The Trump Second Term. Lost already?


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
If you are honest, you will realize that a Trump Second Term is at best, a coin toss at this point. There are a lot of reasons for this, and I want to take a moment to compare and contrast this Administration, with another one from history. I want to show you where Trump went wrong, the mistakes he made.

Full Disclosure. I voted for Trump. In fact, the 2016 election is the very first election where I voted against Democrats. I have said why many times. I don’t feel the need to cover it again. So far, I have not seen a Democrat who represents the values I have, but we’ll see what happens as time goes by.

To compare and contrast, I want to put things in context. Ronald Reagan came into office in 1981 with literally everyone against him. He had proposed two ideas that were outrageous. If you say that Trump is facing far more opposition, then you have no idea what you are talking about. The Speaker of the House in the 1980’s was a politician from Boston named Tip O’Neill. Tip O'Neill - Wikipedia

If you think Nancy Pelosi is a dedicated opponent of your ideals, then you have no knowledge of Tip O’Neill. Tip was so powerful he managed to get the “Big Dig” through Congress. Remember the outrage and disgust over the Bridge to Nowhere? A drop in the Pork Bucket compared to the Big Dig. Big Dig - Wikipedia

Tip said that Reagan’s Tax Cuts were dead on arrival. You could find a few Republicans who were willing to sponsor the legislation, but they did so knowing that there was no way on Earth that Reagan would get it through. No way to get it to a vote under Tip as Speaker. It was Dead on Arrival. Then Reagan went and addressed the nation. He sat behind the desk and explained why he believed that a Tax Cut was a good choice. Why it was needed. Congress was flooded with letters, telegrams, phone calls, and Tip bowed to pressure and it went up for a vote. In a Congress with a Majority of the Opposition in power, Reagan got his Tax Cut.

But that was not all. Not by a long shot. Reagan’s ideals for the Cold War. You want to talk about the Deep State and the opposition to Trump like it never existed before? Every single expert. Every Admiral, General, Defense Contractor, Defensive Think Tank, Scientist, Engineer. You name it, they were against any challenge to the Status Quo. Mutually Assured Destruction was such a simple premise. They will never attack us with nuclear weapons because they know that we will respond and wipe them off the map. As long as neither side can win, neither side will face losing, and neither side will attack. Reagan with the Strategic Defense Initiative challenged this basic premise.

People who had spent their entire lives, and careers maintaining this balance of power saw horror on the horizon. The Doomsday clock was set to midnight, or a minute or two before showing that Reagan and his warmongering ways was going to get the world wiped out.

Opponents pointed out that Duck and Cover was a nonsense way in the 1950’s to make the people feel that they were not powerless in the face of Nuclear War. Every pundit, thinker, and defensive strategy expert said that Reagan was wrong to rock the boat.

Reagan got SDI through Congress. Reagan got people thinking about it. And accepting the wisdom. I grew up in a Democratic Household. I remember being a teenager and arguing with my older and theoretically wiser cousin about it. It made perfect sense to me. If someone is swinging a punch at my head, I am going to lift my arm to block the punch. Only an idiot stands there and lets himself get hit. My Cousin pointed out the argument that was accepted. The enemy will just make an anti anti missile to take our our Anti Missile missile.

I joined the left, the center, and the right in screaming our frustration when Reagan walked away from Iceland and the best chance of the 20th Century to get rid of Nuclear Weapons. But Reagan turned out to be right. History showed it. It is conclusively proven at this point. I was wrong.

Reagan faced greater challenges than Trump because Reagan was proposing things that were just accepted as wrong. Yet. Reagan was wise enough to know that calm words and a pithy saying went a lot further than shouts and screams.

When Trump won the election, I was at work. I spoke to my wife at home. We were both shocked. I told her over the next couple days, imagining that Trump would embrace the Reagan example, and rise above the Campaign Rhetoric. I told her that Trump had a good chance of doing a lot more than we could imagine.

Here is why I think it is a coin toss. Reagan took his message to the people. Trump takes his message to Twitter. Reagan never forgot he was the President of all the States, and all the people. Trump has never accepted that those who disagree with him are just as American as everyone else. If anything, Trump has embraced the Clinton model, the Obama Model, and merely turned the knob up to 11. The arrogance, the failings that we’ve all seen, are turbo charged with Trump.

So I think it is a coin toss at this point. Heads a second term, tails, Trump starts looking at an extended Vacation in Monaco, or Switzerland. Reagan wanted to win the political battles, but today, we want to destroy our opponents.
If you are honest, you will realize that a Trump Second Term is at best, a coin toss at this point. There are a lot of reasons for this, and I want to take a moment to compare and contrast this Administration, with another one from history. I want to show you where Trump went wrong, the mistakes he made.

Full Disclosure. I voted for Trump. In fact, the 2016 election is the very first election where I voted against Democrats. I have said why many times. I don’t feel the need to cover it again. So far, I have not seen a Democrat who represents the values I have, but we’ll see what happens as time goes by.

To compare and contrast, I want to put things in context. Ronald Reagan came into office in 1981 with literally everyone against him. He had proposed two ideas that were outrageous. If you say that Trump is facing far more opposition, then you have no idea what you are talking about. The Speaker of the House in the 1980’s was a politician from Boston named Tip O’Neill. Tip O'Neill - Wikipedia

If you think Nancy Pelosi is a dedicated opponent of your ideals, then you have no knowledge of Tip O’Neill. Tip was so powerful he managed to get the “Big Dig” through Congress. Remember the outrage and disgust over the Bridge to Nowhere? A drop in the Pork Bucket compared to the Big Dig. Big Dig - Wikipedia

Tip said that Reagan’s Tax Cuts were dead on arrival. You could find a few Republicans who were willing to sponsor the legislation, but they did so knowing that there was no way on Earth that Reagan would get it through. No way to get it to a vote under Tip as Speaker. It was Dead on Arrival. Then Reagan went and addressed the nation. He sat behind the desk and explained why he believed that a Tax Cut was a good choice. Why it was needed. Congress was flooded with letters, telegrams, phone calls, and Tip bowed to pressure and it went up for a vote. In a Congress with a Majority of the Opposition in power, Reagan got his Tax Cut.

But that was not all. Not by a long shot. Reagan’s ideals for the Cold War. You want to talk about the Deep State and the opposition to Trump like it never existed before? Every single expert. Every Admiral, General, Defense Contractor, Defensive Think Tank, Scientist, Engineer. You name it, they were against any challenge to the Status Quo. Mutually Assured Destruction was such a simple premise. They will never attack us with nuclear weapons because they know that we will respond and wipe them off the map. As long as neither side can win, neither side will face losing, and neither side will attack. Reagan with the Strategic Defense Initiative challenged this basic premise.

People who had spent their entire lives, and careers maintaining this balance of power saw horror on the horizon. The Doomsday clock was set to midnight, or a minute or two before showing that Reagan and his warmongering ways was going to get the world wiped out.

Opponents pointed out that Duck and Cover was a nonsense way in the 1950’s to make the people feel that they were not powerless in the face of Nuclear War. Every pundit, thinker, and defensive strategy expert said that Reagan was wrong to rock the boat.

Reagan got SDI through Congress. Reagan got people thinking about it. And accepting the wisdom. I grew up in a Democratic Household. I remember being a teenager and arguing with my older and theoretically wiser cousin about it. It made perfect sense to me. If someone is swinging a punch at my head, I am going to lift my arm to block the punch. Only an idiot stands there and lets himself get hit. My Cousin pointed out the argument that was accepted. The enemy will just make an anti anti missile to take our our Anti Missile missile.

I joined the left, the center, and the right in screaming our frustration when Reagan walked away from Iceland and the best chance of the 20th Century to get rid of Nuclear Weapons. But Reagan turned out to be right. History showed it. It is conclusively proven at this point. I was wrong.

Reagan faced greater challenges than Trump because Reagan was proposing things that were just accepted as wrong. Yet. Reagan was wise enough to know that calm words and a pithy saying went a lot further than shouts and screams.

When Trump won the election, I was at work. I spoke to my wife at home. We were both shocked. I told her over the next couple days, imagining that Trump would embrace the Reagan example, and rise above the Campaign Rhetoric. I told her that Trump had a good chance of doing a lot more than we could imagine.

Here is why I think it is a coin toss. Reagan took his message to the people. Trump takes his message to Twitter. Reagan never forgot he was the President of all the States, and all the people. Trump has never accepted that those who disagree with him are just as American as everyone else. If anything, Trump has embraced the Clinton model, the Obama Model, and merely turned the knob up to 11. The arrogance, the failings that we’ve all seen, are turbo charged with Trump.

So I think it is a coin toss at this point. Heads a second term, tails, Trump starts looking at an extended Vacation in Monaco, or Switzerland. Reagan wanted to win the political battles, but today, we want to destroy our opponents.
Right now, Trump's ace in the hole is the Democratic Party. It's entirely possible that enough swing voters will look at (what has become of) the Democrats and say, "holy shit, Trump is an embarrassment and a nightmare, but those guys are ridiculous".

One of those "the devil you know" scenarios.

Aside from that, Trump's primary hold on swing voters is the economy. The Fed is about to move in to shore up the cracks that are showing up, and maybe that will work. There's no way to know what the economy will look like in 15 months.
If you are honest, you will realize that a Trump Second Term is at best, a coin toss at this point. There are a lot of reasons for this, and I want to take a moment to compare and contrast this Administration, with another one from history. I want to show you where Trump went wrong, the mistakes he made.

Full Disclosure. I voted for Trump. In fact, the 2016 election is the very first election where I voted against Democrats. I have said why many times. I don’t feel the need to cover it again. So far, I have not seen a Democrat who represents the values I have, but we’ll see what happens as time goes by.

To compare and contrast, I want to put things in context. Ronald Reagan came into office in 1981 with literally everyone against him. He had proposed two ideas that were outrageous. If you say that Trump is facing far more opposition, then you have no idea what you are talking about. The Speaker of the House in the 1980’s was a politician from Boston named Tip O’Neill. Tip O'Neill - Wikipedia

If you think Nancy Pelosi is a dedicated opponent of your ideals, then you have no knowledge of Tip O’Neill. Tip was so powerful he managed to get the “Big Dig” through Congress. Remember the outrage and disgust over the Bridge to Nowhere? A drop in the Pork Bucket compared to the Big Dig. Big Dig - Wikipedia

Tip said that Reagan’s Tax Cuts were dead on arrival. You could find a few Republicans who were willing to sponsor the legislation, but they did so knowing that there was no way on Earth that Reagan would get it through. No way to get it to a vote under Tip as Speaker. It was Dead on Arrival. Then Reagan went and addressed the nation. He sat behind the desk and explained why he believed that a Tax Cut was a good choice. Why it was needed. Congress was flooded with letters, telegrams, phone calls, and Tip bowed to pressure and it went up for a vote. In a Congress with a Majority of the Opposition in power, Reagan got his Tax Cut.

But that was not all. Not by a long shot. Reagan’s ideals for the Cold War. You want to talk about the Deep State and the opposition to Trump like it never existed before? Every single expert. Every Admiral, General, Defense Contractor, Defensive Think Tank, Scientist, Engineer. You name it, they were against any challenge to the Status Quo. Mutually Assured Destruction was such a simple premise. They will never attack us with nuclear weapons because they know that we will respond and wipe them off the map. As long as neither side can win, neither side will face losing, and neither side will attack. Reagan with the Strategic Defense Initiative challenged this basic premise.

People who had spent their entire lives, and careers maintaining this balance of power saw horror on the horizon. The Doomsday clock was set to midnight, or a minute or two before showing that Reagan and his warmongering ways was going to get the world wiped out.

Opponents pointed out that Duck and Cover was a nonsense way in the 1950’s to make the people feel that they were not powerless in the face of Nuclear War. Every pundit, thinker, and defensive strategy expert said that Reagan was wrong to rock the boat.

Reagan got SDI through Congress. Reagan got people thinking about it. And accepting the wisdom. I grew up in a Democratic Household. I remember being a teenager and arguing with my older and theoretically wiser cousin about it. It made perfect sense to me. If someone is swinging a punch at my head, I am going to lift my arm to block the punch. Only an idiot stands there and lets himself get hit. My Cousin pointed out the argument that was accepted. The enemy will just make an anti anti missile to take our our Anti Missile missile.

I joined the left, the center, and the right in screaming our frustration when Reagan walked away from Iceland and the best chance of the 20th Century to get rid of Nuclear Weapons. But Reagan turned out to be right. History showed it. It is conclusively proven at this point. I was wrong.

Reagan faced greater challenges than Trump because Reagan was proposing things that were just accepted as wrong. Yet. Reagan was wise enough to know that calm words and a pithy saying went a lot further than shouts and screams.

When Trump won the election, I was at work. I spoke to my wife at home. We were both shocked. I told her over the next couple days, imagining that Trump would embrace the Reagan example, and rise above the Campaign Rhetoric. I told her that Trump had a good chance of doing a lot more than we could imagine.

Here is why I think it is a coin toss. Reagan took his message to the people. Trump takes his message to Twitter. Reagan never forgot he was the President of all the States, and all the people. Trump has never accepted that those who disagree with him are just as American as everyone else. If anything, Trump has embraced the Clinton model, the Obama Model, and merely turned the knob up to 11. The arrogance, the failings that we’ve all seen, are turbo charged with Trump.

So I think it is a coin toss at this point. Heads a second term, tails, Trump starts looking at an extended Vacation in Monaco, or Switzerland. Reagan wanted to win the political battles, but today, we want to destroy our opponents.
You are making a huge unprecedented assumption, in expecting The Don isn’t re-elected. That is, the D Party actually nominates a quality candidate. I expect they will nominate a clone of O and HER. Then whoever wins, nothing changes.
If there were ANYONE in the current crop who was worth a shit I would say Trump is a one term POTUS. However, who are the alternatives? It's a political short bus on the left currently. Gabbard seemed legit but her own party is against her for her lack of support for the Jew wars in the ME.
Someone is holding out. Someone will enter late in the game and take it from Trump. I can feel it. The media cycle is too long and too brutal to allow a politician to be examined for nearly two years.
If you are honest, you will realize that a Trump Second Term is at best, a coin toss at this point. There are a lot of reasons for this, and I want to take a moment to compare and contrast this Administration, with another one from history. I want to show you where Trump went wrong, the mistakes he made.

Full Disclosure. I voted for Trump. In fact, the 2016 election is the very first election where I voted against Democrats. I have said why many times. I don’t feel the need to cover it again. So far, I have not seen a Democrat who represents the values I have, but we’ll see what happens as time goes by.

To compare and contrast, I want to put things in context. Ronald Reagan came into office in 1981 with literally everyone against him. He had proposed two ideas that were outrageous. If you say that Trump is facing far more opposition, then you have no idea what you are talking about. The Speaker of the House in the 1980’s was a politician from Boston named Tip O’Neill. Tip O'Neill - Wikipedia

If you think Nancy Pelosi is a dedicated opponent of your ideals, then you have no knowledge of Tip O’Neill. Tip was so powerful he managed to get the “Big Dig” through Congress. Remember the outrage and disgust over the Bridge to Nowhere? A drop in the Pork Bucket compared to the Big Dig. Big Dig - Wikipedia

Tip said that Reagan’s Tax Cuts were dead on arrival. You could find a few Republicans who were willing to sponsor the legislation, but they did so knowing that there was no way on Earth that Reagan would get it through. No way to get it to a vote under Tip as Speaker. It was Dead on Arrival. Then Reagan went and addressed the nation. He sat behind the desk and explained why he believed that a Tax Cut was a good choice. Why it was needed. Congress was flooded with letters, telegrams, phone calls, and Tip bowed to pressure and it went up for a vote. In a Congress with a Majority of the Opposition in power, Reagan got his Tax Cut.

But that was not all. Not by a long shot. Reagan’s ideals for the Cold War. You want to talk about the Deep State and the opposition to Trump like it never existed before? Every single expert. Every Admiral, General, Defense Contractor, Defensive Think Tank, Scientist, Engineer. You name it, they were against any challenge to the Status Quo. Mutually Assured Destruction was such a simple premise. They will never attack us with nuclear weapons because they know that we will respond and wipe them off the map. As long as neither side can win, neither side will face losing, and neither side will attack. Reagan with the Strategic Defense Initiative challenged this basic premise.

People who had spent their entire lives, and careers maintaining this balance of power saw horror on the horizon. The Doomsday clock was set to midnight, or a minute or two before showing that Reagan and his warmongering ways was going to get the world wiped out.

Opponents pointed out that Duck and Cover was a nonsense way in the 1950’s to make the people feel that they were not powerless in the face of Nuclear War. Every pundit, thinker, and defensive strategy expert said that Reagan was wrong to rock the boat.

Reagan got SDI through Congress. Reagan got people thinking about it. And accepting the wisdom. I grew up in a Democratic Household. I remember being a teenager and arguing with my older and theoretically wiser cousin about it. It made perfect sense to me. If someone is swinging a punch at my head, I am going to lift my arm to block the punch. Only an idiot stands there and lets himself get hit. My Cousin pointed out the argument that was accepted. The enemy will just make an anti anti missile to take our our Anti Missile missile.

I joined the left, the center, and the right in screaming our frustration when Reagan walked away from Iceland and the best chance of the 20th Century to get rid of Nuclear Weapons. But Reagan turned out to be right. History showed it. It is conclusively proven at this point. I was wrong.

Reagan faced greater challenges than Trump because Reagan was proposing things that were just accepted as wrong. Yet. Reagan was wise enough to know that calm words and a pithy saying went a lot further than shouts and screams.

When Trump won the election, I was at work. I spoke to my wife at home. We were both shocked. I told her over the next couple days, imagining that Trump would embrace the Reagan example, and rise above the Campaign Rhetoric. I told her that Trump had a good chance of doing a lot more than we could imagine.

Here is why I think it is a coin toss. Reagan took his message to the people. Trump takes his message to Twitter. Reagan never forgot he was the President of all the States, and all the people. Trump has never accepted that those who disagree with him are just as American as everyone else. If anything, Trump has embraced the Clinton model, the Obama Model, and merely turned the knob up to 11. The arrogance, the failings that we’ve all seen, are turbo charged with Trump.

So I think it is a coin toss at this point. Heads a second term, tails, Trump starts looking at an extended Vacation in Monaco, or Switzerland. Reagan wanted to win the political battles, but today, we want to destroy our opponents.
Right now, Trump's ace in the hole is the Democratic Party. It's entirely possible that enough swing voters will look at (what has become of) the Democrats and say, "holy shit, Trump is an embarrassment and a nightmare, but those guys are ridiculous".

One of those "the devil you know" scenarios.

Aside from that, Trump's primary hold on swing voters is the economy. The Fed is about to move in to shore up the cracks that are showing up, and maybe that will work. There's no way to know what the economy will look like in 15 months.

No, the problem is that the Republicans look just as crazy these days. When Bush was President, and even when Obama was President, hell all the way back to Reagan. The Conservatives were accused of using Racist, Sexist, or Homophobic code words. Like the members of the Conservative idealism were issued some sort of decoder ring to read secret messages. One of the more well known of these believers of Code Words was Professor George Lakoff. Here is a link to his article explaining why the Oil Well that blew up in the Gulf of Mexico should be referred to as the Gulf Death Gusher.

Conservatism's Death Gusher | HuffPost

Now of course, we don’t hear about Code Words for Racism, Sexism, and the rest of that. Now the ill considered tweets, and rants, are so easily categorized as Racist, or Sexist, that the phrase code words has pretty much been dropped. Professors such as Lakoff looked like idiots when they ran around swearing that they had managed to decode conservative speech.

Let me explain my own personal beliefs. By the standards of Georgia, where I live, I am Liberal. Especially by the standards of the Rural area I reside in. By their standards I am only a step removed from the most radical lunatics from Berkeley. By Berkeley standards, I am a Right Wing gun toting nut, only a step removed from the KKK or whatever.

So I have always rejected the rantings of idiots like Lakoff. Morons who think that there is some sort of Hidden Code in Conservative beliefs. But I also reject without exception any racism. My best friend is Black. About half of those who I would trust with my life are technically minorities.

Trump picks fights, but the wrong fights. Instead of focusing on the issues, and explaining his ideals, and harping on them to the point of nausea inducing repetitiveness. Trump picks fights that he can’t win, and serve only to turn off those vital independents that Trump won in 2016, and the Republicans lost in 2018 along with the House.

For a week we have been debating what? Economic issues? Immigration? The never ending War on Terror? The harm we are doing with our asinine Opioid Policies? No. We have been debating if Baltimore is a Shithole or not.

I remember the outrage when Reagan, doing a sound check before an address. Instead of saying testing testing one two three. Told the people that he was pleased to announce that he had signed legislation making the Soviet Union illegal and the bombs were dropping in five minutes.

Now even with the Soviet overreaction, those who said that this was proof of the Warmonger Reagan, were laughed at. Everyone knew it was a joke, and if anything it made the Soviets look bad because they didn’t get it was just a joke.

The Outrage died down, and it became a snort worthy memory for us who remember History. It also showed that the Soviet’s were taking the rhetoric too seriously, and Reagan toned it down a bit in the second Term. It was used by the Reagan Administration to show that the world could spin into Nuclear War over a misunderstanding, a joke that was taken out of context, and this proved we needed Star Wars.

The Administration stayed on topic. It stayed in focus on the issues they wanted to highlight. Every “setback” was dealt with the same way. I was a Mondale Supporter, and even I understood that Reagan was just joking.

We have gone from that, to the “Code word” era, and now to this nonsense. While we are debating and arguing if calling Baltimore Rat Infested is racist, or accurate, and why, none of the real issues are being discussed. None of the real issues are being moved. Trump’s agenda, if he has one, is completely derailed. I say if he has one, because unlike Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Carter, Ford, and so on. They are not keeping the issue at the front.

In many ways, Trump is the mirror image of the Democratic Party. Every moment is another shiny object to be distracted by. Depending on how sick the people are of this, I don’t want to call it UnPresidential, but it is close, behavior, is how much better the Democrats look by comparison.

That is the other reason why it is a coin toss. Usually folks vote for the least worst candidate. Right now, we are looking at a replay of 2016. One candidate is only slightly more popular than Herpes, unfortunately the other candidate is only slightly more popular than that.
If there were ANYONE in the current crop who was worth a shit I would say Trump is a one term POTUS. However, who are the alternatives? It's a political short bus on the left currently. Gabbard seemed legit but her own party is against her for her lack of support for the Jew wars in the ME.
Someone is holding out. Someone will enter late in the game and take it from Trump. I can feel it. The media cycle is too long and too brutal to allow a politician to be examined for nearly two years.

Yes, the left looks pathetic. But the Right doesn’t look any better. What was the issue for the last week? Immigration? Economy? Iran attacking British Tankers in the Gulf? The Environment? Nope. Baltimore. Not that Baltimore has done anything newsworthy. Nope, just if it is a shithole or if it is racist to say so? Seriously? Iran attacked three British Tankers. Three or our allies tankers, and we are spending days on if Baltimore is infested by Rats?

As I said in another reply. Trump is the mirror image of the Democrats. Just as easily distracted by a shiny object as they are.
The Democrats should be pounding the lectern for a complete clean sweep of the White House AND Congress. As long as the GOP holds the majority in the Senate, it won't much matter if the Democrats win the White House. Just ask Obama.

The Dems need to make the case that not only does Donald Trump need to go, so does Mitch McConnell. They need to put a big target on both of them. The Dems need to make it very clear they need 60 seats in the Senate.

The Dems are on the right track with health care. They totally own that issue, and it is a very important one to the American people. The GOP has demonstrated for decades they don't give a flying fuck about the American people paying ever higher health care costs as they give tax cuts to the one percent.

The Dems could easily own this election if they weren't so talented at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.
Time and time again, Trump instead of growing his base, has frightened many away. Not because of his policies, but because of his personal behavior.

If the economy remains strong, and with Dimocrat candidates doing incredibly stupid things like being in favor of healthcare for illegal immigrants, the coming election should be a cakewalk for the incumbent.
Right now, Trump's ace in the hole is the Democratic Party. It's entirely possible that enough swing voters will look at (what has become of) the Democrats and say, "holy shit, Trump is an embarrassment and a nightmare, but those guys are ridiculous".

One of those "the devil you know" scenarios.

Aside from that, Trump's primary hold on swing voters is the economy. The Fed is about to move in to shore up the cracks that are showing up, and maybe that will work. There's no way to know what the economy will look like in 15 months.

The Democrats simply refuse to understand, or come to terms with, how Trump won.
Specifically... it was their own doing.
Instead they have doubled down with their seemingly desire to alienate as many people as possible.
Perfectly said... "I don't want Trump again... but I am NOT voting for these idiots"
Time and time again, Trump instead of growing his base, has frightened many away. Not because of his policies, but because of his personal behavior.

If the economy remains strong, and with Dimocrat candidates doing incredibly stupid things like being in favor of healthcare for illegal immigrants, the coming election should be a cakewalk for the incumbent.
Trump was elected on third base and his Rube Herd thinks he hit a triple. Trump has been coasting on the momentum achieved in the previous seven years of recovery.

Rather than acting to keep the economy going, Trump and the GOP are instead doubling the deficit and spending more than any Administration in history. They are doing NOTHING to prevent the next downturn from being disastrous.

With their massively reckless spending and debt, Trump and the Republicans are artificially juicing the GDP, and the day is coming when that piper is going to have to be paid.
Right now, Trump's ace in the hole is the Democratic Party. It's entirely possible that enough swing voters will look at (what has become of) the Democrats and say, "holy shit, Trump is an embarrassment and a nightmare, but those guys are ridiculous".

One of those "the devil you know" scenarios.

Aside from that, Trump's primary hold on swing voters is the economy. The Fed is about to move in to shore up the cracks that are showing up, and maybe that will work. There's no way to know what the economy will look like in 15 months.

The Democrats simply refuse to understand, or come to terms with, how Trump won.
Specifically... it was their own doing.
Instead they have doubled down with their seemingly desire to alienate as many people as possible.
Perfectly said... "I don't want Trump again... but I am NOT voting for these idiots"
"I don't want Trump or these idiots".

That's when previous Trump voters stay home on election day, and Trump loses.
If you are honest, you will realize that a Trump Second Term is at best, a coin toss at this point. There are a lot of reasons for this, and I want to take a moment to compare and contrast this Administration, with another one from history. I want to show you where Trump went wrong, the mistakes he made.

Full Disclosure. I voted for Trump. In fact, the 2016 election is the very first election where I voted against Democrats. I have said why many times. I don’t feel the need to cover it again. So far, I have not seen a Democrat who represents the values I have, but we’ll see what happens as time goes by.

To compare and contrast, I want to put things in context. Ronald Reagan came into office in 1981 with literally everyone against him. He had proposed two ideas that were outrageous. If you say that Trump is facing far more opposition, then you have no idea what you are talking about. The Speaker of the House in the 1980’s was a politician from Boston named Tip O’Neill. Tip O'Neill - Wikipedia

If you think Nancy Pelosi is a dedicated opponent of your ideals, then you have no knowledge of Tip O’Neill. Tip was so powerful he managed to get the “Big Dig” through Congress. Remember the outrage and disgust over the Bridge to Nowhere? A drop in the Pork Bucket compared to the Big Dig. Big Dig - Wikipedia

Tip said that Reagan’s Tax Cuts were dead on arrival. You could find a few Republicans who were willing to sponsor the legislation, but they did so knowing that there was no way on Earth that Reagan would get it through. No way to get it to a vote under Tip as Speaker. It was Dead on Arrival. Then Reagan went and addressed the nation. He sat behind the desk and explained why he believed that a Tax Cut was a good choice. Why it was needed. Congress was flooded with letters, telegrams, phone calls, and Tip bowed to pressure and it went up for a vote. In a Congress with a Majority of the Opposition in power, Reagan got his Tax Cut.

But that was not all. Not by a long shot. Reagan’s ideals for the Cold War. You want to talk about the Deep State and the opposition to Trump like it never existed before? Every single expert. Every Admiral, General, Defense Contractor, Defensive Think Tank, Scientist, Engineer. You name it, they were against any challenge to the Status Quo. Mutually Assured Destruction was such a simple premise. They will never attack us with nuclear weapons because they know that we will respond and wipe them off the map. As long as neither side can win, neither side will face losing, and neither side will attack. Reagan with the Strategic Defense Initiative challenged this basic premise.

People who had spent their entire lives, and careers maintaining this balance of power saw horror on the horizon. The Doomsday clock was set to midnight, or a minute or two before showing that Reagan and his warmongering ways was going to get the world wiped out.

Opponents pointed out that Duck and Cover was a nonsense way in the 1950’s to make the people feel that they were not powerless in the face of Nuclear War. Every pundit, thinker, and defensive strategy expert said that Reagan was wrong to rock the boat.

Reagan got SDI through Congress. Reagan got people thinking about it. And accepting the wisdom. I grew up in a Democratic Household. I remember being a teenager and arguing with my older and theoretically wiser cousin about it. It made perfect sense to me. If someone is swinging a punch at my head, I am going to lift my arm to block the punch. Only an idiot stands there and lets himself get hit. My Cousin pointed out the argument that was accepted. The enemy will just make an anti anti missile to take our our Anti Missile missile.

I joined the left, the center, and the right in screaming our frustration when Reagan walked away from Iceland and the best chance of the 20th Century to get rid of Nuclear Weapons. But Reagan turned out to be right. History showed it. It is conclusively proven at this point. I was wrong.

Reagan faced greater challenges than Trump because Reagan was proposing things that were just accepted as wrong. Yet. Reagan was wise enough to know that calm words and a pithy saying went a lot further than shouts and screams.

When Trump won the election, I was at work. I spoke to my wife at home. We were both shocked. I told her over the next couple days, imagining that Trump would embrace the Reagan example, and rise above the Campaign Rhetoric. I told her that Trump had a good chance of doing a lot more than we could imagine.

Here is why I think it is a coin toss. Reagan took his message to the people. Trump takes his message to Twitter. Reagan never forgot he was the President of all the States, and all the people. Trump has never accepted that those who disagree with him are just as American as everyone else. If anything, Trump has embraced the Clinton model, the Obama Model, and merely turned the knob up to 11. The arrogance, the failings that we’ve all seen, are turbo charged with Trump.

So I think it is a coin toss at this point. Heads a second term, tails, Trump starts looking at an extended Vacation in Monaco, or Switzerland. Reagan wanted to win the political battles, but today, we want to destroy our opponents.

Dang, forget the honesty, sounds more like that Hope and Change BS.
The Democrats should be pounding the lectern for a complete clean sweep of the White House AND Congress. As long as the GOP holds the majority in the Senate, it won't much matter if the Democrats win the White House. Just ask Obama.

The Dems need to make the case that not only does Donald Trump need to go, so does Mitch McConnell. They need to put a big target on both of them. The Dems need to make it very clear they need 60 seats in the Senate.

The Dems are on the right track with health care. They totally own that issue, and it is a very important one to the American people. The GOP has demonstrated for decades they don't give a flying fuck about the American people paying ever higher health care costs as they give tax cuts to the one percent.

The Dems could easily own this election if they weren't so talented at snatching defeat from the jaws of victory.

The democrat Party moved all in on Making America Venezuela! They used to pretend they weren't really Communists/Socialists/Fascists, but no more! In 2016, they openly embraced their Inner Mao and now their candidates are bragging about and fighting over which of them is the best Communist cock sleeve

They used the full power of the US Intelligence Agencies to spy on a US citizen. It should rightfully end with one or more former member of that community facing the death penalty for treason and sedition

They HATE everything about our laws and culture: that we're a Republic, not a 'democracy'; the Electoral College; that Illegals can't openly Vote democrat and now, much like how democrats started the Civil War, they will defend to the death their right to keep and own black and Illegals as their rightful property in their Third World shithole cities.
If you are honest, you will realize that a Trump Second Term is at best, a coin toss at this point. There are a lot of reasons for this, and I want to take a moment to compare and contrast this Administration, with another one from history. I want to show you where Trump went wrong, the mistakes he made.

Full Disclosure. I voted for Trump. In fact, the 2016 election is the very first election where I voted against Democrats. I have said why many times. I don’t feel the need to cover it again. So far, I have not seen a Democrat who represents the values I have, but we’ll see what happens as time goes by.

To compare and contrast, I want to put things in context. Ronald Reagan came into office in 1981 with literally everyone against him. He had proposed two ideas that were outrageous. If you say that Trump is facing far more opposition, then you have no idea what you are talking about. The Speaker of the House in the 1980’s was a politician from Boston named Tip O’Neill. Tip O'Neill - Wikipedia

If you think Nancy Pelosi is a dedicated opponent of your ideals, then you have no knowledge of Tip O’Neill. Tip was so powerful he managed to get the “Big Dig” through Congress. Remember the outrage and disgust over the Bridge to Nowhere? A drop in the Pork Bucket compared to the Big Dig. Big Dig - Wikipedia

Tip said that Reagan’s Tax Cuts were dead on arrival. You could find a few Republicans who were willing to sponsor the legislation, but they did so knowing that there was no way on Earth that Reagan would get it through. No way to get it to a vote under Tip as Speaker. It was Dead on Arrival. Then Reagan went and addressed the nation. He sat behind the desk and explained why he believed that a Tax Cut was a good choice. Why it was needed. Congress was flooded with letters, telegrams, phone calls, and Tip bowed to pressure and it went up for a vote. In a Congress with a Majority of the Opposition in power, Reagan got his Tax Cut.

But that was not all. Not by a long shot. Reagan’s ideals for the Cold War. You want to talk about the Deep State and the opposition to Trump like it never existed before? Every single expert. Every Admiral, General, Defense Contractor, Defensive Think Tank, Scientist, Engineer. You name it, they were against any challenge to the Status Quo. Mutually Assured Destruction was such a simple premise. They will never attack us with nuclear weapons because they know that we will respond and wipe them off the map. As long as neither side can win, neither side will face losing, and neither side will attack. Reagan with the Strategic Defense Initiative challenged this basic premise.

People who had spent their entire lives, and careers maintaining this balance of power saw horror on the horizon. The Doomsday clock was set to midnight, or a minute or two before showing that Reagan and his warmongering ways was going to get the world wiped out.

Opponents pointed out that Duck and Cover was a nonsense way in the 1950’s to make the people feel that they were not powerless in the face of Nuclear War. Every pundit, thinker, and defensive strategy expert said that Reagan was wrong to rock the boat.

Reagan got SDI through Congress. Reagan got people thinking about it. And accepting the wisdom. I grew up in a Democratic Household. I remember being a teenager and arguing with my older and theoretically wiser cousin about it. It made perfect sense to me. If someone is swinging a punch at my head, I am going to lift my arm to block the punch. Only an idiot stands there and lets himself get hit. My Cousin pointed out the argument that was accepted. The enemy will just make an anti anti missile to take our our Anti Missile missile.

I joined the left, the center, and the right in screaming our frustration when Reagan walked away from Iceland and the best chance of the 20th Century to get rid of Nuclear Weapons. But Reagan turned out to be right. History showed it. It is conclusively proven at this point. I was wrong.

Reagan faced greater challenges than Trump because Reagan was proposing things that were just accepted as wrong. Yet. Reagan was wise enough to know that calm words and a pithy saying went a lot further than shouts and screams.

When Trump won the election, I was at work. I spoke to my wife at home. We were both shocked. I told her over the next couple days, imagining that Trump would embrace the Reagan example, and rise above the Campaign Rhetoric. I told her that Trump had a good chance of doing a lot more than we could imagine.

Here is why I think it is a coin toss. Reagan took his message to the people. Trump takes his message to Twitter. Reagan never forgot he was the President of all the States, and all the people. Trump has never accepted that those who disagree with him are just as American as everyone else. If anything, Trump has embraced the Clinton model, the Obama Model, and merely turned the knob up to 11. The arrogance, the failings that we’ve all seen, are turbo charged with Trump.

So I think it is a coin toss at this point. Heads a second term, tails, Trump starts looking at an extended Vacation in Monaco, or Switzerland. Reagan wanted to win the political battles, but today, we want to destroy our opponents.
Right now, Trump's ace in the hole is the Democratic Party. It's entirely possible that enough swing voters will look at (what has become of) the Democrats and say, "holy shit, Trump is an embarrassment and a nightmare, but those guys are ridiculous".

One of those "the devil you know" scenarios.

Aside from that, Trump's primary hold on swing voters is the economy. The Fed is about to move in to shore up the cracks that are showing up, and maybe that will work. There's no way to know what the economy will look like in 15 months.

No, the problem is that the Republicans look just as crazy these days. When Bush was President, and even when Obama was President, hell all the way back to Reagan. The Conservatives were accused of using Racist, Sexist, or Homophobic code words. Like the members of the Conservative idealism were issued some sort of decoder ring to read secret messages. One of the more well known of these believers of Code Words was Professor George Lakoff. Here is a link to his article explaining why the Oil Well that blew up in the Gulf of Mexico should be referred to as the Gulf Death Gusher.

Conservatism's Death Gusher | HuffPost

Now of course, we don’t hear about Code Words for Racism, Sexism, and the rest of that. Now the ill considered tweets, and rants, are so easily categorized as Racist, or Sexist, that the phrase code words has pretty much been dropped. Professors such as Lakoff looked like idiots when they ran around swearing that they had managed to decode conservative speech.

Let me explain my own personal beliefs. By the standards of Georgia, where I live, I am Liberal. Especially by the standards of the Rural area I reside in. By their standards I am only a step removed from the most radical lunatics from Berkeley. By Berkeley standards, I am a Right Wing gun toting nut, only a step removed from the KKK or whatever.

So I have always rejected the rantings of idiots like Lakoff. Morons who think that there is some sort of Hidden Code in Conservative beliefs. But I also reject without exception any racism. My best friend is Black. About half of those who I would trust with my life are technically minorities.

Trump picks fights, but the wrong fights. Instead of focusing on the issues, and explaining his ideals, and harping on them to the point of nausea inducing repetitiveness. Trump picks fights that he can’t win, and serve only to turn off those vital independents that Trump won in 2016, and the Republicans lost in 2018 along with the House.

For a week we have been debating what? Economic issues? Immigration? The never ending War on Terror? The harm we are doing with our asinine Opioid Policies? No. We have been debating if Baltimore is a Shithole or not.

I remember the outrage when Reagan, doing a sound check before an address. Instead of saying testing testing one two three. Told the people that he was pleased to announce that he had signed legislation making the Soviet Union illegal and the bombs were dropping in five minutes.

Now even with the Soviet overreaction, those who said that this was proof of the Warmonger Reagan, were laughed at. Everyone knew it was a joke, and if anything it made the Soviets look bad because they didn’t get it was just a joke.

The Outrage died down, and it became a snort worthy memory for us who remember History. It also showed that the Soviet’s were taking the rhetoric too seriously, and Reagan toned it down a bit in the second Term. It was used by the Reagan Administration to show that the world could spin into Nuclear War over a misunderstanding, a joke that was taken out of context, and this proved we needed Star Wars.

The Administration stayed on topic. It stayed in focus on the issues they wanted to highlight. Every “setback” was dealt with the same way. I was a Mondale Supporter, and even I understood that Reagan was just joking.

We have gone from that, to the “Code word” era, and now to this nonsense. While we are debating and arguing if calling Baltimore Rat Infested is racist, or accurate, and why, none of the real issues are being discussed. None of the real issues are being moved. Trump’s agenda, if he has one, is completely derailed. I say if he has one, because unlike Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama, Carter, Ford, and so on. They are not keeping the issue at the front.

In many ways, Trump is the mirror image of the Democratic Party. Every moment is another shiny object to be distracted by. Depending on how sick the people are of this, I don’t want to call it UnPresidential, but it is close, behavior, is how much better the Democrats look by comparison.

That is the other reason why it is a coin toss. Usually folks vote for the least worst candidate. Right now, we are looking at a replay of 2016. One candidate is only slightly more popular than Herpes, unfortunately the other candidate is only slightly more popular than that.

One of the more well known of these believers of Code Words was Professor George Lakoff.

George Jagoff is hilarious. What a twat.
Right now, Trump's ace in the hole is the Democratic Party. It's entirely possible that enough swing voters will look at (what has become of) the Democrats and say, "holy shit, Trump is an embarrassment and a nightmare, but those guys are ridiculous".

One of those "the devil you know" scenarios.

Aside from that, Trump's primary hold on swing voters is the economy. The Fed is about to move in to shore up the cracks that are showing up, and maybe that will work. There's no way to know what the economy will look like in 15 months.

The Democrats simply refuse to understand, or come to terms with, how Trump won.
Specifically... it was their own doing.
Instead they have doubled down with their seemingly desire to alienate as many people as possible.
Perfectly said... "I don't want Trump again... but I am NOT voting for these idiots"
"I don't want Trump or these idiots".

That's when previous Trump voters stay home on election day, and Trump loses.
Yeah, that's possible too.
Time and time again, Trump instead of growing his base, has frightened many away. Not because of his policies, but because of his personal behavior.

If the economy remains strong, and with Dimocrat candidates doing incredibly stupid things like being in favor of healthcare for illegal immigrants, the coming election should be a cakewalk for the incumbent.
Trump was elected on third base and his Rube Herd thinks he hit a triple. Trump has been coasting on the momentum achieved in the previous seven years of recovery.

Rather than acting to keep the economy going, Trump and the GOP are instead doubling the deficit and spending more than any Administration in history. They are doing NOTHING to prevent the next downturn from being disastrous.

With their massively reckless spending and debt, Trump and the Republicans are artificially juicing the GDP, and the day is coming when that piper is going to have to be paid.

Trump was elected on third base

Exactly! The most qualified candidate in history.
Married to a popular ex-President. DURR...…..
A coin toss? You are dreaming. Only hard core idiots would vote for America's weird old uncle or the rest of the democrat clown car. Trump grows in popularity every day despite universal hatred in the media. Imagine where he would be if the media wasn't the propaganda arm of the democrat party.
If you are honest, you will realize that a Trump Second Term is at best, a coin toss at this point. There are a lot of reasons for this, and I want to take a moment to compare and contrast this Administration, with another one from history. I want to show you where Trump went wrong, the mistakes he made.

Full Disclosure. I voted for Trump. In fact, the 2016 election is the very first election where I voted against Democrats. I have said why many times. I don’t feel the need to cover it again. So far, I have not seen a Democrat who represents the values I have, but we’ll see what happens as time goes by.

To compare and contrast, I want to put things in context. Ronald Reagan came into office in 1981 with literally everyone against him. He had proposed two ideas that were outrageous. If you say that Trump is facing far more opposition, then you have no idea what you are talking about. The Speaker of the House in the 1980’s was a politician from Boston named Tip O’Neill. Tip O'Neill - Wikipedia

If you think Nancy Pelosi is a dedicated opponent of your ideals, then you have no knowledge of Tip O’Neill. Tip was so powerful he managed to get the “Big Dig” through Congress. Remember the outrage and disgust over the Bridge to Nowhere? A drop in the Pork Bucket compared to the Big Dig. Big Dig - Wikipedia

Tip said that Reagan’s Tax Cuts were dead on arrival. You could find a few Republicans who were willing to sponsor the legislation, but they did so knowing that there was no way on Earth that Reagan would get it through. No way to get it to a vote under Tip as Speaker. It was Dead on Arrival. Then Reagan went and addressed the nation. He sat behind the desk and explained why he believed that a Tax Cut was a good choice. Why it was needed. Congress was flooded with letters, telegrams, phone calls, and Tip bowed to pressure and it went up for a vote. In a Congress with a Majority of the Opposition in power, Reagan got his Tax Cut.

But that was not all. Not by a long shot. Reagan’s ideals for the Cold War. You want to talk about the Deep State and the opposition to Trump like it never existed before? Every single expert. Every Admiral, General, Defense Contractor, Defensive Think Tank, Scientist, Engineer. You name it, they were against any challenge to the Status Quo. Mutually Assured Destruction was such a simple premise. They will never attack us with nuclear weapons because they know that we will respond and wipe them off the map. As long as neither side can win, neither side will face losing, and neither side will attack. Reagan with the Strategic Defense Initiative challenged this basic premise.

People who had spent their entire lives, and careers maintaining this balance of power saw horror on the horizon. The Doomsday clock was set to midnight, or a minute or two before showing that Reagan and his warmongering ways was going to get the world wiped out.

Opponents pointed out that Duck and Cover was a nonsense way in the 1950’s to make the people feel that they were not powerless in the face of Nuclear War. Every pundit, thinker, and defensive strategy expert said that Reagan was wrong to rock the boat.

Reagan got SDI through Congress. Reagan got people thinking about it. And accepting the wisdom. I grew up in a Democratic Household. I remember being a teenager and arguing with my older and theoretically wiser cousin about it. It made perfect sense to me. If someone is swinging a punch at my head, I am going to lift my arm to block the punch. Only an idiot stands there and lets himself get hit. My Cousin pointed out the argument that was accepted. The enemy will just make an anti anti missile to take our our Anti Missile missile.

I joined the left, the center, and the right in screaming our frustration when Reagan walked away from Iceland and the best chance of the 20th Century to get rid of Nuclear Weapons. But Reagan turned out to be right. History showed it. It is conclusively proven at this point. I was wrong.

Reagan faced greater challenges than Trump because Reagan was proposing things that were just accepted as wrong. Yet. Reagan was wise enough to know that calm words and a pithy saying went a lot further than shouts and screams.

When Trump won the election, I was at work. I spoke to my wife at home. We were both shocked. I told her over the next couple days, imagining that Trump would embrace the Reagan example, and rise above the Campaign Rhetoric. I told her that Trump had a good chance of doing a lot more than we could imagine.

Here is why I think it is a coin toss. Reagan took his message to the people. Trump takes his message to Twitter. Reagan never forgot he was the President of all the States, and all the people. Trump has never accepted that those who disagree with him are just as American as everyone else. If anything, Trump has embraced the Clinton model, the Obama Model, and merely turned the knob up to 11. The arrogance, the failings that we’ve all seen, are turbo charged with Trump.

So I think it is a coin toss at this point. Heads a second term, tails, Trump starts looking at an extended Vacation in Monaco, or Switzerland. Reagan wanted to win the political battles, but today, we want to destroy our opponents.

Trump, with no record was elected for his over the top aggressive rhetoric, for his extreme position on matters and because he promised to govern on behalf of America’s Best. You think he should abandon that with a winning record behind him now?
You’re going to have to let go of the past bud..isn’t that what the Lefties are always telling us? This isn’t 1981, multiculturalism has ruined this nation...we have segmented and become compartmentalized, there is just no way for a POTUS to govern for all in these times.
Our founders had a vision for this nation, it was to be inhabited and run by White Protestant Christians...they knew that multiculturalism would destroy a nation...we deviated from their plan and we are paying the price now.
Right now, Trump's ace in the hole is the Democratic Party. It's entirely possible that enough swing voters will look at (what has become of) the Democrats and say, "holy shit, Trump is an embarrassment and a nightmare, but those guys are ridiculous".

One of those "the devil you know" scenarios.

Aside from that, Trump's primary hold on swing voters is the economy. The Fed is about to move in to shore up the cracks that are showing up, and maybe that will work. There's no way to know what the economy will look like in 15 months.

The Democrats simply refuse to understand, or come to terms with, how Trump won.
Specifically... it was their own doing.
Instead they have doubled down with their seemingly desire to alienate as many people as possible.
Perfectly said... "I don't want Trump again... but I am NOT voting for these idiots"
They had a lot to do with it, but they refuse to see it. Or maybe they really don't.

A lot of the party has bought into the madness. I guess one key question will be whether they'll vote if a crazy is not nominated. I'm guessing they will because of Trump, but I guess you never know.

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