the world overpopulation


cybernetic organism
Dec 11, 2008
Overpopulation: to fill with an excessive number of people, straining available world resources and facilities.

i study this for lextion i n school. for 200years the world populatiion have grow over 5 billion poeopl. China have 4 billion people this are kvartalet the world befolkning. in year 2028,population will be 8billion. i think UN can haelp with world problemme if there is new leader. the leader o f UN there are now is stupid. the securitie counsel i n UN have 5country and they try to run the world and thiis not fair becuase they dont know problemme this othre countrys have.

what do you think will help solve this problemme overpopulation i n the world? do you think the UN can help with new leader.

world overpopulations:
World Overpopulation Awareness (population)
Overpopulation: to fill with an excessive number of people, straining available world resources and facilities.

i study this for lextion i n school. for 200years the world populatiion have grow over 5 billion poeopl. China have 4 billion people this are kvartalet the world befolkning. in year 2028,population will be 8billion. i think UN can haelp with world problemme if there is new leader. the leader o f UN there are now is stupid. the securitie counsel i n UN have 5country and they try to run the world and thiis not fair becuase they dont know problemme this othre countrys have.

what do you think will help solve this problemme overpopulation i n the world? do you think the UN can help with new leader.

world overpopulations:
World Overpopulation Awareness (population)

I don't see the UN as having the power to tell people whether they can reproduce or not, ever. Especially after we kick their worthless asses out of America. The UN will become even more irrelevant than they are now then.

May I suggest to you to use Firefox as your browser. I know you're struggling with your English, and Firefox has a built in spell checker. Just a thought.
Get people to use rubbers and exercise other methods of birth control. Don't force anything, simply educate people and provide them with what they need should they choose to use it. The world can barely support the ~7 billion people who are in it now.
The biggest obstacle we face in changing attitudes toward overpopulation is economists. Since the field of economics was branded "the dismal science" after Malthus' theory, economists have been adamant that they would never again consider the subject of overpopulation and continue to insist that man is ingenious enough to overcome any obstacle to further growth. This is why world leaders continue to ignore population growth in the face of mounting challenges like peak oil, global warming and a whole host of other environmental and resource issues. They believe we'll always find technological solutions that allow more growth.

But because they are blind to population growth, there's one obstacle they haven't considered: the finiteness of space available on earth. The very act of using space more efficiently creates a problem for which there is no solution: it inevitably begins to drive down per capita consumption and, consequently, per capita employment, leading to rising unemployment and poverty.

If you‘re interested in learning more about this important new economic theory, then I invite you to visit either of my web sites at or where you can read the preface, join in the blog discussion and, of course, buy the book if you like.

Pete Murphy
Author, "Five Short Blasts"
what do you think will help solve this problemme overpopulation i n the world? do you think the UN can help with new leader.

Looks to me like market forces might be solving some of this problem.

A world wide depression will likely starve off a couple billion within a year or so.
what do you think will help solve this problemme overpopulation i n the world? do you think the UN can help with new leader.

Looks to me like market forces might be solving some of this problem.

A world wide depression will likely starve off a couple billion within a year or so.

No, that could make it worse. If they are not working and just hanging around, what else is there to do but.....f....well you know.
what do you think will help solve this problemme overpopulation i n the world? do you think the UN can help with new leader.

Looks to me like market forces might be solving some of this problem.

A world wide depression will likely starve off a couple billion within a year or so.

No, that could make it worse. If they are not working and just hanging around, what else is there to do but.....f....well you know.

Yeah, right because starving people think about nothing but sex, right?
Looks to me like market forces might be solving some of this problem.

A world wide depression will likely starve off a couple billion within a year or so.

No, that could make it worse. If they are not working and just hanging around, what else is there to do but.....f....well you know.

Yeah, right because starving people think about nothing but sex, right?

Starving, full, whatever, sex is a popular subject, is it not?

what do you think will help solve this problemme overpopulation i n the world? do you think the UN can help with new leader.

150 strategically dropped 200 megaton Atomic Bombs will solve the overpopulation crisis quite nicely. Just think of all the construction work created to reduce unemployment too.

what do you think will help solve this problemme overpopulation i n the world? do you think the UN can help with new leader.

150 strategically dropped 200 megaton Atomic Bombs will solve the overpopulation crisis quite nicely. Just think of all the construction work created to reduce unemployment too.

Oh, it's almost 8pm. Time for you and Mr. Enima to get it oin.

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