The White House Was, in Fact, Built by Slaves


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2010
The White House Was, in Fact, Built by Slaves | Smart News | Smithsonian


First Lady Michelle Obama took the stage during the first night of the Democratic National Convention, she talked about how it felt to be a black woman waking up in the White House every morning—a building constructed with slave labor. It was a powerful moment in her speech, hearkening back to the generations of African-Americans forced into bondage in this country. Up until a few decades ago, little attention was paid to looking into who actually laid the foundations and put up the walls of the White House. But what documentation exists today shows that many of Washington, D.C.’s most iconic government buildings, including the White House, were built by slaves.


“Indifference by earlier historians, poor record keeping, and the silence of the voiceless classes have impeded our ability in the twenty-first century to understand fully the contributions and privations of those who toiled over the seven decades from the first cornerstone laying to the day of emancipation in the District of Columbia,” Senate Historian Richard Baker and Chief of the House of Representatives Office of History and Preservation Kenneth Kato wrote in a foreword to the report.

From a geographical standpoint alone, it should come as no surprise that slave laborers were used to build the nation’s capital. Washington, D.C., was built on landed ceded to the federal government by Virginia and Maryland, and at the time the Potomac region was home to almost half of the country’s 750,000 slaves, Lane reports.

While the White House Historical Association reports that the D.C. commissioners originally tried to bring cheap workers over from Europe to build the new capital, their recruitment efforts fell short. As a result, they forced local slaves to provide the labor, often renting workers from their masters for year-long periods of time.

“Slaves were likely involved in all aspects of construction, including carpentry, masonry, carting, rafting, plastering, glazing and painting, the task force reported,” Lane writes. “And slaves appear to have shouldered alone the grueling work of sawing logs and stones.”


In addition to constructing the buildings, slaves also worked the quarries where the stones for the government buildings came from. Ironically, the Statue of Freedom that sits atop the Capitol dome was made with the help of Philip Reid, a man enslaved by sculptor Thomas Crawford, who was commissioned to build the statue. According to the Architect of the Capitol, Reid was paid $1.25 a day by the federal government for his contributions.

“There is no telling how many stories that have been lost because, as a country, we didn’t value these stories,” historian and reporter Jesse J. Holland tells “We’re always learning more about the presidents as we go forward and we’ll also learn more about the people who cooked their meals and dressed them.”

Shhhhh. Dont repeat history because its makes some people vewy vewy angry
The White House Was, in Fact, Built by Slaves | Smart News | Smithsonian


First Lady Michelle Obama took the stage during the first night of the Democratic National Convention, she talked about how it felt to be a black woman waking up in the White House every morning—a building constructed with slave labor. It was a powerful moment in her speech, hearkening back to the generations of African-Americans forced into bondage in this country. Up until a few decades ago, little attention was paid to looking into who actually laid the foundations and put up the walls of the White House. But what documentation exists today shows that many of Washington, D.C.’s most iconic government buildings, including the White House, were built by slaves.


“Indifference by earlier historians, poor record keeping, and the silence of the voiceless classes have impeded our ability in the twenty-first century to understand fully the contributions and privations of those who toiled over the seven decades from the first cornerstone laying to the day of emancipation in the District of Columbia,” Senate Historian Richard Baker and Chief of the House of Representatives Office of History and Preservation Kenneth Kato wrote in a foreword to the report.

From a geographical standpoint alone, it should come as no surprise that slave laborers were used to build the nation’s capital. Washington, D.C., was built on landed ceded to the federal government by Virginia and Maryland, and at the time the Potomac region was home to almost half of the country’s 750,000 slaves, Lane reports.

While the White House Historical Association reports that the D.C. commissioners originally tried to bring cheap workers over from Europe to build the new capital, their recruitment efforts fell short. As a result, they forced local slaves to provide the labor, often renting workers from their masters for year-long periods of time.

“Slaves were likely involved in all aspects of construction, including carpentry, masonry, carting, rafting, plastering, glazing and painting, the task force reported,” Lane writes. “And slaves appear to have shouldered alone the grueling work of sawing logs and stones.”


In addition to constructing the buildings, slaves also worked the quarries where the stones for the government buildings came from. Ironically, the Statue of Freedom that sits atop the Capitol dome was made with the help of Philip Reid, a man enslaved by sculptor Thomas Crawford, who was commissioned to build the statue. According to the Architect of the Capitol, Reid was paid $1.25 a day by the federal government for his contributions.

“There is no telling how many stories that have been lost because, as a country, we didn’t value these stories,” historian and reporter Jesse J. Holland tells “We’re always learning more about the presidents as we go forward and we’ll also learn more about the people who cooked their meals and dressed them.”

Shhhhh. Dont repeat history because its makes some people vewy vewy angry

forced local slaves

How do you " force" slaves?

They New their job and they were well fed and happy to be out of their mud huts, running around half naked in Africa.

In fact a bet you it was an honor for them to do it and had to turn away thousands of them .
Blacks weren't Democrats in 1800. They were slaves.

Not all Blacks were slaves either and not all slaves were black... I know you will disagree but seeing you and the op'er want to write about history maybe you should write the fact that not all blacks were slaves in this country and there were free blacks.

They did not enjoy the same equal rights as the white community but they were not enslaved to a master either.

Also not all slaves were black and Native Americans were sold into slavery too, and this is usually ignored by those that only see society as black and white and forget the other races of society that were mistreated...

The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed | An Online Reference Guide to African American History by Professor Quintard Taylor, University of Washington
Blacks weren't Democrats in 1800. They were slaves.

Not all Blacks were slaves either and not all slaves were black... I know you will disagree but seeing you and the op'er want to write about history maybe you should write the fact that not all blacks were slaves in this country and there were free blacks.

They did not enjoy the same equal rights as the white community but they were not enslaved to a master either.

Also not all slaves were black and Native Americans were sold into slavery too, and this is usually ignored by those that only see society as black and white and forget the other races of society that were mistreated...

The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed | An Online Reference Guide to African American History by Professor Quintard Taylor, University of Washington

Theme of this post: Remember the good times
Blacks weren't Democrats in 1800. They were slaves.

Not all Blacks were slaves either and not all slaves were black... I know you will disagree but seeing you and the op'er want to write about history maybe you should write the fact that not all blacks were slaves in this country and there were free blacks.

They did not enjoy the same equal rights as the white community but they were not enslaved to a master either.

Also not all slaves were black and Native Americans were sold into slavery too, and this is usually ignored by those that only see society as black and white and forget the other races of society that were mistreated...

The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed | An Online Reference Guide to African American History by Professor Quintard Taylor, University of Washington

Theme of this post: Remember the good times
You liberals are evil people....
Blacks weren't Democrats in 1800. They were slaves.

Not all Blacks were slaves either and not all slaves were black... I know you will disagree but seeing you and the op'er want to write about history maybe you should write the fact that not all blacks were slaves in this country and there were free blacks.

They did not enjoy the same equal rights as the white community but they were not enslaved to a master either.

Also not all slaves were black and Native Americans were sold into slavery too, and this is usually ignored by those that only see society as black and white and forget the other races of society that were mistreated...

The Black Past: Remembered and Reclaimed | An Online Reference Guide to African American History by Professor Quintard Taylor, University of Washington

Theme of this post: Remember the good times
A democrat waxing poetic about the good ole days of democrat slavery....huh...
So we taught the black man how to build a proper structure, instead of his usual mud hut. So where's our props???
Hillary's love of NAFTA did so much for Blacks.
I love the smell of bullshit in the morning.

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