The US Senator that is called a ventriloquist's dummy!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
A ventriloquist can always find a good dummy,” Barber said (North Carolina NAACP President), as reported by South Carolina’s The State.

“[T]he extreme right wing down here [in South Carolina] finds a black guy to be senator and claims he’s the first black senator since Reconstruction and then he goes to Washington, D.C., and articulates the agenda of the tea party.”
Liberals call conservative Senator Tim Scott an Uncle Tom, he responds with pure class | Young Conservatives

Now this is the Senator is also considered by:
The undercover senator: Tim Scott goes anecdote-shopping in South Carolina

GREENVILLE, S.C. — There’s a new volunteer at the Goodwill clearance center, and there’s a lot to learn.

He’s told to toss anything that requires an outlet, to put purses in their own box, and to never throw away a Bible. His guide for the morning, James Copeland, has been working at this warehouse for the past five years. Copeland, who’s missing a finger, came here straight from prison.
“If you want to build a relationship and build a rapport, then you don’t talk about specific issues first,” Scott says to me when no one else is listening. “This is about becoming credible. It’s hard to have a conversation with someone who lacks credibility.”

“If you call progress electing a person with the pigmentation that he has, who votes against the interest and aspirations of 95 percent of the black people in South Carolina, then I guess that’s progress,” says Rep. James E. Clyburn, a black congressman who serves in the state’s Democratic leadership.

Scott got an F on the NAACP annual scorecard. He voted to repeal the Affordable Care Act, he voted to hold Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. in contempt of Congress, opposed the Congressional Black Caucus’s budget proposal and voted to delay funding a settlement between the United States and black farmers who alleged that the federal government refused them loans because of their race.

The undercover senator: Tim Scott goes anecdote shopping in South Carolina - The Washington Post

Oh and in words by the famous person who for the first time injected fears into his campaign rhetoric...
I]"They’re going to try to make you afraid. They’re going to try to make you afraid of me.
He’s young and inexperienced and he’s got a funny name.
And did I mention he’s black?"[/I]
Obama at Florida fund-raiser says GOP will go after him because he is black. Pool report. - Lynn Sweet
Liberal/Democratic African Americans are nothing but back-stabbing, traitorous quislings for the way they treat and talk about conservative/Republican African Americans.
If the conservative social agenda was not based entirely on racism and fear of people of color then maybe a black person being a conservative republican would not seem so puzzling. Even you must wonder why any black person would want to collaborate with the enemy.
If he's black and Republican or conservative the black and other dimocrat attack dogs show up in force.

It's all right there in their playbook, Chapter 3...Uncle Toms, House Niggas, and Oreo Cookies.
Liberal/Democratic African Americans are nothing but back-stabbing, traitorous quislings for the way they treat and talk about conservative/Republican African Americans.
If the conservative social agenda was not based entirely on racism and fear of people of color then maybe a black person being a conservative republican would not seem so puzzling. Even you must wonder why any black person would want to collaborate with the enemy.

OK, then - not to change the subject - let me slightly rephrase my previous post:

Liberal/Democratic women are nothing but back-stabbing, traitorous quislings for the way they treat and talk about conservative/Republican women.

I suppose now you will claim that the social conservative agenda is based entirely on misogyny and the fear of men.
Liberal/Democratic African Americans are nothing but back-stabbing, traitorous quislings for the way they treat and talk about conservative/Republican African Americans.
If the conservative social agenda was not based entirely on racism and fear of people of color then maybe a black person being a conservative republican would not seem so puzzling. Even you must wonder why any black person would want to collaborate with the enemy.

OK, then - not to change the subject - let me slightly rephrase my previous post:

Liberal/Democratic women are nothing but back-stabbing, traitorous quislings for the way they treat and talk about conservative/Republican women.

I suppose now you will claim that the social conservative agenda is based entirely on misogyny and the fear of men.

No, that part is mainly taken up by 5000 year-old ideas of how women living in nomadic desert communities should live to avoid being stoned to death by the patriarchy and the Christian opinion that the state should have full control over what happens in a woman's uterus.
Liberal/Democratic African Americans are nothing but back-stabbing, traitorous quislings for the way they treat and talk about conservative/Republican African Americans.

perhaps self interested white males shouldn't decide what black people should and shouldn't believe.

just like men shouldn't tell women what they should find offensive.
Tim Scott DOES seem to have a level of class that the NAACP might try to emulate some day:

[ame=]Sen. Tim Scott 'Brushes Off' NAACP 'Ventriloquist's Dummy' Charge - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Star Parker and Allen West respond to NAACP's attack on Tim Scott - YouTube[/ame]
Liberal/Democratic African Americans are nothing but back-stabbing, traitorous quislings for the way they treat and talk about conservative/Republican African Americans.
If the conservative social agenda was not based entirely on racism and fear of people of color then maybe a black person being a conservative republican would not seem so puzzling. Even you must wonder why any black person would want to collaborate with the enemy.

Dems are the KKK Party

Dems are the "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" Party
Liberal/Democratic African Americans are nothing but back-stabbing, traitorous quislings for the way they treat and talk about conservative/Republican African Americans.

perhaps self interested white males shouldn't decide what black people should and shouldn't believe.

just like men shouldn't tell women what they should find offensive.

So you have no problem with blacks choosing to be conservative or attempting to escape the Democrat, welfare plantation?
Liberal/Democratic African Americans are nothing but back-stabbing, traitorous quislings for the way they treat and talk about conservative/Republican African Americans.
If the conservative social agenda was not based entirely on racism and fear of people of color then maybe a black person being a conservative republican would not seem so puzzling. Even you must wonder why any black person would want to collaborate with the enemy.

Dems are the KKK Party

Dems are the "I'll have them ******* voting Democrat for the next 200 years" Party

Words uttered by the great LBJ who probably engineered the events on the grassy knoll in Dallas, whose phony Great Society was designed to do just that. Unfortunately, while the voting pattern he predicted is grotesquely successful, his insane dream of the Great Society, at the cost of roughly 30 trillion dollars is a total failure.
Liberal/Democratic African Americans are nothing but back-stabbing, traitorous quislings for the way they treat and talk about conservative/Republican African Americans.

perhaps self interested white males shouldn't decide what black people should and shouldn't believe.

just like men shouldn't tell women what they should find offensive.

Perhaps liberal/Democrat blacks and/or women should grow a spine and not get offended at the drop of a hat.
Liberal/Democratic African Americans are nothing but back-stabbing, traitorous quislings for the way they treat and talk about conservative/Republican African Americans.

perhaps self interested white males shouldn't decide what black people should and shouldn't believe.

just like men shouldn't tell women what they should find offensive.

So white males should adopt what black people believe?

$Screen Shot 2014-05-25 at 7.11.21 AM.png $Screen Shot 2014-05-25 at 7.08.21 AM.png
Liberal/Democratic African Americans are nothing but back-stabbing, traitorous quislings for the way they treat and talk about conservative/Republican African Americans.
If the conservative social agenda was not based entirely on racism and fear of people of color then maybe a black person being a conservative republican would not seem so puzzling. Even you must wonder why any black person would want to collaborate with the enemy.

It's only "puzzling" to Obama dick sucking drones like you. Some black people would rather have a job than a handout. That's what you are unable to fathom.
Liberal/Democratic African Americans are nothing but back-stabbing, traitorous quislings for the way they treat and talk about conservative/Republican African Americans.
If the conservative social agenda was not based entirely on racism and fear of people of color then maybe a black person being a conservative republican would not seem so puzzling. Even you must wonder why any black person would want to collaborate with the enemy.

Hahaha. Then here's the PERFECT thread for you. Enjoy:
If the conservative social agenda was not based entirely on racism and fear of people of color then maybe a black person being a conservative republican would not seem so puzzling. Even you must wonder why any black person would want to collaborate with the enemy.

OK, then - not to change the subject - let me slightly rephrase my previous post:

Liberal/Democratic women are nothing but back-stabbing, traitorous quislings for the way they treat and talk about conservative/Republican women.

I suppose now you will claim that the social conservative agenda is based entirely on misogyny and the fear of men.

No, that part is mainly taken up by 5000 year-old ideas of how women living in nomadic desert communities should live to avoid being stoned to death by the patriarchy and the Christian opinion that the state should have full control over what happens in a woman's uterus.

In other words, if all nomadic, light skinned conservatives, and dark skinned conservatives, and Christians were eliminated from the planet then there would be perfect harmony and Nirvana (not the band but the state of being)?
Liberal/Democratic African Americans are nothing but back-stabbing, traitorous quislings for the way they treat and talk about conservative/Republican African Americans.

perhaps self interested white males shouldn't decide what black people should and shouldn't believe.

just like men shouldn't tell women what they should find offensive.

So white males should adopt what black people believe?

View attachment 30232 View attachment 30233

1) Looks totally uncomfortable.
2) Looks sloppy.
3) Looks ridiculous.
4) Looks impractical.
5) How do they stay up without totally falling to the ankles?
perhaps self interested white males shouldn't decide what black people should and shouldn't believe.

just like men shouldn't tell women what they should find offensive.

So white males should adopt what black people believe?

View attachment 30232 View attachment 30233

1) Looks totally uncomfortable.
2) Looks sloppy.
3) Looks ridiculous.
4) Looks impractical.
5) How do they stay up without totally falling to the ankles?

Yea but remember " white skin privilege" forced these saggy pants!

I really wonder if the saggy pants wearers know the origin of saggy pants.Those who choose to wear their pants this way cite comfort as their motive and so find justification for this imitation of rap stars and felons, two groups perceived as toughly self-sufficient and therefore worthy of emulation; those who do not follow this fashion see only the crotches of jeans hanging at or above the knee, hobbling their wearers in a goofy manner. (One can walk in sagging pants. But one can't run in them.)
Read more at Sagging Pants

So based on the above Snopes true info.... it WAS WHITE SKIN PRIVILEGE that forces blacks to wear saggy pants.
YUP as the above says... YOU can't get anywhere without white skin, so the best way of showing you are "self-sufficient " worthy
of emulation is wear your pants below your crack!
Makes perfect sense for those without "white skin privilege"... after all they need some pride in something that "White skins" adopt!

See the Biebs wears them!!
$Screen Shot 2014-05-25 at 12.25.11 PM.png
Liberal/Democratic African Americans are nothing but back-stabbing, traitorous quislings for the way they treat and talk about conservative/Republican African Americans.

Maybe, he is trying to create dialogue with compromise. Just saying.

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