The Worst President in history has been reelected

Spoken like a true child.

And a true extremist.

The bane of conservative dogma, where any compromise is ‘heresy.’

The progressive definition of "compromise": "Do what we tell you and STFU, you racist!!"

that's just flat out wrong. Obama proposed a TON of spending cuts in exchange for a 4:1 cuts for tax increases formula... the right told him to take a hike.

oh...and I wonder if you know... I used to live in Maine... I have met Stephen King... several political fundraisers... your author hero is an uber-liberal democrat. :lol:
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And a true extremist.

The bane of conservative dogma, where any compromise is ‘heresy.’

The progressive definition of "compromise": "Do what we tell you and STFU, you racist!!"

that's just flat out wrong. Obama proposed a TON of spending cuts in exchange for a 4:1 cuts for tax increases formula... the right told him to take a hike.
Uh huh. :lol:
oh...and I wonder if you know... I used to live in Maine... I have met Stephen King... several political fundraisers... your author hero is an uber-liberal democrat. :lol:
But he's a good writer in spite of that.
The progressive definition of "compromise": "Do what we tell you and STFU, you racist!!"

that's just flat out wrong. Obama proposed a TON of spending cuts in exchange for a 4:1 cuts for tax increases formula... the right told him to take a hike.
Uh huh. :lol:
oh...and I wonder if you know... I used to live in Maine... I have met Stephen King... several political fundraisers... your author hero is an uber-liberal democrat. :lol:
But he's a good writer in spite of that.
Just so we're clear... Are you suggesting that Obama's deficit reduction proposal did NOT contain four times as much in spending cuts as it did in tax increases? And if that is not your position, please explain the gratuitous :lol:

And re: King, He IS a good writer, and he would totally scoff at your sick brand of politics, as do I.
that's just flat out wrong. Obama proposed a TON of spending cuts in exchange for a 4:1 cuts for tax increases formula... the right told him to take a hike.
Uh huh. :lol:
oh...and I wonder if you know... I used to live in Maine... I have met Stephen King... several political fundraisers... your author hero is an uber-liberal democrat. :lol:
But he's a good writer in spite of that.
Just so we're clear... Are you suggesting that Obama's deficit reduction proposal did NOT contain four times as much in spending cuts as it did in tax increases? And if that is not your position, please explain the gratuitous :lol:
Fact Check: Obama’s faux deficit plan
Obama’s $4 trillion figure, for instance, includes counting some $1 trillion in cuts reached a year ago in budget negotiations with Congress. So no matter who is the president, the savings are already in the bank.
Moreover, the administration is also counting $848 billion in phantom savings from winding down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, even though the administration had long made clear those wars would end.
In other words, by projecting war spending far in the future, the administration is able to claim credit for saving money it never intended to spend.​
Oh, but it impressed the sheep, didn't it?
And re: King, He IS a good writer, and he would totally scoff at your sick brand of politics, as do I.
:lol: So the hell what? As long as he entertains me, I'll keep buying his products. If he gets to be an annoying leftist troll, he can join USMB with a screen name like "expatriate" and I can laugh at him...just like I laugh at you.

After four years of the Republican propaganda machine at FoxNews and rightwing talk radio proclaiming Obama as the worst President in history, the American people have said that they prefer him to the policies and talking points of Republicans.

How should Republicans respond?

My guess is they will double down on stupid. Obama did not win because he was black. He did not win because he gives free stuff to people. He won because the states are lined up in his favor. You saw it last night, there was only so much Romney could do with the alignment of states.

The Northeast and West are permanently blue. The rust belt is turning that way. That is a major block of electoral votes. Republican policies are tailored to the whims of the bible belt Red States. Ban abortion, block citizenship for illegal aliens, attack gays, attack unions, attack education...blame everything on welfare queens

Unless Republicans can appeal to Hispanics and young women they will lose more states. Florida will turn permanently blue, so will Ohio. States with large hispanic populations (Arizona, Texas) will turn to Battleground States

This will mean Republicans will be unable to win the White House or the Senate. Republicans will become a second tier party

How will they respond?

Double down on dumb

The WORST piece of CRAP President got reelected-is right--in the democrat "buy your vote policies" of 99 weeks of unemployment insurance--food stamps--and every single possible gift you could get for not standing on your own fucking FEET. The youth in this country are the whimpyst ass-- freaking bunch of freaking 23- 30 year old whiners still living with mommy and daddy that I have ever witnessed in my lifetime. Fucking pussies.

And that's how this piece of crap President OBAMA won reelection.


You voted for it--you got it.
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The WORST piece of CRAP President got reelected-is right--in the democrat "buy your vote policies" of 99 weeks of unemployment insurance--food stamps--and every single possible gift you could get for not standing on your own fucking FEET. The youth in this country are the whimpyst ass freaking bunch of freaking 23- 30 year old whiners living with mommy and daddy that i have ever witnessed in my lifetime.

And that's how this piece of crap President OBAMA won reelection.

That's quite a rant you have there. Yes, the term 'piece of crap' does come to mind as I read your dribble, but possibly not for the same reason...

Buying votes, for instance, does not enter into it. Last time I checked, we live in Democracy, which mean the people have freedom of choice. Those of us who do not collect unemployment, food stamps and/or other gifts , and yes, there are countless of us, vote based on facts and logic. We look for a candidate whose vision for the future of our country matches our own. We look for a candidate who understands the need for a strong middle class and govt cooperation. Since your candidate had none of those qualities, it is no mystery that he lost.

However, your candidate was backed by the usual criminal suspects such as Karl Rove and the Koch brothers, and another slimy billionaire from Las Vegas whose name is not worth remembering, all trying to buy the election. I know some of you on the Right feel your candidate should have won since the election was bought and paid for by massive corporations like Bain Capital. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but that is not how democracy works.

If there is anything the GOP can take home from this election, it is that the American people have proven decisively that votes cannot be bought by corporations.

You assumption that those who vote Democratic are uneducated is also inaccurate, and reflects a certain lack thereof on your own part. Your basic premise that we cannot stand on our own feet is prejudgmental, but that is what we expect from someone who vote Republican (e.g. Romney, Bush, Santorum , etc.) and puts a low value on education.

Finally, those "wimpy 23-30-year-olds you refer to are the future of this country, and, unfortunately for you, are increasingly voting Democratic. The more educated they become, the more they reject the corporate oligarchy that manipulates our system of govt from behind closed doors. They are not interested in free stuff from the govt, but a sense that govt responds to THEIR concerns, and not those of wealthy corporations. That would make oligarchies like Karl Rove somewhat of a dinosaur, don't you think?

So try and show a little respect for younger and better educated that yourself. Remember they vote!
The WORST piece of CRAP President got reelected-is right--in the democrat "buy your vote policies" of 99 weeks of unemployment insurance--food stamps--and every single possible gift you could get for not standing on your own fucking FEET. The youth in this country are the whimpyst ass freaking bunch of freaking 23- 30 year old whiners living with mommy and daddy that i have ever witnessed in my lifetime.

And that's how this piece of crap President OBAMA won reelection.

That's quite a rant you have there. Yes, the term 'piece of crap' does come to mind as I read your dribble, but possibly not for the same reason...

Buying votes, for instance, does not enter into it. Last time I checked, we live in Democracy, which mean the people have freedom of choice. Those of us who do not collect unemployment, food stamps and/or other gifts , and yes, there are countless of us, vote based on facts and logic. We look for a candidate whose vision for the future of our country matches our own. We look for a candidate who understands the need for a strong middle class and govt cooperation. Since your candidate had none of those qualities, it is no mystery that he lost.

However, your candidate was backed by the usual criminal suspects such as Karl Rove and the Koch brothers, and another slimy billionaire from Las Vegas whose name is not worth remembering, all trying to buy the election. I know some of you on the Right feel your candidate should have won since the election was bought and paid for by massive corporations like Bain Capital. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but that is not how democracy works.

If there is anything the GOP can take home from this election, it is that the American people have proven decisively that votes cannot be bought by corporations.

You assumption that those who vote Democratic are uneducated is also inaccurate, and reflects a certain lack thereof on your own part. Your basic premise that we cannot stand on our own feet is prejudgmental, but that is what we expect from someone who vote Republican (e.g. Romney, Bush, Santorum , etc.) and puts a low value on education.

Finally, those "wimpy 23-30-year-olds you refer to are the future of this country, and, unfortunately for you, are increasingly voting Democratic. The more educated they become, the more they reject the corporate oligarchy that manipulates our system of govt from behind closed doors. They are not interested in free stuff from the govt, but a sense that govt responds to THEIR concerns, and not those of wealthy corporations. That would make oligarchies like Karl Rove somewhat of a dinosaur, don't you think?

So try and show a little respect for younger and better educated that yourself. Remember they vote!

LOL! Huh?

earthling01 says:
Buying votes, for instance, does not enter into it. Last time I checked, we live in Democracy, which mean the people have freedom of choice.
earthling01 says:
all trying to buy the election.
earthling01 says:
the election was bought and paid for by massive corporations like Bain Capital.
But...but...but, I thought you just said, right at the first part of your response, "Buying votes ... does not enter into it"? And, then, you go on to rant and rave about how votes were allegedly being bought?

The progressive definition of "compromise": "Do what we tell you and STFU, you racist!!"

that's just flat out wrong. Obama proposed a TON of spending cuts in exchange for a 4:1 cuts for tax increases formula... the right told him to take a hike.
Uh huh. :lol:
oh...and I wonder if you know... I used to live in Maine... I have met Stephen King... several political fundraisers... your author hero is an uber-liberal democrat. :lol:
But he's a good writer in spite of that.

That just proves that a conservative like you can see past political affiliation and appreciate American exceptionalism, regardless.
that's just flat out wrong. Obama proposed a TON of spending cuts in exchange for a 4:1 cuts for tax increases formula... the right told him to take a hike.
Uh huh. :lol:
oh...and I wonder if you know... I used to live in Maine... I have met Stephen King... several political fundraisers... your author hero is an uber-liberal democrat. :lol:
But he's a good writer in spite of that.

That just proves that a conservative like you can see past political affiliation and appreciate American exceptionalism, regardless.
Indeed. I can separate the work of the artist/actor/writer/singer from his politics, for the most part.

On the flip side:

Uh huh. :lol:

But he's a good writer in spite of that.
Just so we're clear... Are you suggesting that Obama's deficit reduction proposal did NOT contain four times as much in spending cuts as it did in tax increases? And if that is not your position, please explain the gratuitous :lol:
Fact Check: Obama’s faux deficit plan
Obama’s $4 trillion figure, for instance, includes counting some $1 trillion in cuts reached a year ago in budget negotiations with Congress. So no matter who is the president, the savings are already in the bank.
Moreover, the administration is also counting $848 billion in phantom savings from winding down the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, even though the administration had long made clear those wars would end.
In other words, by projecting war spending far in the future, the administration is able to claim credit for saving money it never intended to spend.​
Oh, but it impressed the sheep, didn't it?
And re: King, He IS a good writer, and he would totally scoff at your sick brand of politics, as do I.
:lol: So the hell what? As long as he entertains me, I'll keep buying his products. If he gets to be an annoying leftist troll, he can join USMB with a screen name like "expatriate" and I can laugh at him...just like I laugh at you.


you dispute the ratio of cuts to tax increases proposed by the president... whatever. He did, in fact, offer more cuts than tax increases and, in any case, he has never said anything that equates to "Do what we tell you and STFU, you racist!!" what compromises did republicans offer? nada

and being laughed at by a pimply faced teenager in his mom's basement has never been anything I lost sleep over. :lol:
the gop got EXACTLY what they wanted and EXACTLY what they campaigned for.

the pure white vote.

they campaigned for it while defining a womans rape for political gain and ignoring the 'brown' folks..they rejected math and science.

you got EXACTLY what you wanted so stfu, lose graciously and stop blaming everyone else.

the party big on personal responsibility has none apparently.
The Worst President in history has been reelected

Its the Republicans/Tea Party who hold a sense of entitlement - the God-given right to govern the country!
the gop got EXACTLY what they wanted and EXACTLY what they campaigned for.

the pure white vote.

they campaigned for it while defining a womans rape for political gain and ignoring the 'brown' folks..they rejected math and science.

you got EXACTLY what you wanted so stfu, lose graciously and stop blaming everyone else.

the party big on personal responsibility has none apparently.

So like a libturd to define an entire group of people based on the statements of one. This from a group that claims the moral high ground of independent thought.
the gop got EXACTLY what they wanted and EXACTLY what they campaigned for.

the pure white vote.

they campaigned for it while defining a womans rape for political gain and ignoring the 'brown' folks..they rejected math and science.

you got EXACTLY what you wanted so stfu, lose graciously and stop blaming everyone else.

the party big on personal responsibility has none apparently.

So like a libturd to define an entire group of people based on the statements of one. This from a group that claims the moral high ground of independent thought.

one? again, it is math stupid..akin, mourdock, koster..the gop rape posse..back by the gop and all their little voters..

that is NOT 1 but many. if you dont want them to speak for you..maybe you should go tell them to reign in their crazy :)

so like a "rethuglicunt" to disavow..math
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Conservatives think "math," like science and the media are all liberal inventions with a deliberate bias against them!
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the gop got EXACTLY what they wanted and EXACTLY what they campaigned for.

the pure white vote.

they campaigned for it while defining a womans rape for political gain and ignoring the 'brown' folks..they rejected math and science.

you got EXACTLY what you wanted so stfu, lose graciously and stop blaming everyone else.

the party big on personal responsibility has none apparently.

So like a libturd to define an entire group of people based on the statements of one. This from a group that claims the moral high ground of independent thought.

one? again, it is math stupid..akin, mourdock, koster..the gop rape posse..back by the gop and all their little voters..

that is NOT 1 but many. if you dont want them to speak for you..maybe you should go tell them to reign in their crazy :)

so like a "rethuglicunt" to disavow..math

Guess again, shitbird...I am not affiliated with the GOP.
So like a libturd to define an entire group of people based on the statements of one. This from a group that claims the moral high ground of independent thought.

one? again, it is math stupid..akin, mourdock, koster..the gop rape posse..back by the gop and all their little voters..

that is NOT 1 but many. if you dont want them to speak for you..maybe you should go tell them to reign in their crazy :)

so like a "rethuglicunt" to disavow..math

Guess again, shitbird...I am not affiliated with the GOP.

my bad 'useless bag of wonky cocks' [my playground taunting is a bit dusty. i will try to keep up..please forgive if im not doing it right :)], seems like the math vaccine is going around out there :p
Conservatives think "math," like science, is a liberal invention with a deliberate bias against them!

seems to be working out great for them... :D

You think you won something, Shit for Brains. You are running out of road. We all lost, and that is the truth of it. Great misinformation and smear campaign though. I'm sure Mao and Lenin approve.

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