The Weaponization Of January 6

Clearly, the ongoing prosecutions, convictions, and confessions of the Trump goons who perpetrated the attack on Congress and injured 140 outnumbered police are very unsettling for those who have been desperate to quash them.

The latest:

The Cry Baby Loser thinks his goons are "special" and he "loves" them, but American justice demands that they are held responsible.
View attachment 578668

Some Republicans make light of this event. Very sad IMO.
Some Republicans make light of this event. Very sad IMO.
Hyper-partisan perversion.

Image if a hypothetical question, before January 6, 2021, had been posed to all serving in Congress:

"If a mob, upset by the certified results of a presidential election, were to attack the Capitol to prevent the House and Vice President formally recognizing the electoral vote, inflicting damage and injuring 140 outnumbered police as they desecrated our seat of democratic governance, should those individuals be held responsible under our system of American jurisprudence? Should a bipartisan commission be appointed?"
How many would respond, "No, they should all be allowed to get away with it!"?

Screen Shot 2021-08-29 at 8.02.12 PM.png
"Is they White folks?"
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The Weaponization Of January 6​

9 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jeff Crouere
Clearly, the January 6 narrative is serving a useful purpose for Democrats, and they are not likely to abandon it any time soon.


Research from the staff of U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) shows that approximately 40% of those who entered the U.S. Capitol were allowed into the building by the police. Among the rest, those who committed vandalism or assault should be prosecuted. The others may have entered the building illegally, but their actions do not rise to the level of terrorism.
It has not stopped some far-left activists masquerading as analysts from claiming that the events of January 6 were worse than 9/11, the day that the country was attacked by Islamic terrorists, which resulted in the deaths of 2,977 innocent people. According to Steve Schmidt, co-founder of the disgraced Lincoln Project, “The 1/6 attack for the future of the country is a profoundly more dangerous event than the 9/11 attacks, and in the end, the 1/6 attacks are likely to kill a lot more Americans than were killed in the 9/11 attacks.”

We are supposed to believe the lying Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat cabal who pushed the Russian hoax.
Actually, January 6th was a block party compared to what BLM and Antifa have done in American Blue Plantation cities.
The PM/DSA Commie Left is using the Jan. 6 incident in much the same way the Nazis used the Reichstag fire in 1933. They are using it as an excuse to unleash the power of the federal government to persecute the political opposition while cracking down on civil liberties and confiscate the arms that stop them from a complete takeover of America.
The PM/DSA Commie propaganda machine has grossly exaggerated the Jan 6th mostly peaceful protests:
1) To discredit Trump and his supporters as traitors​
2) To persecute Trump at a staged a Soviet show trial, once more​
3) To advance the anti-white nationalist domestic enemy narrative​
4) To criminalize the election was stolen accusation.​
What has been completely omitted and left out of most news stories. ANTIFA was bussed in with police escort and they had online communication directing members to wear Trump garb. The violence outside the Capital Building looked staged. Police escorting protesters through the Capitol.
Police issued PR 24 batons being used by Antifa to break windows to enter the Capital building. It's undeniable that it was a false flag operation.
The real crime of Jan 6th is 400 people held in solitary confinement in DC jails without bail. They are being tortured to force them to say Trump made them do it to get released.
Free the Jan 6th 400!


crazy hilarity!

crazy hilarity!
Literally, some random guy in his basement, doing nothing other than reviewing videos pouring out from 1/6, decides on his own that he can identify members of Antifa; so he makes a video of his own to point them out -- and now it's gospel to the moronic right.

That's all it took.


Never mind the FBI who investigated that determined Antifa was not involved.

Never mind the Oath Keepers were there, hoping and expecting, to fight with Antifa but left when they found none.

Never mind of the roughly 700 people arrested in connection with 1/6, exactly zero are members of Antifa.

Some guy just said there was and that's all rightards need.

The Weaponization Of January 6​

9 Jul 2021 ~~ By Jeff Crouere
Clearly, the January 6 narrative is serving a useful purpose for Democrats, and they are not likely to abandon it any time soon.


Research from the staff of U.S. Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) shows that approximately 40% of those who entered the U.S. Capitol were allowed into the building by the police. Among the rest, those who committed vandalism or assault should be prosecuted. The others may have entered the building illegally, but their actions do not rise to the level of terrorism.
It has not stopped some far-left activists masquerading as analysts from claiming that the events of January 6 were worse than 9/11, the day that the country was attacked by Islamic terrorists, which resulted in the deaths of 2,977 innocent people. According to Steve Schmidt, co-founder of the disgraced Lincoln Project, “The 1/6 attack for the future of the country is a profoundly more dangerous event than the 9/11 attacks, and in the end, the 1/6 attacks are likely to kill a lot more Americans than were killed in the 9/11 attacks.”

We are supposed to believe the lying Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat cabal who pushed the Russian hoax.
Actually, January 6th was a block party compared to what BLM and Antifa have done in American Blue Plantation cities.
The PM/DSA Commie Left is using the Jan. 6 incident in much the same way the Nazis used the Reichstag fire in 1933. They are using it as an excuse to unleash the power of the federal government to persecute the political opposition while cracking down on civil liberties and confiscate the arms that stop them from a complete takeover of America.
The PM/DSA Commie propaganda machine has grossly exaggerated the Jan 6th mostly peaceful protests:
1) To discredit Trump and his supporters as traitors​
2) To persecute Trump at a staged a Soviet show trial, once more​
3) To advance the anti-white nationalist domestic enemy narrative​
4) To criminalize the election was stolen accusation.​
What has been completely omitted and left out of most news stories. ANTIFA was bussed in with police escort and they had online communication directing members to wear Trump garb. The violence outside the Capital Building looked staged. Police escorting protesters through the Capitol.
Police issued PR 24 batons being used by Antifa to break windows to enter the Capital building. It's undeniable that it was a false flag operation.
The real crime of Jan 6th is 400 people held in solitary confinement in DC jails without bail. They are being tortured to force them to say Trump made them do it to get released.
Free the Jan 6th 400!

You don’t need to believe anybody… you can’t quite literally just watch what happened on video. An embarrassment and disgrace to our nation
Nobody made fun of Benghazi.. You're one sick dude.

Literally, some random guy in his basement, doing nothing other than reviewing videos pouring out from 1/6, decides on his own that he can identify members of Antifa; so he makes a video of his own to point them out -- and now it's gospel to the moronic right.

That's all it took.


Never mind the FBI who investigated that determined Antifa was not involved.

Never mind the Oath Keepers were there, hoping and expecting, to fight with Antifa but left when they found none.

Never mind of the roughly 700 people arrested in connection with 1/6, exactly zero are members of Antifa.

Some guy just said there was and that's all rightards need.

The only thing that matters to the rube cult is tribalism and fealty to their Orange God!
So which part did you find they were making fun of Benghazi in that video? Was it when Elijah Cummings said, "Benghazi was a very serious situation. And keep in mind that we lost 4 very brave and strong Americans."
Hmm, I thought this was about January 6 and people in solitary confinement for being conservative. Pelosi won't allow strong Republicans into the Jan 6 committee she has made certain the truth against her involvement will not be made available to the American people.

Since the right ,by a majority, support Trump and Jan 6 and the acts of treason, sedition and subversive activity . We have traitors being the majority of the republican party. All three being supported by anyone is in itself guilty of the same treasonous act by law. Every evangelical minister and catholic priest who supports this are also as guilty and that include many. You can't make a complete lie the excuse for any attack on our government. Which is the best they can do.
This was done In Nazi Germany as they did now making some of the ugliest picture in human history.


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