The unreal organized effort to destroy Trump and the loser pawns


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
It truly is unreal what we are seeing and it is unreal how many fucking morons there are that cannot see it.

Has your hatred for left wing morons increased too?

How right have I been about them all of this time?
My detestation of that liberal, violently anti-free-speech, self-hating-American party of Islamic cocksuckers cannot be described in words; in every detailed way, shape and form liberals are the WORST living things which ever shat out of this country's collective asshole. They're the world's most self-righteously miserable people and I've noticed their "raison d'etre" is making everyone else as miserable as they are.
It truly is unreal what we are seeing and it is unreal how many fucking morons there are that cannot see it.

Has your hatred for left wing morons increased too?

How right have I been about them all of this time?

It would be super helpful of you made a point instead of alluding to points you haven't made.
Interestingly enough, most of the "Stop Trump" sentiment is coming from the right wing. Even Mitch McConnell has said that the GOP should drop Trump like a hot rock.
My detestation of that liberal, violently anti-free-speech, self-hating-American party of Islamic cocksuckers cannot be described in words; in every detailed way, shape and form liberals are the WORST living things which ever shat out of this country's collective asshole. They're the world's most self-righteously miserable people and I've noticed their "raison d'etre" is making everyone else as miserable as they are.

Ironic post is ironical.
S.J 13754363
No doubt he and his buddy George Soros are heavily involved in organizing the protests.

No doubt? Do you have a source that shows Obama and Soros organized the protests. To have 'no doubt' you need solid evidence. If you have no evidence - you are lying by stating no doubt.
These left wing commie assholes need to be kicked to the curb.

  • Glenn Beck
  • David Boaz
  • L. Brent Bozell III
  • Mona Charen
  • Ben Domenech
  • Erick Erickson
  • Steven F. Hayward
  • Mark Helprin
  • William Kristol
  • Yuval Levin
  • Dana Loesch
  • Andrew C. McCarthy
  • David M. McIntosh
  • Michael Medved
  • Edwin Meese III
  • Russell Moore
  • Michael B. Muskasey
  • Katie Pavlich
  • John Podhoretz
  • R. R. Reno
  • Thomas Sowell
  • Cal Thomas
Here are All 22 Conservatives Who Declared 'War' Against Donald Trump in 'National Review'
S.J 13754363
No doubt he and his buddy George Soros are heavily involved in organizing the protests.

No doubt? Do you have a source that shows Obama and Soros organized the protests. To have 'no doubt' you need solid evidence. If you have no evidence - you are lying by stating no doubt.

If this site relied on righties being able to prove anything, or even corroborate their statements, it would have been shut down five years ago.
S.J 13754363
No doubt he and his buddy George Soros are heavily involved in organizing the protests.

No doubt? Do you have a source that shows Obama and Soros organized the protests. To have 'no doubt' you need solid evidence. If you have no evidence - you are lying by stating no doubt.

That's how they work...facts aren't needed when they'll believe literally anything.

They said yesterday that guy who rushed the stage had a knife and supported ISIS. And then it was revealed it was a hoax. Did they stop repeating the lie?

Where are the Koch brothers when you need them?
Why aren't they backing Trump?
They're sitting on $890,000,000 in campaign funds because.....THEY DON'T LIKE ANY OF THE CLOWNS ON THE BUS.
S.J 13754363
No doubt he and his buddy George Soros are heavily involved in organizing the protests.

No doubt? Do you have a source that shows Obama and Soros organized the protests. To have 'no doubt' you need solid evidence. If you have no evidence - you are lying by stating no doubt.

That's how they work...facts aren't needed when they'll believe literally anything.

They said yesterday that guy who rushed the stage had a knife and supported ISIS. And then it was revealed it was a hoax. Did they stop repeating the lie?


CC, you're being kind. They don't "work" at this....they slide. Blogs rule their info world. Facts are whatever they agree with at the moment.
It IS unreal and it's getting out of hand (which is what Obama is hoping for). No doubt he and his buddy George Soros are heavily involved in organizing the protests.
It's obvious the "protesters" are put there to provoke Trump and his supporters. The Dims are Nazi goons. They use the same exact tactics. Anyone who thinks this is all innocent is supremely naive.
Interestingly enough, most of the "Stop Trump" sentiment is coming from the right wing. Even Mitch McConnell has said that the GOP should drop Trump like a hot rock.
It's coming from establishment dead enders. They are closer to the leftwing than the rightwing.
S.J 13754363
No doubt he and his buddy George Soros are heavily involved in organizing the protests.

No doubt? Do you have a source that shows Obama and Soros organized the protests. To have 'no doubt' you need solid evidence. If you have no evidence - you are lying by stating no doubt. organized the protest. That's a Soros funded subversive propaganda organ.

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