The writing is on the wall it seems

The mood of the country as put forth by Pravda. You cannot see the forest through the trees.

The fucking mindless robots are agreeing with you. That should make you more aware and sadly it does not. You will get what you deserve.

Really, this election is not exactly hard to call for someone that is paying attention. What is pathetic is how you endorse the sell out.

Amazing how easily the main stream media is able to manipulate the masses. I stand in awe.
I don't know who agrees with me because I'm getting hit by both sides in this thread. I see the dishonest media & the left trying to do Trump in. What I don't see is Trump responding appropriately. Sometimes less is more. Sometimes you sideline ridiculousness by ignoring it. Trump doesn't seem to understand either of those things. Then you have his die hard supporters. They seek to demean & sideline the very people they need to win the votes of to secure a victory.
I'm confident that no matter who may or may not disagree with my assessment it is mostly correct.
Appropriately? He is not a FUCKING POLITICIAN.

How the hell do you not get that?

Want to know WHY we are in this position? POLITICIANS!!!!

I'm not a politician yet I understand appropriate responses to the media & the left.
Stop being so irrational. Why on earth do you consider discretion a "political" trait? Trump does not have to give credence to every single attack by addressing it much less going on and on about it for days at a time. There comes a point of diminishing returns. Trump has yet to find that point.
If ALL you hear are the things that offend your delicate sensibilities, then I do not know what to say. You are apparently listening to PRAVDA since that is ALL you are hearing. He is actually saying other things too.

Look man, I am sorry to hear you are having some financial troubles. I sure hope things turn around. Lord knows how much stress that causes. I hope the best.

Stop listening to the media that only plays his inappropriate comments. At the same time, I sure hope you don't think he has been inappropriate about his comments on muslims. You agree with the left that we should just be like Europe and the NEW WORLD ORDER movement?

Have you been watching the news? See what is happening there? Not noticing? Do not think there is a MASS immigration problem with our southern border? You do not don't? You do not think our sovereignty is being undermined? Want me to list the various diseases that have crossed the border as a result of the pathetic LEFT wing American hating immigration policies under this pathetic lying skinny smoking muslim in the white house?

What specifically were you offended by. What he said about the muslim family who the democrats used to bait him and how that family used the death of their son (in 2004) as a political weapon? I am surprised you are not more offended by them doing that, than you are by what Trump said. Oh, and was the mother allowed to speak? Why is that inappropriate? Cause she is a brown muslim? Did you really fall for the democrats tactics?

Anyway, I am hoping your situation changes. I really do. We can all use relief. That is for sure.

I am not offended by ANYTHING lol. My vote won't secure a victory for Trump as I'm in a Republican state. I dont personally give two shits what he says about muslims or mexicans or liberals. Trump needs the independents & moderates in swing states to win. I am looking at the overall picture. You are looking at me.
I am looking at you in the aggregate. Meaning, I know there are many that share your point of view, and I know that you are being manipulated.

You to me represent a lot of people. Yes, I am addressing you. However, theoretically I am addressing more than just you, especially if there are people that read these.
The mood of the country as put forth by Pravda. You cannot see the forest through the trees.

The fucking mindless robots are agreeing with you. That should make you more aware and sadly it does not. You will get what you deserve.

Really, this election is not exactly hard to call for someone that is paying attention. What is pathetic is how you endorse the sell out.

Amazing how easily the main stream media is able to manipulate the masses. I stand in awe.
I don't know who agrees with me because I'm getting hit by both sides in this thread. I see the dishonest media & the left trying to do Trump in. What I don't see is Trump responding appropriately. Sometimes less is more. Sometimes you sideline ridiculousness by ignoring it. Trump doesn't seem to understand either of those things. Then you have his die hard supporters. They seek to demean & sideline the very people they need to win the votes of to secure a victory.
I'm confident that no matter who may or may not disagree with my assessment it is mostly correct.
Appropriately? He is not a FUCKING POLITICIAN.

How the hell do you not get that?

Want to know WHY we are in this position? POLITICIANS!!!!

I'm not a politician yet I understand appropriate responses to the media & the left.
Stop being so irrational. Why on earth do you consider discretion a "political" trait? Trump does not have to give credence to every single attack by addressing it much less going on and on about it for days at a time. There comes a point of diminishing returns. Trump has yet to find that point.
If ALL you hear are the things that offend your delicate sensibilities, then I do not know what to say. You are apparently listening to PRAVDA since that is ALL you are hearing. He is actually saying other things too.

Look man, I am sorry to hear you are having some financial troubles. I sure hope things turn around. Lord knows how much stress that causes. I hope the best.

Stop listening to the media that only plays his inappropriate comments. At the same time, I sure hope you don't think he has been inappropriate about his comments on muslims. You agree with the left that we should just be like Europe and the NEW WORLD ORDER movement?

Have you been watching the news? See what is happening there? Not noticing? Do not think there is a MASS immigration problem with our southern border? You do not don't? You do not think our sovereignty is being undermined? Want me to list the various diseases that have crossed the border as a result of the pathetic LEFT wing American hating immigration policies under this pathetic lying skinny smoking muslim in the white house?

What specifically were you offended by. What he said about the muslim family who the democrats used to bait him and how that family used the death of their son (in 2004) as a political weapon? I am surprised you are not more offended by them doing that, than you are by what Trump said. Oh, and was the mother allowed to speak? Why is that inappropriate? Cause she is a brown muslim? Did you really fall for the democrats tactics?

Anyway, I am hoping your situation changes. I really do. We can all use relief. That is for sure.

I am not offended by ANYTHING lol. My vote won't secure a victory for Trump as I'm in a Republican state. I dont personally give two shits what he says about muslims or mexicans or liberals. Trump needs the independents & moderates in swing states to win. I am looking at the overall picture. You are looking at me.

I'm looking at the overall picture too. And if those of us who forecast another mediocre bordering on destructive Presidency if Hillary Clinton is elected do not promote and choose the better choice, she will be President.
At least another 4 years of static growth for main street while Wallstreet continues to rake in the wealth. I had really hoped to see a return to our former glory for our economy but with Hillary perched to take the Whitehouse in a few months it is obvious the little man will have to continue treading water & hope 2020 brings new hope.

Donald Trump is a buffoon and had I voted for him I would be too embarrassed to show my face on this board. You all got played by a bored billionaire looking for a new game to entertain himself with.

Hillary will be around for 8 years, not 4.

Then Obama can run again.

That is what happens with institutionalize corruption that goes unchecked for too long.

The GOP will never win another Presidential election.

Obama cannot run again unless they change the U.S. Constitution.

Amendment XXII
Section 1

“No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.”

Of course it is always possible that the Democrats will ignore the Constitution (they've done it before) and the pussy Republicans will cower in fear at the thought of challenging them (they've done it before). Even if the Republicans were to make it an issue, the bought and paid for SCOTUS might do a Mexican hat dance around the issue and somehow manage to justify the what appears to normal people to be a Constitutional infringement. Remember the tax on Obamacare? For the first time in history the SCOTUS approved a "tax" on .... (drum roll): nothing! For the very first time Americans were taxed for NOT doing something! Hey, if you want to hunt you need a license and according to the SCOTUS if you don't want to hunt you could be required to get a license, too. This country has become so looney tunes it is difficult to make reasonable assumptions anymore.

Fifty years ago, I would have been carted away to a mental institution for suggesting the possibility of things which have already happened in my country.

I will give others the last word. If you think I'm pissed, you are spot on.
At least another 4 years of static growth for main street while Wallstreet continues to rake in the wealth. I had really hoped to see a return to our former glory for our economy but with Hillary perched to take the Whitehouse in a few months it is obvious the little man will have to continue treading water & hope 2020 brings new hope.

Donald Trump is a buffoon and had I voted for him I would be too embarrassed to show my face on this board. You all got played by a bored billionaire looking for a new game to entertain himself with.

Hillary will be around for 8 years, not 4.

Then Obama can run again.

That is what happens with institutionalize corruption that goes unchecked for too long.

The GOP will never win another Presidential election.

Obama cannot run again unless they change the U.S. Constitution.

Amendment XXII
Section 1

“No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.”

Of course it is always possible that the Democrats will ignore the Constitution (they've done it before) and the pussy Republicans will cower in fear at the thought of challenging them (they've done it before). Even if the Republicans were to make it an issue, the bought and paid for SCOTUS might do a Mexican hat dance around the issue and somehow manage to justify the what appears to normal people to be a Constitutional infringement. Remember the tax on Obamacare? For the first time in history the SCOTUS approved a "tax" on .... (drum roll): nothing! For the very first time Americans were taxed for NOT doing something! Hey, if you want to hunt you need a license and according to the SCOTUS if you don't want to hunt you could be required to get a license, too. This country has become so looney tunes it is difficult to make reasonable assumptions anymore.

Fifty years ago, I would have been carted away to a mental institution for suggesting the possibility of things which have already happened in my country.

I will give others the last word. If you think I'm pissed, you are spot on.

If he were the only serpent on Medusa's head.....



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Hillary's idea of a growing economy is to tax and spend.
Take money from those who have it and tax the fuck out of them because they
haven't been paying their 'fair share'.....

Then we have a guy who's an outsider who tapped into Americans who are rightly angry about no growth in the economy....
Someone who really had a chance to beat HRC.....
And he decided to throw away this opportunity....

If anyone wants someone to blame it's the guy with the thin orange hair with small
really small hands....

It's time to ask DJT if he really wanted to win this thing or position himself for his next enterprise.
At least another 4 years of static growth for main street while Wallstreet continues to rake in the wealth. I had really hoped to see a return to our former glory for our economy but with Hillary perched to take the Whitehouse in a few months it is obvious the little man will have to continue treading water & hope 2020 brings new hope.

Donald Trump is a buffoon and had I voted for him I would be too embarrassed to show my face on this board. You all got played by a bored billionaire looking for a new game to entertain himself with.

More like 2024. Get used to it.
Hillary's idea of a growing economy is to tax and spend.
Take money from those who have it and tax the fuck out of them because they
haven't been paying their 'fair share'.....

Then we have a guy who's an outsider who tapped into Americans who are rightly angry about no growth in the economy....
Someone who really had a chance to beat HRC.....
And he decided to throw away this opportunity....

If anyone wants someone to blame it's the guy with the thin orange hair with small
really small hands....

It's time to ask DJT if he really wanted to win this thing or position himself for his next enterprise.

Nobody is angry.
The voters have voted out—TTBOMK—exactly 2 incumbents to the Congress.
Blame the voters for the fortunes of the nation. Decisions are made by those who show up. Republicans chose that it was easier to be entertained than to have to wrap their heads around policy announcements and what they may mean. Lewis Black would have gotten more votes than Donald Trump.
At least another 4 years of static growth for main street while Wallstreet continues to rake in the wealth. I had really hoped to see a return to our former glory for our economy but with Hillary perched to take the Whitehouse in a few months it is obvious the little man will have to continue treading water & hope 2020 brings new hope.

Donald Trump is a buffoon and had I voted for him I would be too embarrassed to show my face on this board. You all got played by a bored billionaire looking for a new game to entertain himself with.

Hillary will be around for 8 years, not 4.

Then Obama can run again.

That is what happens with institutionalize corruption that goes unchecked for too long.

The GOP will never win another Presidential election.

You may be right. So we will look forward to continued decline while the permanent political class continues to obligate the taxpayer for purposes of their own enrichment and benefit. They figure they'll have theirs and can be long gone before the house of cards they build collapses completely and we will enjoy an economy and standard of living approximating that of Russia.

I don't like him or the campaign the Donald is running either, but I see him as basically an honorable man in real life however much the buffoon he appears--I think much of that is intentional--on the campaign trail. And I see him as the only person left standing who has any incentive or will to break the back of political correctness, the status quo that benefits the permanent political class in Washington, and reverse the economic decline of the country. So I will be voting for Trump as the only reasonable vote to cast this November.

So he “acts like a buffoon” and then you talk about “the only reasonable vote to cast” is for him?

And people wonder why the GOP is a laughing stock? Look at it’s members.
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Grampa is spot on with this one .. and anyone who can't see that is blind, stupid, an under-educated republican.

This election is over 3 months before the first ballot is even cast ... AND, it doesn't get any easier for republicans and the Right anytime in the near future.

Not only have you braindead morons handed the White House to Hillary Clinton and democrats .. she may indeed also nominate Obama to the Supreme Court.

Too dumb to see that Trump was never serious about running for president .. now you want to blame the messenger for your mindless idiocy. :0)
At least another 4 years of static growth for main street while Wallstreet continues to rake in the wealth. I had really hoped to see a return to our former glory for our economy but with Hillary perched to take the Whitehouse in a few months it is obvious the little man will have to continue treading water & hope 2020 brings new hope.

Donald Trump is a buffoon and had I voted for him I would be too embarrassed to show my face on this board. You all got played by a bored billionaire looking for a new game to entertain himself with.
Hitlery needs you now the most....keep fighting her fight for her ....
At least another 4 years of static growth for main street while Wallstreet continues to rake in the wealth. I had really hoped to see a return to our former glory for our economy but with Hillary perched to take the Whitehouse in a few months it is obvious the little man will have to continue treading water & hope 2020 brings new hope.

Donald Trump is a buffoon and had I voted for him I would be too embarrassed to show my face on this board. You all got played by a bored billionaire looking for a new game to entertain himself with.
You're right.

You were right to have voted for the treasonous, criminal, compromised, dain bramaged, dementia-ravaged basement-dweller who needs cue cards to tell him when / where to walk / stand / sit / exit, who shakes hands with empty air, calls out for dead people given a video tribute 3 minutes before he gives a speech, destroys the economy, violates both Constitution and Law to facilitate his failed Open Border illegal invasion, who has started / waged a war on American citizens by branding parents as 'domestic terrorists' and calling half of all Ameticans a threat to the nation based on their opposing political beliefs, has called for and incited violence against Americans for their opposing political beliefs, and who has politicized the DOJ and FBI, turning them into his own partisan Gestapo.

Nice job...keep up the good work.

...but with Hillary perched to take the Whitehouse in a few months..

C'mon, man! You just made me throw up in my mouth.


Yeah, enough moronic leftist idiots out there would still willingly vote for the most notorious, scandal-plagued, treasonous, self-serving politician, who instigated the largest criminal political scandal in US history...and if they can not drag her fat treasonous ass over the finish line she would demand the Democrat Party do for her what they did for Dementia-ravaged, compromised Joe.

I truly do not understand the left voting snowflake love affair / obsession with old, white, racist, elitist, millionaire, self-serving, scandal-plagued, proven criminal / treasonous Democrats who constantly f* them over just as much as they do to every other American citizen ...

I know it should not have but still did shock me a little several years back when Democrats publicly declared to its voting base that while they are voting members of the Democrat Party they do not have a real say in who their nominees are / will be, what their agendas are, etc...

'Welcome to the Democrat Party and- come on in, sit down over there, STFU, repeat what we tell you to repeat, and vote for who we tell you to when we tell you.'

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