The Villians of this Civil Unrest


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2014
This civil unrest has shown us the villains in our society


Having a lynching mentality
Stealing, destructing and looting
Allowing themselves to be the Useful Idiots to the extreme Far Left


Joining in on the filthy lynching mentality
Being weak by allowing the rioting and looting
Not taking responsibility for being in charge of the big city shitholes
Lying to the American people

Stupid Confused Moon Bat White Kids

Joining the Blacks to be the Useful Idiots of the for the extreme Far Left


Domestic terrorists


Domestic terrorists


Lying to the American people with their fake news

George Floyd

For starting all this shit by committing a crime.

George Floyd's family

Blacks deserve to be murdered in cold blood? ... whites are next, so watch your ass ...

Blacks are murdered in cold blood everyday. Usually by other Blacks in the Democrat controlled big cities. Nobody seems to be concerned about that.
But for the longest time, the Progs blamed people who did nothing to African Americans. And still do.
Blacks deserve to be murdered in cold blood? ... whites are next, so watch your ass ...
Please do. It will either wake them up or they will be exterminated. Either way you are disappointing. You show everyone what you got and it is always the same. Up your game. I am sorry. But you get a C plus for this round of bi yearly riots. And you were marked on the curve. You can do better then that. And forget the gold star, mister.
The "reasons" for the violence are convenient but not THE reason.

THE reason is the unconstitutional house arrest of millions of freedom loving Americans.

What is surprising is that all of a sudden "freedom loving" has become sufficiently important to traditional Democrat groups that they are off their asses and acting out.

Until the lockdows are going the violence will spread and as it spreads will escalate. This could be the start of the civil war America sore needs.

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