The Wrath of Nancy: NBC Correspondent Miguel Almaguer Suspended After Viral Report on Paul Pelosi and David DePape

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Linear Time
Fake news! Gutter trash!
She had crocodile tears in a Prog interview. This woman is hard. Abusing every agenda, they force on others. You like it. But the men and women who suffer by these self-righteous potentates are either Progressive lovers or a country that need real change.
UnderwearGate so far...

1.0. Cops entered and found paul and depape in undies wrestling over hammer. DePape got the hammer and whacked paul. DePape "tackled immediately" .... So who is the source of the where's nancy bull? Paul? Coked drunked broomsticked and hammered in ambulance paul. Hillary and biden were gleefully saying where's nancy the next morning...

2.0 the illegal canandian green party nudist who lives in a blm gay themed SF commune is... A MAGA. Got it. And he also gay sexes a dem state senator. Well, in his undies, he broke into the speaker's $6 mansion undetected not to fetish paul, but to whack nancy (nevermind nancy is in DC and everyone in SF knows paul is gay and lives in SF and the two are almost never together).

3.0 is the OP

4.0. Maybe john mcEnroe can cover it for the news...
How dare he report on her husband and his hippie boy toy.

And the liberals here will see NO PROBLEM with a wicked henchwoman of the govt having a journalist fired for reporting wrong facts....

Nope, nothing to see here. The State is always right. The State is all
Still don't know who actually attacked who first with the hammer, or even who owned the hammer, at this point.
Trump attacks journalists 24/7 and tries to get them fired, calls all of them The Enemy of the People..... He's convinced all of his flock that they never print the truth, or say the truth, only what he says, is the truth....

And now the lovely gateway pundit is complaining and calling Nancy a witch because they think she got a journalist suspended for going along with the right wing lies, without verifying it?
Where is the police body camera evidence? That would clear up a lot of things.

I smell a coverup here.

if the wife or husband of a high level Republican was involved in a similar situation how would our wonderful press react? My bet is they would raise hell until body camera evidence was released to the public.

How dare he report on her husband and his hippie boy toy.

This is what happens when you believe in journalistic integrity, file a report based on facts, and don't have all stories approved by Pelosi and the Democrats before running them.

What a rookie mistake. He was lucky the story wasn't about Hillary - he could have been 'mugged'.

Trump attacks journalists 24/7 and tries to get them fired, calls all of them The Enemy of the People..... He's convinced all of his flock that they never print the truth, or say the truth, only what he says, is the truth....

And now the lovely gateway pundit is complaining and calling Nancy a witch because they think she got a journalist suspended for going along with the right wing lies, without verifying it?
Trump just wanted integrity by the so-called journalists who doubted his integrity. The media died for many Americans because of it.

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