there should be a background check before the NRA can buy a Politician


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
the NRA spent more than $30 million supporting Trump, more money than any other outside group and double what it spent to support Low Energy Mitt Romney's run against Obama. that money paid for 10,000 negative ads attack Secretary Clinton in battleground states.

i'm not asking to repeal the 2nd Amendment, i don't think we should take away your guns. i just dont wanna be shot by someone who shouldn't have a gun in the 1st place!
the NRA spent more than $30 million supporting Trump, more money than any other outside group and double what it spent to support Low Energy Mitt Romney's run against Obama. that money paid for 10,000 negative ads attack Secretary Clinton in battleground states.

i'm not asking to repeal the 2nd Amendment, i don't think we should take away your guns. i just dont wanna be shot by someone who shouldn't have a gun in the 1st place!

I am sure this should be applied to the Unions as well.


Oh... of course not, only NRA. Even though kids are dead because a public school failed to do its job as it always fails. Although, I suppose the job is to fatten the union members wallets, kid's lives are just a small cost to bear for that much greater purpose.
the NRA spent more than $30 million supporting Trump, more money than any other outside group and double what it spent to support Low Energy Mitt Romney's run against Obama. that money paid for 10,000 negative ads attack Secretary Clinton in battleground states.

i'm not asking to repeal the 2nd Amendment, i don't think we should take away your guns. i just dont wanna be shot by someone who shouldn't have a gun in the 1st place!
This is ridiculous. Trump has called for the nics system, as well as the nra has, to be fixed, and tighter criteria.
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under current law, if a background check isn't complete after 3 days, a store is free to sell a gun, no questions asked.

this is a result of an amendment the NRA designed and pushed through Congress during the debate on the Brady Bill in 93.

the charleston killer got his gun because of this loophole.
Where was that background check when Crooked Hillary was selling the Russians our uranium?
Minnesota has a mandatory 7 day waiting period. Look at this map from Minneapolis from the last 7 days of shots fired.
ArcGIS Web Application

under current law, if a background check isn't complete after 3 days, a store is free to sell a gun, no questions asked.

this is a result of an amendment the NRA designed and pushed through Congress during the debate on the Brady Bill in 93.

the charleston killer got his gun because of this loophole.
the NRA spent more than $30 million supporting Trump, more money than any other outside group and double what it spent to support Low Energy Mitt Romney's run against Obama. that money paid for 10,000 negative ads attack Secretary Clinton in battleground states.

i'm not asking to repeal the 2nd Amendment, i don't think we should take away your guns. i just dont wanna be shot by someone who shouldn't have a gun in the 1st place!

You keep attacking the NRA...

the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

The NRA trains local, state and federal law enforcement...the democrats constantly attack law enforcement and prevent them from arresting violent gun criminals.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches fun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...
under current law, if a background check isn't complete after 3 days, a store is free to sell a gun, no questions asked.

this is a result of an amendment the NRA designed and pushed through Congress during the debate on the Brady Bill in 93.

the charleston killer got his gun because of this loophole.

Yes...because we know if you don't have that limit, democrats will put people in charge who will delay background checks indefinitely....background checks are capable of being done instantaneously.......just like when cops run you name during a traffic stop.......this is not a loophole....and the Charleston shooter would have gotten that gun anyway, his drug offense would not have stopped him getting the gun...
under current law, if a background check isn't complete after 3 days, a store is free to sell a gun, no questions asked.

this is a result of an amendment the NRA designed and pushed through Congress during the debate on the Brady Bill in 93.

the charleston killer got his gun because of this loophole.

So....asswipe......mass shooters plan their attacks 6 months to 2 years in long is 3 days out of 6 months to 2 years? You are a moron who spews whatever anti gun talking point you heard last....
the NRA spent more than $30 million supporting Trump, more money than any other outside group and double what it spent to support Low Energy Mitt Romney's run against Obama. that money paid for 10,000 negative ads attack Secretary Clinton in battleground states.

i'm not asking to repeal the 2nd Amendment, i don't think we should take away your guns. i just dont wanna be shot by someone who shouldn't have a gun in the 1st place!

You keep attacking the NRA...

the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

The NRA trains local, state and federal law enforcement...the democrats constantly attack law enforcement and prevent them from arresting violent gun criminals.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches fun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...

what we owe our police is honesty.

we all have to face the fact that we all have biases. i have them, you have them, and police officers have them. deeply ingrained thoughts that can lead the police to think "Gun" when a black man reaches for his wallet
under current law, if a background check isn't complete after 3 days, a store is free to sell a gun, no questions asked.

this is a result of an amendment the NRA designed and pushed through Congress during the debate on the Brady Bill in 93.

the charleston killer got his gun because of this loophole.

So....asswipe......mass shooters plan their attacks 6 months to 2 years in long is 3 days out of 6 months to 2 years? You are a moron who spews whatever anti gun talking point you heard last....

here's one more.

Hadiya Pendleton was a 15 year old honor student when she was shot in a Chicago park. just a week before, she had performed with her high school band at President Obama's inauguration. her crying mother said: "there are no words for what we go through every day just waking up. i didn't have a voice after Hadiya passed. for days, the only thing i could do was open my mouth and scream, literally at the top of my lungs"

you don't give a shit about that, do you?!
under current law, if a background check isn't complete after 3 days, a store is free to sell a gun, no questions asked.

this is a result of an amendment the NRA designed and pushed through Congress during the debate on the Brady Bill in 93.

the charleston killer got his gun because of this loophole.

So....asswipe......mass shooters plan their attacks 6 months to 2 years in long is 3 days out of 6 months to 2 years? You are a moron who spews whatever anti gun talking point you heard last....

here's one more.

Hadiya Pendleton was a 15 year old honor student when she was shot in a Chicago park. just a week before, she had performed with her high school band at President Obama's inauguration. her crying mother said: "there are no words for what we go through every day just waking up. i didn't have a voice after Hadiya passed. for days, the only thing i could do was open my mouth and scream, literally at the top of my lungs"

you don't give a shit about that, do you?!

No...I actually don' is your democrats who have run Chicago since 1931 who don't you fucking realize that that shooter should have been in jail at the time of the was the democrats in charge here was on probation for a gun asswipe. The democrat revolving door policy for violent gun offenders is driving the gun murder rate in these democrat run cities....they fight to keep these guys on the is you, not me, it is you, not the NRA who keeps letting these gun criminals out of jail...

If it was up to asswipe, this guy would not have gotten parole, he would not be on probation...he would have been held till trial and then sentenced to 30 years for the gun crime.......and Hadiya would be alive today....but no, the democrats keep letting these killers out of jail....

Death of Hadiya Pendleton - Wikipedia

The death of Hadiya Pendleton occurred on January 29, 2013.

At the time of the shooting, Ward, the gunman, was on probation. In January 2012, he pleaded guilty to aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, and was sentenced to two years of probation.

Less than three months later, he was arrested and charged with breaking into a car. In July 2012, he was arrested for breaking into a different vehicle. In November 2012, he was arrested for misdemeanor trespassing. During his youth, he had also been arrested numerous times on charges ranging from robbery to battery to marijuana possession, and had spent time on juvenile probation.[8]

As of August 28, 2017, the case was awaiting trial.[9]
under current law, if a background check isn't complete after 3 days, a store is free to sell a gun, no questions asked.

this is a result of an amendment the NRA designed and pushed through Congress during the debate on the Brady Bill in 93.

the charleston killer got his gun because of this loophole.

So....asswipe......mass shooters plan their attacks 6 months to 2 years in long is 3 days out of 6 months to 2 years? You are a moron who spews whatever anti gun talking point you heard last....

here's one more.

Hadiya Pendleton was a 15 year old honor student when she was shot in a Chicago park. just a week before, she had performed with her high school band at President Obama's inauguration. her crying mother said: "there are no words for what we go through every day just waking up. i didn't have a voice after Hadiya passed. for days, the only thing i could do was open my mouth and scream, literally at the top of my lungs"

you don't give a shit about that, do you?!

Hey...asswipe...another killer that you and your democrat buddies let out of jail....with 4 felony convictions including armed robbery...and he murdered a police officer...

Had I been in charge this guy would be serving 30 years, not out after only 16 years.....and more since he was arrested on gun charges after his dumb shit....

Alleged killer of Chicago police commander was on the streets due to unusually light sentence for major parole violations

Chicago Police commander Paul Bauer was savagely executed, “shot six times in the head, neck, torso, back and wrist.” No fewer than “three civilian witnesses identified Shomari Legghette in a police lineup as the man who struggled with Bauer at the top of a stairwell outside the Thompson Center in the Loop moments before his death” less than a month ago.

Now it turns out that Legghette should have been in prison on any rational basis, but wasn’t because Chicago’s justice system is “a joke” in the eyes of criminals -- in the words of Chicago’s police superintendent.

Greg Re of the Chicago Sun-Times describes how it is that Legghette was free to do what he wished in the streets of Chicago:

The suspect who allegedly gunned down Chicago police Commander Paul Bauer near City Hall earlier this month received an unusually light sentence for major parole violations in 2007, court records show.

The documents, reviewed by the Chicago Sun-Times, reveal that Bauer's accused killer, Shomari Legghette, dodged up to 30 years in prison when he was booked for the violations that year.

At the time of his 2007 sentencing, Legghette was on parole following an armed robbery conviction that landed him a 16-year sentence, and prison time from 1998 to 2005.

Records show that police found Legghette in the South Side in 2007 with $1,800 in cash, body armor, a chrome revolver, and a baggie of heroin, the Sun-Times reported.

Evidently, this was not regarded as THAT serious:

But instead of pursuing felony charges for those parole violations, records show, prosecutors opted to send Legghette to prison for only a few weeks after he pled guilty to a lesser charge of possessing a weapon with a defaced serial number.
under current law, if a background check isn't complete after 3 days, a store is free to sell a gun, no questions asked.

this is a result of an amendment the NRA designed and pushed through Congress during the debate on the Brady Bill in 93.

the charleston killer got his gun because of this loophole.

So....asswipe......mass shooters plan their attacks 6 months to 2 years in long is 3 days out of 6 months to 2 years? You are a moron who spews whatever anti gun talking point you heard last....

here's one more.

Hadiya Pendleton was a 15 year old honor student when she was shot in a Chicago park. just a week before, she had performed with her high school band at President Obama's inauguration. her crying mother said: "there are no words for what we go through every day just waking up. i didn't have a voice after Hadiya passed. for days, the only thing i could do was open my mouth and scream, literally at the top of my lungs"

you don't give a shit about that, do you?!

You are so fucking stupid, you don't even understand that the problem is democrat policies, not law abiding gun owners......they have run Chicago since 1931.....and this is what you get...

Chicago Officials (Finally) Recognize Criminals Cause Crime

Chicago officials have also begun to admit that the recent spike in homicides is a crime problem – not a gun problem. Just this week, Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson acknowledged that “as long as we fail to hold violent repeat offenders responsible for their actions, we’re going to hear the same stories of murders and shootings in certain parts of our city.”

Johnson blamed Chicago’s broken justice system.

“It’s frustrating for [Chicago police] to arrest a guy on Friday for an illegal gun and then the next Thursday they see him right back out on the street with another illegal gun.” A police spokesman echoed Johnson’s frustration: “with nearly half of those we arrest for murder being repeated gun offenders, we need help to ensure these individuals stay off our streets after repeated arrests for guns.”

Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez made a similar acknowledgment last week: “Criminals know and understand our system” and “tell prosecutors that Illinois gun laws are ‘a joke.’”

She noted that the worst offenders “are spending fewer and fewer days behind bars for their violent and repeat felony gun offenses,” and that “an unexplained revolving door” is “spitting these convicted criminals out of prison after they have served only a fraction of their court-imposed sentences for violent gun offenses.”
under current law, if a background check isn't complete after 3 days, a store is free to sell a gun, no questions asked.

this is a result of an amendment the NRA designed and pushed through Congress during the debate on the Brady Bill in 93.

the charleston killer got his gun because of this loophole.

So....asswipe......mass shooters plan their attacks 6 months to 2 years in long is 3 days out of 6 months to 2 years? You are a moron who spews whatever anti gun talking point you heard last....

here's one more.

Hadiya Pendleton was a 15 year old honor student when she was shot in a Chicago park. just a week before, she had performed with her high school band at President Obama's inauguration. her crying mother said: "there are no words for what we go through every day just waking up. i didn't have a voice after Hadiya passed. for days, the only thing i could do was open my mouth and scream, literally at the top of my lungs"

you don't give a shit about that, do you?!

Hey...asswipe...another killer that you and your democrat buddies let out of jail....with 4 felony convictions including armed robbery...and he murdered a police officer...

Had I been in charge this guy would be serving 30 years, not out after only 16 years.....and more since he was arrested on gun charges after his dumb shit....

Alleged killer of Chicago police commander was on the streets due to unusually light sentence for major parole violations

Chicago Police commander Paul Bauer was savagely executed, “shot six times in the head, neck, torso, back and wrist.” No fewer than “three civilian witnesses identified Shomari Legghette in a police lineup as the man who struggled with Bauer at the top of a stairwell outside the Thompson Center in the Loop moments before his death” less than a month ago.

Now it turns out that Legghette should have been in prison on any rational basis, but wasn’t because Chicago’s justice system is “a joke” in the eyes of criminals -- in the words of Chicago’s police superintendent.

Greg Re of the Chicago Sun-Times describes how it is that Legghette was free to do what he wished in the streets of Chicago:

The suspect who allegedly gunned down Chicago police Commander Paul Bauer near City Hall earlier this month received an unusually light sentence for major parole violations in 2007, court records show.

The documents, reviewed by the Chicago Sun-Times, reveal that Bauer's accused killer, Shomari Legghette, dodged up to 30 years in prison when he was booked for the violations that year.

At the time of his 2007 sentencing, Legghette was on parole following an armed robbery conviction that landed him a 16-year sentence, and prison time from 1998 to 2005.

Records show that police found Legghette in the South Side in 2007 with $1,800 in cash, body armor, a chrome revolver, and a baggie of heroin, the Sun-Times reported.

Evidently, this was not regarded as THAT serious:

But instead of pursuing felony charges for those parole violations, records show, prosecutors opted to send Legghette to prison for only a few weeks after he pled guilty to a lesser charge of possessing a weapon with a defaced serial number.

i think you're naiive and gullible, and a puppet of the NRA!
under current law, if a background check isn't complete after 3 days, a store is free to sell a gun, no questions asked.

this is a result of an amendment the NRA designed and pushed through Congress during the debate on the Brady Bill in 93.

the charleston killer got his gun because of this loophole.

So....asswipe......mass shooters plan their attacks 6 months to 2 years in long is 3 days out of 6 months to 2 years? You are a moron who spews whatever anti gun talking point you heard last....

here's one more.

Hadiya Pendleton was a 15 year old honor student when she was shot in a Chicago park. just a week before, she had performed with her high school band at President Obama's inauguration. her crying mother said: "there are no words for what we go through every day just waking up. i didn't have a voice after Hadiya passed. for days, the only thing i could do was open my mouth and scream, literally at the top of my lungs"

you don't give a shit about that, do you?!

Hey...asswipe...another killer that you and your democrat buddies let out of jail....with 4 felony convictions including armed robbery...and he murdered a police officer...

Had I been in charge this guy would be serving 30 years, not out after only 16 years.....and more since he was arrested on gun charges after his dumb shit....

Alleged killer of Chicago police commander was on the streets due to unusually light sentence for major parole violations

Chicago Police commander Paul Bauer was savagely executed, “shot six times in the head, neck, torso, back and wrist.” No fewer than “three civilian witnesses identified Shomari Legghette in a police lineup as the man who struggled with Bauer at the top of a stairwell outside the Thompson Center in the Loop moments before his death” less than a month ago.

Now it turns out that Legghette should have been in prison on any rational basis, but wasn’t because Chicago’s justice system is “a joke” in the eyes of criminals -- in the words of Chicago’s police superintendent.

Greg Re of the Chicago Sun-Times describes how it is that Legghette was free to do what he wished in the streets of Chicago:

The suspect who allegedly gunned down Chicago police Commander Paul Bauer near City Hall earlier this month received an unusually light sentence for major parole violations in 2007, court records show.

The documents, reviewed by the Chicago Sun-Times, reveal that Bauer's accused killer, Shomari Legghette, dodged up to 30 years in prison when he was booked for the violations that year.

At the time of his 2007 sentencing, Legghette was on parole following an armed robbery conviction that landed him a 16-year sentence, and prison time from 1998 to 2005.

Records show that police found Legghette in the South Side in 2007 with $1,800 in cash, body armor, a chrome revolver, and a baggie of heroin, the Sun-Times reported.

Evidently, this was not regarded as THAT serious:

But instead of pursuing felony charges for those parole violations, records show, prosecutors opted to send Legghette to prison for only a few weeks after he pled guilty to a lesser charge of possessing a weapon with a defaced serial number.

i think you're naiive and gullible, and a puppet of the NRA!

Oh...there you go....I show you that I know more about Chicago gun crime than you do.....and that you just made an incredibly stupid statement about the Hadiya Pendleton shooting without knowing the basics of the case..then I show you exactly the truth about how democrats allowed her to be murdered.....and you come back with that lame ass post...

You are a pathetic loser......
the NRA spent more than $30 million supporting Trump, more money than any other outside group and double what it spent to support Low Energy Mitt Romney's run against Obama. that money paid for 10,000 negative ads attack Secretary Clinton in battleground states.

i'm not asking to repeal the 2nd Amendment, i don't think we should take away your guns. i just dont wanna be shot by someone who shouldn't have a gun in the 1st place!

3 Days ... :dunno: ... I haven't had it take more than 30 minutes.
There is a waiting period for handguns here ... But that is separate legislation.

under current law, if a background check isn't complete after 3 days, a store is free to sell a gun, no questions asked.

this is a result of an amendment the NRA designed and pushed through Congress during the debate on the Brady Bill in 93.

the charleston killer got his gun because of this loophole.

So....asswipe......mass shooters plan their attacks 6 months to 2 years in long is 3 days out of 6 months to 2 years? You are a moron who spews whatever anti gun talking point you heard last....

here's one more.

Hadiya Pendleton was a 15 year old honor student when she was shot in a Chicago park. just a week before, she had performed with her high school band at President Obama's inauguration. her crying mother said: "there are no words for what we go through every day just waking up. i didn't have a voice after Hadiya passed. for days, the only thing i could do was open my mouth and scream, literally at the top of my lungs"

you don't give a shit about that, do you?!

You are so fucking stupid, you don't even understand that the problem is democrat policies, not law abiding gun owners......they have run Chicago since 1931.....and this is what you get...

Chicago Officials (Finally) Recognize Criminals Cause Crime

Chicago officials have also begun to admit that the recent spike in homicides is a crime problem – not a gun problem. Just this week, Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson acknowledged that “as long as we fail to hold violent repeat offenders responsible for their actions, we’re going to hear the same stories of murders and shootings in certain parts of our city.”

Johnson blamed Chicago’s broken justice system.

“It’s frustrating for [Chicago police] to arrest a guy on Friday for an illegal gun and then the next Thursday they see him right back out on the street with another illegal gun.” A police spokesman echoed Johnson’s frustration: “with nearly half of those we arrest for murder being repeated gun offenders, we need help to ensure these individuals stay off our streets after repeated arrests for guns.”

Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez made a similar acknowledgment last week: “Criminals know and understand our system” and “tell prosecutors that Illinois gun laws are ‘a joke.’”

She noted that the worst offenders “are spending fewer and fewer days behind bars for their violent and repeat felony gun offenses,” and that “an unexplained revolving door” is “spitting these convicted criminals out of prison after they have served only a fraction of their court-imposed sentences for violent gun offenses.”

what about Jordan McBath, whose mother remembers comforting her son after they heard about Trayvon's murder. Jordan didn't know Trayvon. but he erupted. "How did this happen to Trayvon?! he wasn't doing anything wrong." his mother didn't have a good answer. nine months later, Jordan was killed by the NRA...i mean guns!
under current law, if a background check isn't complete after 3 days, a store is free to sell a gun, no questions asked.

this is a result of an amendment the NRA designed and pushed through Congress during the debate on the Brady Bill in 93.

the charleston killer got his gun because of this loophole.

So....asswipe......mass shooters plan their attacks 6 months to 2 years in long is 3 days out of 6 months to 2 years? You are a moron who spews whatever anti gun talking point you heard last....

here's one more.

Hadiya Pendleton was a 15 year old honor student when she was shot in a Chicago park. just a week before, she had performed with her high school band at President Obama's inauguration. her crying mother said: "there are no words for what we go through every day just waking up. i didn't have a voice after Hadiya passed. for days, the only thing i could do was open my mouth and scream, literally at the top of my lungs"

you don't give a shit about that, do you?!

You are so fucking stupid, you don't even understand that the problem is democrat policies, not law abiding gun owners......they have run Chicago since 1931.....and this is what you get...

Chicago Officials (Finally) Recognize Criminals Cause Crime

Chicago officials have also begun to admit that the recent spike in homicides is a crime problem – not a gun problem. Just this week, Chicago Police Superintendent Eddie Johnson acknowledged that “as long as we fail to hold violent repeat offenders responsible for their actions, we’re going to hear the same stories of murders and shootings in certain parts of our city.”

Johnson blamed Chicago’s broken justice system.

“It’s frustrating for [Chicago police] to arrest a guy on Friday for an illegal gun and then the next Thursday they see him right back out on the street with another illegal gun.” A police spokesman echoed Johnson’s frustration: “with nearly half of those we arrest for murder being repeated gun offenders, we need help to ensure these individuals stay off our streets after repeated arrests for guns.”

Cook County State’s Attorney Anita Alvarez made a similar acknowledgment last week: “Criminals know and understand our system” and “tell prosecutors that Illinois gun laws are ‘a joke.’”

She noted that the worst offenders “are spending fewer and fewer days behind bars for their violent and repeat felony gun offenses,” and that “an unexplained revolving door” is “spitting these convicted criminals out of prison after they have served only a fraction of their court-imposed sentences for violent gun offenses.”

what about Jordan McBath, whose mother remembers comforting her son after they heard about Trayvon's murder. Jordan didn't know Trayvon. but he erupted. "How did this happen to Trayvon?! he wasn't doing anything wrong." his mother didn't have a good answer. nine months later, Jordan was killed by the NRA...i mean guns!

First, trayvon was a violent thug who attacked and almost killed Zimmerman.........

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports the FIX NICS act....the democrats oppose it.

The NRA trains local, state and federal law enforcement...the democrats constantly attack law enforcement and prevent them from arresting violent gun criminals.

You keep attacking the NRA...the NRA supports armed security and armed staff in the schools, the democrats oppose it.

The NRA teaches fun safety to millions of children...the democrats fight teaching gun safety to kids.

The NRA supports keeping violent gun offenders in prison, the democrats let violent gun offenders out of jail and pass laws letting them out early.

The NRA doesn't support the PROMISE PROGRAM, of obama, which allowed the shooter to get the gun...the democrats created and support the Promise program...which allowed the shooter to get his gun...

Since those are the facts, the truth and the reality.....

Of the two groups...the democrats are the ones supporting violent murder, not the NRA...

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