The Taliban Are On The Way...With 80 Billion In US Military Equipment!

If you have ever been in the army you'd know all the hours spent on repair and replacement.
Yeah. So? Sell your theory to the naive college kids. When we find out Americans are being killed by our own weapons you'll just ignore it.
The Taliban are on the way to Israel with 80 BILLION in USA military equipment.


I hope all your preps are in order and your gas tanks full!

BREAKING: The Taliban Asks Iran for Free Passage to Assist Hamas in Gaza in War on Israel – After Joe Biden Armed Taliban with $80 Billion in US Weapons and Supplies

This assault comes just weeks after Joe Biden sent $6 billion to Iran in September.

Earlier this morning Joe Biden’s US Office of Palestinian Affairs urged Israel not to defend itself from the 5,000 missile attack and mass kidnappings and killings by Hamas.

The Jerusalem Post is reporting that the Taliban has requested free passage across Iran to assist Hamas in Gaza in its war on Israel.

In fact, Joe Biden left 300 times more guns than those passed to the Mexican cartels in Obama’s Fast and Furious program.
The Taliban later released video of the weapons Joe Biden left behind and the room full of stacks of $100 bills Joe left for good measure.
The Taliban posted videos of pallets of weapons and stacks of $100 bills they have seized.

Here is a more complete list of US-supplied and left behind equipment now controlled by Taliban:

-2,000 Armored Vehicles Including Humvees and MRAP’s
-75,989 Total Vehicles: FMTV, M35, Ford Rangers, Ford F350, Ford Vans, Toyota Pickups, Armored Security Vehicles etc
-45 UH-60 Blachhawk Helicopters
-50 MD530G Scout Attack Choppers
-ScanEagle Military Drones
-30 Military Version Cessnas
-4 C-130’s
-29 Brazilian made A-29 Super Tocano Ground Attack Aircraft
208+ Aircraft Total
-At least 600,000+ Small arms M16, M249 SAWs, M24 Sniper Systems, 50 Calibers, 1,394 M203 Grenade Launchers, M134 Mini Gun, 20mm Gatling Guns and Ammunition
-61,000 M203 Rounds
-20,040 Grenades
-Mortars +1,000’s of Rounds
-162,000 pieces of Encrypted Military Comunications Gear
-16,000+ Night Vision Goggles
-Newest Technology Night Vision Scopes
-Thermal Scopes and Thermal Mono Googles
-10,000 2.75 inch Air to Ground Rockets
-Recconaissance Equipment (ISR)
-Laser Aiming Units
-Explosives Ordnance C-4, Semtex, Detonators, Shaped Charges, Thermite, Incendiaries, AP/API/APIT
-2,520 Bombs
-Administration Encrypted Cell Phones and Laptops all operational
-Pallets with Millions of Dollars in US Currency
-Millions of Rounds of Ammunition including but not limited to 20,150,600 rounds of 7.62mm, 9,000,000 rounds of 50.caliber
-Large Stockpile of Plate Carriers and Body Armor
-US Military HIIDE, for Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment Biometrics
-Lots of Heavy Equipment Including Bull Dozers, Backhoes, Dump Trucks, Excavators

(less than 50%)

BREAKING: The Taliban Asks Iran for Free Passage to Assist Hamas in Gaza in War on Israel - After Joe Biden Armed Taliban with $80 Billion in US Weapons and Supplies | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Taliban, Hezbollah could join current Palestinian war on Israel: top US foreign-affairs pol

Are those the items Trump left behind during his withdrawal?
The Taliban are on the way to Israel with 80 BILLION in USA military equipment.


I hope all your preps are in order and your gas tanks full!

BREAKING: The Taliban Asks Iran for Free Passage to Assist Hamas in Gaza in War on Israel – After Joe Biden Armed Taliban with $80 Billion in US Weapons and Supplies

This assault comes just weeks after Joe Biden sent $6 billion to Iran in September.

Earlier this morning Joe Biden’s US Office of Palestinian Affairs urged Israel not to defend itself from the 5,000 missile attack and mass kidnappings and killings by Hamas.

The Jerusalem Post is reporting that the Taliban has requested free passage across Iran to assist Hamas in Gaza in its war on Israel.

In fact, Joe Biden left 300 times more guns than those passed to the Mexican cartels in Obama’s Fast and Furious program.
The Taliban later released video of the weapons Joe Biden left behind and the room full of stacks of $100 bills Joe left for good measure.
The Taliban posted videos of pallets of weapons and stacks of $100 bills they have seized.

Here is a more complete list of US-supplied and left behind equipment now controlled by Taliban:

-2,000 Armored Vehicles Including Humvees and MRAP’s
-75,989 Total Vehicles: FMTV, M35, Ford Rangers, Ford F350, Ford Vans, Toyota Pickups, Armored Security Vehicles etc
-45 UH-60 Blachhawk Helicopters
-50 MD530G Scout Attack Choppers
-ScanEagle Military Drones
-30 Military Version Cessnas
-4 C-130’s
-29 Brazilian made A-29 Super Tocano Ground Attack Aircraft
208+ Aircraft Total
-At least 600,000+ Small arms M16, M249 SAWs, M24 Sniper Systems, 50 Calibers, 1,394 M203 Grenade Launchers, M134 Mini Gun, 20mm Gatling Guns and Ammunition
-61,000 M203 Rounds
-20,040 Grenades
-Mortars +1,000’s of Rounds
-162,000 pieces of Encrypted Military Comunications Gear
-16,000+ Night Vision Goggles
-Newest Technology Night Vision Scopes
-Thermal Scopes and Thermal Mono Googles
-10,000 2.75 inch Air to Ground Rockets
-Recconaissance Equipment (ISR)
-Laser Aiming Units
-Explosives Ordnance C-4, Semtex, Detonators, Shaped Charges, Thermite, Incendiaries, AP/API/APIT
-2,520 Bombs
-Administration Encrypted Cell Phones and Laptops all operational
-Pallets with Millions of Dollars in US Currency
-Millions of Rounds of Ammunition including but not limited to 20,150,600 rounds of 7.62mm, 9,000,000 rounds of 50.caliber
-Large Stockpile of Plate Carriers and Body Armor
-US Military HIIDE, for Handheld Interagency Identity Detection Equipment Biometrics
-Lots of Heavy Equipment Including Bull Dozers, Backhoes, Dump Trucks, Excavators

(less than 50%)

BREAKING: The Taliban Asks Iran for Free Passage to Assist Hamas in Gaza in War on Israel - After Joe Biden Armed Taliban with $80 Billion in US Weapons and Supplies | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

Taliban, Hezbollah could join current Palestinian war on Israel: top US foreign-affairs pol

The Taliban won't make it there with much. Let's be honest, they don't have the resources to travel however many miles with

vehicles and fuel and oil and spare tires n stuff.
Are those the items Trump left behind during his withdrawal?

Trump arranged the withdrawal but had nothing to do with actual implementation.

The weapons left make no difference since they were used and not worth keeping.
What Biden should be criticized for is not integrating the Taliban before the US withdrawal.
That caused the population to panic as they did not know what the Taliban were going to do.
Well maybe Trump should have gotten better assurances, before he agreed to his surrender agreement.

Trump got all the assurances necessary.
The Taliban took over as peacefully as anyone could.
The fault was with the US forces, that did not ask the Taliban to integrate sooner, for a smoother transition.

The IDF should not be there and it is criminal for them to be there.
It is Israel who caused ALL of the violence.
It has always been the Zionists who murdered natives to steal homes.
The Palestinians are forced onto 15% of the land they own and paid for, and Israel illegal occupies 85% of Palestine they never paid for.
The Taliban won't make it there with much. Let's be honest, they don't have the resources to travel however many miles with

vehicles and fuel and oil and spare tires n stuff.

The Taliban never attacked anyone and would never leave Afghanistan to go to an Arab area.
They dislike Arabs.
Trump arranged the withdrawal but had nothing to do with actual implementation.

The weapons left make no difference since they were used and not worth keeping.
What Biden should be criticized for is not integrating the Taliban before the US withdrawal.
That caused the population to panic as they did not know what the Taliban were going to do.
The withdrawal was pretty much complete when Biden took over. Like 5k troops or a little more. Nothing could be accomplished with that few of troops. This "integration" you are speaking about should have been accomplished well before Biden took office especially considering the timelines Trump left after agreeing on the release of hundreds of terrorists.

Have you explained your position on the weapons left behind to the OPer?
Are those the items Trump left behind during his withdrawal?
lol..........that excuse gets old you fucking moron ...biden reversed every thing trump did you liar...except wonder you ended up a 40 hr time card punching moron
lol..........that excuse gets old you fucking moron ...biden reversed every thing trump did you liar...except wonder you ended up a 40 hr time card punching moron
Do you think Biden should have redeployed troops to go back and get all our stuff?

...and what's wrong with a 40 hour a week job?
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