The word "racism" is overused these days

Errr I think your former and your latter are the same thing......

And it gets overused. People are rather numb to it. It started with Obama. Unless you agreed with everything he said, did, or wanted to do, you were instantly labeled a racist by someone or the other on the interwebz. As an anti-DNC Green Party progressive I couldn't tell you how many times I have experienced this nonsense. I was even banned from an allegedly progressive site for criticizing the DNC from the left because that was perceived as me really being a conservative by the brain dead moderators (including r/progressive at reddit). The DNC in the US is a center right party by any global standard, but Lord forbid you call them out on sucking Wall Streets teets or other appendages. That, my friend, is racist here in the good old US of A.

The left is a totalitarian movement; it always has been.

Black folks don't like dogs, and k9's are a symbol of our racist heritage of police oppression. You are probably on their list.....

The word is not overused. The racist behavior is. And blacks like dogs.

They like pitbulls not K9 dogs and no it is overused, and often misused to the point it has no meaning.

I am black and we like all kinds of dogs. The word is not overused and it does carry meaning. I understand that whites like yourself want to try making everybody believe that, but the word will always carry significance. So if you want to make it irrelevant, end the behavior.

It may carry significance to you, but when you overuse it, has no meaning to the people falsely accused of it. How many times are democrats going to proclaim Anti-Muslim policies "racist" when there is no Muslim race? How many proclamations are the squad going to support about "racism" when Somalian, Puerto Rican, Mexican, et als are not races? Words have meaning. If you want to make accusations of racism relevant, learn to use them properly.
The left is a totalitarian movement; it always has been.

Black folks don't like dogs, and k9's are a symbol of our racist heritage of police oppression. You are probably on their list.....

The word is not overused. The racist behavior is. And blacks like dogs.

They like pitbulls not K9 dogs and no it is overused, and often misused to the point it has no meaning.

I am black and we like all kinds of dogs. The word is not overused and it does carry meaning. I understand that whites like yourself want to try making everybody believe that, but the word will always carry significance. So if you want to make it irrelevant, end the behavior.

It may carry significance to you, but when you overuse it, has no meaning to the people falsely accused of it. How many times are democrats going to proclaim Anti-Muslim policies "racist" when there is no Muslim race? How many proclamations are the squad going to support about "racism" when Somalian, Puerto Rican, Mexican, et als are not races? Words have meaning. If you want to make accusations of racism relevant, learn to use them properly.

Yada, Yada, Yada. Somalis are black. Muslims are black and Arab. Puerto Ricans and Mexicans are Hispanics. Stop denying racism. Because no matter how you try to gaslight, accusations of racism are not overused.
Maybe we're a little over-sensitive about "race" and such. As a person with round eyes, I don't even feel like I should do Trump impressions.
I see that every day on this board.
Is that true ?
Or do we see it used a lot because there is a lot of racism ?
I tend to think that the former is true and the term is used a lot because there is a lot of racism about.
Its pretty shitty to oppress people because of their colour or religion. Most of us will agree on that.
Tommy, racism is the belief that you are superior to someone else because of your race, or that they are inferior. You don't have to actually oppress anyone, just believe it. To a certain extent, it is a little natural to think you're better than someone else or can do better. It's called PRIDE. It is a natural self-defense mechanism that protects the ego.

But I see you come on here everyday (USMB, an American site) using the internet (an American conveyance invention) to tell us how much Americans suck! But I've not yet once ever seen you come on here railing about the Queen, or Brits or England. So yes, that makes you a racist.
But thinking it translates into acting upon it. And this affects employment,housing, public policy and personal relationships. Its toxic.
The UK and the US are on different paths on this issue. We never had Jim Crow laws and so that racist sense of superiority was less ingrained in our psyche.
But we still have a way to go.
I see that every day on this board.

Is that true ?

Or do we see it used a lot because there is a lot of racism ?

I tend to think that the former is true and the term is used a lot because there is a lot of racism about.

Its pretty shitty to oppress people because of their colour or religion. Most of us will agree on that.

Errr I think your former and your latter are the same thing......

And it gets overused. People are rather numb to it. It started with Obama. Unless you agreed with everything he said, did, or wanted to do, you were instantly labeled a racist by someone or the other on the interwebz. As an anti-DNC Green Party progressive I couldn't tell you how many times I have experienced this nonsense. I was even banned from an allegedly progressive site for criticizing the DNC from the left because that was perceived as me really being a conservative by the brain dead moderators (including r/progressive at reddit). The DNC in the US is a center right party by any global standard, but Lord forbid you call them out on sucking Wall Streets teets or other appendages. That, my friend, is racist here in the good old US of A.

The left is a totalitarian movement; it always has been.

Black folks don't like dogs, and k9's are a symbol of our racist heritage of police oppression. You are probably on their list.....

Bad joke.
I see that every day on this board.

Is that true ?

Or do we see it used a lot because there is a lot of racism ?

I tend to think that the former is true and the term is used a lot because there is a lot of racism about.

Its pretty shitty to oppress people because of their colour or religion. Most of us will agree on that.

Errr I think your former and your latter are the same thing......

And it gets overused. People are rather numb to it. It started with Obama. Unless you agreed with everything he said, did, or wanted to do, you were instantly labeled a racist by someone or the other on the interwebz. As an anti-DNC Green Party progressive I couldn't tell you how many times I have experienced this nonsense. I was even banned from an allegedly progressive site for criticizing the DNC from the left because that was perceived as me really being a conservative by the brain dead moderators (including r/progressive at reddit). The DNC in the US is a center right party by any global standard, but Lord forbid you call them out on sucking Wall Streets teets or other appendages. That, my friend, is racist here in the good old US of A.

The left is a totalitarian movement; it always has been.

Black folks don't like dogs, and k9's are a symbol of our racist heritage of police oppression. You are probably on their list.....

Well, FWIW, my K-9s are mostly needed these days to deter the plethora of WHITE methheads and opioid addicts that now inhabit my once peaceful retirement community.
I see that every day on this board.

Is that true ?

Or do we see it used a lot because there is a lot of racism ?

I tend to think that the former is true and the term is used a lot because there is a lot of racism about.

Its pretty shitty to oppress people because of their colour or religion. Most of us will agree on that.

Rockwell International sucks. Indian Head, Maryland does not suck.
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The only people making the claim it's overused are the whites here that practice racism.
I see that every day on this board.
Is that true ?
Or do we see it used a lot because there is a lot of racism ?
I tend to think that the former is true and the term is used a lot because there is a lot of racism about.
Its pretty shitty to oppress people because of their colour or religion. Most of us will agree on that.
Tommy, racism is the belief that you are superior to someone else because of your race, or that they are inferior. You don't have to actually oppress anyone, just believe it. To a certain extent, it is a little natural to think you're better than someone else or can do better. It's called PRIDE. It is a natural self-defense mechanism that protects the ego.

But I see you come on here everyday (USMB, an American site) using the internet (an American conveyance invention) to tell us how much Americans suck! But I've not yet once ever seen you come on here railing about the Queen, or Brits or England. So yes, that makes you a racist.
Tommy is no racist.
How would you know? Ever meet him? Officially vouching for him? Are you the official self-appointed arbiter of what is racist?

And the fact he calls out America but doesn't say anything about England is not racism.
Yeah. Kinda think it IS. Or are the Brits really that perfect? They just conquered and enslaved 95% of the planet at one time or the other.

The belief of racial superiority comes with behavior and actions.
No stupid. Jesus are you an idiot. One's actions and behavior stem from your beliefs. And both Tommy's and your beliefs, behavior and actions speak VOLUMES about you.
I see that every day on this board.
Is that true ?
Or do we see it used a lot because there is a lot of racism ?
I tend to think that the former is true and the term is used a lot because there is a lot of racism about.
Its pretty shitty to oppress people because of their colour or religion. Most of us will agree on that.
Tommy, racism is the belief that you are superior to someone else because of your race, or that they are inferior. You don't have to actually oppress anyone, just believe it. To a certain extent, it is a little natural to think you're better than someone else or can do better. It's called PRIDE. It is a natural self-defense mechanism that protects the ego.

But I see you come on here everyday (USMB, an American site) using the internet (an American conveyance invention) to tell us how much Americans suck! But I've not yet once ever seen you come on here railing about the Queen, or Brits or England. So yes, that makes you a racist.
But thinking it translates into acting upon it. And this affects employment,housing, public policy and personal relationships. Its toxic.
Bullshit. Have you done a case study to prove that? Every thought in your head does not translate into action. Belief in one's superiority is not toxic, it merely bolsters confidence. If I'm a track athlete in the Olympics and I believe I am superior there, it may bolster my performance to excel, but not necessary cause me to discriminate against others in matters of employment or housing.

You are conflating two separate things. Muslims may believe they are superior because Allah or Mohammad is the greatest cause, but that does not necessarily mean they will go out and join ISIS or fly a plane into a building, fool. Taking one's inner views and beliefs to the extreme and then acting upon them to discriminate against others in a harmful way is the point and quite a different matter from just thinking you are better.

Let me know the next time you start a thread railing on the faults, failings and evils of the UK and the British Empire and I'll take you off the Racist List.
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The problem is that racism is subjective. Not everyone can agree what it’s definition is.
I see that every day on this board.
Is that true ?
Or do we see it used a lot because there is a lot of racism ?
I tend to think that the former is true and the term is used a lot because there is a lot of racism about.
Its pretty shitty to oppress people because of their colour or religion. Most of us will agree on that.
Tommy, racism is the belief that you are superior to someone else because of your race, or that they are inferior. You don't have to actually oppress anyone, just believe it. To a certain extent, it is a little natural to think you're better than someone else or can do better. It's called PRIDE. It is a natural self-defense mechanism that protects the ego.

But I see you come on here everyday (USMB, an American site) using the internet (an American conveyance invention) to tell us how much Americans suck! But I've not yet once ever seen you come on here railing about the Queen, or Brits or England. So yes, that makes you a racist.
the MSM does that everyday to whites--whites are EVIL !!!
every day 24/7 from the MSM
The problem is that racism is subjective. Not everyone can agree what it’s definition is.
there's a definition for it --
  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
    "the comments have led to her being called a racist"
    synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist; More
  1. 1.
    showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.
The problem is that racism is subjective. Not everyone can agree what it’s definition is.
there's a definition for it --
  1. 1.
    a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another.
    "the comments have led to her being called a racist"
    synonyms: racial bigot, racialist, xenophobe, chauvinist; More
  1. 1.
    showing or feeling discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or believing that a particular race is superior to another.

You must have gotten that from Compton's Dictionary of Stupid Definitions! How does one FEEL discrimination? Discrimination is an action verb. It is a behavior. And if racism can be reduced down to just what one THINKS or FEELS even if just kept to oneself and never shared, expressed to others nor acted on, then not only does racism become meaningless and impossible to prove, but it says that we are all racists at some level, because I cannot help look at another and note whether they are male, female, old, a child, black, white, dressed well, barefoot, a threat, a friend, friendly, angry----------- all of these are discriminations, judgements. It is what kept us alive on the African Savannah 100,000 years ago by allowing us to tell food from a lion seeing us as food.
I see that every day on this board.

Is that true ?

Or do we see it used a lot because there is a lot of racism ?

I tend to think that the former is true and the term is used a lot because there is a lot of racism about.

Its pretty shitty to oppress people because of their colour or religion. Most of us will agree on that.

Errr I think your former and your latter are the same thing......

And it gets overused. People are rather numb to it. It started with Obama. Unless you agreed with everything he said, did, or wanted to do, you were instantly labeled a racist by someone or the other on the interwebz. As an anti-DNC Green Party progressive I couldn't tell you how many times I have experienced this nonsense. I was even banned from an allegedly progressive site for criticizing the DNC from the left because that was perceived as me really being a conservative by the brain dead moderators (including r/progressive at reddit). The DNC in the US is a center right party by any global standard, but Lord forbid you call them out on sucking Wall Streets teets or other appendages. That, my friend, is racist here in the good old US of A.

The left is a totalitarian movement; it always has been.

Black folks don't like dogs, and k9's are a symbol of our racist heritage of police oppression. You are probably on their list.....

Well, FWIW, my K-9s are mostly needed these days to deter the plethora of WHITE methheads and opioid addicts that now inhabit my once peaceful retirement community.

You hating granny have her pain meds huh....
I see that every day on this board.
Is that true ?
Or do we see it used a lot because there is a lot of racism ?
I tend to think that the former is true and the term is used a lot because there is a lot of racism about.
Its pretty shitty to oppress people because of their colour or religion. Most of us will agree on that.
Tommy, racism is the belief that you are superior to someone else because of your race, or that they are inferior. You don't have to actually oppress anyone, just believe it. To a certain extent, it is a little natural to think you're better than someone else or can do better. It's called PRIDE. It is a natural self-defense mechanism that protects the ego.

But I see you come on here everyday (USMB, an American site) using the internet (an American conveyance invention) to tell us how much Americans suck! But I've not yet once ever seen you come on here railing about the Queen, or Brits or England. So yes, that makes you a racist.
But thinking it translates into acting upon it. And this affects employment,housing, public policy and personal relationships. Its toxic.
Bullshit. Have you done a case study to prove that? Every thought in your head does not translate into action. Belief in one's superiority is not toxic, it merely bolsters confidence. If I'm a track athlete in the Olympics and I believe I am superior there, it may bolster my performance to excel, but not necessary cause me to discriminate against others in matters of employment or housing.

You are conflating two separate things. Muslims may believe they are superior because Allah or Mohammad is the greatest cause, but that does not necessarily mean they will go out and join ISIS or fly a plane into a building, fool. Taking one's inner views and beliefs to the extreme and then acting upon them to discriminate against others in a harmful way is the point and quite a different matter from just thinking you are better.

Let me know the next time you start a thread railing on the faults, failings and evils of the UK and the British Empire and I'll take you off the Racist List.
I am no fan of the Empire or the british establishment.
I have seen racism in action in my hometown and it is unacceptable in any form.
There seems to be a lot of deflection at work here but you are the only one who seems to be thinking of it as a positive.
Its pretty shitty to oppress people because of their colour or religion. Most of us will agree on that.

What utter stupidity.

Once again, you conflate something that is not a choice with something that definitely IS a choice.

People have pointed this out to you countless times, so I would add utterly dishonest to the stupidity.

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