The "Unity" Purges Have Begun


Diamond Member
Aug 16, 2011
The democrat machine is now working on combing out of the military (and vague references to "non-governmental organizations") anyone with conservative views, the wrong associates, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Children are encouraged to report their own parents to THE STATE. People are losing their jobs, their voices, and so much more. Our God-given rights are in peril, and the democrats are just giddy at the prospect of exercising the kind of oppression they have always favored.

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I spect' when they start more wars overseas they can always start the draft.

Of course they won't be able to trust sending those who don't pass vetting overseas either because who knows what kind of nefarious schemes those who can't pass vetting might concoct.

That could prove interesting. Can't send them to the inauguration, can't send them overseas, can't trust them to provide security to other progressive liberal events. I guess those who don't pass vetting have to stay and guard the home base while those that pass the vetting get to do all those fun things, like getting shot at on a regular basis and sleeping in parking garages...


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Unkotare You need a source


"In the wake of the protest that turned into a mob and then into a riot at the U.S. Capitol building, various media and high-tech companies have used the moment not simply to condemn the violence, but to remove the president of the United States and countless other Americans from their digital platforms.
It’s understandable that many Americans are shaken by what they saw at the Capitol last week. It’s part of a larger pattern of mob law."
"Last year, a book in defense of looting received sympathetic media coverage, and plenty of prominent commentators even defended vandalism and property destruction in the wake of riots as “nonviolent.”"

“If there be any among us who would wish to dissolve this Union or to change its republican form, let them stand undisturbed as monuments of the safety with which error of opinion may be tolerated, where reason is left free to combat it.”
Thomas Jefferson
The democrat machine is now working on combing out of the military (and vague references to "non-governmental organizations") anyone with conservative views, the wrong associates, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Children are encouraged to report their own parents to THE STATE. People are losing their jobs, their voices, and so much more. Our God-given rights are in peril, and the democrats are just giddy at the prospect of exercising the kind of oppression they have always favored.

It's no longer about the cancel culture, it's all about forced conformity now. They will do their best to immolate Xi, Putin and other commie dictators they so admire. Be prepared for the next import from China, your social score.

It should be illegal to fire someone for their political beliefs.
But it isn't.
The GOP should have a bill that makes it illegal to fire a person for their political beliefs.
The Dirty Democrats would fight like hell against it.

Federal Laws Don’t Prohibit Political Discrimination
Not all forms of discrimination are illegal, however. It is illegal under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 for employers to make job decisions based on race, color, national origin, religion, and sex. Other federal laws prohibit discrimination based on age, disability, and genetic information. However, political views aren’t covered by these laws and the laws of most states. This means employers are free to consider political views and affiliations in making job decisions.
Can Employers Discriminate Based on Political Beliefs or Affiliation? | Nolo
The democrat machine is now working on combing out of the military (and vague references to "non-governmental organizations") anyone with conservative views, the wrong associates, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Children are encouraged to report their own parents to THE STATE. People are losing their jobs, their voices, and so much more. Our God-given rights are in peril, and the democrats are just giddy at the prospect of exercising the kind of oppression they have always favored.

I thought you hated conservatives/whites/etc?
The democrat machine is now working on combing out of the military (and vague references to "non-governmental organizations") anyone with conservative views, the wrong associates, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Children are encouraged to report their own parents to THE STATE. People are losing their jobs, their voices, and so much more. Our God-given rights are in peril, and the democrats are just giddy at the prospect of exercising the kind of oppression they have always favored.

It's no longer about the cancel culture, it's all about forced conformity now. They will do their best to immolate Xi, Putin and other commie dictators they so admire. Be prepared for the next import from China, your social score.


It has been going on longer you realize and your credit score along with your social media accounts can affect if you get hired or not:

The reality is what you wrote about is nothing new and many of you have never noticed but your credit score can affect many things including if you can be hired by firms and your social media accounts can also affect this and it has been going on for over a decade or longer.

Reporting to Big Brother is nothing new either and has been going on a lot longer than many of you realize and let be clear our Government spies on us daily and we just live with the illusion we are free and if you need to be reminded then remember Snowden and the NSA scandal and that we had the damn Patriot Act over us...

The democrat machine is now working on combing out of the military (and vague references to "non-governmental organizations") anyone with conservative views, the wrong associates, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Children are encouraged to report their own parents to THE STATE. People are losing their jobs, their voices, and so much more. Our God-given rights are in peril, and the democrats are just giddy at the prospect of exercising the kind of oppression they have always favored.

I thought you hated conservatives/whites/etc?

Well, you're not very bright, are you?
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The democrat machine is now working on combing out of the military (and vague references to "non-governmental organizations") anyone with conservative views, the wrong associates, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Children are encouraged to report their own parents to THE STATE. People are losing their jobs, their voices, and so much more. Our God-given rights are in peril, and the democrats are just giddy at the prospect of exercising the kind of oppression they have always favored.

The thread premise is a lie.

There are no ‘purges,’ no one is being ‘silenced,’ our rights are not ‘in peril.’

This is more baseless rightwing demagoguery.
The democrat machine is now working on combing out of the military (and vague references to "non-governmental organizations") anyone with conservative views, the wrong associates, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Children are encouraged to report their own parents to THE STATE. People are losing their jobs, their voices, and so much more. Our God-given rights are in peril, and the democrats are just giddy at the prospect of exercising the kind of oppression they have always favored.

The thread premise is a lie.

There are no ‘purges,’ no one is being ‘silenced,’ our rights are not ‘in peril.’

This is more baseless rightwing demagoguery.

Some lie. Seems you forgot conservative speech is banned on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites. They only want liberal speak.

Nothing baseless about it. You just don't want to see it.
The democrat machine is now working on combing out of the military (and vague references to "non-governmental organizations") anyone with conservative views, the wrong associates, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Children are encouraged to report their own parents to THE STATE. People are losing their jobs, their voices, and so much more. Our God-given rights are in peril, and the democrats are just giddy at the prospect of exercising the kind of oppression they have always favored.

It's no longer about the cancel culture, it's all about forced conformity now. They will do their best to immolate Xi, Putin and other commie dictators they so admire. Be prepared for the next import from China, your social score.


It has been going on longer you realize and your credit score along with your social media accounts can affect if you get hired or not:

The reality is what you wrote about is nothing new and many of you have never noticed but your credit score can affect many things including if you can be hired by firms and your social media accounts can also affect this and it has been going on for over a decade or longer.

Reporting to Big Brother is nothing new either and has been going on a lot longer than many of you realize and let be clear our Government spies on us daily and we just live with the illusion we are free and if you need to be reminded then remember Snowden and the NSA scandal and that we had the damn Patriot Act over us...

That's why I've never had a FB, Twitter or similar account, but this is what I'm talking about.

The democrat machine is now working on combing out of the military (and vague references to "non-governmental organizations") anyone with conservative views, the wrong associates, or being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Children are encouraged to report their own parents to THE STATE. People are losing their jobs, their voices, and so much more. Our God-given rights are in peril, and the democrats are just giddy at the prospect of exercising the kind of oppression they have always favored.

The thread premise is a lie.

There are no ‘purges,’ no one is being ‘silenced,’ our rights are not ‘in peril.’

This is more baseless rightwing demagoguery.

You're just not listening to what commie politicians and the state run media are saying.


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