Theory --- Israel seizes Gazan Nat Gas..


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
What's the deal with this conspiracy theory about Israel SEIZING control of Gazan nat gas discovery?
According to E-Intifada (and you KNOW they are right) -- this was known PRIOR to Israel ceding complete control of Gaza to the PA and Israel was only EVER be "a customer". Because of their proximity and excellent credit -- that would have made sense,..

Gaza siege intensified after collapse of natural gas deal

The Palestinian Investment Fund (PIF), a financial holdings company owned primarily by independent Palestinian shareholders, is investing in the project and heads the negotiations in coordination with Mahmoud Abbas’ government in the West Bank. BG won a majority stake in the concession to develop the Gaza Marine Field and originally targeted Egypt for the sale of the natural gas. But pressure from then-British Prime Minister Tony Blair led the company to redirect its efforts toward Israel and develop plans for an underwater pipeline that would transport the gas to an Israeli refinery at Ashkelon. That deal could have eventually provided Israel with approximately 10 percent of its annual energy requirement, and would have generated approximately $1 billion for the PIF. The Hamas election victory in 2006 put all that in jeopardy.

The Palestine Investment Fund was set up by Salam Fayyad, a World Bank veteran lauded by the United States as a practical thinker and fiscal reformist who would deliver transparency to the Palestinian Authority’s financial dealings. In 2003, then PA Finance Minister Fayyad consolidated a varied collection of Palestinian Authority holdings into the fund audited by Standard & Poor’s and now valued at an estimated $1.3 billion. The fund’s portfolio includes Palestine’s most profitable company, Paltel, and serves as the primary vehicle for private investment in Palestinian sustainable infrastructure.

The PIF is ostensibly overseen by the Palestinian Authority; revenue generated by the fund could potentially be available to a Hamas-led government. Through the deal structured with the PIF, BG owns 90 percent of the Gaza Marine license. Consolidated Contractors Company, a Palestinian owned construction firm, owns the remaining 10 percent. The Palestinian Authority retains an option to take a stake in the concession once production is sanctioned.

Looks to me like this was just another bad choice on the part of Palis to shatter the PA and elect Hamas. So it's a conspiracy theory really. Unless anyone see the OWNER of that reserve (BG) GIVING it to the Israelis.,..
Makes me sick to see how much the Palis threw away when they busted up the PA. That is kind of progress that a nation-state needs to thrive. And IRONICALLY, the Gazans would have in a position to turn the Israelis nat gas supply OFF in the future if the deal was accomplished.. But instead -- they got nothing..

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