There are six types of Ugly American...and Trump is all of them

Ironically, the records shows that Melania Trump paid taxes on her earnings as an illegal immigrant worker, while her now-husband Donald likely paid none.
Good. true. Oh, so true...

Six types of ugly American, and Donald Trump is all of them
1. Trump’s manners
2. Anti-intellectualism
3. Bland lives
4. Trump the patriot
5. Money, money, money
6. Hypocrisy

Let's see....

Ugly letfists.....

1. the actual, anti intellectual leftist who enforces speech codes on univerisites, shuts down the free press in countries...

2. the mass murdering left who murder men, women and children in the millions in order to create the perfect, government run state....

3. actual, bland, sad lives.....that you can see in Venezuela and the Soviet Union....the best example of this left wing ugliness was from a photo series by someone who visited East Germany before the wall about fucking horrible...he then went back to the same spots where he took the photos after the wall fell and freedom from left wing fucking stupidity had happened...and the difference was amazing...

4. Money, money, money.....other people's money...taken at gun point and wasted, stolen and lost by left wing governments who couldn't run a lemonade stand let alone a country...

5. the dictionary every single left wing asshole has a picture here.....the ones who raise taxes, then hide their own money, the ones who demonize the rich from their private jets and mansions....the ones who want to disarm normal people and they do so surrounded by the most heavily armed security their 1% left wing wealth can buy.....

The clintons are all of are obama and RuPaul...his wife....
I would settle for half way sensible and intellectually honest in the case of Dr. Grump and his alter ego Jillian(chicken legs).

What am I being dishonest about Al?
Next you'll be asking "Do you know who I am?" LOL! Lying sack.

You remind me so much of that convicts when I worked in the prison system. Always pretending.

What. Are. You. Rambling. On. About? true. Oh, so true...

Six types of ugly American, and Donald Trump is all of them
1. Trump’s manners
2. Anti-intellectualism
3. Bland lives
4. Trump the patriot
5. Money, money, money
6. Hypocrisy

Let's see....

Ugly letfists.....

1. the actual, anti intellectual leftist who enforces speech codes on univerisites, shuts down the free press in countries...

2. the mass murdering left who murder men, women and children in the millions in order to create the perfect, government run state....

3. actual, bland, sad lives.....that you can see in Venezuela and the Soviet Union....the best example of this left wing ugliness was from a photo series by someone who visited East Germany before the wall about fucking horrible...he then went back to the same spots where he took the photos after the wall fell and freedom from left wing fucking stupidity had happened...and the difference was amazing...

4. Money, money, money.....other people's money...taken at gun point and wasted, stolen and lost by left wing governments who couldn't run a lemonade stand let alone a country...

5. the dictionary every single left wing asshole has a picture here.....the ones who raise taxes, then hide their own money, the ones who demonize the rich from their private jets and mansions....the ones who want to disarm normal people and they do so surrounded by the most heavily armed security their 1% left wing wealth can buy.....

The clintons are all of are obama and RuPaul...his wife....

but you're not a bigot or anything.. :rofl:

So tell me again how Madoff got away with his crap? Tell me how the Mafia and Drug lord launder millions of dollars a day?

It can be done if you are creative enough, and are willing to pay off enough people.

Yeah, but she has been investigated a lot more heavily than any of those people. And, nada...

Well having a complicit media and federal bureaucracy helps.
Well, at least he is not a criminal who associates with pedophiles.

Well, neither does Hillary.

"On July 18, 2006, the Clinton Foundation received a $25,000 check from the C.O.U.Q. Foundation, whose president was known pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, a friend of Bill Clinton. The donation is revealed in the C.O.U.Q. Foundation's 990 tax form, filed with the IRS"

Clinton Foundation Accepted $25,000 from Known Pedophile
Well having a complicit media and federal bureaucracy helps.

That's an easy out. Media doesn't stop the FBI doing their job or anybody for that matter. It's just an easy throw away line. "Oh the bureaucracy helps", "it's rigged"...etc. Do you know how hard it would be to actually rig something in somebody's favour? To make ALL policing authorities to get together? Talk to anybody who looks at any of this stuff in-depth and they laugh. Not because it's funny, but because it's ridiculous. It's nothing but sound bites for the next news cycle. No facts. Just shilling. Don't get me wrong, the Dems do it, too..
Well, at least he is not a criminal who associates with pedophiles.

Well, neither does Hillary.

"On July 18, 2006, the Clinton Foundation received a $25,000 check from the C.O.U.Q. Foundation, whose president was known pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, a friend of Bill Clinton. The donation is revealed in the C.O.U.Q. Foundation's 990 tax form, filed with the IRS"

Clinton Foundation Accepted $25,000 from Known Pedophile
Well having a complicit media and federal bureaucracy helps.

That's an easy out. Media doesn't stop the FBI doing their job or anybody for that matter. It's just an easy throw away line. "Oh the bureaucracy helps", "it's rigged"...etc. Do you know how hard it would be to actually rig something in somebody's favour? To make ALL policing authorities to get together? Talk to anybody who looks at any of this stuff in-depth and they laugh. Not because it's funny, but because it's ridiculous. It's nothing but sound bites for the next news cycle. No facts. Just shilling. Don't get me wrong, the Dems do it, too..

it doesn't have to be completely rigged, just delayed, ignored, and overlooked. Right now the concept of an independent civil service has gone out the window. When most of them contribute to one party, it is a serious issue.

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