The Stuff Of Novels


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
July 3rd, 1976 An Israeli commando squad, led by Dan Shomron, launched a rescue of hostages held by airplane hijackers in Entebbe, Uganda.

It was tiny Israel that stood up for life, for survival of western civilization, refusing to be helpless. "Israel struck back in the Entebbe crisis, rescued its citizens and other passengers held in the Ugandan airport, killed the hijackers who had kidnapped them, humiliated the murderous comedian-dictator, Idi Amin, who had aided the hijacking, and returned home with only one life lost- that of a young commando leading the rescue, Jonathan Netanyahu....evidence that civilization was not helpless before terror...."
John O'sullivan, "The President, the Pope, and the Prime Minister: Three Who Changed the World," p.43

And as a result of another amazing endeavor by this tiny nation.....
I have visited the Holy Land, and seen black Israelis, in Jewish garb, the result of the rescue of Ethiopians.....yet Israel is on the death list by Marxist BLM.
It appears that BLM won't be celebrating the Entebbe Raid.

"D.C. Black Lives Matter Protest Turns Anti-Semitic

A Black Lives Matter march in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday turned anti-Semitic as protesters began accusing the Jewish state of murdering children.

"Israel, we know you; you murder children too," protesters chanted at one point, following this with alternating chants of "Black Lives Matter!" and "Palestinian Lives Matter!"

Christian Tabash, a rising senior at Harvard, led the march from the Lincoln Memorial to Capitol Hill, according to the Washington Examiner.

Tabash said during the protest that Palestinian liberation was "intrinsically tied to Black Lives Matter." He also said "American capitalism" and the state of Israel were founded on the repression of minorities."
Black people haven't liked Israel for decades.
When the whole world was boycotting South Africa over its racist apartheid laws against the country's black citizens.
Israel was the one country that ignored the international boycott and continued to trade with South Africa and sell the brutal regime military weapons and anything else it needed. ... :cool:
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Black people haven't liked Israel for decades.
When the whole world was boycotting South Africa over its racist aparthied laws against its black citizens.
Israel was the one country that continued to trade with South Africa and sold brutal regime military weapons and anything else it needed. ... :cool:

Israel never had 'aparthied' laws.

While James Baldwin wrote this about blacks and Jews...

"When we were growing up in Harlem our demoralizing series of landlords were Jewish, and we hated them. We hated them because they were terrible landlords, and did not take care of the building. A coat of paint, a broken window, a stopped sink, a stopped toilet, a sagging floor, a broken ceiling, a dangerous stairwell, the question of garbage disposal, the question of heat and cold, of roaches and rats--all questions of life and death for the poor, and especially for those with children--we had to cope with all of these as best we could. Our parents were lashed to futureless jobs, in order to pay the outrageous rent. We knew that the landlord treated us this way only because we were colored, and he knew that we could not move out.

The grocer was a Jew, and being in debt to him was very much like being in debt to the company store. The butcher was a Jew and, yes, we certainly paid more for bad cuts of meat than other New York citizens, and we very often carried insults home, along with the meat. We bought our clothes from a Jew and, sometimes, our secondhand shoes, and the pawnbroker was a Jew--perhaps we hated him most of all. The merchants along 125th Street were Jewish--at least many of them were; I don't know if Grant's or Woolworth's are Jewish names--and I well remember that it was only after the Harlem riot of 1935 that Negroes were allowed to earn a little money in some of the stores where they spent so much." was the Jewish state that rescued black Jews in Ethiopia.

I've seen many wearing Jewish stars, working in Israel.

As you mention 'apartheid,' I'm sure you don't want to forget the dhimmi status of all non-Muslims in Muslim nations.

“For the record, let me note that Israel is not an apartheid state. Unlike all the surrounding Muslim countries in the Middle East, Israel is the only nation that honors religious freedom and religious pluralism (at least for men), holds free and open elections, and allows minority-group citizens, judges, and parliament members. While Israel is no feminist paradise, it stands head and shoulders above all the Muslim countries that surround it in terms of women’s status.”
“The Death of Feminism,” by Phyllis Chesler
Black people haven't liked Israel for decades.
When the whole world was boycotting South Africa over its racist apartheid laws against the country's black citizens.
Israel was the one country that ignored the international boycott and continued to trade with South Africa and sell the brutal regime military weapons and anything else it needed. ... :cool:

the fact that Israel traded with South Africa whilst many countries boycotted it THEORETICALLY over the apartheid things-----was a Major stinkbomb in the weekly Khutbah jumaat feces fling------of course the fact that the entire perverted UMMAH had a siege on Israel----not only boycotting it but also boycotting ALL COMPANIES doing business with israel including major food suppliers. The goal was a starvation siege reminiscent of the filth imposed on kaffirin during the
erstwhile and ongoing islamic age of conquest, rape and pillage. ------well--they used what they had---nothing much----even whilst the hindu population of
east pakistan fled and dropped in their tracks from unaided starvation. I remember it well. Did I mention the Biafran children?
Palestinian people who live in Israel are citizens, but under Israel's apartheid laws are treated as second class citizens.
Palestinian citizens are issued different color license plates for their cars than Jewish citizens. That way the IDF knows which cars to stop and search on a regular basis.
Some roads and sidewalks are segregated into Jews only, no Pals allowed.
Palestinian citizens are denied entry into certain Jewish only areas of the country and many employment opportunities are for jewish citizens only. ... :cool:
Palestinian people who live in Israel are citizens, but under Israel's apartheid laws are treated as second class citizens.
Palestinian citizens are issued different color license plates for their cars than Jewish citizens. That way the IDF knows which cars to stop and search on a regular basis.
Some roads and sidewalks are segregated into Jews only, no Pals allowed.
Palestinian citizens are denied entry into certain Jewish only areas of the country and many employment opportunities are for jewish citizens only. ... :cool:

Might this have something to do with your complaint?


How the West mocks its own anti-terrorism narrative - The Commentator
Palestinian people who live in Israel are citizens, but under Israel's apartheid laws are treated as second class citizens.
Palestinian citizens are issued different color license plates for their cars than Jewish citizens. That way the IDF knows which cars to stop and search on a regular basis.
Some roads and sidewalks are segregated into Jews only, no Pals allowed.
Palestinian citizens are denied entry into certain Jewish only areas of the country and many employment opportunities are for jewish citizens only. ... :cool:

true to form-----sunni parrots the khutbah jumaat feces fling and its blatant lies. There are no "palestinian" citizens. The place he calls "Palestine" in continuation of the roman oppression since ~ 300 AD is not a country. Muslim arabs living in that area are under the authority of their elected leader, murderer and perverted ABU MAZEN. Muslim citizens of Israel are under no restriction-----of course they cannot become rabbis if they do not convert.
The PLO, HAMAS terrorist squads living in the WEST BANK of the Jordan do get differently colored license plates. License plates come in different colors for different state origin in the USA too. In my state----out of state cars were often more liable to traffic tickets even if they were not tricked out with bombs or striving to mow down children. There are places in Israel that allow ONLY MUSLIMS but that sort of crap is nothing new for people in the Levant. It seem to be a
fad in London and France too

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