There Is No England Now...

On the news it said that idea has been overturned. England is still here and will not be ruled by ragheads. The queen said in a recent christmas message, that the people responsible for terror attacks will not change our way of life.
So she´s right if your way of life is to be massacred with axes on the streets at bright daylight and that teenagers are offered like goods. Well, I don´t think that´s your way of life.

Furthermore, I heard that British cities are scared of installing christmas decoration and that nurses are fired if they wear Christian symbols.

Is that jabbering of your representatives really becalming you?
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Because it was just "a betrayal of Islam and of the Muslim communities who give so much to our country." (Brtish PM Cameron about it).

Cameron is a pussy. Sorry, but it's the truth. What happened to British Men? They're so meek and effeminate. Is it that whole Euro Metro-Sexual thing?

It's a symptom of White Guilt.

(My bold)

England & Germany destroyed? What about France & Italy & Spain & Holland & Sweden then? I don't see them as being destroyed, whatever that means in this context. The Brits are tough enough - they formed a World empire that still echoes, fought off Spain, fought off Napoleon, fought off the Germans twice, subdued Ireland, staved off Irish independence, & so on.

Spain fought off almost 800 years of Muslim rule - they don't seem any the worse for wear.

One soldier is taken by surprise, run over & then hacked to death. That's not a war, & certainly not a war of national subordination.
In the end, it all gets back to the Open-Border Policy. Multiculturalism without required assimilation, is very dangerous. And it has become clear, many in Western Europe have not assimilated into European culture. Western Europe will be dealing with this problem for many years to come. But the only real question for me is, will my Nation follow down that same disastrous path. I guess we'll see.
Yeah, i was horrified when i read the British Government has now ordered their Soldiers to refrain from wearing their uniforms in Public. They have to fear their own People. What has happened to England?

On the news it said that idea has been overturned. England is still here and will not be ruled by ragheads. The queen said in a recent christmas message, that the people responsible for terror attacks will not change our way of life.

God Bless the Queen, but i'm afraid she's wrong. The British way of life has already been changed. That happened when Blair and his Labour Party began their Open-Border madness. There is no England now.
Yeah, i was horrified when i read the British Government has now ordered their Soldiers to refrain from wearing their uniforms in Public. They have to fear their own People. What has happened to England?

The British government hasn't banned wearing of military uniforms when off duty. Some DoD desk jockeys wanted too, but the PM didn't allow it. Pity you knee jerk too soon, eh.
Invade Yugoslavia?

They should arrest the perps. Which they are doing.

Think about a government that tells its soldiers to take off their uniforms because they fear a confrontation between Islam and their country. ( should an armed soldier dare to kill a muslim attacker ) Think about how intimidated such a government is to decide THAT would be an answer!

Why not arm the soldiers and keep their uniforms on! The nation is under attack from Islam for heavens sakes! Is anyone thinking about this???
If they did it, which I still doubt, it was only for temporary protection until the fucktards were rounded up. Are you this stupid in real life?? WTF is wrong with you people that you would be on here claiming the Brits were terrorized? They have been a shining beacon of FU to aggressors since at least WW2.

It won't affect the way we go about our daily life. We don't cower to terrorism or murdering extremist bastards. Like we didn't cower to two decades of IRA Terrorist bombings throughout Britain.
Think about a government that tells its soldiers to take off their uniforms because they fear a confrontation between Islam and their country. ( should an armed soldier dare to kill a muslim attacker ) Think about how intimidated such a government is to decide THAT would be an answer!

Why not arm the soldiers and keep their uniforms on! The nation is under attack from Islam for heavens sakes! Is anyone thinking about this???
If they did it, which I still doubt, it was only for temporary protection until the fucktards were rounded up. Are you this stupid in real life?? WTF is wrong with you people that you would be on here claiming the Brits were terrorized? They have been a shining beacon of FU to aggressors since at least WW2.

It won't affect the way we go about our daily life. We don't cower to terrorism or murdering extremist bastards. Like we didn't cower to two decades of IRA Terrorist bombings throughout Britain.
Exactly. :thup:
Yeah, i was horrified when i read the British Government has now ordered their Soldiers to refrain from wearing their uniforms in Public. They have to fear their own People. What has happened to England?

The British government hasn't banned wearing of military uniforms when off duty. Some DoD desk jockeys wanted too, but the PM didn't allow it. Pity you knee jerk too soon, eh.

Their Soldiers have to actually fear their own People. What happened to Great Britain?
Yeah, i was horrified when i read the British Government has now ordered their Soldiers to refrain from wearing their uniforms in Public. They have to fear their own People. What has happened to England?

The British government hasn't banned wearing of military uniforms when off duty. Some DoD desk jockeys wanted too, but the PM didn't allow it. Pity you knee jerk too soon, eh.

Their Soldiers have to actually fear their own People. What happened to Great Britain?

What on earth are you dribbling on about, or are you just retarded?

Cameron slaps down Ministry of Defence and ends ban on uniforms in public places after Woolwich soldier killing

David Cameron yesterday tore up an order banning troops from wearing their uniforms in public that was issued in the wake of the Woolwich attack.

He is understood to have told Defence Secretary Philip Hammond he was ‘seriously dismayed’ at official guidance given to personnel in London following the murder.

As the row raged in Whitehall, troops and their families posted pictures of themselves in full uniform online, in defiance of the ruling from the Ministry of Defence.

Insisting that the ban be rescinded, Mr Cameron told a meeting of the Cobra emergency committee in Whitehall: ‘The best way to defeat terrorism is for everyone – including our brave service personnel – to go about their lives as normal.’

The dressing down was a blow for Mr Hammond, who is understood to have agreed that the uniform ban should be implemented.

Ban on soldiers wearing uniforms in public lifted after concern it sent message that terrorists were winning | Mail Online
The British government hasn't banned wearing of military uniforms when off duty. Some DoD desk jockeys wanted too, but the PM didn't allow it. Pity you knee jerk too soon, eh.

Their Soldiers have to actually fear their own People. What happened to Great Britain?

What on earth are you dribbling on about, or are you just retarded?

Cameron slaps down Ministry of Defence and ends ban on uniforms in public places after Woolwich soldier killing

David Cameron yesterday tore up an order banning troops from wearing their uniforms in public that was issued in the wake of the Woolwich attack.

He is understood to have told Defence Secretary Philip Hammond he was ‘seriously dismayed’ at official guidance given to personnel in London following the murder.

As the row raged in Whitehall, troops and their families posted pictures of themselves in full uniform online, in defiance of the ruling from the Ministry of Defence.

Insisting that the ban be rescinded, Mr Cameron told a meeting of the Cobra emergency committee in Whitehall: ‘The best way to defeat terrorism is for everyone – including our brave service personnel – to go about their lives as normal.’

The dressing down was a blow for Mr Hammond, who is understood to have agreed that the uniform ban should be implemented.

Ban on soldiers wearing uniforms in public lifted after concern it sent message that terrorists were winning | Mail Online

I gotta give Cameron some credit on this one. I still think he's a bit of a meek cuckold, but he has stood up on this. So Kudos to him.
Think about a government that tells its soldiers to take off their uniforms because they fear a confrontation between Islam and their country. ( should an armed soldier dare to kill a muslim attacker ) Think about how intimidated such a government is to decide THAT would be an answer!

Why not arm the soldiers and keep their uniforms on! The nation is under attack from Islam for heavens sakes! Is anyone thinking about this???
If they did it, which I still doubt, it was only for temporary protection until the fucktards were rounded up. Are you this stupid in real life?? WTF is wrong with you people that you would be on here claiming the Brits were terrorized? They have been a shining beacon of FU to aggressors since at least WW2.

It won't affect the way we go about our daily life. We don't cower to terrorism or murdering extremist bastards. Like we didn't cower to two decades of IRA Terrorist bombings throughout Britain.

I heard two of the London bombs go off myself. I must admit at first I was a little scared when walking around areas that might be targets, but I got used to it. I also witnessed the seige of a flat in a street near baker street. I watched the armed police outside the building from the top of a nearby block of flats.

It was the same for people during the war with Germany. At first you are scared, but then you figure if its got your name on it there is nothing you can do, and you would have to be unlucky to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. So people went about their business.
If they did it, which I still doubt, it was only for temporary protection until the fucktards were rounded up. Are you this stupid in real life?? WTF is wrong with you people that you would be on here claiming the Brits were terrorized? They have been a shining beacon of FU to aggressors since at least WW2.

It won't affect the way we go about our daily life. We don't cower to terrorism or murdering extremist bastards. Like we didn't cower to two decades of IRA Terrorist bombings throughout Britain.

I heard two of the London bombs go off myself. I must admit at first I was a little scared when walking around areas that might be targets, but I got used to it. I also witnessed the seige of a flat in a street near baker street. I watched the armed police outside the building from the top of a nearby block of flats.

It was the same for people during the war with Germany. At first you are scared, but then you figure if its got your name on it there is nothing you can do, and you would have to be unlucky to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. So people went about their business.

Unfortunately, this is a War England has already lost. Multiculturalism without required Assimilation is a very dangerous gamble. The beginning of the end for England was when Blair and his Labour Party forced their Open-Border Policy on the People of England. I don't think things can change now. It's too late.
It won't affect the way we go about our daily life. We don't cower to terrorism or murdering extremist bastards. Like we didn't cower to two decades of IRA Terrorist bombings throughout Britain.

I heard two of the London bombs go off myself. I must admit at first I was a little scared when walking around areas that might be targets, but I got used to it. I also witnessed the siege of a flat in a street near baker street. I watched the armed police outside the building from the top of a nearby block of flats.

It was the same for people during the war with Germany. At first you are scared, but then you figure if its got your name on it there is nothing you can do, and you would have to be unlucky to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. So people went about their business.

Unfortunately, this is a War England has already lost. Multiculturalism without required Assimilation is a very dangerous gamble. The beginning of the end for England was when Blair and his Labour Party forced their Open-Border Policy on the People of England. I don't think things can change now. It's too late.

I remember before Blair in the Enoch Powell era when he made a speech that the streets of England would run with blood, but most coloured people integrated into our society successfully. The only problem we are having now is with Islamic extremists, and I for one have spent the last ten years on the Internet criticizing the Quran in an attempt to show it cannot be the words of God. That was my response to 9/11 because I was incensed by that event, and I am not even American. In my efforts on the Internet I am aware there are quiet a number of people trying to grind down Islam, and condemn it as a false doctrine, and I think that will eventually filter into the immigrant Muslim population.
They will tone down their fanaticism and become absorbed by us.
I've had numerous discussions about England with an Iranian born girl who lived in London since she was 3. Immigrants in England simply don't like England. They don't like the royal family. The history irritates them. They resent the language. They will never be British.

The immigrants in England are very much like immigrants in the US?
Cameron minces words while Muslims mince his soldiers.
I still don´t understand why people accept such politicians/governments...
It is the result of a widespread state of indoctrinated dementia which is equivalent to mass hypnosis and/or impressionable stupidity. Television is largely responsible for it (see, The Medium Is The Message, by Marshal MacLuhan. Available from Amazon.)
I've had numerous discussions about England with an Iranian born girl who lived in London since she was 3. Immigrants in England simply don't like England. They don't like the royal family. The history irritates them. They resent the language. They will never be British.

The immigrants in England are very much like immigrants in the US?

(My bold)

Which set of immigrants are you referring to here?
Yeah, i was horrified when i read the British Government has now ordered their Soldiers to refrain from wearing their uniforms in Public. They have to fear their own People. What has happened to England?

The British government hasn't banned wearing of military uniforms when off duty. Some DoD desk jockeys wanted too, but the PM didn't allow it. Pity you knee jerk too soon, eh.

Their Soldiers have to actually fear their own People. What happened to Great Britain?
I bet you're against drone strikes on terrorist Americans, right? Why don't you do us all a favor and bite the cyanide pill you have hiding up your ass.

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