The US Navy Is in Trouble, But Building More Ships Won’t Save It


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
According to this article, the real problem with the navy is the ethics of its personnel. Senior officers continually being relieved of duty for a variety of reasons. A massive scandal on who provides bullets and beans to the various fleets. Poor morale and low retention rates. How much of it was from the tone set by the previous administration? Will and can it change under the present one?

But the rot at the core of the U.S. Navy is of a variety that no amount of cash can cure. Over the past two decades, the American military in general, and especially the Navy, has experienced an unprecedented number of ethical failures. Flag officers fall to corruption scandals with frightening regularity and the 7th Fleet — the single most powerful naval force on the planet — is in the middle of a scandal that is unprecedented in scope.

To fix the Navy, we don’t need more ships. We need ethical reform.

Much more of this @ The US Navy Is in Trouble, But Building More Ships Won’t Save It
New SecNAV is Inheriting a Mess


The general consensus is that the Fleet puts maintenance and training ahead of increasing the size of the Fleet as a whole. While we do need more ships and planes, we also need people who can take care of them, something which seems to have escaped the notice of previous occupants of those positions.

I guess it was more important to make sure that ships had inappropriate names than it was to make sure they were properly maintained and the crews know how to navigate and use the ships’ equipment correctly.

More @ The new Navy Secretary is inheriting a mess: Here's how the Navy wants to fix it
Grounded: Nearly two-thirds of US Navy’s strike fighters can’t fly


Washington – The US Navy’s F/A-18 Hornet and Super Hornet strike fighters are the tip of the spear, embodying most of the fierce striking power of the aircraft carrier strike group. But nearly two-thirds of the fleet’s strike fighters can’t fly – grounded because they’re either undergoing maintenance or simply waiting for parts or their turn the aviation depot backlog.

Overall, more than half the Navy’s aircraft are grounded, most because there isn’t enough money to fix them.

Original story 2/links @ Grounded: Nearly two-thirds of US Navy’s strike fighters can’t fly
It's hard to understand how the Pentagon authorizes the continuation of a gigantic surface fleet at a time when it it is obvious that there will never-ever be (Kirk Douglas In Harm's Way) another "gut busting Navy war". The USS Cole was disabled by a gang of jihadists in a speed boat. Ballistic missiles and GPS technology can take out a Carrier. Maybe the stodgy old fat assed Admirals still think that the American Fleet is a symbol of peace and security but the surface Navy is a quaint tradition but a drain on the economy. A cynic might add that the Clinton mandate that U.S. Warships be equipped for a gaggle of female Sailors and the deliberate effort of the criminal conspiracy known as the mainstream media to downplay the outrageous pregnancy statistics and soap operas that Captains were forced to deal with says a lot about the surface warfare rediness.
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Most Army Brigades, Navy Planes Aren't Combat Ready: Leaders

This is what Obozo left us. Can it be turned around? Not without Congress' help.

Only three of the Army's 58 Brigade Combat Teams are ready to fight; 53 percent of Navy aircraft can't fly; the Air Force is 723 fighter pilots short; and the Marine Corps needs 3,000 more troops.

Much more @ Most Army Brigades, Navy Planes Aren't Combat Ready: Leaders |
Most Army Brigades, Navy Planes Aren't Combat Ready: Leaders

This is what Obozo left us. Can it be turned around? Not without Congress' help.

Only three of the Army's 58 Brigade Combat Teams are ready to fight; 53 percent of Navy aircraft can't fly; the Air Force is 723 fighter pilots short; and the Marine Corps needs 3,000 more troops.

Much more @ Most Army Brigades, Navy Planes Aren't Combat Ready: Leaders |
Money, that is obviously not available. The choice is between making America great again and maintaining the inflated military apparatus. Introduce compulsory service and limit the military to what is needed for defense. If the government refuses to, a breakdown someday will.

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