The Trumpian divide, part VI: Latino dissapproval of Trump at 81%


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
As an adjunct to this thread, but with new and even more telling data:

Overall do you have a favorable or unfavorable impression of Donald Trump - The Washington Post

WAPO poll latino dissaproval 81 percent.png

More here:

Trump s popularity spikes among Republicans - The Washington Post

Trump is at 57% approval among Republicans, but at -35 (35 approve / 60 disapprove) among RV, and as already indicated, 81% of Latinos disapprove of him, making for -68 (13 approve / 81 disapprove).

The second link even has a graph:

WAPO poll latino disapproval of Trump surges.png

Now, because Latinos were such a small sub-set of the entire poll, the MoE is +/-12, which is way too much, but even so, a 20 point jump in disapproval cannot be explained away by the MoE.

And, the Univision poll from yesterday also clearly showed HUGE Latino disapproval of Trump's immigration comments.

I repeat from yesterday: Hispanic Electorate Poll.pdf


Fav 17 / Unfav 71, -64

So, the WAPO poll shows a -68, the Univision poll shows a -64.
That is an ENORMOUS deficit to have to overcome.

From the second WAPO link, a quote:

Hispanics represent one group where Trump's image, perhaps understandably, has soured since his negative comments about Mexican illegal immigrants. Trump's unfavorable ratings among Hispanics rose sharply from 60 percent in May to 81 percent now. His favorable ratings are 13 percent among Hispanics, little changed from the previous survey.

Trump has said his immigration comments would help him win the Latino vote if he were the 2016 GOP nominee. This poll (along with basic logic) suggests that would be nothing shy of a miracle.

While the number of Hispanic respondents are small in each survey and subject to high levels of sampling error, the changes are large enough to be meaningful. And Trump has doubled down on the sharply negative characterization of illegal immigrants as "rapists" and other criminals.

Losing the Latino vote by 44 points in 2012 was enough to allow President Obama a +4 nationally.

Imagine a GOPer losing the Latino vote nationally by 60 points in 2016, which would mean he or she would likely lose it by 70 points in states like New Mexico, Colorado, Arizona, Texas and Nevada....

Now, just imagine that.

Remember, this is simple math.

Within two days, two pollsters are showing that Donald Trump is getting crushed among Latinos.

Is anyone surprised?
We may disagree on somethings Scat,,,but you're one of the few people here that understand the field of political science and the numbers.

There's no chance for Trump to win the election with these numbers as they're. What's even worse is the reality that Hispanics only came out 46% of their voting bloc compared to mid 60's for whites and blacks! My greatest interest is seeing the Hispanic voting bloc finally getting pissed and coming out in the mid 50's in 2016!!! This would probably make up 14-15% of the electorate. If this 60% disproval holds and 75%-80% of them vote rat = blood bath.

Whites would need to come out at 84 levels at over 64% going republican to start to over come this. Florida's gone, North Carolina is in deep fucking trouble, Nev is gone along with Co.

If this occurs I predict the republicans won't get more then 170 elv's.
Americans can out vote latinos. Then we won't have a latino issue.

Punching at full strength those latino's could approach 15% of the entire electorate at their current 17.7%(2015) of the population. They won't vote equal to their population simply because too money of them are below voting age. They're a young population.

Blacks 13%
Asians 5.5%
Other(Arabs) around 1%

This + the womans vote going 55-57% for Hillary = blood bath.

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