The Truth About Hillary Clinton (and Bill)

All I can contribute is that while Bill was in office we were not so screwed up with jobs, the economy, etc. He did well as president and I am not talking about lewinsky or hillary or their open marriage. Hillary is Bisexual. They have an open marriage because she likes women as much as Bill does. Or so I heard from someone that was in the know.
None of it matters. Business is business. Private life is theirs and while in office, we were much better off with this country being run by him.

Just my opinion. Nothing more.

Oh for Christ sake, Gracie...

Whut? It's just my opinion. Does the sun rise and set on me or something? Do you not understand the words MY OPINION?

Opinion? You said that pretty definitively. You said people in the know told you.

Because a woman is assertive and highly successful, it doesn't necessarily follow that she is also bi sexual. Even if her interests are in supporting and encouraging other women to do what's best for them even if it means ruffling a few feathers.

How would you like it if I thought just because you are really smart and assertive that you are also gay? It doesn't matter but you don't want people making assumptions about your sexuality based on these things.
No, they probably intend to run her because she's a pretty decent candidate.

Really, the GOP Ran George W. Bush because his name was Bush, despite the fact he was clinically retarded.

And you guys are going to whine about Hillary? Really? At least Hillary's accomplished a few things on her own.

What has Hillary accomplished for the good of our country that has any noticeable degree of importance or benefit? :confused:

How about- repairing our tattered image abroad after Bush alienated just about the whole fucking world?

But being a conservatard, you probably don't care about what them foreigners think, so that'd be a pointless discussion.

Kind of like most discussions with Stuck on Stupid Conservatives.

Failed response SFBs! It must mean you are a lying POS, but we already knew that!:cuckoo:
Bill and Hillary Clinton are political opportunists that will say anything for money and power. I have no respect for either of these skuzz-buckets.

A good book about them? Honestly, I don't care enough to waste my time reading about these sleazebags. I already know there is shit in the sewer, I don't need to stick my nose down there to smell it.
Bill and Hillary Clinton are political opportunists that will say anything for money and power. I have no respect for either of these skuzz-buckets.

A good book about them? Honestly, I don't care enough to waste my time reading about these sleazebags. I already know there is shit in the sewer, I don't need to stick my nose down there to smell it.

I want to know if the stench was real, or created by the blah -blah, bleeping you know the drill.

Ever hear of the chop suey connection?
Bill and Hillary Clinton are political opportunists that will say anything for money and power. I have no respect for either of these skuzz-buckets.

A good book about them? Honestly, I don't care enough to waste my time reading about these sleazebags. I already know there is shit in the sewer, I don't need to stick my nose down there to smell it.

I want to know if the stench was real, or created by the blah -blah, bleeping you know the drill.

Ever hear of the chop suey connection?

No.....tell me about it!
At least Clinton had enough sense in the middle of his presidency to sign some republican bills.

Overall, Obama is the worst president in the history of our country. Clinton only makes the top ten worst IMHO.

Therefore, it's easy to say Clinton was better than Obama. Scary Kerry would have been better than Obama! The Hildebeast would even be slightly better than Obama! Geeeez!
Bill and Hillary Clinton are political opportunists that will say anything for money and power. I have no respect for either of these skuzz-buckets.

A good book about them? Honestly, I don't care enough to waste my time reading about these sleazebags. I already know there is shit in the sewer, I don't need to stick my nose down there to smell it.

I want to know if the stench was real, or created by the blah -blah, bleeping you know the drill.

Ever hear of the chop suey connection?

No.....tell me about it!

This is the first I've heard of it as well. It has to do with how much money was flowing into the Clinton election campaign from China.

The news story began with The Wall Street Journal's report that Hong Kong-born Norman Hsu appeared to have "bundled" vast amounts of money into donations to Democrats. Particularly blessed was the Clinton presidential campaign. Among Hsu's contributors were the Paws, a modest California Chinese-American family of a mail carrier whose annual salary is $45,000, but nevertheless has donated $244,000 to the Democrats since 2004 -- $55,000 of which went to the Clinton campaign. So prominent has Hsu been among Clinton donors that he has been anointed a "HillRaiser," someone who has pledged at least $100,000 to the Clinton cause. The Journal reports that Democratic sources claim his donations to the Clintons amount to "well over $1 million."

The story gets better. Hsu's sudden notoriety alerted officials in California that he is a convicted felon who has been on the lam since 1992. That news broke late in the week when Hsu turned himself in and posted $2 million for bail. Over the weekend the story died, and this week Hsu failed to show up for his bail hearing.

I suppose this is what the Clintons call "old news." Asian money from shadowy types has figured in Clinton campaigns going back to at least 1986. Writing in The American Spectator even prior to the Clinton campaign finance scandals of the mid-1990s, James Ring Adams followed the Riadys, an Indonesian family of Chinese ancestry then prominent among Clinton supporters and White House guests, back to Arkansas in 1986, when the Riadys played their eleemosynary role in Gov. Bill Clinton's reelection. In the autumn of 1992 the family illegally pumped as much as $1 million into Clinton's presidential campaign and in 2001 paid an $8.6 million fine for its indiscretions. In that settlement it admitted to 86 misdemeanor charges of making illegal foreign campaign contributions from 1988 to 1994. The Clintons dismiss The American Spectator as part of the "vast right-wing conspiracy," though we have never been wrong when we made their "old news" new news.
The best books about the Clintons and Obamas and corruption will come many years down the road when their power has eroded and/or when people are at places that they're in less fear of consquences and/or desperate for a payday.
I want to know if the stench was real, or created by the blah -blah, bleeping you know the drill.

Ever hear of the chop suey connection?

No.....tell me about it!

This is the first I've heard of it as well. It has to do with how much money was flowing into the Clinton election campaign from China.

The news story began with The Wall Street Journal's report that Hong Kong-born Norman Hsu appeared to have "bundled" vast amounts of money into donations to Democrats. Particularly blessed was the Clinton presidential campaign. Among Hsu's contributors were the Paws, a modest California Chinese-American family of a mail carrier whose annual salary is $45,000, but nevertheless has donated $244,000 to the Democrats since 2004 -- $55,000 of which went to the Clinton campaign. So prominent has Hsu been among Clinton donors that he has been anointed a "HillRaiser," someone who has pledged at least $100,000 to the Clinton cause. The Journal reports that Democratic sources claim his donations to the Clintons amount to "well over $1 million."

The story gets better. Hsu's sudden notoriety alerted officials in California that he is a convicted felon who has been on the lam since 1992. That news broke late in the week when Hsu turned himself in and posted $2 million for bail. Over the weekend the story died, and this week Hsu failed to show up for his bail hearing.

I suppose this is what the Clintons call "old news." Asian money from shadowy types has figured in Clinton campaigns going back to at least 1986. Writing in The American Spectator even prior to the Clinton campaign finance scandals of the mid-1990s, James Ring Adams followed the Riadys, an Indonesian family of Chinese ancestry then prominent among Clinton supporters and White House guests, back to Arkansas in 1986, when the Riadys played their eleemosynary role in Gov. Bill Clinton's reelection. In the autumn of 1992 the family illegally pumped as much as $1 million into Clinton's presidential campaign and in 2001 paid an $8.6 million fine for its indiscretions. In that settlement it admitted to 86 misdemeanor charges of making illegal foreign campaign contributions from 1988 to 1994. The Clintons dismiss The American Spectator as part of the "vast right-wing conspiracy," though we have never been wrong when we made their "old news" new news.

Oh yeah, I remember that......honestly, there were so many scandals with those two, it's hard to keep them straight. :thup:
The Clintons are criminals.

So are the Obamas.

And Sarhag is a fucking retard, lol. Jonestown material.
Clinton was a much better president than Obama could even think about being.

Yes and no.

I think CLinton had the wonderful timing. He was president just when the Digital Revolution was happening and restructuring the face of the job market, creating all sorts of new jobs before big corporations figured out which ones they could outsource to Pradip in India.

He reaped the benefits of the Cold War ending without having to deal with the beginnings of the War On Terror.
Clinton was a much better president than Obama could even think about being.

Yes and no.

I think CLinton had the wonderful timing. He was president just when the Digital Revolution was happening and restructuring the face of the job market, creating all sorts of new jobs before big corporations figured out which ones they could outsource to Pradip in India.

He reaped the benefits of the Cold War ending without having to deal with the beginnings of the War On Terror.

That's standard hack analysis.
Clinton was a much better president than Obama could even think about being.

You weren't saying Clinton was so great a president back then now were you? I can't picture it, sorry.

Really. He knew how to work across the aisle to get things done. Game playing was not part of the action once he was president. He wanted to get things done. He would have been one of the best if he just would have been more discreet. I don't think everything has to be Republican to be right. I'm more objective than many here.
Clinton was a much better president than Obama could even think about being.

You weren't saying Clinton was so great a president back then now were you? I can't picture it, sorry.

Really. He knew how to work across the aisle to get things done. Game playing was not part of the action once he was president. He wanted to get things done. He would have been one of the best if he just would have been more discreet. I don't think everything has to be Republican to be right. I'm more objective than many here.

Well, you're the exception. :)
Clinton was a much better president than Obama could even think about being.

Yes and no.

I think CLinton had the wonderful timing. He was president just when the Digital Revolution was happening and restructuring the face of the job market, creating all sorts of new jobs before big corporations figured out which ones they could outsource to Pradip in India.

He reaped the benefits of the Cold War ending without having to deal with the beginnings of the War On Terror.

That's standard hack analysis.

Or just a pragmatic reading.

A Partisan Democrat would give Clinton credit for the good things that happened on his tenure. I would LOVE to have my life from 1999 back. Things were kind of awesome.

I don't. I think the guy was just incredibly lucky and didn't make bad decisions.
Yes and no.

I think CLinton had the wonderful timing. He was president just when the Digital Revolution was happening and restructuring the face of the job market, creating all sorts of new jobs before big corporations figured out which ones they could outsource to Pradip in India.

He reaped the benefits of the Cold War ending without having to deal with the beginnings of the War On Terror.

That's standard hack analysis.

Or just a pragmatic reading.

A Partisan Democrat would give Clinton credit for the good things that happened on his tenure. I would LOVE to have my life from 1999 back. Things were kind of awesome.

I don't. I think the guy was just incredibly lucky and didn't make bad decisions.

Like Chauncy Gardner? :) Well, it was more of a plan than him just being there but he was really the comeback kid.
That's standard hack analysis.

Or just a pragmatic reading.

A Partisan Democrat would give Clinton credit for the good things that happened on his tenure. I would LOVE to have my life from 1999 back. Things were kind of awesome.

I don't. I think the guy was just incredibly lucky and didn't make bad decisions.

Like Chauncy Gardner? :) Well, it was more of a plan than him just being there but he was really the comeback kid.

Chauncy Gardner? There's a reference most people wouldn't get! :lol::lol::lol:

I've got mixed feelings about Bill Clinton.

On a personal level, he was really a terrible person. He really treated the women in his life badly, not just his wife, but Monica and all the rest of the "Bimbo Eruptions".

But for the 99.99999% of Americans who weren't his wife or mistress, life was pretty good under his watch. Even the people who hated him.
Or just a pragmatic reading.

A Partisan Democrat would give Clinton credit for the good things that happened on his tenure. I would LOVE to have my life from 1999 back. Things were kind of awesome.

I don't. I think the guy was just incredibly lucky and didn't make bad decisions.

Like Chauncy Gardner? :) Well, it was more of a plan than him just being there but he was really the comeback kid.

Chauncy Gardner? There's a reference most people wouldn't get! :lol::lol::lol:

I've got mixed feelings about Bill Clinton.

On a personal level, he was really a terrible person. He really treated the women in his life badly, not just his wife, but Monica and all the rest of the "Bimbo Eruptions".

But for the 99.99999% of Americans who weren't his wife or mistress, life was pretty good under his watch. Even the people who hated him.

I'm a big Peter Sellers fan. That guy was on a higher plane.

I agree with your assessment of big Bill.

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