The Trump generation problem: MAGA family values are corrupting children

Trump is continuing to brag about his plans to enact the largest deportation campaign in American history when he returns to power. To accomplish that goal, Trump will deploy hundreds of thousands of American troops in this country – in likely violation of federal law. Trump and his agents have already publicly detailed their plans to impose martial law and to use the American military to occupy Democratic-led cities and other “blue” parts of the country. Again, this is a direct page from the dictator’s playbook and how democracies die.

Libs overplayed their hand when biden took power

The nation does not like or support the massive alien invasion taking place

We cant deport everyone overnight and many may eventually be allowed to stay

But millions will have to leave whether the radicals like it or not
The Right's war on children continues on avenues both sexual and ideological. From trying to get prayer in the public classroom, to promoting gender classification and nullifying the individual child's needs, to actively punishing the LGBTQ children, the Right is determined to destroy the minds of children they don't like.

Donald Trump is continuing to follow the dictator's playbook. As the end of the year approaches, he has become even more bold and unrestrained. He is leading Biden in many early 2024 polls. He has not been significantly punished or restrained by the courts, yet. He has nothing to lose as his MAGA people and other Republican voters continue to be devoted to him. So why would he stop?

Despite Trump’s public threats to be a dictator on "day one" of his presidency if he returns to power in 2025, there are still people with a public platform, so-called experts, who are denying this reality. The MAGA movement is like a train that will soon crush them. Denial will not save them — or us.

Last weekend at a rally in New Hampshire, Trump continued to channel Adolf Hitler, with his promise to cleanse (White) American society of the “vermin” and human “blood pollution" he believes is caused by non-white undocumented immigrants and migrants:

Of course, leading Republicans and other “conservatives” endorsed Trump’s hatred and threats. A new poll from the Des Moines Register shows how almost half (the number is likely much higher) of Trump’s voters support his invocation of Hitler and threats to put political enemies in prison. Why? Because Trump’s followers hate the same people that he does.

Trump is continuing to brag about his plans to enact the largest deportation campaign in American history when he returns to power. To accomplish that goal, Trump will deploy hundreds of thousands of American troops in this country – in likely violation of federal law. Trump and his agents have already publicly detailed their plans to impose martial law and to use the American military to occupy Democratic-led cities and other “blue” parts of the country. Again, this is a direct page from the dictator’s playbook and how democracies die.

Contrary to what some in the news media have incorrectly suggested in their attempts to downplay and normalize Trump’s increasingly unrestrained evil, the ex-president was not using “dog whistles” or “flirting with” Hitlerism and Nazism. Trump is almost verbatim quoting Hitler’s “Mein Kampf” and other Nazi language and ideology. Trump knows exactly what he is saying — and like other autocrats and dictators he means it.

The Biden administration (again) condemned Trump’s channeling of Hitler and the Nazis.
You have a very active imagination. I think you have your parties confused.
From your link...

"Yet Biden has also stressed repeatedly that he would rather work with both parties in Congress to accomplish his policy goals rather than act unilaterally..."

That doesn't sound like a dictator to me!
From your link...

"Yet Biden has also stressed repeatedly that he would rather work with both parties in Congress to accomplish his policy goals rather than act unilaterally..."

That doesn't sound like a dictator to me!

Why defend him. How many rules did he make just on day 0ne?
Every department and office in the federal government is preparing how to thwart a President Trump if he gets out of hand.
Bullshit! Biden has not acted like a dictator and Trump intends to be one for the duration, if elected.
You have no idea at all what actually happened. But to forgive you, no doubt you took the word of the left wing media.
That's what Presidents and parties do, as you well know, within the perimeter of law and custom.

The solid majority of Americans are quite concerned whether Dynamite Donald will stay within bounds.
I bet few people know what Trump really said. I happen to know however.
Bullshit! Biden has not acted like a dictator and Trump intends to be one for the duration, if elected.
Forgive your lack of knowledge.

A better way to see it is that he is claiming it was Biden who was the dictator his first day. And he expected the same treatment.

Former President Donald Trump on Saturday repeated comments that he would be a dictator for “one day” if he’s elected to a second term in the White House.

Trump during a keynote speech to the New York Young Republican Club mentioned New York Times correspondent Peter Baker, saying the journalist “said that I want to be a dictator.”

“I didn’t say that. I said I want to be a dictator for one day. You know why I wanted to be a dictator? Because I want a wall, and I want to drill, drill, drill,” Trump said during the club’s annual gala, according to multiple reports.
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