The Vulgar and crazy attacks against a great President.


Gold Member
May 24, 2016
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left
Linda Sarsour calling for Jihad against the President is an open threat. She should be jailed and deported immediately!
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

Could you have found a less credible source? I don't think so.
Wow the snowflakes are whining about how deranged Trump is being treated? Go to youtube and type in Obama disrespected or something similar. Then start sifting through the hundreds of videos of the most vile crap from bugwit conservatives that have the education of a towel.

Honestly you people have to grow up at some point and figure out you don't scream at your neighbor without the neighbor giving that shit back to you in spades.
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left
You're a little confused. We have a vulgar and bat shit crazy president. Want about 100 examples?
And then fuctard Sundance uses an extremist right source to push his bullshit, the American NON Thinker.
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trumpt

Wait- I thought you were going to be talking about the vulgar and crazy attacks against President Obama

The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

Could you have found a less credible source? I don't think so.

hehheh 'When the message is painful attack the messenger'......I got run along....if you hurry you can catch cnn with anderson cooper. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I've been on this earth and in the so called great use 81 years....I have seen zero trace of even a decent president. You are flat out wrong....we sift from the BOTTOM of the barrel here....the worst of the worst.
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

Could you have found a less credible source? I don't think so.

hehheh 'When the message is painful attack the messenger'......I got run along....if you hurry you can catch cnn with anderson cooper. bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

American Thinker (affectionately nicknamed "American Stinker" by its fans) is an online wingnut publication that's more or less the poor man's WNDor Newsmax. They've published articles by such conservative luminaries as Noel Sheppard (NewsBusters) and Pamela Geller and such climate "experts" as S. Fred Singer and Christopher Monckton, as well as an interview with (and hagiography of) white nationalist Jared Taylor.[2]

The magazine, of course, is chock-full of right-wing conspiracy theories, woo, and pseudoscience. On the conspiracy side, they promote birtherism, "creeping sharia," red-baiting, and still occasionally prattle on about Vince Foster. On the science side, they concentrate on creationism and global warming denialism.

American Thinker - RationalWiki
Wow the snowflakes are whining about how deranged Trump is being treated? Go to youtube and type in Obama disrespected or something similar. Then start sifting through the hundreds of videos of the most vile crap from bugwit conservatives that have the education of a towel.

Honestly you people have to grow up at some point and figure out you don't scream at your neighbor without the neighbor giving that shit back to you in spades.

Getting tolerance lectures from the likes of you is really funny. And if you left wingers ever start practicing what you preach you might be taken more seriously.
Wow the snowflakes are whining about how deranged Trump is being treated? Go to youtube and type in Obama disrespected or something similar. Then start sifting through the hundreds of videos of the most vile crap from bugwit conservatives that have the education of a towel.

Honestly you people have to grow up at some point and figure out you don't scream at your neighbor without the neighbor giving that shit back to you in spades.

Getting tolerance lectures from the likes of you is really funny. And if you left wingers ever start practicing what you preach you might be taken more seriously.

I'll keep that in mind as I look at this map of Walmart tunnels connecting all these FEMA prisons.
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

What goes around comes around, remember obama days?
The vulgar and crazy attacks against Trump and the GOP aren’t only from the liberal media. Many Democratic politicians have not only remained silent—and thus given tacit support to their cohorts in the media -- but they’ve joined in the abhorrent attacks against Republicans of every stripe. Whether publicly dropping “f-bombs” -- as did two Democratic senators (so much for the “dignity” of “the world’s greatest deliberative body”) recently in attacking the GOP and President Trump -- or comparing the Trump camp to Nazis, Democrats across the U.S. are unhinged in their rhetoric.

Articles: The Vile, Crazy Left

What goes around comes around, remember obama days?

Sure and its not as bad as what has been thrown at Trump.

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