The Taliban Are On The Way...With 80 Billion In US Military Equipment!

It's not a hoax.

Trump left all that shit in Afghanistan and now that equipment and some of the hundreds of terrorists Trump set free are fighting against Israel.

Likely Trump's plan all along.
It is a hoax. There was not $80 billion of arms and equipment left in Afghanistan. It wasn't even a tenth of that.

The dumb brainless parrots have been hoaxed yet again.
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It is a hoax. There was not $80 billion of arms and equipment left in Afghanistan. It wasn't even a tenth of that.

You dumb brainless parrots have been hoaxed yet again.
I still like my narrative better.

If Trump humpers are so stupid to believe it, may as well place the blame on Trump where it would belong.
It's not a hoax.

Trump left all that shit in Afghanistan and now that equipment and some of the hundreds of terrorists Trump set free are fighting against Israel.

Likely Trump's plan all along.
That's interesting as Trump wasn't in control of the armed forces when Biden left Afghanistan and all that weaponry in September 2021.
That's interesting as Trump wasn't in control of the armed forces when Biden left Afghanistan and all that weaponry in September 2021.
He was in charge as he withdrew troops down to 2500. Obviously a person can't reasonably expect 2500 troops to remove all weapons and materials from a country.

So why didn't Trump have the weapons and materials pulled out as he pulled troops out?

What did you expect Biden to do with 2500 troops?
He was in charge as he withdrew troops down to 2500. Obviously a person can't reasonably expect 2500 troops to remove all weapons and materials from a country.

So why didn't Trump have the weapons and materials pulled out as he pulled troops out?

What did you expect Biden to do with 2500 troops?
What Trump did was to keep the Taliban at bay with the Afghan army and US air support and it was working... many troops were sent home because they were not needed because our airbase embassy and green zone were well fortified... no US or allied soldier or personnel was killed during Trump's presidency...
That's what Trump did fool....
What Trump did was to keep the Taliban at bay with the Afghan army and US air support and it was working... many troops were sent home because they were not needed because our airbase embassy and green zone were well fortified... no US or allied soldier or personnel was killed during Trump's presidency...
That's what Trump did fool....
So why didn't he pull those weapons and materials out as he was withdrawing down to 2500 troops?

If what he was doing was working, why did Trump release hundreds of terrorists?
He was in charge as he withdrew troops down to 2500. Obviously a person can't reasonably expect 2500 troops to remove all weapons and materials from a country.

So why didn't Trump have the weapons and materials pulled out as he pulled troops out?

What did you expect Biden to do with 2500 troops?
Biden made a decision to leave it to the Afghan Security Forces.

Biden had 9 months to do something about the weaponry.....he didn't.
Biden made a decision to leave it to the Afghan Security Forces.

What choice did he have? It's not like the 2500 troops Trump left behind were adequate to the task.

Biden had 9 months to do something about the weaponry.....he didn't.
3 questions.

What did you expect Biden to do with 2500 troops?

Why didn't Trump pull weapons and materials out as he withdrew the bulk of the troops?

Lastly, if Trump did not want to leave weapons and materials behind, why did he order a complete withdraw 4 days before Biden was sworn in?

"President Donald Trump ordered a rapid withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Somalia in the wake of his 2020 election loss, but senior officials never followed through on the plan, according to testimony released by the congressional January 6 committee on Thursday.

“The order was for an immediate withdrawal, and it would have been catastrophic,” said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., one of two Republican members of the special panel. “And yet President Trump signed the order.”

$80 Billion was the total spent on Afghanistan over a 20 years period. Not what was left there during the pullout.

You are one dumb motherfucker. You think a 20 year fucking war cost 80 billion dollars? Try 2.3 TRILLION YOU STUPID FUCK.

"Human and Budgetary Costs to Date of the U.S. War in Afghanistan, 2001-2022. Since invading Afghanistan in 2001, the United States has spent $2.313 trillion on the war, which includes operations in both Afghanistan and Pakistan."

Yes, the child molester left 7.2 BILLION dollars of equipment in the hands of our enemies. He is a spineless coward that falls up stairs and has dementia. He needs to GO NOW.

You are one dumb motherfucker. You think a 20 year fucking war cost 80 billion dollars? Try 2.3 TRILLION YOU STUPID FUCK.

"Human and Budgetary Costs to Date of the U.S. War in Afghanistan, 2001-2022. Since invading Afghanistan in 2001, the United States has spent $2.313 trillion on the war, which includes operations in both Afghanistan and Pakistan."

Yes, the child molester left 7.2 BILLION dollars of equipment in the hands of our enemies. He is a spineless coward that falls up stairs and has dementia. He needs to GO NOW.

I don't think Trump is a child molester but he was an idiot for leaving all those weapons and materials behind...but maybe you are right; he was pretty graphic and touchy feely with Ivanka.
Seriously, Biden is a blithering idiot. Congress needs to remove that imbecile before he starts WWIII.
Between Biden's open borders policy and Hamas' latest crimes, and our corrupt FBI focused on getting the Democrats enemies, I believe the radicals in this country will try something major.

Any terrorist act will be paid at th feet of this puppet in the White House.
Between Biden's open borders policy and Hamas' latest crimes, and our corrupt FBI focused on getting the Democrats enemies, I believe the radicals in this country will try something major.

Any terrorist act will be paid at th feet of this puppet in the White House.
Did you know that under Biden 60.000 illegals from the Middle East have been caught at our southern border? Biden has release some into the U.S. with a (cough) court date. Then there's the 1.5 million illegals that slipped past into the U.S. without being caught. :oops:
Did you know that under Biden 60.000 illegals from the Middle East have been caught at our southern border? Biden has release some into the U.S. with a (cough) court date. Then there's the 1.5 million illegals that slipped past into the U.S. without being caught. :oops:
No, I didn't know it was that high.

But we need to be worried about the radicals who are here legally too.

Have you seen the Pro-Hamas rallys? They even dress up as Hamas "fighters.". Where is the FBI?? Oh that's right, snooping on the Democrat Party political enemies
Trump would have brought it back home? With the 2500 soldiers he left there?

ROFL. Not the sharpest knife in the set are you?

How did you expect 2500 troops to do that...especially before the withdrawal date Trump had designated.

Good grief, even if the hundreds of terrorists Trump set free agreed to help it still would have taken years.
If that was true which it isn't why not send some extra troops to ensure the safe transfer
What choice did he have? It's not like the 2500 troops Trump left behind were adequate to the task.

3 questions.

What did you expect Biden to do with 2500 troops?

Why didn't Trump pull weapons and materials out as he withdrew the bulk of the troops?

Lastly, if Trump did not want to leave weapons and materials behind, why did he order a complete withdraw 4 days before Biden was sworn in?

"President Donald Trump ordered a rapid withdrawal of all U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Somalia in the wake of his 2020 election loss, but senior officials never followed through on the plan, according to testimony released by the congressional January 6 committee on Thursday.

“The order was for an immediate withdrawal, and it would have been catastrophic,” said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., one of two Republican members of the special panel. “And yet President Trump signed the order.”

J6 testimony????
“The order was for an immediate withdrawal, and it would have been catastrophic,” said Rep. Adam Kinzinger, R-Ill., one of two Republican members of the special panel. “And yet President Trump signed the order.”

Military Times sourcing AP:

Jan 15, 2021

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. military has met its goal of reducing the number of troops in Afghanistan and Iraq to 2,500 in each country by Friday, the Pentagon announced Friday morning, though the reduction in Afghanistan appears to violate a last-minute congressional prohibition.
The drawdown in Afghanistan “brings U.S. forces in the country to their lowest levels since 2001,” said acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller in a media release. “The drawdown of U.S. force levels in Iraq is reflective of the increased capabilities of the Iraqi Security Forces.“
President-elect Joe Biden, who has advocated keeping a small counterterrorism force in Afghanistan as a way to ensure that extremist groups like al-Qaida are unable to launch attacks on the United States, faces a number of questions on Afghanistan. One is how and whether to proceed with further troop cuts.

US down to 2,500 troops each in Afghanistan and Iraq, as ordered by Trump
If that was true which it isn't why not send some extra troops to ensure the safe transfer
What isn't true?

You think Biden should have redeployed the troops Trump withdrew?

What kind of sense does that make? Why the fuck did Trump withdraw troops to such low levels that the next president would have to pay shitloads of money to redeploy troops to remove all the weapons and materials that Trump should have already collected during the withdrawal?

I don't think you are thinking this through.
J6 testimony????

Yeah. Under oath.

Military Times sourcing AP:

Jan 15, 2021

WASHINGTON (AP) — The U.S. military has met its goal of reducing the number of troops in Afghanistan and Iraq to 2,500 in each country by Friday, the Pentagon announced Friday morning, though the reduction in Afghanistan appears to violate a last-minute congressional prohibition.
The drawdown in Afghanistan “brings U.S. forces in the country to their lowest levels since 2001,” said acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller in a media release. “The drawdown of U.S. force levels in Iraq is reflective of the increased capabilities of the Iraqi Security Forces.“
President-elect Joe Biden, who has advocated keeping a small counterterrorism force in Afghanistan as a way to ensure that extremist groups like al-Qaida are unable to launch attacks on the United States, faces a number of questions on Afghanistan. One is how and whether to proceed with further troop cuts.

US down to 2,500 troops each in Afghanistan and Iraq, as ordered by Trump
Thanks for posting an article that backs my contentions and doesn't address trump ordering a complete withdrawal 4 days before leaving office.

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