There’s an easy way around Trumps pardons.

This is the Sherlockean Induction of a complete Moron.

How so? You can’t pre pardon people .

Yes, a president can pardon someone for crimes he/she has never been convicted or even accused of. That is exactly what Gerald Ford did to Richard Nixon in September 8, 1974

Ford’s pardon ended any possibility of Nixon being prosecuted criminally. It covered more than obstruction of justice, however. It excused Nixon for "all offenses against the United States which he, Richard Nixon, has committed or may have committed or taken part in" during the period from January 20, 1969, through August 9, 1974. In short, Ford’s pardon covered any crimes Nixon may have committed between the time he was sworn in for his first term and the day he resigned.

Blanket Pardons -

Nor was this the first such pardon.

The leading Supreme Court case is Ex parte Garland (1867). Justice Stephen J. Field, writing for the Court in a 5-4 decision, held that the President's pardoning power is ''unlimited,'' and ''It extends to every offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.''

Constitution Allows Pardons Before Conviction

In the cited case Garland, an attorney took part in a rebellion against the United States Government. Congress passed a law on January 24th, 1865, which specified that no one would be allowed to practice law unless first taking an oath swearing, essentially, that he had never participated in any action against the United States. On July of 1875, Garland received a blanket pardon from President. Andrew Johnson and attempted to resume his legal practice. However he was denied because he could not take the oath required the act of January 24, 1865. Garland appealed to the Supreme Court and the following are excerpts from that case:

“The power [to pardon] thus conferred is unlimited, with the exception stated. It extends to every offence known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken or during their pendency or after conviction and judgment. This power of the President is not subject to legislative control. Congress can neither limit the effect of his pardon nor exclude from its exercise any class of offenders. The benign prerogative of mercy reposed in him cannot be fettered by any legislative restrictions.”

“The pardon produced by the petitioner is a full pardon 'for all offences by him committed, arising from participation, direct or implied, in the Rebellion,' and is subject to certain conditions which have been complied with. The effect of this pardon is to relieve the petitioner from all penalties and disabilities attached to the offence of treason, committed by his participation in the Rebellion. So far as that offence is concerned, he is thus placed beyond the reach of punishment of any kind. But to exclude him, by reason of that offence, from continuing in the enjoyment of a previously acquired right is to enforce a punishment for that offence notwithstanding the pardon. If such exclusion can be effected by the exaction of an expurgatory oath covering the offence, the pardon may be avoided, and that accomplished indirectly which cannot be reached by direct legislation. It is not within the constitutional power of Congress thus to inflict punishment beyond the reach of executive clemency. From the petitioner, therefore, the oath required by the act of January 24th, 1865, could not be exacted even if that act were not subject to any other objection than the one thus stated.”

“It follows, from the views expressed, that the prayer of the petitioner must be granted.”

Ex Parte Garland
Or he could just fire Mueller and put an end to this farce then there are no charges and no pardons are needed.

So you think all of the evidence that was collected just disappears if you fire the investigator? That is a special type of stupid.
You mean the evidence of alleged crimes that have nothing to do with the reason Mueller was appointed? The only special kind of stupid is from those who still cling to the idea that this investigation is anything other than a political witch hunt.
just wait till he’s out of office to bring charges . He can’t pardon once he’s out!
You mean in 2024...……………….


Bye the way Trump can't pardon himself over collusion, because collusion isn't a crime

Yeah but there’s all those other crimes . Conspiracy to commit (insert crime here).

Then there’s plan B. With all the nonsense in team trump, there’s gotta be some state crimes in the mix.
Conspiracy to collude to obstruct Hillary from taking her rightful place in the Oval Office
Or he could just fire Mueller and put an end to this farce then there are no charges and no pardons are needed.

So you think all of the evidence that was collected just disappears if you fire the investigator? That is a special type of stupid.
You mean the evidence of alleged crimes that have nothing to do with the reason Mueller was appointed? The only special kind of stupid is from those who still cling to the idea that this investigation is anything other than a political witch hunt.

Time will tell. The point is that if a Detective who is investigating a crime…retires/has a fatal heart attack/or is fired for a another matter the investigation doesn’t go away.

This is why Trump hasn’t fired Mueller. Currently, Mueller is under a gag order that is either actual or implied. He doesn’t need one. His integrity is unquestioned. If you fire him, he can testify, write a book, give interviews etc… Currently, whatever he has uncovered is being kept secret. Fire him, he can spill as much of it as he wants.

That is why you exhibited a special type of stupidity not commonly found.
This is the Sherlockean Induction of a complete Moron.

How so? You can’t pre pardon people .

OK, it’s Trump’s last day in office, he is about to walk out of the White House and watch as Pence is sworn in as President. Before he leaves, he signs a Pardon for himself. No charges have been brought against him, no indictment exists, and no Grand Jury is even considering one.

Now, what do you do? You don’t have to be indicted to be pardoned. The Pardon trumps all that, forgive the pun. You don’t have to be convicted, or even tried. Trump can walk down the street and hand out Pardons to anyone he sees.

“Hey what’s your name?”

“John Francis Baker.”

“John Francis Baker. Mr. Baker, you have just been pardoned for all crimes committed against the United States through today. Congradulations sir.”

If Baker has done something, or not, doesn’t matter. He’s pardoned. Presidents have Pardoned people who are Dead, not just Trump. If you can pardon a dead guy, what makes you think he can’t pardon himself on the way out the door?

Don’t you have to name what’s being pardoned? Not just a “I pardon me of everything !”

Nope. It just says all crimes and the effective date.
Or he could just fire Mueller and put an end to this farce then there are no charges and no pardons are needed.

So you think all of the evidence that was collected just disappears if you fire the investigator? That is a special type of stupid.
You mean the evidence of alleged crimes that have nothing to do with the reason Mueller was appointed? The only special kind of stupid is from those who still cling to the idea that this investigation is anything other than a political witch hunt.

Time will tell. The point is that if a Detective who is investigating a crime…retires/has a fatal heart attack/or is fired for a another matter the investigation doesn’t go away.

This is why Trump hasn’t fired Mueller. Currently, Mueller is under a gag order that is either actual or implied. He doesn’t need one. His integrity is unquestioned. If you fire him, he can testify, write a book, give interviews etc… Currently, whatever he has uncovered is being kept secret. Fire him, he can spill as much of it as he wants.

That is why you exhibited a special type of stupidity not commonly found.
Muellers is integrity is unquestioned funny that is the exact same thing both the right and left said about James Comey now both despise him and know integrity was never part of his vocabulary. Now you sit here ready and willing to repeat the same mistake with Mueller there is none as stupid as those who don’t learn from the past.
Was there an "easy away around" Hillary's husband's pardons? Bill pardoned the most notorious corporate pirate in history (at the time) while he was on the FBI's 10 most wanted and all for a couple of bucks donated to the "Clinton library".
Or he could just fire Mueller and put an end to this farce then there are no charges and no pardons are needed.

So you think all of the evidence that was collected just disappears if you fire the investigator? That is a special type of stupid.
You mean the evidence of alleged crimes that have nothing to do with the reason Mueller was appointed? The only special kind of stupid is from those who still cling to the idea that this investigation is anything other than a political witch hunt.

Time will tell. The point is that if a Detective who is investigating a crime…retires/has a fatal heart attack/or is fired for a another matter the investigation doesn’t go away.

This is why Trump hasn’t fired Mueller. Currently, Mueller is under a gag order that is either actual or implied. He doesn’t need one. His integrity is unquestioned. If you fire him, he can testify, write a book, give interviews etc… Currently, whatever he has uncovered is being kept secret. Fire him, he can spill as much of it as he wants.

That is why you exhibited a special type of stupidity not commonly found.
Mueller’s reputation is of being an overzealous prosecutor.
That is why the Deep State picked him.

Congressman DESTROYS Mueller's Reputation in 48-Pager - Liberty Headlines

GOHMERT: ‘He lacks the judgment and credibility to lead the prosecution of anyone…’

(John Wynne, Liberty Headlines) Special Counsel Robert Mueller has a track record of ill repute, alleges a scathing 48-page report written by Texas Congressman Louis Gohmert.

The report, “Robert Mueller: Unmasked” is a brutal takedown of Mueller’s unsavory professional career and should leave no doubt that he is the last person who should be leading the investigation of the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory.

“Robert Mueller has a long and sordid history of illicitly targeting innocent people that is a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence,” Gohmert, a Republican, begins in his report. “He lacks the judgment and credibility to lead the prosecution of anyone.”

Based on his findings, the congressman believes that Mueller is someone who targets individuals for prosecution and will resort to any measure to bring them down.

And unlike some Republicans who tell the media that Mueller’s reputation is above reproach, Gohmert believes the exact opposite, saying Republicans who defend Mueller actually want Trump removed from office, or are ignorant of Mueller’s professional history.

The report starts with a detailed history of Mueller’s notorious handling of the Whitey Bulger case, a mobster whom the FBI protected.

Gohmert alleges that instead of going after Bulger, Mueller framed innocent people while leaking information to the media to disparage his targets.

“Anyone imprisoned has to have committed a specific crime for which they are found guilty,” Gohmert writes. “Not in Mueller’s world. He has the reverse list of Santa Claus; and if you are on his list, you get punished even if you are framed.”

“He never apologizes when the truth is learned, no matter how wrong or potentially criminal or malicious the prosecution was. In his book, you deserve what you get even if you did not commit the crime for which he helped put you away.”

Gohmert then proceeds to the case of Congressman Curt Weldon, who alleged the FBI had prior knowledge about 9/11 and could have prevented the attacks.

Mueller, then FBI Director, did not admit the FBI made errors or refute the accusations.

Instead, the FBI raided the home of Weldon’s daughter weeks before Election Day.

With rumors abuzz that Weldon too was under investigation, the congressman lost re-election.

The raid destroyed Weldon’s political career … and nothing ever came of it.
Or he could just fire Mueller and put an end to this farce then there are no charges and no pardons are needed.

So you think all of the evidence that was collected just disappears if you fire the investigator? That is a special type of stupid.
You mean the evidence of alleged crimes that have nothing to do with the reason Mueller was appointed? The only special kind of stupid is from those who still cling to the idea that this investigation is anything other than a political witch hunt.

Time will tell. The point is that if a Detective who is investigating a crime…retires/has a fatal heart attack/or is fired for a another matter the investigation doesn’t go away.

This is why Trump hasn’t fired Mueller. Currently, Mueller is under a gag order that is either actual or implied. He doesn’t need one. His integrity is unquestioned. If you fire him, he can testify, write a book, give interviews etc… Currently, whatever he has uncovered is being kept secret. Fire him, he can spill as much of it as he wants.

That is why you exhibited a special type of stupidity not commonly found.
Mueller’s reputation is of being an overzealous prosecutor.
That is why the Deep State picked him.

Congressman DESTROYS Mueller's Reputation in 48-Pager - Liberty Headlines

GOHMERT: ‘He lacks the judgment and credibility to lead the prosecution of anyone…’

(John Wynne, Liberty Headlines) Special Counsel Robert Mueller has a track record of ill repute, alleges a scathing 48-page report written by Texas Congressman Louis Gohmert.

The report, “Robert Mueller: Unmasked” is a brutal takedown of Mueller’s unsavory professional career and should leave no doubt that he is the last person who should be leading the investigation of the Trump-Russia conspiracy theory.

“Robert Mueller has a long and sordid history of illicitly targeting innocent people that is a stain upon the legacy of American jurisprudence,” Gohmert, a Republican, begins in his report. “He lacks the judgment and credibility to lead the prosecution of anyone.”

Based on his findings, the congressman believes that Mueller is someone who targets individuals for prosecution and will resort to any measure to bring them down.

And unlike some Republicans who tell the media that Mueller’s reputation is above reproach, Gohmert believes the exact opposite, saying Republicans who defend Mueller actually want Trump removed from office, or are ignorant of Mueller’s professional history.

The report starts with a detailed history of Mueller’s notorious handling of the Whitey Bulger case, a mobster whom the FBI protected.

Gohmert alleges that instead of going after Bulger, Mueller framed innocent people while leaking information to the media to disparage his targets.

“Anyone imprisoned has to have committed a specific crime for which they are found guilty,” Gohmert writes. “Not in Mueller’s world. He has the reverse list of Santa Claus; and if you are on his list, you get punished even if you are framed.”

“He never apologizes when the truth is learned, no matter how wrong or potentially criminal or malicious the prosecution was. In his book, you deserve what you get even if you did not commit the crime for which he helped put you away.”

Gohmert then proceeds to the case of Congressman Curt Weldon, who alleged the FBI had prior knowledge about 9/11 and could have prevented the attacks.

Mueller, then FBI Director, did not admit the FBI made errors or refute the accusations.

Instead, the FBI raided the home of Weldon’s daughter weeks before Election Day.

With rumors abuzz that Weldon too was under investigation, the congressman lost re-election.

The raid destroyed Weldon’s political career … and nothing ever came of it.
Or he could just fire Mueller and put an end to this farce then there are no charges and no pardons are needed.

So you think all of the evidence that was collected just disappears if you fire the investigator? That is a special type of stupid.
You mean the evidence of alleged crimes that have nothing to do with the reason Mueller was appointed? The only special kind of stupid is from those who still cling to the idea that this investigation is anything other than a political witch hunt.

Time will tell. The point is that if a Detective who is investigating a crime…retires/has a fatal heart attack/or is fired for a another matter the investigation doesn’t go away.

This is why Trump hasn’t fired Mueller. Currently, Mueller is under a gag order that is either actual or implied. He doesn’t need one. His integrity is unquestioned. If you fire him, he can testify, write a book, give interviews etc… Currently, whatever he has uncovered is being kept secret. Fire him, he can spill as much of it as he wants.

That is why you exhibited a special type of stupidity not commonly found.
Muellers is integrity is unquestioned funny that is the exact same thing both the right and left said about James Comey now both despise him and know integrity was never part of his vocabulary. Now you sit here ready and willing to repeat the same mistake with Mueller there is none as stupid as those who don’t learn from the past.

Not sure where you’re getting your info from. Comey was obviously cashing in on his story to tell (most had already been told by the way). As for “despise”? He was on almost every channel about his book. You’re trying to break your own record for dumb comments in a day now?

Mueller was approved by both a GOP controlled Senate and a DNC controlled senate by unanimous votes. Let me guess, all of the GOP senators you and your conservative brethren voted for are all suddenly “deep state” operators…right? Child please.
Or he could just fire Mueller and put an end to this farce then there are no charges and no pardons are needed.

So you think all of the evidence that was collected just disappears if you fire the investigator? That is a special type of stupid.
What evidence???

Hmmm you would think that if Capitan Mueller’s investigation into private shin splints was a unethical as your moronic brain thinks…that would have been leaked by now…right? LOL…

For starters, the evidence that has collected guilty plea after guilty plea, indictments, and is making your perverted messiah shake in his chinese made shoes.
Or he could just fire Mueller and put an end to this farce then there are no charges and no pardons are needed.

So you think all of the evidence that was collected just disappears if you fire the investigator? That is a special type of stupid.
You mean the evidence of alleged crimes that have nothing to do with the reason Mueller was appointed? The only special kind of stupid is from those who still cling to the idea that this investigation is anything other than a political witch hunt.

Time will tell. The point is that if a Detective who is investigating a crime…retires/has a fatal heart attack/or is fired for a another matter the investigation doesn’t go away.

This is why Trump hasn’t fired Mueller. Currently, Mueller is under a gag order that is either actual or implied. He doesn’t need one. His integrity is unquestioned. If you fire him, he can testify, write a book, give interviews etc… Currently, whatever he has uncovered is being kept secret. Fire him, he can spill as much of it as he wants.

That is why you exhibited a special type of stupidity not commonly found.
Muellers is integrity is unquestioned funny that is the exact same thing both the right and left said about James Comey now both despise him and know integrity was never part of his vocabulary. Now you sit here ready and willing to repeat the same mistake with Mueller there is none as stupid as those who don’t learn from the past.

Not sure where you’re getting your info from. Comey was obviously cashing in on his story to tell (most had already been told by the way). As for “despise”? He was on almost every channel about his book. You’re trying to break your own record for dumb comments in a day now?

Mueller was approved by both a GOP controlled Senate and a DNC controlled senate by unanimous votes. Let me guess, all of the GOP senators you and your conservative brethren voted for are all suddenly “deep state” operators…right? Child please.
So you're saying the GOP doesn't have any dishonest politicians???
Or he could just fire Mueller and put an end to this farce then there are no charges and no pardons are needed.

So you think all of the evidence that was collected just disappears if you fire the investigator? That is a special type of stupid.
What evidence???

Hmmm you would think that if Capitan Mueller’s investigation into private shin splints was a unethical as your moronic brain thinks…that would have been leaked by now…right? LOL…

For starters, the evidence that has collected guilty plea after guilty plea, indictments, and is making your perverted messiah shake in his chinese made shoes.
The only thing Mueller is doing is eating up resources.
just wait till he’s out of office to bring charges . He can’t pardon once he’s out!
You mean in 2024...……………….


Bye the way Trump can't pardon himself over collusion, because collusion isn't a crime
Uhh yes collusion is against the law. You parrot too many talking points. Try a dictionary.
just wait till he’s out of office to bring charges . He can’t pardon once he’s out!
You mean in 2024...……………….


Bye the way Trump can't pardon himself over collusion, because collusion isn't a crime
Uhh yes collusion is against the law. You parrot too many talking points. Try a dictionary.
I am never wrong and as I said collusion is not a crime. At this point little one you can post the legal statute and prove me wrong.......

But there is no statute, since I am never wrong.....

Now go play your computer game

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