Still no response from the coward playtime. Just funny faces and retreat. No surprise.

roe v wade was settled 50 years ago & then the corrupt liars on the SC reverted back to the states & some of those states have already banned abortion & more.

No it hasn't. Women cannot and will not allow these laws to stand. The life of every woman of childbearing age is at risk, in states where these laws have been passed.

how many females have never known to NOT have a right over their own bodies... until now.

damn right it isn't going to stand.

What kind of a nation does this to their women????

hard core fundie religious ones.

& it's on the horizon if patriots don't stand up & fight it.
roe v wade was settled 50 years ago & then the corrupt liars on the SC reverted back to the states & some of those states have already banned abortion & more.

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LIE. There have been no abortion bans. Even your saint RBG said Roe vs Wade was an incorrect ruling. Oops. Poor crybaby, the states now decide their laws, as was intended. That idiotic meme itself shows we can flush anything you say as crap.
I understand you defend men competing against and beating women. It’s okay. You’re just not that talented so you have to beat women to try to feel important. Why do you hate women?

Trans women aren't beating biological women at sports. And there's very few who are even trying.

Why do you pretend to care about women? No woman is complaining about trans athletes in women's sports. They're complaining about being paid less, and having access to fewer facilities and programs than the men. They complaining about abortion laws, gun laws, book bans, and mass shootings, all of which are far more important than your raging fear and paranoia about trans people.
Trans women aren't beating biological women at sports. And there's very few who are even trying.

Why do you pretend to care about women? No woman is complaining about trans athletes in women's sports. They're complaining about being paid less, and having access to fewer facilities and programs than the men. They complaining about abortion laws, gun laws, book bans, and mass shootings, all of which are far more important than your raging fear and paranoia about trans people.
You should just keep you mouth shut. Riley Gaines. Checkmate.
No it hasn't. Women cannot and will not allow these laws to stand. The life of every woman of childbearing age is at risk, in states where these laws have been passed.

Even the most devout pro-life women are suing Texas and Florida because they were refused care, even in cases of ectopic pregnancy, which will never result in a live birth. Nearly 1 million American women will miscarriage in any year. Of these 1 million miscarriages, half will be "incomplete miscarriages" requiring care. That care is now illegal in states with abortion is illegal.

20,000 more women will have a "stillbirth" - pregnancy complications where the fetus dies after 20 weeks gestation. Again, nearly all of the standard medical treatments for such complications are now illegal. And these stories are horrific. These babies were wanted, and named, and the families were devastated by the loss of the child. But to then be sent home to carry the fetus until the woman was literally dying before she could be treated.

What kind of a nation does this to their women????
Yes. I understand your position. I simply believe that you now lack the power to reverse things again, for some years to come.

And, of course, the counterpoint to your final question is: What kind of nation does this to their innocent unborn children?
Yes. I understand your position. I simply believe that you now lack the power to reverse things again, for some years to come.

2024 can bring in enough congress critters to legislate choice into federal law.

And, of course, the counterpoint to your final question is: What kind of nation does this to their innocent unborn children?

'children' ... nope.
isn't there a difference between 'thou shall not kill' & ' thou shall not murder' according to the good book?

why yes, yes there is.
That is why the commandment is "Thou shalt not murder." moron. Any more questions? One more time. Please read it this time



  1. The killing of another person without justification or excuse, with malice aforethought or with recklessness manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life.
You should just keep you mouth shut. Riley Gaines. Checkmate.

Sour grapes from a homophobe. The trans athlete is ranked 35 the nation. Gaines is 5th.

Lia Thomas tied Gaines in her first ever women's event after a year on testosterone blockers, but her muscle mass and times have continued to decline the longer Thomas is on testosterone blockers. Her times are now 15 seconds slower than they were before she started hormone therapy.

Thomas is barely ranked higher in the NCAA as a female swimmer, than when he was ranked 65th. There are more than twice as many male swimmers than female, so he's doing worse as a female swimmer.
That is why the commandment is "Thou shalt not murder." moron. Any more questions? One more time. Please read it this time



  1. The killing of another person without justification or excuse, with malice aforethought or with recklessness manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life.

A person (pl: people) is a being that has certain capacities or attributes such as reason, morality, consciousness or self-consciousness, and
being a part of a culturally established form of social relations such as kinship, ownership of property, or legal responsibility.[1][2][3][4] The defining features of personhood and, consequently, what makes a person count as a person, differ widely among cultures and contexts.[5][6]
'children' ... nope.
Hey Suzy, what would happen to the child if they didn't remove it from the womb with a vacuum cleaner? That's right, its development would continue hopefully to a ripe old age unless disease or a murderer cut its life short. Ironic how you whine and cry for the children who are victims of a violent death (as you should) but you turn a deaf ear to the voiceless.
Hey Suzy, what would happen to the child if they didn't remove it from the womb with a vacuum cleaner? That's right, its development would continue hopefully to a ripe old age unless disease or a murderer cut its life short.

or become another hitler.

Ironic how you whine and cry for the children who are victims of a violent death (as you should) but you turn a deaf ear to the voiceless.

the voiceless aren't more important than the voice of the incubators.
reason, morality, consciousness or self-consciousness, and being a part of a culturally established form of social relations such as kinship, ownership of property, or legal responsibility.
So by your definition, an infant is not a person because they have no concept of reason or morality You lack the morality aspect, so you're not a person either and as such cannot be murdered. Being part of a culturally established form of social relations such as kinship. I challenge you to find an expectant mother, not a Suzy Rottencrotch sperm receptacle, that does not have kinship to their unborn child. Legal responsibility? People under the age of majority have no legal responsibility, so I guess that makes murder legal under the age of 18, eh? You're a moron and you prove it more with each successive post. You failed to address this little piece of the definition.
manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life.
Yes. I understand your position. I simply believe that you now lack the power to reverse things again, for some years to come.

And, of course, the counterpoint to your final question is: What kind of nation does this to their innocent unborn children?

There will be no "innocent unborn children" if women can't get proper prenatal care. You already have the highest rate of maternal mortality in the first world by far. Double that of Canada - and we have vast swaths of the country where hospitals are hours away. The US death rate in childbirth is 4 times that of Norway. Women are already dying to have babies in the USA.

If half the women who miscarry can't get proper care, they may be left sterile if they develop sepsis in the tissue that failed to discharge. If the zygote in an ectopic pregnancy isn't aborted before the fallopian tube bursts, both the tube and the ovary will be destroyed when it does. There is no possible way for an ectopic pregnancy to result in a live birth. Texas law won't allow the woman to receive care until the tube bursts and the fetal heart stops beating.
Younger voters, men and women, who are just starting their adult lives are lining up to be sterilized.

There are 8 million more women voters than men in the USA. 1/4 women have had an abortion or a partial miscarriage by age 40. Everywhere abortion is on the ballot, even in Kansas, women vote for reproductive rights.

This is a losing issue for Republicans. Even prolife women want women to control their care. They want their daughters to have care.

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