The truth about why Comey reversed course.


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Sep 16, 2012
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NOTE: Buyer beware on this news source, I can find nothing on it, no where on the web. No "about," nothing on Wikipedia, no source watch, nothing. Pretty suspicious. I don't know who funds it, who controls it, or who does the hiring. Who knows? :dunno: Can anyone tell me. . .

So, here's the hypotheisis, Comey had no choice, if he didn't, the NYPD was going to blow the whistle.

BREAKING BOMBSHELL: NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Children, Child Exploitation, Pay to Play, Perjury
BREAKING BOMBSHELL: NYPD Blows Whistle on New Hillary Emails: Money Laundering, Sex Crimes with Children, Child Exploitation, Pay to Play, Perjury

"But new revelations on the contents of that laptop, according to law enforcement sources, implicate the Democratic presidential candidate, her subordinates, and even select elected officials in far more alleged serious crimes than mishandling classified and top secret emails, sources said. NYPD sources said these new emails include evidence linking Clinton herself and associates to:

  • Money laundering
  • Child exploitation
  • Sex crimes with minors (children)
  • Perjury
  • Pay to play through Clinton Foundation
  • Obstruction of justice
  • Other felony crimes
NYPD detectives and a NYPD Chief, the department’s highest rank under Commissioner, said openly that if the FBI and Justice Department fail to garner timely indictments against Clinton and co- conspirators, NYPD will go public with the damaging emails now in the hands of FBI Director James Comey and many FBI field offices.

“What’s in the emails is staggering and as a father, it turned my stomach,” the NYPD Chief said. “There is not going to be any Houdini-like escape from what we found. We have copies of everything. We will ship them to Wikileaks or I will personally hold my own press conference if it comes to that.”

The NYPD Chief said once Comey saw the alarming contents of the emails he was forced to reopen a criminal probe against Clinton.

“People are going to prison,” he said.
Wife was telling me this morning the NYPD, Anonymous, WikiLeaks, etc have been building a case and they are going to drop the shoe tomorrow.

at the end of the tweet, there was a parody of an old song...

"Try to remember, the 5th of November..."
Wife was telling me this morning the NYPD, Anonymous, WikiLeaks, etc have been building a case and they are going to drop the shoe tomorrow.

at the end of the tweet, there was a parody of an old song...

"Try to remember, the 5th of November..."

I'm very conflicted on all this.

ON the one hand, I think it would be good news if all this stopped Hillary from being crowned queen.

OTH, these are very powerful forces from within the Deep State that have been involved in some heinous shit in the past. If they are responsible for the crowning of King Trump, it might not be a good sign. On the one hand, it might mean an end to this undeclared war with Putin, OTH, it might mean a further clamping down on civil liberties, civil rights, and an escalation of the faux terror war.

I mean, we can't not have a president. . . . but, I'm almost thinking it might be nice to have co-presidents. He is woefully inexperienced and unfit for the job, she is criminal and corrupt, totally evil.

Maybe together they could do it. She could make decisions and he could negotiate. When ever she made corrupt decisions, the tax payers could pay him half a million to grab her pussy... . . But then I suppose congress would have to impeach them both for wasting tax payer money by the end of January. And his fingers would probably prune up. :lmao:

I don't know, this whole thing is a complete and total train wreck.
I've seen this on about a dozen or sites so it makes me believe it's true.
Wife was telling me this morning the NYPD, Anonymous, WikiLeaks, etc have been building a case and they are going to drop the shoe tomorrow.

at the end of the tweet, there was a parody of an old song...

"Try to remember, the 5th of November..."

I'm very conflicted on all this.

ON the one hand, I think it would be good news if all this stopped Hillary from being crowned queen.

OTH, these are very powerful forces from within the Deep State that have been involved in some heinous shit in the past. If they are responsible for the crowning of King Trump, it might not be a good sign. On the one hand, it might mean an end to this undeclared war with Putin, OTH, it might mean a further clamping down on civil liberties, civil rights, and an escalation of the faux terror war.

I mean, we can't not have a president. . . . but, I'm almost thinking it might be nice to have co-presidents. He is woefully inexperienced and unfit for the job, she is criminal and corrupt, totally evil.

Maybe together they could do it. She could make decisions and he could negotiate. When ever she made corrupt decisions, the tax payers could pay him half a million to grab her pussy... . . But then I suppose congress would have to impeach them both for wasting tax payer money by the end of January. And his fingers would probably prune up. :lmao:

I don't know, this whole thing is a complete and total train wreck.

Make it simple for yourself.

The problems that Hillary are having are her own doing, no one else. The FBI isn't a wing of the Republican party they are doing what they should have done in July. Never the less she has no one to blame but herself.

Make it even more easy on yourself. We CAN NOT allow Clinton anywhere near 3 to 4 SCOTUS nominations. That ONE issue is more than enough to take our chances with Trump. I don't defend Trump I defend the country from people like Clinton. I'll vote Trump I suggest you make it simple and do the same.
Wife was telling me this morning the NYPD, Anonymous, WikiLeaks, etc have been building a case and they are going to drop the shoe tomorrow.

at the end of the tweet, there was a parody of an old song...

"Try to remember, the 5th of November..."

I'm very conflicted on all this.

ON the one hand, I think it would be good news if all this stopped Hillary from being crowned queen.

OTH, these are very powerful forces from within the Deep State that have been involved in some heinous shit in the past. If they are responsible for the crowning of King Trump, it might not be a good sign. On the one hand, it might mean an end to this undeclared war with Putin, OTH, it might mean a further clamping down on civil liberties, civil rights, and an escalation of the faux terror war.

I mean, we can't not have a president. . . . but, I'm almost thinking it might be nice to have co-presidents. He is woefully inexperienced and unfit for the job, she is criminal and corrupt, totally evil.

Maybe together they could do it. She could make decisions and he could negotiate. When ever she made corrupt decisions, the tax payers could pay him half a million to grab her pussy... . . But then I suppose congress would have to impeach them both for wasting tax payer money by the end of January. And his fingers would probably prune up. :lmao:

I don't know, this whole thing is a complete and total train wreck.

Make it simple for yourself.

The problems that Hillary are having are her own doing, no one else. The FBI isn't a wing of the Republican party they are doing what they should have done in July. Never the less she has no one to blame but herself.

Make it even more easy on yourself. We CAN NOT allow Clinton anywhere near 3 to 4 SCOTUS nominations. That ONE issue is more than enough to take our chances with Trump. I don't defend Trump I defend the country from people like Clinton. I'll vote Trump I suggest you make it simple and do the same.

Oh, I'll agree with that.

The thing you have to remember though, is that the Deep State can be used by any nasty bunch of folks that has always turned it's head the other way for every false flag that has ever occurred.

When the media has been complicit, as it always has been, the Republic has been eroded, and every time someone speaks up, they get called a tin foil hatter or conspiracy nut. This situation is shameful. It doesn't matter if it is the Warren Commission, the 9/11 Commission, Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, the Boston Bombing, etc. some agency is complicit, so the entire establishment, from the press on downwards goes into coverup mode. It's disgusting. Partisans don't help the situation any.

How do you think Trump and the Enquirer got the rumor about Cruz's father? The clandestine agencies had an axe to grind. After that Benghazi shit, and for the fact that the Obama administration now has commando's destroying the assets that the CIA and the Mossad trained and placed (ISIS), essentially "allying" with the Russians in a war with ourselves, like wtf? Can you blame the security establishment for hating on the Democrats? So they exposed some skeletons. Interesting stuff nobody knew. In a way that only some would believe. Plausible deniability is important here. And the rest? Well, they are not open minded enough to understand the implications. (They could only know that shit if they were in on it, naturally.)

So Hillary has been the cause of deaths of agents in Benghazi and now in Aleppo, of course they want her out. She will only mean more deaths for more agents on a doomed policy that will not succeed, or, inevitably escalate into something unwinnable (for those of us who are realistic about the survivability of a global nuclear war.)

But this doesn't necessarily mean the end to the fake perpetual war on terror. This fake war, like the fake war on poverty, the fake war on drugs, and every other fake war, is good for the growth of government bureaucracy and control over your life and your freedom. If you believe otherwise, you drank the kool-aid. Wikileaks is controlled information from the security state. It will once again fade to the back ground if Trump wins. If he doesn't, this internal war will continue.

Nor does it mean a cleaning of the neo-con house. State crimes have been committed by both parties. Until there is a full accounting for this nation's sins by both parties, the ship of state will not be corrected. The corruption will continue, the wars will continue, and the economic stagnation will continue.

But don't expect a full accounting of the State's crimes, the CIA/NSA security state controls Assange and the Wikileaks. He is basically in prison and only gets to release what they allow him to.

What we needed to do, a long long time ago, was start some thread, and seriously analyze those names on that list of nominees that Trump put out. But then, the question remains, if he won, would he stick to that list? You know how much he flippety flops on things.

Would those judges even really up hold your values?
Wife was telling me this morning the NYPD, Anonymous, WikiLeaks, etc have been building a case and they are going to drop the shoe tomorrow.

at the end of the tweet, there was a parody of an old song...

"Try to remember, the 5th of November..."

I'm very conflicted on all this.

ON the one hand, I think it would be good news if all this stopped Hillary from being crowned queen.

OTH, these are very powerful forces from within the Deep State that have been involved in some heinous shit in the past. If they are responsible for the crowning of King Trump, it might not be a good sign. On the one hand, it might mean an end to this undeclared war with Putin, OTH, it might mean a further clamping down on civil liberties, civil rights, and an escalation of the faux terror war.

I mean, we can't not have a president. . . . but, I'm almost thinking it might be nice to have co-presidents. He is woefully inexperienced and unfit for the job, she is criminal and corrupt, totally evil.

Maybe together they could do it. She could make decisions and he could negotiate. When ever she made corrupt decisions, the tax payers could pay him half a million to grab her pussy... . . But then I suppose congress would have to impeach them both for wasting tax payer money by the end of January. And his fingers would probably prune up. :lmao:

I don't know, this whole thing is a complete and total train wreck.

Make it simple for yourself.

The problems that Hillary are having are her own doing, no one else. The FBI isn't a wing of the Republican party they are doing what they should have done in July. Never the less she has no one to blame but herself.

Make it even more easy on yourself. We CAN NOT allow Clinton anywhere near 3 to 4 SCOTUS nominations. That ONE issue is more than enough to take our chances with Trump. I don't defend Trump I defend the country from people like Clinton. I'll vote Trump I suggest you make it simple and do the same.

Oh, I'll agree with that.

The thing you have to remember though, is that the Deep State can be used by any nasty bunch of folks that has always turned it's head the other way for every false flag that has ever occurred.

When the media has been complicit, as it always has been, the Republic has been eroded, and every time someone speaks up, they get called a tin foil hatter or conspiracy nut. This situation is shameful. It doesn't matter if it is the Warren Commission, the 9/11 Commission, Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, the Boston Bombing, etc. some agency is complicit, so the entire establishment, from the press on downwards goes into coverup mode. It's disgusting. Partisans don't help the situation any.

How do you think Trump and the Enquirer got the rumor about Cruz's father? The clandestine agencies had an axe to grind. After that Benghazi shit, and for the fact that the Obama administration now has commando's destroying the assets that the CIA and the Mossad trained and placed (ISIS), essentially "allying" with the Russians in a war with ourselves, like wtf? Can you blame the security establishment for hating on the Democrats? So they exposed some skeletons. Interesting stuff nobody knew. In a way that only some would believe. Plausible deniability is important here. And the rest? Well, they are not open minded enough to understand the implications. (They could only know that shit if they were in on it, naturally.)

So Hillary has been the cause of deaths of agents in Benghazi and now in Aleppo, of course they want her out. She will only mean more deaths for more agents on a doomed policy that will not succeed, or, inevitably escalate into something unwinnable (for those of us who are realistic about the survivability of a global nuclear war.)

But this doesn't necessarily mean the end to the fake perpetual war on terror. This fake war, like the fake war on poverty, the fake war on drugs, and every other fake war, is good for the growth of government bureaucracy and control over your life and your freedom. If you believe otherwise, you drank the kool-aid. Wikileaks is controlled information from the security state. It will once again fade to the back ground if Trump wins. If he doesn't, this internal war will continue.

Nor does it mean a cleaning of the neo-con house. State crimes have been committed by both parties. Until there is a full accounting for this nation's sins by both parties, the ship of state will not be corrected. The corruption will continue, the wars will continue, and the economic stagnation will continue.

But don't expect a full accounting of the State's crimes, the CIA/NSA security state controls Assange and the Wikileaks. He is basically in prison and only gets to release what they allow him to.

What we needed to do, a long long time ago, was start some thread, and seriously analyze those names on that list of nominees that Trump put out. But then, the question remains, if he won, would he stick to that list? You know how much he flippety flops on things.

Would those judges even really up hold your values?

I am not positive I understand your post. It seems as if you are putting down conspiracy theories and then delve into your own.

Maybe, it is a big gamble with Trump. But it is a sure thing with Hillary and that is what scares me the most. Besides, Hillary is the stats quo, at least Trump is real change. Maybe not for the good but we certainly know where Hillary will take us and it ain't where we want to go.
Wife was telling me this morning the NYPD, Anonymous, WikiLeaks, etc have been building a case and they are going to drop the shoe tomorrow.

at the end of the tweet, there was a parody of an old song...

"Try to remember, the 5th of November..."

I'm very conflicted on all this.

ON the one hand, I think it would be good news if all this stopped Hillary from being crowned queen.

OTH, these are very powerful forces from within the Deep State that have been involved in some heinous shit in the past. If they are responsible for the crowning of King Trump, it might not be a good sign. On the one hand, it might mean an end to this undeclared war with Putin, OTH, it might mean a further clamping down on civil liberties, civil rights, and an escalation of the faux terror war.

I mean, we can't not have a president. . . . but, I'm almost thinking it might be nice to have co-presidents. He is woefully inexperienced and unfit for the job, she is criminal and corrupt, totally evil.

Maybe together they could do it. She could make decisions and he could negotiate. When ever she made corrupt decisions, the tax payers could pay him half a million to grab her pussy... . . But then I suppose congress would have to impeach them both for wasting tax payer money by the end of January. And his fingers would probably prune up. :lmao:

I don't know, this whole thing is a complete and total train wreck.

Make it simple for yourself.

The problems that Hillary are having are her own doing, no one else. The FBI isn't a wing of the Republican party they are doing what they should have done in July. Never the less she has no one to blame but herself.

Make it even more easy on yourself. We CAN NOT allow Clinton anywhere near 3 to 4 SCOTUS nominations. That ONE issue is more than enough to take our chances with Trump. I don't defend Trump I defend the country from people like Clinton. I'll vote Trump I suggest you make it simple and do the same.

Oh, I'll agree with that.

The thing you have to remember though, is that the Deep State can be used by any nasty bunch of folks that has always turned it's head the other way for every false flag that has ever occurred.

When the media has been complicit, as it always has been, the Republic has been eroded, and every time someone speaks up, they get called a tin foil hatter or conspiracy nut. This situation is shameful. It doesn't matter if it is the Warren Commission, the 9/11 Commission, Sandy Hook, San Bernardino, the Boston Bombing, etc. some agency is complicit, so the entire establishment, from the press on downwards goes into coverup mode. It's disgusting. Partisans don't help the situation any.

How do you think Trump and the Enquirer got the rumor about Cruz's father? The clandestine agencies had an axe to grind. After that Benghazi shit, and for the fact that the Obama administration now has commando's destroying the assets that the CIA and the Mossad trained and placed (ISIS), essentially "allying" with the Russians in a war with ourselves, like wtf? Can you blame the security establishment for hating on the Democrats? So they exposed some skeletons. Interesting stuff nobody knew. In a way that only some would believe. Plausible deniability is important here. And the rest? Well, they are not open minded enough to understand the implications. (They could only know that shit if they were in on it, naturally.)

So Hillary has been the cause of deaths of agents in Benghazi and now in Aleppo, of course they want her out. She will only mean more deaths for more agents on a doomed policy that will not succeed, or, inevitably escalate into something unwinnable (for those of us who are realistic about the survivability of a global nuclear war.)

But this doesn't necessarily mean the end to the fake perpetual war on terror. This fake war, like the fake war on poverty, the fake war on drugs, and every other fake war, is good for the growth of government bureaucracy and control over your life and your freedom. If you believe otherwise, you drank the kool-aid. Wikileaks is controlled information from the security state. It will once again fade to the back ground if Trump wins. If he doesn't, this internal war will continue.

Nor does it mean a cleaning of the neo-con house. State crimes have been committed by both parties. Until there is a full accounting for this nation's sins by both parties, the ship of state will not be corrected. The corruption will continue, the wars will continue, and the economic stagnation will continue.

But don't expect a full accounting of the State's crimes, the CIA/NSA security state controls Assange and the Wikileaks. He is basically in prison and only gets to release what they allow him to.

What we needed to do, a long long time ago, was start some thread, and seriously analyze those names on that list of nominees that Trump put out. But then, the question remains, if he won, would he stick to that list? You know how much he flippety flops on things.

Would those judges even really up hold your values?

I am not positive I understand your post. It seems as if you are putting down conspiracy theories and then delve into your own.

Maybe, it is a big gamble with Trump. But it is a sure thing with Hillary and that is what scares me the most. Besides, Hillary is the stats quo, at least Trump is real change. Maybe not for the good but we certainly know where Hillary will take us and it ain't where we want to go.

I'm trying to tell you that this whole election we have been led to believe that Hillary's misdeeds and her past transgressions were a "conspiracy theory." You I am sure, have always believed they were not. Part of the establishment has turned against her. Not the corporate establishment, not the Round Table Groups, not the internationalists, but America's intelligence establishment. However, I wonder why you chose to believe this conspiracy theory, but not others?

The fact is, there never were any "conspiracy theories," when it came to Deep State events, just conspiracy theories that the establishment rallied around to ridicule in the MSM. The clandestine intelligence has always been there. Where there is smoke, there is fire. I am not putting down conspiracy theories, nor am I putting forth any of my own. I am only presenting what is out there. It is you that makes the decision which ones you choose to believe for your partisan agenda.

If you truly and honestly believe Trump represents real change, when the evidence is now out there that the security establishment, the same one that has been tied to other Deep State events, the same that was tasked with the training and arming of ISIS, is going to allow for any radical shift in policy, you are out of your mind.

I don't completely agree with the following article, I think it is shilling for Clinton, the CFR and RIIA and the rest of the Anglo-American establishment, to be honest. However, it hit's the mark when considering Trump. The reason the Deep State is fracturing, is b/c, as you said, Clinton has done some shit that is unforgivable.

No Matter Who Wins The Presidency, The ‘Deep State’ Will Run Things
No Matter Who Wins The Presidency, The ‘Deep State’ Will Run Things

Like Obama, Trump and Clinton Need the Deep State
It’s hard for any liberty-loving American not to look at deep-staters as bad guys. But they are the ultimate adults in the room. They are the ones President Obama has stiff-armed on foreign policy. His most successful war has been waged against their influence—expanding his National Security Council to an absurd degree, reaching down the chain of military command with unprecedented interference from the White House, and bottlenecking strategic decisions with the innermost ring of his inner circle.

Without doubt, Obama has given plenty of leeway to those who pay the deep state’s bills and make the trains run on time—Wall Street and Silicon Valley. But Obama owns the choices that have accelerated our race to the brink: the mismanagement of Mideast geopolitics, the blindness to Europe’s gathering storms, the naivety toward Russia. The deep state is eager to reassert influence over our Old World policy before events spiral further out of hand. For right now, there’s no one better to entrust it to.

Donald Trump certainly can’t fix things. The evidence suggests he doesn’t want to, not personally, viewing his would-be White House role as a sort of chairman of the board who would hand expert stuff to the experts. Plus, whatever may be said of Trump, he certainly does not wish to go down in history as the man who led us to World War Three.

The same goes for Hillary Clinton. Her track record on world leadership is shaky, her distaste for Obama’s approach is clear, and her lack of popularity will give her little margin for error as president. As she shores up her domestic position and works to salvage what she has inherited, a President Clinton will desperately need the deep state to earn its keep.
Seriously, if the NYPD hadn't seen what they had seen, would Comey have changed his investigative policy?

Sure, individuals within the NSA, CIA, and FBI would have kept sending stuff to Wikileaks, but would that have been enough to propel official government agencies to change course, especially when so many of the bureaucrats were beholden to the Clinton crime family?

Just in case anyone needs a review about what we know that is in Wikileaks and associated releases, here it is folks;

UPDATE (November 6 at 11:30 AM EST)

Today's leaks will be combining the past 2 days into one large segment. Stay tuned!

The Top 100 Most Damaging WikiLeaks


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