The U.S. Government, has their priorities wrong!


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
Pittsburgh, PA
Our government is quick to help another country in need. If another country suffers from a natural disaster, the U.S is quick to respond and help. We probably give the country that is in need more help then any other country. Yet we can spend a boat load of money on helping another country, that may not even like us. They take the help and probably laugh at us.
The Government can spend over 300 sum million on trying to pass a healthcare program, and get denied. They could of gave every legal citizen in this country 1 million dollars for all that.
Our country is so worried about our image as a powerful, dominant, free, and equal country. So worried about how other countries view The United States, that they will even neglect their own people.
They are so quick to aide another country, but allow vets to sleep under bridges.
The middle working class bust their ass 40 hours a week, barely living. Yet there are people who never worked or contributed anything even to their community, that live better and with no worries. The middle working class receives minimal to any help at all, but their are people that don't pay rent or bills, receive 7,8,900 dollars a month in food, driving 2012 or newer cars, free health care, and all the other benefits, while the working middle class gets no help, and if their company doesn't offer healthcare they have to find alternative health coverage or our country fines them every year.
Everyone should receive equal help when needed. The people that get welfare help, should have to do something that accommodates the help they receive.
I mean the working class pays taxes towards welfare, yet cant get help when needed? So some of my hard earned money, not much but it adds up, goes to someone that never worked a day in their life, that is more then enough capable to, and live better then I do?
The Government is quick to take money from us, and so quick to spend money on things that are not necessary, and on help and support for other countries?
The Government treats other people better then its own.
Its like how we talk to dogs, "Come here boy, whose a good boy(foreigners), Who wants a treat, Here you go boy, that's a good boy." "Bad dog(Americans), you're going in your cage, no treats for you."
Its like they favor foreigners, like they are their favorite kid. " Here son(Foreigners), here are the keys to your brand new car so you can find a good job and get to and from , Me and your mother are going to raise your weekly allowance and let you stay here for free, No worries son we are paying for your college, and we are keeping you on our healthcare we get from work, why is your brother(Americans) such a pain in the ass?" " Son(Americans) me and your mother decided on your 18th birthday, 2 days from now, you need to start looking for a job and place to live, because we are stopping your allowance and turning your room into an office, hopefully you find a job that offers healthcare, because when you turn 18 you are off our health insurance, since you have no car I would look for jobs on the bus route, we will even help you apply for student loans and grants and also help you fill out the paper work, we cant afford to pay for your schooling."

Our Government needs to start focusing on the problems within the country. How can they help other countries when they can barely help us?
They need to address this huge racism problem that's going on now.
They wonder why American Citizens are acting the way they are.

Well maybe our government should focus on its own citizens and how to address and fix all the problems and how they can make the nation happy.

We are suppose to be equal but they pick and choose.
Instead on focusing on what will benefit them the most, how about focus on our needs and how to make a better living for us. How about spending money on us to succeed and live better lives, instead of being so quick taking money from us.

We are considered a free country, but I think we are far from it. Yea we might have freedom of speech, but as a country our moral is very low.
Just look how many people are expressing their hate for this country,
Shit needs to stop and change before it gets worse, and maybe by listening to the people, we may be able to fix the differences and conflict occurring with in our borders.
Well, the healthcare plan that was denied would have kept all of the Obama regulations and it would have added 250 buh buh buh billion dollars in corporate welfare to the insurance industry.

Be thankful it was canned.
Our government is quick to help another country in need. If another country suffers from a natural disaster, the U.S is quick to respond and help. We probably give the country that is in need more help then any other country. Yet we can spend a boat load of money on helping another country, that may not even like us. They take the help and probably laugh at us.
The Government can spend over 300 sum million on trying to pass a healthcare program, and get denied. They could of gave every legal citizen in this country 1 million dollars for all that.
Our country is so worried about our image as a powerful, dominant, free, and equal country. So worried about how other countries view The United States, that they will even neglect their own people.
They are so quick to aide another country, but allow vets to sleep under bridges.
The middle working class bust their ass 40 hours a week, barely living. Yet there are people who never worked or contributed anything even to their community, that live better and with no worries. The middle working class receives minimal to any help at all, but their are people that don't pay rent or bills, receive 7,8,900 dollars a month in food, driving 2012 or newer cars, free health care, and all the other benefits, while the working middle class gets no help, and if their company doesn't offer healthcare they have to find alternative health coverage or our country fines them every year.
Everyone should receive equal help when needed. The people that get welfare help, should have to do something that accommodates the help they receive.
I mean the working class pays taxes towards welfare, yet cant get help when needed? So some of my hard earned money, not much but it adds up, goes to someone that never worked a day in their life, that is more then enough capable to, and live better then I do?
The Government is quick to take money from us, and so quick to spend money on things that are not necessary, and on help and support for other countries?
The Government treats other people better then its own.
Its like how we talk to dogs, "Come here boy, whose a good boy(foreigners), Who wants a treat, Here you go boy, that's a good boy." "Bad dog(Americans), you're going in your cage, no treats for you."
Its like they favor foreigners, like they are their favorite kid. " Here son(Foreigners), here are the keys to your brand new car so you can find a good job and get to and from , Me and your mother are going to raise your weekly allowance and let you stay here for free, No worries son we are paying for your college, and we are keeping you on our healthcare we get from work, why is your brother(Americans) such a pain in the ass?" " Son(Americans) me and your mother decided on your 18th birthday, 2 days from now, you need to start looking for a job and place to live, because we are stopping your allowance and turning your room into an office, hopefully you find a job that offers healthcare, because when you turn 18 you are off our health insurance, since you have no car I would look for jobs on the bus route, we will even help you apply for student loans and grants and also help you fill out the paper work, we cant afford to pay for your schooling."

Our Government needs to start focusing on the problems within the country. How can they help other countries when they can barely help us?
They need to address this huge racism problem that's going on now.
They wonder why American Citizens are acting the way they are.

Well maybe our government should focus on its own citizens and how to address and fix all the problems and how they can make the nation happy.

We are suppose to be equal but they pick and choose.
Instead on focusing on what will benefit them the most, how about focus on our needs and how to make a better living for us. How about spending money on us to succeed and live better lives, instead of being so quick taking money from us.

We are considered a free country, but I think we are far from it. Yea we might have freedom of speech, but as a country our moral is very low.
Just look how many people are expressing their hate for this country,
Shit needs to stop and change before it gets worse, and maybe by listening to the people, we may be able to fix the differences and conflict occurring with in our borders.

Oh my. You drug up Reagan's old discredited myth of the "welfare queen" and gave it a little twist. I guess it's too much to ask that crazy right wingers at least come up with original crap every once in a while.

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