Theft of FBI files 'has makings of Kerry Watergate'


VIP Member
Feb 14, 2004
Theft of FBI files 'has makings of Kerry Watergate'

I know this is old news, but this story has gotten very little press and yet just today, another story comes out about Bush's record "mysteriously" coming up missing.

Now let me ask you this.....

Which is more dangerous to our country. A man (for amusement, I will ACT like the allegations against Bush are correct) missing a weekend NG duty assignment or a man attending a meeting in which the ASSASSINATION of ELECTED US officials is discussed and planned?

Frankly, I would like to know more about that meeting. Mr. Kerry, would you like to provide any details?

Last question:

Why is this story not getting more press? Why is nobody digging to find out about those stolen records?
you know, I keep track of lots of different news sources and shows (even hannity and limbaugh) and I've yet to hear about this except for today.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
you know, I keep track of lots of different news sources and shows (even hannity and limbaugh) and I've yet to hear about this except for today.

Just curious - why do you think this has not gotten much press?
Originally posted by freeandfun1
Just curious - why do you think this has not gotten much press?

I don't wish to speculate, yet. (yes, I know about the whole LMM issue.)

I'm also wondering why this isn't hammered on more by the GOP though. Throughout the entire Kerry campaign, this is the first I've heard of it, although I admit I haven't paid alot of attention to the kerry campaign.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
I don't wish to speculate, yet. (yes, I know about the whole LMM issue.)

I'm also wondering why this isn't hammered on more by the GOP though. Throughout the entire Kerry campaign, this is the first I've heard of it, although I admit I haven't paid alot of attention to the kerry campaign.

It can't get legs if nobody cares (or listens). FOX has tried on numerous occassions to bring this out and they have run segments on Hannity, etc. talking about this. But they are the only ones. No offense intended, but I would guess by your political leanings that you probably only watch either the big three or CNN and you know you are not going to hear this on any of those stations. This is even more proof that the majority (save FOX) of the media is out to unseat Bush. It is pretty sad when the press starts getting involved in selecting what is read or heard about the presidential candidates instead of putting it all out there for the masses to digest.
I am going to go out on a limb here and make a speculation. There is no way that those were the original documents. Why do I say that? He received the 20k documents in '98. The story goes on to say...
He stored the 14 box files in his garage, not bothering to examine them in detail until earlier this year, when Mr Kerry's Vietnam record suddenly came under renewed scrutiny.
He discovered the apparent break-in in Mar of '04. The FBI is not going to let anyone sit on their original documents for 6 years.

So...going with the conclusion that the doc's in question are copies:

1) The Dems stealing the doc's makes no sense; they had their copies from the author and they would have know the doc's were available through the FOIA. Too obvious!

2) The Repubs stealing them makes no sense, the doc's are available through the FOIA.

Which begs the question - if the doc's were copies as I surmise, where are the originals? WHO is really doing the cover up here?

Who has any more info on this Nicosia guy? This whole thing smell kinda fishy to me.
Originally posted by DKSuddeth
you know, I keep track of lots of different news sources and shows (even hannity and limbaugh) and I've yet to hear about this except for today.

I remember this. It was somewhere between the intern thing that got swept under the rug and the validity of Kerry's medals thing that got swept under the rug.

It is funny how everything about Kerry just kind of goes away but the Guard issue with Bush just goes on and on and on. They harped on it until they figured out most people were asking how much more proof they wanted. They tried to attack the economy until they figured out people weren't complete idiots and knew the economy was doing good and getting better. The prison scandel looked like a blessing until the terrorists kept cutting peoples heads off, so suddenly putting panties on a guys head didn't look that bad. Back to the economy with the rather weak "we can do better" label. Guess they figured that wasn't going anywhere, so they looked through the garbage and dug the Guard issue back up.
if kerry's wrong he's wrong,

but i think in general, the american people have realized how corrupt, abusive and out of control the FBI was in the past, especially the mid 60's to mid 70's.... i would rather believe the word of a criminal than an FBI agent from that period, because that entire organization was rotten from the core for a long time.

now of course, the core has fallen out and the FBI is just a bungling beauracratic embarassment to America, a long list of failures and missteps its commited in the recent past.

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