The Trump Show - BBC2

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

A doc covering trumps presidency. I suspect that it cant be shown in the US because it may influence the elections.

Basically it is the inside story from the votes being declared to date. Most of the speakers are obviously ex trump employees. Bannon,Spicer,The Mooch,Stormy and so on.

On that basis it is probably a biased account given he has sacked all of them.

But the common theme running through it is Trumps narcissism and his need for adoration. Spicer describes how he had to "fake news" the inauguration crowd and how uncomfortable he felt. A girl called Amorosa described Trumps anger when the Mooch was the front cover of Time (or similar). He was fired a few days later.

They cover the rift between Reibus and Bannon and Trump deciding they both had to go. There was also the Pentagon briefing where Trump listened to his Generals who outlined the state of play on world issues. Trump stopped them at some stage and told them that he knew best and then went out and set up the Korea summit , primarily because he saw it as a ratings winner.

There probably isnt anything you guys didnt know or suspect but it is quite entertaining none the less.

A doc covering trumps presidency. I suspect that it cant be shown in the US because it may influence the elections.

Basically it is the inside story from the votes being declared to date. Most of the speakers are obviously ex trump employees. Bannon,Spicer,The Mooch,Stormy and so on.

On that basis it is probably a biased account given he has sacked all of them.

But the common theme running through it is Trumps narcissism and his need for adoration. Spicer describes how he had to "fake news" the inauguration crowd and how uncomfortable he felt. A girl called Amorosa described Trumps anger when the Mooch was the front cover of Time (or similar). He was fired a few days later.

They cover the rift between Reibus and Bannon and Trump deciding they both had to go. There was also the Pentagon briefing where Trump listened to his Generals who outlined the state of play on world issues. Trump stopped them at some stage and told them that he knew best and then went out and set up the Korea summit , primarily because he saw it as a ratings winner.

There probably isnt anything you guys didnt know or suspect but it is quite entertaining none the less.
I give the OK for BBC to air it in the US just after Nov. 3rd but I doubt most will watch. We have had enough of that POS.

A doc covering trumps presidency. I suspect that it cant be shown in the US because it may influence the elections.

Basically it is the inside story from the votes being declared to date. Most of the speakers are obviously ex trump employees. Bannon,Spicer,The Mooch,Stormy and so on.

On that basis it is probably a biased account given he has sacked all of them.

But the common theme running through it is Trumps narcissism and his need for adoration. Spicer describes how he had to "fake news" the inauguration crowd and how uncomfortable he felt. A girl called Amorosa described Trumps anger when the Mooch was the front cover of Time (or similar). He was fired a few days later.

They cover the rift between Reibus and Bannon and Trump deciding they both had to go. There was also the Pentagon briefing where Trump listened to his Generals who outlined the state of play on world issues. Trump stopped them at some stage and told them that he knew best and then went out and set up the Korea summit , primarily because he saw it as a ratings winner.

There probably isnt anything you guys didnt know or suspect but it is quite entertaining none the less.

The UK failed on Ukraine, Hong Kong and Russia, all within six years or so. With all due respect, your influence has been FAR too skewed relative to your waning global influence. It doesn't please me to say that, I have partial British ancestry, but it's the way I see it. The British Empire has quickly become an afterthought. Few lessons learned since Kim Philby. It has hurt America the most, which in turn has hurt all of the citizens of the West.

It has to really upset the most competent and noble in the UK who have to listen to the BBC other underperformers convince their citizens about how righteous they are even in the face of obvious expansion of enemies who will spit an even larger gob on the sacrifices of men from WWII. I hear some of their voices in the wilderness on twitter and elsewhere. They understand where this all leads, history will repeat itself. There is no guarantee we will be the victors this time.

It seems like many of Canadian lazy "elite", the only interest from some in the UK is exploitation of the U.S taxpayer, since, again like Canada, your nation refuses to innovate. The Empire has been gone for some time precisely because innovation, invention and free market principles have been largely replaced by the same lifetime government patsies that some wish for America.

A doc covering trumps presidency. I suspect that it cant be shown in the US because it may influence the elections.

Basically it is the inside story from the votes being declared to date. Most of the speakers are obviously ex trump employees. Bannon,Spicer,The Mooch,Stormy and so on.

On that basis it is probably a biased account given he has sacked all of them.

But the common theme running through it is Trumps narcissism and his need for adoration. Spicer describes how he had to "fake news" the inauguration crowd and how uncomfortable he felt. A girl called Amorosa described Trumps anger when the Mooch was the front cover of Time (or similar). He was fired a few days later.

They cover the rift between Reibus and Bannon and Trump deciding they both had to go. There was also the Pentagon briefing where Trump listened to his Generals who outlined the state of play on world issues. Trump stopped them at some stage and told them that he knew best and then went out and set up the Korea summit , primarily because he saw it as a ratings winner.

There probably isnt anything you guys didnt know or suspect but it is quite entertaining none the less.

The UK failed on Ukraine, Hong Kong and Russia, all within six years or so. With all due respect, your influence has been FAR too skewed relative to your waning global influence. It doesn't please me to say that, I have partial British ancestry, but it's the way I see it. The British Empire has quickly become an afterthought. Few lessons learned since Kim Philby. It has hurt America the most, which in turn has hurt all of the citizens of the West.

It has to really upset the most competent and noble in the UK who have to listen to the BBC other underperformers convince their citizens about how righteous they are even in the face of obvious expansion of enemies who will spit an even larger gob on the sacrifices of men from WWII. I hear some of their voices in the wilderness on twitter and elsewhere. They understand where this all leads, history will repeat itself. There is no guarantee we will be the victors this time.

It seems like many of Canadian lazy "elite", the only interest from some in the UK is exploitation of the U.S taxpayer, since, again like Canada, your nation refuses to innovate. The Empire has been gone for some time precisely because innovation, invention and free market principles have been largely replaced by the same lifetime government patsies that some wish for America.
What the fuck has any of this got to do with a doc about trump ? You are insane.
“the common theme running through it is Trumps narcissism and his need for adoration.”

That seems to sum it up.
Sad for the USA who has a President working for himself, instead of the country.
“the common theme running through it is Trumps narcissism and his need for adoration.”

That seems to sum it up.
Sad for the USA who has a President working for himself, instead of the country.

And yet, the people that refuse to stand for the National Anthem, or who burn the flag, all seem to be on your side of the debate.

mmmm, interesting.

A doc covering trumps presidency. I suspect that it cant be shown in the US because it may influence the elections.

Basically it is the inside story from the votes being declared to date. Most of the speakers are obviously ex trump employees. Bannon,Spicer,The Mooch,Stormy and so on.

On that basis it is probably a biased account given he has sacked all of them.

But the common theme running through it is Trumps narcissism and his need for adoration. Spicer describes how he had to "fake news" the inauguration crowd and how uncomfortable he felt. A girl called Amorosa described Trumps anger when the Mooch was the front cover of Time (or similar). He was fired a few days later.

They cover the rift between Reibus and Bannon and Trump deciding they both had to go. There was also the Pentagon briefing where Trump listened to his Generals who outlined the state of play on world issues. Trump stopped them at some stage and told them that he knew best and then went out and set up the Korea summit , primarily because he saw it as a ratings winner.

There probably isnt anything you guys didnt know or suspect but it is quite entertaining none the less.

The UK failed on Ukraine, Hong Kong and Russia, all within six years or so. With all due respect, your influence has been FAR too skewed relative to your waning global influence. It doesn't please me to say that, I have partial British ancestry, but it's the way I see it. The British Empire has quickly become an afterthought. Few lessons learned since Kim Philby. It has hurt America the most, which in turn has hurt all of the citizens of the West.

It has to really upset the most competent and noble in the UK who have to listen to the BBC other underperformers convince their citizens about how righteous they are even in the face of obvious expansion of enemies who will spit an even larger gob on the sacrifices of men from WWII. I hear some of their voices in the wilderness on twitter and elsewhere. They understand where this all leads, history will repeat itself. There is no guarantee we will be the victors this time.

It seems like many of Canadian lazy "elite", the only interest from some in the UK is exploitation of the U.S taxpayer, since, again like Canada, your nation refuses to innovate. The Empire has been gone for some time precisely because innovation, invention and free market principles have been largely replaced by the same lifetime government patsies that some wish for America.
What the fuck has any of this got to do with a doc about trump ? You are insane.

It has to do with the BBC.

Surprise us with a link to a documentary about Clinton and Russian Uranium, or maybe an interesting breakdown on how Putin rolled into Ukraine while a British media/adviser wrote an op-ed on how providing weapons to Ukraine would upset Putin and create escalation.

Until then, BBC is a government hack network that once in awhile produces good documentaries, but would firmly be in the camp of Chamberlain if the same circumstances arose today. On the taxpayers dime but ignoring an entire segment of the population.

Poor media outlets ensure poorly informed citizens. A weakened Western civilization that continually allows the least impressive to convince us that defense of Western Values is somehow a sin. The world isn't so ignorant as to believe the whole Christopher Steele narrative. What good did he serve the interests of the West?

A doc covering trumps presidency. I suspect that it cant be shown in the US because it may influence the elections.

Basically it is the inside story from the votes being declared to date. Most of the speakers are obviously ex trump employees. Bannon,Spicer,The Mooch,Stormy and so on.

On that basis it is probably a biased account given he has sacked all of them.

But the common theme running through it is Trumps narcissism and his need for adoration. Spicer describes how he had to "fake news" the inauguration crowd and how uncomfortable he felt. A girl called Amorosa described Trumps anger when the Mooch was the front cover of Time (or similar). He was fired a few days later.

They cover the rift between Reibus and Bannon and Trump deciding they both had to go. There was also the Pentagon briefing where Trump listened to his Generals who outlined the state of play on world issues. Trump stopped them at some stage and told them that he knew best and then went out and set up the Korea summit , primarily because he saw it as a ratings winner.

There probably isnt anything you guys didnt know or suspect but it is quite entertaining none the less.
BBC is a Marxist outlet that even Karl Marx and Lenin would have loved

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