The Trump Doomsday Scenario: How The Elite May Move Against Trump...

I wouldn't dimiss Roger Stone so quickly. He knows what's up.

"Stone is a notorious "dirty trickster" who recently co-authoredThe Clintons' War on Women. The 2015 book is dedicated to -- and cites research from -- a Holocaust denier who blames a "Jewish plot" for the 9/11 attacks. Stone's history includes forming an anti-Hillary Clinton group named "C.U.N.T." during the 2008 election."

"Stone has attacked CNN political commentator Ana Navarro as an "Entitled Diva Bitch," a "pompous shithead," "Borderline retarded," "a rabid Pekinese," and claimed "Black beans and rice didn't miss her." He recently tweeted: "Did you hear that noise? That was @ananavarro killing herself #BushToady #Diva #Jerk."

Stone attacked former CNN analyst Roland Martin when he worked for the network, calling him a "stupid negro," a "fat negro," "CNN's racist moron--dumb, embarassing, token," and asked him, "Who made you God, Fattass? Eat somemore Popeye's."

Stone has referred to both Navarro and Martin as "quota hires" by CNN.

CNN: Trump Supporter Roger Stone "Will No Longer Appear On" Network

Yeah, he sounds credible.....

And he fits the bill perfectly of your average Trump supporter
I wouldn't dimiss Roger Stone so quickly. He knows what's up.

"Stone is a notorious "dirty trickster" who recently co-authoredThe Clintons' War on Women. The 2015 book is dedicated to -- and cites research from -- a Holocaust denier who blames a "Jewish plot" for the 9/11 attacks. Stone's history includes forming an anti-Hillary Clinton group named "C.U.N.T." during the 2008 election."

"Stone has attacked CNN political commentator Ana Navarro as an "Entitled Diva Bitch," a "pompous shithead," "Borderline retarded," "a rabid Pekinese," and claimed "Black beans and rice didn't miss her." He recently tweeted: "Did you hear that noise? That was @ananavarro killing herself #BushToady #Diva #Jerk."

Stone attacked former CNN analyst Roland Martin when he worked for the network, calling him a "stupid negro," a "fat negro," "CNN's racist moron--dumb, embarassing, token," and asked him, "Who made you God, Fattass? Eat somemore Popeye's."

Stone has referred to both Navarro and Martin as "quota hires" by CNN.

CNN: Trump Supporter Roger Stone "Will No Longer Appear On" Network

Yeah, he sounds credible.....

And he fits the bill perfectly of your average Trump supporter

CNN isn't credible. It's your average corrupt Government/Corporate Media farce.
AT 5:20 in ALex Jones asks why the establishment has "jumped the shark" in regards to The Donald. The answer is simple. The Donald is NOT an Israel-Firster like the other candidates. The "special interests" is ZOG, which Alex refuses to acknowledge apparently preferring "Globalist" etc..
AT 5:20 in ALex Jones asks why the establishment has "jumped the shark" in regards to The Donald. The answer is simple. The Donald is NOT an Israel-Firster like the other candidates.

Not so sure about that. But he is discussing 9/11 and Bush's horrific Iraq War nightmare. And that's obviously not sitting very well with the Republican Establishment-Elites.
AT 5:20 in ALex Jones asks why the establishment has "jumped the shark" in regards to The Donald. The answer is simple. The Donald is NOT an Israel-Firster like the other candidates. The "special interests" is ZOG, which Alex refuses to acknowledge apparently preferring "Globalist" etc..

Also, Trump fully supports American soveriegnty. He speaks on it often. And that position is despised by the ruling class Globalist Elites. In other words, he's not going along with the NWO agenda. And that's a very dangerous position to be in these days.
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