The SUN of god


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2009
Jesus & The Church Teaching Another Kind of Light​

In the newly found Nag Hammadi Library :
The Book of Thomas the Contender
Mathaias wrote down;
Judas Thomas, spoke, saying, "Lord, why does this visible light that shines
on behalf of men rise and set?"
The savior said, "O blessed Thomas, of course this visible light shines on
your behalf - not in order that you remain here, but rather that you might come forth - and whenever all the elect abandon bestiality, then this light will withdraw up to its essence, and its essence will welcome it, since it
is a good servant."

Who is it that will cause the sun to shine upon you to disperse the darkness in you and hide the darkness and polluted water?
"The sun and the moon will give a fragrance to you together with the air and the spirit and the earth and the water. For if the sun does not shine upon these bodies, they will wither and perish just like weeds or grass."
Similar verses are throughout the New Testament like in John 11:9
Luke 1:78 & 16:8, and Philip 30.

Lucifer (I.e. Light-bearer); ray of Light or illumination of Light between
the sun and earth, sun worship, the sun god, or energy radiating from the
sun; "FIRE" also called Kundalini force thus Matthew 3:11 this spirit is the force of energy between the sun and the earth which they thought controled us;
Thus if they didn't know that it wasn't how things were, then their teachings was not from heaven and that which knows things.

1 Corinthians 3:13 his work will be shown for what it is, because the Day (Baal /sun god/satan)will bring it to light. It will be revealed with FIRE, and the fire will test the quality of each man's work.

Notice today the evangelists use the disturbing phrases 'catch the fire',
'come to the fire', & Benny Hinn uses 'Fire' as a key trigger word to throw his subjects into his their hypnotic trance.
Matthew 3:11
He shall Baptize you in the Holy Spirit and with “Fire”
also Hebrews 12:18 For you have not come to what may be touched, a "blazing fire", and "darkness", and "gloom", and a "tempest".=(Satan)

This Ray of Light was also known as "Mithra" the Angel of Light, however instead of spiritual light (knowledge and truth) this light was a "mystery" & magical kind of concept of illumination as in a luciferous light(Lucifer).
Jesus taught this kind of fantasy mythical light that sounded inspiring and magical rather then rational like the power of spiritual light (truth and
Knoweledge)which is realistic & powerful enough to allow us the path to what could and ought to be.

In earliest of times they thought the creator of our life was the sun so they worshiped the sun (Baal/and Mithra/ Sol {saul}and Apollo/Pol{Paul}).
They claimed to be all knowing and relaying the truth of G-d yet
their scripture implied the Earth to be the center of the universe, with the Sun and planets circling it instead of the other way round.
They even stumbled on their own "proud" proclamations like this hysterical quote:
"To assert that the earth revolves around the sun is as erroneous as to claim that Jesus was not born of a virgin" - Cardinal Belleramine

It took from Pythagoras in the 6th century, to Copernicus in the 16th, through the persecution of Giordano Bruno by real flames of fire in 1600, and the torture & intolerant harassment of Galelio as recently as the 17th century, for scripture to be re-interpreted to coincide with the facts we know today about the true nature of the solar system.

Enoch pointed out to the sons of men, that they should worship God, that they should fast, that they should pray, that they should give alms, votive
offerings, and tenths. He reprobated abominable foods and drunkenness, and appointed festivals for sacrifices to the Sun, at each of the Zodiacal
Signs.- Hebraeus-

Proof that they still do this is seen in their selection of the changed sabbath to SUN-Day:

This fact is in Peter Geierman’s, "The Convert's Catechism of Catholic Doctrine", p. 50.
"Let all judges and all city people and all Tradesmen
rest upon the venerable day of the sun. But let those dwelling in the country freely and with full liberty attend to the culture of their fields; since it frequently happens that no other day is so fit for the sowing of grain,
or the planting of vines, hence, the favorable time should not be
allowed to pass, lest the provisions of heaven be lost."
Given the Seventh day of March, 321 A.D. - Cripus and Constantine: being
counsels, each for the second time.

Taylor, J. M. Roberts, in his "Antiquity Unveiled," [1892; Oriental Publishing Co., "Philadelphia"] writes: "On the other hand we have abundant proof that Jesus Christ is founded on the known life of 'Apollonius of Tyana', the earthly existence of whom has never been questioned, to which is added passages from the lives of various personage, and teachings concerning the mythical gods of other lands. ...together with doctrines of "ancient sun worship" were gathered and represented to be a history of the events connected with the life of the Christian Jesus.

Many different cultures celebrated the "sun god's" birthday on December 25th, as this day was set aside for Horus, Baal, Mithra etc.

In 274 A.D. the Roman Emperor Aurelian dedicated Dec. 25 to the sun.

The following are the characteristics of the "sun" of God:
~The sun is the "Light of the World."
[LI] The sun is "the image that shine unto them"- Hence 2Cor 4:4.

~The sun "cometh with clouds, and every eye shall see him."

~The sun is from "the beginning to the end".

~The sun is their Lord which comes as a "Thief in the Night"
which causes the end where;
"the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth and the works that are therein shall be burned up."
(2 Peter 3:10)

~The sun wears a crown of thorns or a halo.

~The sun "walks on water."
~The suns "eyes are like fire".
~The sun is "a consuming fire".
~ The sun "brings fire down from heaven".
~The sun helps to make seeds grow
~The sun's "followers" or "disciples" are the 12 months and the
12 signs of the Zodiac, through which the sun passes.
~The sun is "crucified," which represents it's passing through
the equinoxes, the vernal equinox being Easter, at which time
it is then resurrected.
~Dec 25th is the winter *sol*stice and birth of the sun.
Look at the sun symbols of the founding church, on their robes, banners, icons, and behind the cross in a ray of Light. Notice how they bow and kiss a gold
statue of the sun on a pedestal during processions etc.
Before the time of Jesus,the long stem cross represented, among other things, the staff of Apollo, the sun god, son of Zeus, and appeared for instance on ancient coins. (Rev 13 beast -Buy or sell without the mark of the beast.)
the sun god's staff, gradually became symbols for death, sin, guilt, and burial.
Vatican officials sometime use a iron cross like symbol before their signature as the holy name (sun symbol signature)
The founding Church was a harlot who had many offspring (sects) and reached and infested many shores(Kingdoms)-with her Duality of power (two horns-political and religious). Now you may claim not to be of this
practice of idol worship but many are the offspring of this sun god worship whether they like to admit it or not. They still hold to the image this beast from the "sea" ("Rome") did bring them.

.mLook at more clues:

Hebrews 12:29 for our (Christian) God is a "consuming fire". -*THE SUN*


The Sun is a "Big Shining One"- (Gen 3:1) Serpent here in Hebrew is Nechash(but this is not the same Hebrew word for Viper snake) this actually means a shinning one who is serpent like, and Christianity teaches Jesus as the Shining One (Luciferous) of this world.

JOHN 8:12 Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, "I am the light" and they
depicted Jesus with the sun and illuminated light and ray of light
(luciferous) even in Mary pictures.

satan is Known as the Light of this world (sun)
& the prince of this world (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11);
and the god or rule of this world (2 Corinthians 4:4)
Theslonians says they (the Christians) are the sons of Day (Baal/satan)
and sons of Luciferous (illuminated light) says (Eph 5:8).
Look up the Day Star, son of Morning In Isaiah 14:12-19 who places himself high and is sent down to the pit. What does Morning Star mean? Look it up in any collegiate dictionary or desktop encyclopedia. (Webster's, p.677)

[See here etymology of "Lucifer": "[ the morning star, a fallen rebel archangel, THE Devil, fr. OE. fr. Latin, the morning star, fr. Lucifer light-bearing, fr. luc light + -fer -ferous--more at LIGHT]"

"So we have the prophetic message more fully confirmed. You will do well to
be attentive to this as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day
dawns and the morning star (LUCIFER)rises in your hearts."- 2 Peter 1:19
"... from my Father. To the one who conquers(DESTROYS) I will also give the
morning star(LUCIFER)." -Revelation 2:28

Revelation 22:16
· I, Jesus, have sent my angel
to testify these things in the churches.
I am the root and the spawn of David,
and I am the bright Morning Star (LUCIFER).

Sun exploding (2Peter 3:10 and what is the thief of the Night?=the sun)"Seeds" the galaxy to rebirth life. (1 Corinthians 15:36.)
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Moses and Solomon were your sun Gods.

Christians never sacrificed their children to the Gods either,

2 Kgs. 17:16-18
You're joking right, did they not send their sons to defend the church and fight during the crusades?
Were there not thousands of wars and over 50 million murders over rhis idol god?
Wasnt there a childrens crusade as well... Of course there is scant evidence of it but if true it would really make penelope argument super bogus..besides penelope once again rolling my eyes jews worship the gd of abraham isaac and jacob we do not worship moses or solomon so once again you are off in left field with your idol jesus hiding in the grass somewhere or using it in some other way....
Wasnt there a childrens crusade as well... Of course there is scant evidence of it but if true it would really make penelope argument super bogus..besides penelope once again rolling my eyes jews worship the gd of abraham isaac and jacob we do not worship moses or solomon so once again you are off in left field with your idol jesus hiding in the grass somewhere or using it in some other way....

There was no Abraham , Isaac and Jacob as depicted in the OT but according to scripture , Abram came from Ur, and Isaac never came down from the Mount and Jacob name was changed to all the Gods, Isis, RA, and EL , and Hebrews worshipped many gods, didn't Jacob cross the Jordan and first thing he did was make a sacrifice to EL the high Canaanite god. Moses and SOL o MOM are sun gods. Moses story came most likely from Sargon.
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You're joking right, did they not send their sons to defend the church and fight during the crusades?
Were there not thousands of wars and over 50 million murders over rhis idol god?

No I'm not, a battle and child sacrifice are two different things. The killing that is happening today like the OT is nothing compared to the years of killing due to the "chosen people" which is a crock.
You are sadly mistaken penelope... I will give you something though ...jacobs name was changed to israel because jacob represented his peoples struggle with gd because they turned to other gds and worshipped them thus in jacobs struggle..his descendents struggle first they worshipped isis or is queen of heaven then they worshipped ra king of heaven finally after their struggles they returned to el or is a symbolic representation of these struggles that took can be seen in many places in the tanach how the people followed other gods...if you realize it is symbolic then it all starts to make sense...little confused about isaac not coming down from the mount have you got your stories mixed up with moses...Moses story was not borrowed from sargon as i already showed you in another thread that he was a real person...
You're joking right, did they not send their sons to defend the church and fight during the crusades?
Were there not thousands of wars and over 50 million murders over rhis idol god?

No I'm not, a battle and child sacrifice are two different things. The killing that is happening today like the OT is nothing compared to the years of killing due to the "chosen people" which is a crock.

what years of killing due to the chosen people??. It is true that battles and child sacrifice are not necessarily the same but they can
be the same. Children sent into battles are---essentially being
SACRIFICED. Lots of that stuff did happen as part of the crusades. -----some very young children were included
Wasnt there a childrens crusade as well... Of course there is scant evidence of it but if true it would really make penelope argument super bogus..besides penelope once again rolling my eyes jews worship the gd of abraham isaac and jacob we do not worship moses or solomon so once again you are off in left field with your idol jesus hiding in the grass somewhere or using it in some other way....

There was no Abraham , Isaac and Jacob as depicted in the OT but according to scripture , Abram came from Ur, and Isaac never came down from the Mount and Jacob name was changed to all the Gods, Isis, RA, and EL , and Hebrews worshipped many gods, didn't Jacob cross the Jordan and first thing he did was make a sacrifice to EL the high Canaanite god. Moses and SOL o MOM are sun gods. Moses story came most likely from Sargon.

Penelooopeee sweetums------you are doing GEMATRIA with English words--------what would SIR ISAAC NEWTON say?
You're joking right, did they not send their sons to defend the church and fight during the crusades?
Were there not thousands of wars and over 50 million murders over rhis idol god?

No I'm not, a battle and child sacrifice are two different things. The killing that is happening today like the OT is nothing compared to the years of killing due to the "chosen people" which is a crock.

what years of killing due to the chosen people??. It is true that battles and child sacrifice are not necessarily the same but they can
be the same. Children sent into battles are---essentially being
SACRIFICED. Lots of that stuff did happen as part of the crusades. -----some very young children were included

You mean like the innocent ones being killed in every war that is fought? True, as well as in Gaza, poor kids.
You are sadly mistaken penelope... I will give you something though ...jacobs name was changed to israel because jacob represented his peoples struggle with gd because they turned to other gds and worshipped them thus in jacobs struggle..his descendents struggle first they worshipped isis or is queen of heaven then they worshipped ra king of heaven finally after their struggles they returned to el or is a symbolic representation of these struggles that took can be seen in many places in the tanach how the people followed other gods...if you realize it is symbolic then it all starts to make sense...little confused about isaac not coming down from the mount have you got your stories mixed up with moses...Moses story was not borrowed from sargon as i already showed you in another thread that he was a real person...

Struggle with which God, EL. Get real. No not , Abraham, Issac, Jacob or Moses were not jews according to the bible. No, no where in scriptures did it say Isaac ever came down from the mountain. Your rabbis can put a twist on it all they want, just like the Christian preachers do, but Israel, mean, ISIS, RA, EL, El is the high Canaanite God, not Yahweh the Hebrew tribal god. Everyone had their tribal war god. You also worshipped Baal, and the rest of the pagan gods.
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Penelope your name has el in it, so your logic says you must be a Canaanite deity. Brilliant!
But the only Canaanite emulation is Christianities borrowing of the dying god mythology of Athtar the fierce where morning star surpasses his father Baal on the throne through dying.
Penelope your name has el in it, so your logic says you must be a Canaanite deity. Brilliant!
But the only Canaanite emulation is Christianities borrowing of the dying god mythology of Athtar the fierce where morning star surpasses his father Baal on the throne through dying.

I read your conversion, you must of married a jew or just didn't believe the Jesus Jew, what your doing is becoming a Christian. Your Jewishness is copied from other religions before it, now you have a personal God, instead of a tribal God, good for the new and improved Judaism. I'm RC so we do not see the Baptist or Evangelical way, of course we take converts, but the woman who talked about the flood, and saying that is wrong, we know many ancient religions have the flood story. All religions morph, Jesus is "the way".
No you read wrong those were testimony of others.
If you can read something here wrong imagine your trying to read other things you are commenting on that you Assumed to have read correctly, even though theolgians and professors have even read the words incorrectly themselves.
No you read wrong those were testimony of others.
If you can read something here wrong imagine your trying to read other things you are commenting on that you Assumed to have read correctly, even though theolgians and professors have even read the words incorrectly themselves.

What have I read wrong. Anyone can become jewish now days, they want to grown their religion.
You're joking right, did they not send their sons to defend the church and fight during the crusades?
Were there not thousands of wars and over 50 million murders over rhis idol god?

No I'm not, a battle and child sacrifice are two different things. The killing that is happening today like the OT is nothing compared to the years of killing due to the "chosen people" which is a crock.

what years of killing due to the chosen people??. It is true that battles and child sacrifice are not necessarily the same but they can
be the same. Children sent into battles are---essentially being
SACRIFICED. Lots of that stuff did happen as part of the crusades. -----some very young children were included

You mean like the innocent ones being killed in every war that is fought? True, as well as in Gaza, poor kids.

try again penny----you mentioned the "years of killing DUE TO THE CHOSEN PEOPLE"-------it is an innuendo of the white trash variety.
Over the past eons and more ---there have been millennia of killing accomplished by shit just like you-------and piles of hundreds of millions of dead children. Generally when white trash scum like you say "chosen people"------you are referring to jews------jews have been far far less involved in killing than have shit like you both in the past and in the present time
No you read wrong those were testimony of others.
If you can read something here wrong imagine your trying to read other things you are commenting on that you Assumed to have read correctly, even though theolgians and professors have even read the words incorrectly themselves.

What have I read wrong. Anyone can become jewish now days, they want to grown their religion.

what does the phrase "... they want to be grown their religion ...." mean? please translate from penelopian to an approximation in
No you read wrong those were testimony of others.
If you can read something here wrong imagine your trying to read other things you are commenting on that you Assumed to have read correctly, even though theolgians and professors have even read the words incorrectly themselves.

What have I read wrong. Anyone can become jewish now days, they want to grown their religion.

Just a generalization nothing specific although you keep thinking words with definition are other cultures deities that is missinformation right there, because the simple error was pointed out many times.
I never argued over your opinion of what makes someone Jewish, I'm not one of those stickler Rabbis in that subject. Technically they make it hard because being Jewish
is hard, it has to be something in your heart and being. It's not a gang affiliation thing (which is something I'll post aboutcin another thread soon). They don't want someone converting just for the jokes or better positioning at the commedy clubs. :)
for those interested in from whence cometh penny's crap-----she just parrots verbatim from Nazi fantasy sites like ---
and the crap of a nut named lashadarkmoon. the first site is famous for its fake Talmud quotes and lasha is a disgraced --not quite--- college professor who writes under a pen-name "lasha darkmoon"
No you read wrong those were testimony of others.
If you can read something here wrong imagine your trying to read other things you are commenting on that you Assumed to have read correctly, even though theolgians and professors have even read the words incorrectly themselves.

What have I read wrong. Anyone can become jewish now days, they want to grown their religion.

Just a generalization nothing specific although you keep thinking words with definition are other cultures deities that is missinformation right there, because the simple error was pointed out many times.
I never argued over your opinion of what makes someone Jewish, I'm not one of those stickler Rabbis in that subject. Technically they make it hard because being Jewish
is hard, it has to be something in your heart and being. It's not a gang affiliation thing (which is something I'll post aboutcin another thread soon). They don't want someone converting just for the jokes or better positioning at the commedy clubs. :)

Being Jewish is hard, what is so darn hard about it? Everyone and anybody can be jewish, its really no big deal, except for those who think they are the "chosen ones". Is that why you became jewish , because you think it made you a "chosen one". Something in your heart and being, same as Muslims and Christians feel , its no different. There is nothing special about it.

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