...period!!!

Don't worry. You can always get your Trump praise at fox. They report when Trump farts, along with a comparison to the smell of roses.
I tried to do the sam thing and nothing showed up no matter what different phrases I used. There is a clear effort on google to bury republican info on governors race and highlight the dem effort. It is also much easier to get Gillum to come up than Desantis. There is so much bias that goes unreported against repub candidates.

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