The Two-State Delusion.


Diamond Member
Jan 16, 2012

The Biden administration is leading a push to recognize a Palestinian state that will be a danger to the security of Israel.​


In the West, the call for a “two-state solution” is mostly a magical incantation these days. Diplomats and politicians want the Gaza war to stop. They want a way out that seems fair and just to voters and makes for good speeches. But they are not even beginning to grapple with the issues that negotiating a “two-state solution” raises, and they are not seriously asking what kind of state “Palestine” would be. Instead they simply imagine a peaceful, well-ordered place called “Palestine” and assure everyone that it is just around the corner. By doing so they avoid asking the most important question: Would not an autocratic, revanchist Palestinian state be a threat to peace?

The Biden administration is leading a push to recognize a Palestinian state that will be a danger to the security of Israel.​

There will never be a “ Two State Solution “ that Abbas will agree to so the discussion is DOA
Giving a small part of your country to people who want to kill you would be just as stupid as giving California to North Korea after we signed the 1953 truce with them.

There should never be a terrorist state embedded within Israel. No way, no how.
The Two-State Solution is not a solution at all because Palestine is not a State in the normal definition (boundaries, etc.) Instead, it is a collection of dispossessed people whose primary commonality is hatred towards a Jewish State in their midst. Even if Israel didn't exist, the surrounding area would remain an ungovernable mess that Egypt and Jordan are glad to be rid of. The idea of an independent and responsible Palestine is nothing more than a pipe dream of armchair liberals and another "cause" for their radical minions.
Blinken said:

“It’s I think very important for the Palestinian people that they have governance that can be effective. ...” They need a Palestinian Authority, he said, that can “actually deliver what the Palestinian people want and need. ...”​

Which is - total destruction of Israel and all Jews.

The Biden administration is leading a push to recognize a Palestinian state that will be a danger to the security of Israel.​

Never underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up.
I don’t know why the two state solution keeps being brought up. Apparently the idea is to appease the Palestinians by giving them a “state” but Hamas has constantly rejected any two state solution. So who exactly do they think is going to agree to this “solution?”

The Biden administration is leading a push to recognize a Palestinian state that will be a danger to the security of Israel.​

The savages that lead Israel have never supported a 2 state solution and Bibi actively campaigns on being the one who has done the most to prevent a 2 state solution from ever happening. Biden is realizing that his support for Israeli bestiality is driving away his voter base, so he's throwing out stupid bullshit like this to see if it works.
The savages that lead Israel have never supported a 2 state solution and Bibi actively campaigns on being the one who has done the most to prevent a 2 state solution from ever happening. Biden is realizing that his support for Israeli bestiality is driving away his voter base, so he's throwing out stupid bullshit like this to see if it works.
1) I know your‘re a leftist and thus driven by antisemitism, but the “savages” are not the Jews - they were the subhumans who hunted down and tortured to death every Jewish man, woman, child and baby they could find, and in the most agaonizing way possible.

2] What’s with ”Israel beastiality”? Are you so full of hate for Jews that you now accuse us of having sex with animals?

I know your a radical leftist, but that’s a new one as far as smearing Israel.
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The savages that lead Israel have never supported a 2 state solution and Bibi actively campaigns on being the one who has done the most to prevent a 2 state solution from ever happening. Biden is realizing that his support for Israeli bestiality is driving away his voter base, so he's throwing out stupid bullshit like this to see if it works.

Only idiots think that giving the muslim terrorists a state would mean peace.
1) I know your‘re a leftist and thus driven by antisemitism, but the “savages” are not the Jews - they were the subhumans who hunted down and tortured to death every Jewish man, woman, child and baby they could find, and in the most agaonizing way possible.

2] What’s the with ”Israel beastiality”? Are you so full of hate for Jews that you now accuse us of having sex with animals?

I know your a radical leftist, but that’s a new one as far as smearing Israel.
You are probably surprised to learn a word can mean more than one thing. Israel's merciless slaughter and starvation of an entire population of people is certainly bestial behavior.
So, ethnic cleansing, genocide or apartheid.

Seems appropriate

The savages that lead Israel have never supported a 2 state solution and Bibi actively campaigns on being the one who has done the most to prevent a 2 state solution from ever happening. Biden is realizing that his support for Israeli bestiality is driving away his voter base, so he's throwing out stupid bullshit like this to see if it works.
Tnis is going to be good,,, Tell us what you think the “ Two State Solution “ should look like

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