The vaccine murderers thus disguise their "murder by injection" of previously healthy people as "corona death"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
The only real danger with Covid is the Covid vaccine

If one considers,

- that in all countries now basically almost every deceased person, including all those who usually die of old age normally and as expected, is counted among the "corona dead",
-that every healthy person, who was vaccinated with the deadly Corona poison cocktail and died a few hours or days after the vaccination, is not associated with the vaccination, but - how brazen and criminal ! - also enters the statistics as a "Corona dead person
- and in many cases an autopsy is refused and immediately after his passing away he is cremated.

then it should become clear even to the dumbest that something evil is going on - something so evil that its extent is still not believed by normal people and is dismissed as a "conspiracy theory" according to the default of the mass media involved in this crime. In any case, the world has never seen something so evil before - at least not the world that we have considered civilized until now.
The Il sec of health said in public that they could be 100% certain the person died from something else, but if they test positive, its a corona death.
So, yes, I have to assume the numbers are wayyyyy off.
The first question we should ask is "Who gains the most?" ...

If we're setting aside any conspiracy ... no way millions of health care professions met and agreed to murder millions more ... whatever gain is to be had will need to be a gain in the normal progress of business ...

We can scratch hospitals off our list ... typically, it's the survivors who pay for the funeral expense, in this scenario we have the hospitals paying for this to insure the bodies are cremated ... this added expense is going to cut profits, yet we see dividend payments still robust ... the math doesn't add up ... not to mention all the lawsuits filed by the families when the hospital won't deliver up the body ...

The institutions of government are another poor choice ... not the politicians we elect, but the actual office that exists ... killing off tax-payers reduces government revenue ... again, though normal operations we have a loss ... and if it is the politicians doing this, why do you keep voting for them? ...

Secret societies, rogue paramilitaries ... very unlikely to have the capital to pull this off ...

Who gains by this?
Ahh... three more disinformation threads by Baron (Chinese hacker).

Fuck off and die! Thanks.

Interesting, why Jews like you so supportive for Covid-1984 fairy tale?

Ahh... so you're an anti-semitic Chinese hacker. It guess it takes all stripes.

Can you say probably, why Jews were kicked out from any country through the human history?
An additional question: Which nation loved ( or loves ) Jews?
And the third question: what did Jews good for humanity?
Any example?

In Russia for example your tribe brutally murdered more as 66 m Russians, where is your excuse?

The first question we should ask is "Who gains the most?" ...

If we're setting aside any conspiracy ... no way millions of health care professions met and agreed to murder millions more ... whatever gain is to be had will need to be a gain in the normal progress of business ...

We can scratch hospitals off our list ... typically, it's the survivors who pay for the funeral expense, in this scenario we have the hospitals paying for this to insure the bodies are cremated ... this added expense is going to cut profits, yet we see dividend payments still robust ... the math doesn't add up ... not to mention all the lawsuits filed by the families when the hospital won't deliver up the body ...

The institutions of government are another poor choice ... not the politicians we elect, but the actual office that exists ... killing off tax-payers reduces government revenue ... again, though normal operations we have a loss ... and if it is the politicians doing this, why do you keep voting for them? ...

Secret societies, rogue paramilitaries ... very unlikely to have the capital to pull this off ...

Who gains by this?

The entirely world power is in the hand of satanists like Biden,Putin, Xi Jinping, Merkel, Macron & Co, they want now simple kill us by the deadly 'vaccine', read firstly about the 'believe' of satanists. They goal is fulfilled only after the last human ( except them of course ) disappears from the Earth.
Have any actual PROOF of that claim? (Of course not.)

Nope. China has hired thousands of these online operatives to post this shit an attempt to keep the US mired in the pandemic for as long as possible.
It appears several of the vaccines kill only liberals whose faith in party doctrine is strong.

Therefore you can only save yourselves by leaving the vaccine for normal people.

But you can compensate in the interest of immunity by quadruple-masking. You'll know when you have the mask combination exactly right when you fall over dead from oxygen privation. But, b'God, you won't get sick with The Xiden virus!
The entirely world power is in the hand of satanists like Biden,Putin, Xi Jinping, Merkel, Macron & Co, they want now simple kill us by the deadly 'vaccine', read firstly about the 'believe' of satanists. They goal is fulfilled only after the last human ( except them of course ) disappears from the Earth.

Stupid ...

Malaria and cholera kill more and by a long ways ... with nation-state resources available, an outbreak of hemorrhagic fever would be quicker and cheaper ...

I know ... you're an anti-vax nutcase ... good thing the rest of us are getting our shots so you don't have to ...
The fewer liberals who take the free vaccine the better off the world will be in a year or two.
Either because the Xiden/Wuhan Flu will be gone or, if they're right about the vaccine's side effect, because they'll be gone.
I don't know why people are screaming to be the first get get an experimental vaccine?
Seems the smart thing to do is wait and see how things pan out first. I mean I love the new mid engine Corvette but I will wait a year or two till they get all the bugs out of it before I buy mine

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