There Was Much More Corroborating Evidence Against Bill Clinton Than Against Brett Kavanaugh

Bill got his 8 years as president,and HRC got to be a senator and sec. of state. It's time for both of them to fade off into the sunset.
They were ruined by a gigantic pile of crap pushed by GOP operatives and the longest Witch Hunt American history... I wouldn't mind her running again while fact-checking all the garbage of 25 years that you idiots believe although everything has been investigated and no crimes committed.

'Right Wing Conspiracy, squawk, Right Wing Conspiracy'


I can see the indoctrination really took with you! :p

One of the best points made in the Kavanaugh circus was that had Kavanaugh been such a monstrous, drugging, raping, gang-raping monster in his youth that would have continued. He would not have / would not have been able to just STOP!

Drugging, raping, gang-raping girls is not just some 'fad' that you experiment with 1 summer. It is something in side you that continues.

Look at Cosby - decades.

Look at the Democrats in the Senate - decades.

If Kavanaugh was such a demented, psychotic, sexual predator as he was accused of being we would have seen evidence of him continuing to engage in such behavior over the course of his life....LIKE HOW WE SAW IT AND HOW IT HAS BEEN RECORDED ALL THROUGH OUT BILL CLINTON'S LIFE!

Right Wing Conspiracy, snowflake? Nah, it's just the behavior Kavanaugh was accused of...

Once again we see Democrats and snowflakes falsely accusing other of doing what they have done / do and of being who they are!

Unlike with the entire 'Herman Cain'ing of Kavanaugh where there was no evidence, no witnesses, no reports filed, no complaints filed, etc... the accusations against Bill Clinton were substantiated - backed with evidence, witnesses, etc.....

Unlike with the Kavanaugh Case, Democrats - none more than Hillary - dismissed the claims of the women Bill Clinton assaulted / raped (funny how years later SHE would be the one who would insist every woman must be believed :p ).

During Bill Clinton's #MeToo moment.....
- Hillary demanded the women NOT be believed
- Democrats did not rally around the women .. instead they ridiculed them, bullied them, silenced them
- Hollywood liberals did NOT send loving / glowing messages of support to the women

The Bill Clinton cases and the Judge Kavanaugh could NOT have been more polar opposites in how the Democrats handled each one.

"When Hillary Clinton
made headlines and raised eyebrows this week by asserting that her husband's sexual affair with a young White House intern did not constitute an abuse of power because Monica Lewinsky was legally an adult, even many Democrats winced. It was the sort of tortured justification that we've grown accustomed to from the Clintons, but in the #MeToo era, downplaying the ability of adult women to be exploited or abused by male superiors in the workplace is a major no-no."

Once again Hillary insists that the 'rules' that apply to everyone else - like with the #MeToo movement - does NOT apply to her and her husband. :p

"Based on the Left's arguments against Kavanaugh, especially in light of the complete dearth of evidence against him, how can Bill Clinton remain a Democrat in good standing today? How can he have just inked a lucrative speaking tour contract with his wife, who aided and abetted the slime campaign against his accusers? The Clintons' political survival relied on the very opposite of the "believe women" mantra. Parting thought: Will Bill, yet again, be offered a plum speaking slot at the next Democratic National Convention, as he has every cycle, for decades? Who could forget his appearance at the "war on women"-themed 2012 DNC, which astoundingly went out of its way to honor Sen. Ted Kennedy -- who killed a woman -- by celebrating his status as a "champion" for women? Speaking of gobsmacking hypocrisy on this front, I'll leave you with the latest ad out of New Jersey's Senate race. Oof"

Interesting how a few years and the person being accused being in a Different political party makes such a difference in how the 2 cases were handled and in how each accuser was treated completely different.

Reminder: There Was MUCH More Corroborating Evidence Against Bill Clinton Than There Ever Was Against Brett Kavanaugh

Relax or you are going to end up hurting yourself, you fluffy little snowflake.
LOL, see how little he cares about women.......god, Donald Trump is the best person since Jesus
How are those indictments of H. Clinton coming along?
What indictments, snowflake? You know something I don't?

F* Hillary! Trump and the rest of America are too busy WINNING to look back in the mirror and worry about that 2-time criminal loser.

'Revenge' is for LOSERS who can't accept the results of elections. :p
How are those indictments of H. Clinton coming along?
What indictments, snowflake? You know something I don't?

F* Hillary! Trump and the rest of America are too busy WINNING to look back in the mirror and worry about that 2-time criminal loser.

'Revenge' is for LOSERS who can't accept the results of elections. :p don't believe in indictments? Just lock her up, eh? continues to amuse to watch trumpanzees rant and rave about someone who lost an election almost 2 years ago..........why are you still so afraid of Hillary Clinton? don't believe in indictments? Just lock her up, eh?
You said that, sweetie, not me.

Actually, right now you are talking to yourself because I refuse to play these pathetic little games with you....but you have fun with it. :p
LOL, see how little he cares about women.......god, Donald Trump is the best person since Jesus


View attachment 222980
All the stuff he's done
Fix the economy
virtual full employment
crushed ISIS
made us # 1 in energy production
Building a wall
and much much more

those are great, but what he's done to make democrats and the media expose themselves for what they truly are and his work on destroying political correctness has been unbelievably awesome....we're going back to freedom and while you can't beat Jesus, he's getting there

and yes there is a little trump hyperbole for the lefties to get TDS.
How are those indictments of H. Clinton coming along?
What indictments, snowflake? You know something I don't?

F* Hillary! Trump and the rest of America are too busy WINNING to look back in the mirror and worry about that 2-time criminal loser.

'Revenge' is for LOSERS who can't accept the results of elections. :p don't believe in indictments? Just lock her up, eh? continues to amuse to watch trumpanzees rant and rave about someone who lost an election almost 2 years ago..........why are you still so afraid of Hillary Clinton?
WAIT, you want DUE PROCESS?????

WHAT???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? continues to amuse to watch trumpanzees rant and rave about someone who lost an election almost 2 years ago..........why are you still so afraid of Hillary Clinton?
...says the f*ed up snowflakes who continued to invoke the name George Bush 10 years after he was out of office - and who still do - whenever Barak Obama needed to blame someone for one of HIS F* ups.


Oh sweetie, you are so out of your league trying to play these little games right now. Do yourself a favor and head back to the kids' table. Let the gown-ups talk.
those are great, but what he's done to make democrats and the media expose themselves for what they truly are ...
You need to pay attention more - Democrats have been doing that all on their own. :p lol
WAIT, you want DUE PROCESS?????

Unless Obama wanted to kill some American with his own personal Un-Constitutional Drone Assassination program.... :p
those are great, but what he's done to make democrats and the media expose themselves for what they truly are ...
You need to pay attention more - Democrats have been doing that all on their own. :p lol
"Yeah but it didn't register for most people. The Trumpster really has it going......for God's sake, he's so good, he got Elizabeth Warren to take a DNA test
and it blew up in her face like we all knew it would......I used to be anti Trump (Cruz supporter in primary), but this guy is awesome awesome awesome.
"Yeah but it didn't register for most people. The Trumpster really has it going......for God's sake, he's so good, he got Elizabeth Warren to take a DNA test

Ok, I think that may very well be the best post I have seen all day - the TRUTH while at the same time being FUNNY AS HELL!

Bravo! :clap:

In their heads rent free and pulling their puppet strings 'til their little Triggered TDS-suffering heads explode! :p

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