The White House Hopes We Can All Forget Afghanistan (And The Press Will Help)


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
Just forget about Biden's horrific lie about not leaving until every American is evacuated.
Forget about the hundreds of Americans left behind.

Biden, his administration, and the media just might be able to pull it off for a while...until ISISA beheads a couple of Americans on international TV...

The Taliban/Al Qaeda/ISIS have Biden by the balls right now, and he is praying such a scenario does not happen.....or he is screwed.
Just forget about Biden's horrific lie about not leaving until every American is evacuated.
Forget about the hundreds of Americans left behind.

Biden, his administration, and the media just might be able to pull it off for a while...until ISISA beheads a couple of Americans on international TV...

The Taliban/Al Qaeda/ISIS have Biden by the balls right now, and he is praying such a scenario does not happen.....or he is screwed.
The mistake being made among others is that they separate Afghanistan from the global war on terror. They is one and the same and our government has made a big mistake giving up ground and providing a safe place for our enemies to gather and train and supply and plan attacks against those in the free world.
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The thing these idiot liberals don't seem to understand, is that Biden left Americans behind, way more than they are admitting to, and now the Taliban, IS-K, or whoever else now dictates the news. The American press might try to ignore it, but at the end of the day, they'll cover it or lose viewers and advertising money.
Just forget about Biden's horrific lie about not leaving until every American is evacuated.
Forget about the hundreds of Americans left behind.

Biden, his administration, and the media just might be able to pull it off for a while...until ISISA beheads a couple of Americans on international TV...

The Taliban/Al Qaeda/ISIS have Biden by the balls right now, and he is praying such a scenario does not happen.....or he is screwed.
Biden ending the war can't be counterspun to Trump's advantage now. It's just too big for that.

And there's little gain in depending on ISIS/Al Qaida killing Americans in Afghanistan. They are not the ruling Taliban who have won that war, they're a minor force within that's expected to fight on to revenge against America's past aggressions.
Biden ending the war can't be counterspun to Trump's advantage now. It's just too big for that.

And there's little gain in depending on ISIS/Al Qaida killing Americans in Afghanistan. They are not the ruling Taliban who have won that war, they're a minor force within that's expected to fight on to revenge against America's past aggressions.
You trying to say that the Taliban are a better class of terrorists?
After another week or so anytime he mentions it he will only say things like "We evacuated X amount of people thanks to concentrated efforts by our amazing men and women", or "After the crisis the poor afghans are facing we need to stand with them and show them they can safe and secure with a good future in america as we welcome our afghan brothers and sisters to our country so they can feel safe with their children" or some other such nonsense that ignores any wrong doing on their part and only spinning things as positive.

After that it will be more "COVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" until the next disaster that they cant be blamed for to take center stage.

They know americans have a short attention span and easily distracted. All they have to do is ignore, deflect and wait for them to get bored of Afghanistan and eventually it will just disappear and they wont be held responsible for anything.

And the whole time MSM will do what they can to not report on anything bad or bring any attention to it for the administration.
You trying to say that the Taliban are a better class of terrorists?
Yes, it seems to be that so far. There's no indications that the Taliban will turn to terrorism of a sort that would be objectionable to America.

America has pulled in its horns on demands that the Taliban reform to Western standards. US interference with the Taliban's choice of Islam and Islamic law is now going to be regarded as acceptable to America. It's now not an issue that will warrant military action against the Taliban.

Terrorist attacks against US interests by ISIS/Al Qaida will still be dealt with by the use of military force.
Seems like, instead of Bin Laden, the Taliban are more like Bill Ayers. Democrats love them some terrorists.
Trump can be credited with making the deal that enabled Biden's successful ending of the war.

Now it's almost a certainty that the Taliban will behave within America's 'real' interests.
That's the booby prize for America's lost war.
Ghani, for his part, assured Biden that “your assurance of support goes a very long way to enable us, to really mobilize us in earnest.”

Well that didn't age well.

After another week or so anytime he mentions it he will only say things like "We evacuated X amount of people thanks to concentrated efforts by our amazing men and women", or "After the crisis the poor afghans are facing we need to stand with them and show them they can safe and secure with a good future in america as we welcome our afghan brothers and sisters to our country so they can feel safe with their children" or some other such nonsense that ignores any wrong doing on their part and only spinning things as positive.

After that it will be more "COVID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" until the next disaster that they cant be blamed for to take center stage.

They know americans have a short attention span and easily distracted. All they have to do is ignore, deflect and wait for them to get bored of Afghanistan and eventually it will just disappear and they wont be held responsible for anything.

And the whole time MSM will do what they can to not report on anything bad or bring any attention to it for the administration.
Yes, your turn to SOUR GRAPES is the best approach, before finally letting it go, as the political spin all goes to Biden.

Or will there be a display of rage by Trump's supporters first?
I doubt the Americans left behind or their families will forget it despite how the LSM tries to portray it.

I also doubt voters will forget what a fuck up the stuttering imbecile is. Lets not forget the mess he left at the border either. Most Americans want all illegals out our country and Bidumb let a million more in. I doubt voters will forget that either since illegals cost we tax payers billions each year.
Yes, it seems to be that so far. There's no indications that the Taliban will turn to terrorism of a sort that would be objectionable to America.

America has pulled in its horns on demands that the Taliban reform to Western standards. US interference with the Taliban's choice of Islam and Islamic law is now going to be regarded as acceptable to America. It's now not an issue that will warrant military action against the Taliban.

Terrorist attacks against US interests by ISIS/Al Qaida will still be dealt with by the use of military force.
What sort of terrorism do you think is not objectionable? Do tell.

You folks don't realize that the Taliban can think for itself, and have their own interests that don't include being the puppet state you think can happen.

Yeah, IS-K and Al Qaeda, those will be the ONLY ones doing bad things. Do you not realize the Taliban itself can now commit any atrocity they choose and you folks gave them plausible deniability? Wow.

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