The USA is becoming a police state!

I don't care if you are 150... if you refuse to obey the orders of a police officer, you get tased. That's what happens. What part of "authority" do you idiots not understand?

BYW, I thought it was all racism, and white privildge cops shooting black criminals, not a black cop shooting a 60 year old white lady.

Refuse to obey the orders????????
are you mad???! Then tasering is okay??? well then why not chop their heads off that will learn them!!! you idiot!

why are you so obedient to 'authorities"???

If the law stated that you will have to give over your children, will you do that?????
and yes, such a law is coming!


I don't care if you are 150... if you refuse to obey the orders of a police officer, you get tased. That's what happens. What part of "authority" do you idiots not understand?

BYW, I thought it was all racism, and white privildge cops shooting black criminals, not a black cop shooting a 60 year old white lady.

Refuse to obey the orders????????
are you mad???! Then tasering is okay??? well then why not chop their heads off that will learn them!!! you idiot!

why are you so obedient to 'authorities"???

If the law stated that you will have to give over your children, will you do that?????
and yes, such a law is coming!


Yeah stupid... if an officer orders me to shut up, and put my hands behind my back, and I refuse.... yeah, I expect to get tazered. And last I checked, in the land of "equality", having breasts, or being old, didn't give me a universal pass on obeying the law.

I don't care if you are 150... if you refuse to obey the orders of a police officer, you get tased. That's what happens. What part of "authority" do you idiots not understand?

BYW, I thought it was all racism, and white privildge cops shooting black criminals, not a black cop shooting a 60 year old white lady.

Refuse to obey the orders????????
are you mad???! Then tasering is okay??? well then why not chop their heads off that will learn them!!! you idiot!

why are you so obedient to 'authorities"???

If the law stated that you will have to give over your children, will you do that?????
and yes, such a law is coming!


What? When the law is saying something obviously wrong, I will simply leave the country. Even so.... the officer is simply the enforce of the law, that others made. I would be as kind and decent to the officer as humanly possible. He didn't write the law. Why would I attack him, for the laws YOU made?

YOU PEOPLE are the ones electing the officials who write these dumb laws. Not us. The person you should be mad at, is in your mirror.

I don't care if you are 150... if you refuse to obey the orders of a police officer, you get tased. That's what happens. What part of "authority" do you idiots not understand?

BYW, I thought it was all racism, and white privildge cops shooting black criminals, not a black cop shooting a 60 year old white lady.

Refuse to obey the orders????????
are you mad???! Then tasering is okay??? well then why not chop their heads off that will learn them!!! you idiot!

why are you so obedient to 'authorities"???

If the law stated that you will have to give over your children, will you do that?????
and yes, such a law is coming!


What? When the law is saying something obviously wrong, I will simply leave the country. Even so.... the officer is simply the enforce of the law, that others made. I would be as kind and decent to the officer as humanly possible. He didn't write the law. Why would I attack him, for the laws YOU made?

YOU PEOPLE are the ones electing the officials who write these dumb laws. Not us. The person you should be mad at, is in your mirror.

Exactly as expected!

There is NO ONE elected mate, it is all a farce!

And , watch for it, ILLUSION!!!

Do some research. pllleeaaassee

You obviously have no clue what you are talking about.

and you being polite doens't do a thing, they will find any excuse to beat you up!

That is the purpose mate!!

My o my

I don't care if you are 150... if you refuse to obey the orders of a police officer, you get tased. That's what happens. What part of "authority" do you idiots not understand?

BYW, I thought it was all racism, and white privildge cops shooting black criminals, not a black cop shooting a 60 year old white lady.

Refuse to obey the orders????????
are you mad???! Then tasering is okay??? well then why not chop their heads off that will learn them!!! you idiot!

why are you so obedient to 'authorities"???

If the law stated that you will have to give over your children, will you do that?????
and yes, such a law is coming!


Yeah stupid... if an officer orders me to shut up, and put my hands behind my back, and I refuse.... yeah, I expect to get tazered. And last I checked, in the land of "equality", having breasts, or being old, didn't give me a universal pass on obeying the law.

yawnnnnnnn, please do some research next,

I don't care if you are 150... if you refuse to obey the orders of a police officer, you get tased. That's what happens. What part of "authority" do you idiots not understand?

BYW, I thought it was all racism, and white privildge cops shooting black criminals, not a black cop shooting a 60 year old white lady.

Refuse to obey the orders????????
are you mad???! Then tasering is okay??? well then why not chop their heads off that will learn them!!! you idiot!

why are you so obedient to 'authorities"???

If the law stated that you will have to give over your children, will you do that?????
and yes, such a law is coming!


Yeah stupid... if an officer orders me to shut up, and put my hands behind my back, and I refuse.... yeah, I expect to get tazered. And last I checked, in the land of "equality", having breasts, or being old, didn't give me a universal pass on obeying the law.

yawnnnnnnn, please do some research next,

You know, the only reason idiots here can whine about having to obey a police officer, is because none of you have ever lived in a place where there was no enforcement of the law. Just had a friend come back from Columbia, where he had to dye his hair black, and dress in ragged local clothes, because his family which lives there, told him if any suspected he had money (couldn't show a Ipod, Iphone, laptop or anything of value), he would be kidnapped, and since they didn't have money they'd be killed.

The people there are BEGGING for someone to enforce the law. But here... in spoiled brat America... you can't stand it when police enforce the law. Just wait until the police quit, and the anarchy follows, and the Feds have to call in the military.

Then you'll be begging for law enforcement like the Columbians.
oh wow

a law abiding convenient.....for the fucking governemt!

You probably don't even understand that the police, or the governement has no say over you whatsoever?

But I bet nobody told you! waaaay too inconvenient for the government eh?

Tip to the scum: If you 'hate' the cops learn to behave yourself. All of a sudden you'll rarely even see a cop.
Tip to the good cops: Stop defending those cops who are in the job for the purpose of inflicting pain and humiliation, one way or another. Use force only when necessary -- not when it's fun.

Tip to the scum: If you 'hate' the cops learn to behave yourself. All of a sudden you'll rarely even see a cop.
Tip to the good cops: Stop defending those cops who are in the job for the purpose of inflicting pain and humiliation, one way or another. Use force only when necessary -- not when it's fun.
When they do it just makes the whole corrupt. Doctors, lawyers and judges or whatever specialist group it may be that assist in cover-ups create an unethical, not trust worthy and unhealthy working enviroment for all of us.
You are seriously a fucking idiot.
Not that you are capable of comprehending this but:
I was professionally involved with LE for decades.
Why do I bother attempting to reason with the likes of you?
Please try to really honestly THINK!
99.9% of LEO's are straight decent plain ordinary men and women trying to do an extremely dangerous job. They literally put their lives on the line every day. Sometimes to save the fucking lowest scum on earth. Rapists, murderers, child molesters.
Not ONE of these LEO's would EVER cover for a 'bad cop'. They would never jeopardise their career and the respect of their families to cover for someone who would drag their good name down
When a department becomes aware they have a 'bad cop' any they do VERY quickly from the information provided by the straight cops the department gets rid of the bad cops ASAP. The department KNOWS it's only a matter of time before the bad cop fucks up and the department is sued.
You 'cop haters' have fucked up with the law. Some cop has been "mean" to you because you were acting like an asshole. Man up. Take your fucking lumps!
Something tells me had you been the cop YOU would have been "mean" to the other person.

You do a great job of representing lol.

LEO engage in a bully culture where it is the norm to answer only to each other...they are scofflaws and liars, and we stupidly have trained generations of Americans to accept anything they say as *law* and to comply with any dumbass command they give us. They are no longer about serving and protecting, but about harassing and collecting.

Tip to the scum: If you 'hate' the cops learn to behave yourself. All of a sudden you'll rarely even see a cop.
Tip to the good cops: Stop defending those cops who are in the job for the purpose of inflicting pain and humiliation, one way or another. Use force only when necessary -- not when it's fun.

Tip to the scum: If you 'hate' the cops learn to behave yourself. All of a sudden you'll rarely even see a cop.
Tip to the good cops: Stop defending those cops who are in the job for the purpose of inflicting pain and humiliation, one way or another. Use force only when necessary -- not when it's fun.
When they do it just makes the whole corrupt. Doctors, lawyers and judges or whatever specialist group it may be that assist in cover-ups create an unethical, not trust worthy and unhealthy working enviroment for all of us.
You are seriously a fucking idiot.
Not that you are capable of comprehending this but:
I was professionally involved with LE for decades.
Why do I bother attempting to reason with the likes of you?
Please try to really honestly THINK!
99.9% of LEO's are straight decent plain ordinary men and women trying to do an extremely dangerous job. They literally put their lives on the line every day. Sometimes to save the fucking lowest scum on earth. Rapists, murderers, child molesters.
Not ONE of these LEO's would EVER cover for a 'bad cop'. They would never jeopardise their career and the respect of their families to cover for someone who would drag their good name down
When a department becomes aware they have a 'bad cop' any they do VERY quickly from the information provided by the straight cops the department gets rid of the bad cops ASAP. The department KNOWS it's only a matter of time before the bad cop fucks up and the department is sued.
You 'cop haters' have fucked up with the law. Some cop has been "mean" to you because you were acting like an asshole. Man up. Take your fucking lumps!
Something tells me had you been the cop YOU would have been "mean" to the other person.

You do a great job of representing lol.

LEO engage in a bully culture where it is the norm to answer only to each other...they are scofflaws and liars, and we stupidly have trained generations of Americans to accept anything they say as *law* and to comply with any dumbass command they give us. They are no longer about serving and protecting, but about harassing and collecting.

What most people don't realise is that the power behind this police state is the same power behind, aspartame, fluoride,
education', the global warming hoax and on and on it goes.

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