The Walking Dead Season 5

Why wouldn't they stay in that town? Just kill all the zombies and fix any breeches in the walls. Have people take turn watching.

Also, why wouldn't they have stayed at the hospital?

Well I guess after Beth died there it was too morbid to stay, as far that town I would have looked into making it work as long as they could fix the walls.

Yeah, well, you do what you have to do. It was a safe place to stay. They have everything there they need.

True, but Rick did kill one of their cops and took 2 hostage, they didn't start out on the right foot at all, I don't know if that living situation would have worked now that I think about it.

True. Still though, they were invited to stay and Rick said no. Now look, poor Tyrese is dead now. :( That was sad. I liked Tyrese. He was like a gentle giant for the most part (unless he was REALLY angry, then he was kind of scary - lol).

I lost all respect for Tyreese when he didn't kill that Terminus guy who was in the cabin with Judith, that guy was an animal and deserved to die.

Well, Tyrese is merciful.
Am I the only one who likes Noahs character lol

Meh, I don't really know enough about his character yet to like him, and I didn't like how he was behaving when he ran away from Tyrese. That was just dumb as hell considering the situation. If it weren't for him, Tyrese would not have been bitten.

Well Noah is only like 17 I think in the show, teenagers do dumb ass shit. Lord knows Carl has done his share lol
Am I the only one who likes Noahs character lol

I thought he was OK until he got Tyreese killed!

To be fair why was Tyreese glued to those pictures in Noahs house? if he was more alert like Daryl and Michonne he'd still be alive.

I agree. I was wondering if he knew those kids in the pictures or something. Apparently not though.

Those were Noahs little twin brothers I think he was just getting worked up over them being dead.
Well I guess after Beth died there it was too morbid to stay, as far that town I would have looked into making it work as long as they could fix the walls.

Yeah, well, you do what you have to do. It was a safe place to stay. They have everything there they need.

True, but Rick did kill one of their cops and took 2 hostage, they didn't start out on the right foot at all, I don't know if that living situation would have worked now that I think about it.

True. Still though, they were invited to stay and Rick said no. Now look, poor Tyrese is dead now. :( That was sad. I liked Tyrese. He was like a gentle giant for the most part (unless he was REALLY angry, then he was kind of scary - lol).

I lost all respect for Tyreese when he didn't kill that Terminus guy who was in the cabin with Judith, that guy was an animal and deserved to die.

Well, Tyrese is merciful.

I was hoping Tyreese could hang on for another season.
Love Connection Predictions:
Rick and Maggie (After Glenn gets iced this season; Rick will be like best to make the most of it and grab the hottie)
Morgan and Michonne (He's crazy; she's crazy, perfect match)
Rosita and Eugene (I think she spurs Angry Abe for the Eugene. While Eugene isn't a warrior, he is resourceful. Remember the scene Rosita told Glenn and Maggie that Eugene taught her how to purify dirty water. He is useless in a fight, but he will be invaluable when they settle somewhere)
Daryl and Sasha (Why not finally let Daryl get the girl)
Noah and Carl (they are both gay - as in lame-, why not make them gay in TV reality)
Love Connection Predictions:
Rick and Maggie (After Glenn gets iced this season; Rick will be like best to make the most of it and grab the hottie)
Morgan and Michonne (He's crazy; she's crazy, perfect match)
Rosita and Eugene (I think she spurs Angry Abe for the Eugene. While Eugene isn't a warrior, he is resourceful. Remember the scene Rosita told Glenn and Maggie that Eugene taught her how to purify dirty water. He is useless in a fight, but he will be invaluable when they settle somewhere)
Daryl and Sasha (Why not finally let Daryl get the girl)
Noah and Carl (they are both gay - as in lame-, why not make them gay in TV reality)

LOL! They are going to introduce a gay character btw, I think his name is Jesus. I think Noah should try and tap Tara's fine ass.
What the hell was all that shit about on the radio about villagers getting massacred with machete's? Was Tyrese originally from Uganda or something?
What the hell was all that shit about on the radio about villagers getting massacred with machete's? Was Tyrese originally from Uganda or something?

LOL No. I think he was halluncinating, in the beginning of the episode he said his dad made him listen to the news and pay attention to current events, he was probably flashing back to old broadcasts he heard from Rwanda.
I didn't connect the two, so yeah. You are prolly right.
Meanwhile, how you been, darlin'? We don't see you NEARLY enough around here any more. :(
Damn. I was hoping Tyrese would stick around.

Guess they figured the show had exceeded its "one black guy" quota when Noah came aboard. LOL
Noah, Morgan and the Priest (his name escapes me at the moment) are more than one black guy. Not to mention they still have Michonne and Sasha as two more black characters.

They also had Bob and Tyreese for a while!

The one black character joke is arrogant. I know lightened up Francis!

Ugh. Yea. I forgot about that "wet blanket" priest.

Why the He'll couldn't they have killed him off instead? Lol
What the hell was all that shit about on the radio about villagers getting massacred with machete's? Was Tyrese originally from Uganda or something?

I was wondering the same. They never explained it.

Rwandan Genocide, maybe?
In another thread I was saying I do NOT come out of anesthesia very nicely. I warned 'em but they didn't believe me. Anywho...I just had my mastectomy and I woke myself up by screaming "WHO CUT OFF MY BOOB? WHERE IS THE FUCKER? USE A MACHETE ON ME? AM I IN RWANDA? GIMME BE BACK MY BOOB YOU FUCKER!" and the nurse was furiously trying to find the right pain killers to knock my ass back out and another nurse said my boob was just fine and I can have it back tomorrow or some such. I was to busy yelling and cussing and fighting the sheets and tubes running all over me to get outta the bed and KILL someone.
Couple of hours later, docs and nurses would check in on me from the front door of my room asking if I found any machetes cuz they didn't wanna get whacked. :lol:
In another thread I was saying I do NOT come out of anesthesia very nicely. I warned 'em but they didn't believe me. Anywho...I just had my mastectomy and I woke myself up by screaming "WHO CUT OFF MY BOOB? WHERE IS THE FUCKER? USE A MACHETE ON ME? AM I IN RWANDA? GIMME BE BACK MY BOOB YOU FUCKER!" and the nurse was furiously trying to find the right pain killers to knock my ass back out and another nurse said my boob was just fine and I can have it back tomorrow or some such. I was to busy yelling and cussing and fighting the sheets and tubes running all over me to get outta the bed and KILL someone.
Couple of hours later, docs and nurses would check in on me from the front door of my room asking if I found any machetes cuz they didn't wanna get whacked. :lol:

Yikes! That must have been a fun couple of days.

Lol wasn't too bad. I was so pissed off at the hospital, I left before I shoulda. I was more peeved at them than I was hurting.

I will never go back to that hospital. Fact.

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