Overpopulation: to fill with an excessive number of people, straining available world resources and facilities.
i study this for lextion i n school. for 200years the world populatiion have grow over 5 billion poeopl. China have 4 billion people this are kvartalet the world befolkning. in year 2028,population will be 8billion. i think UN can haelp with world problemme if there is new leader. the leader o f UN there are now is stupid. the securitie counsel i n UN have 5country and they try to run the world and thiis not fair becuase they dont know problemme this othre countrys have.
what do you think will help solve this problemme overpopulation i n the world? do you think the UN can help with new leader.
world overpopulations:
World Overpopulation Awareness (population)