The Story of one "EX" Gay

pppsstttt....Get an Evangelical, Catholic, Methodist, Anglican, Presbytarian and any one of a dozen other denominations in the same room. Quote a passage from the bible. Ask them to tell you what the passage means - let the fun begin...;)

There's no conflict. The one who reads what's written and applies basic knowledge of 'context' gets it right - regardless of denomination.

You really fear God, don't you?
There's no conflict. The one who reads what's written and applies basic knowledge of 'context' gets it right - regardless of denomination.

You really fear God, don't you?

Chump fears any judgement or criticism for fear he is unable to live up to it. Its really what all moral relativists fear.
Because BOVIOUSLY those reparative therapy centers "work." I'll just go jump off that bridge now.

On one hand you say that being homosexual is too hard and then when offered a solution to help you enjoy a normal life you talk about suicide.... you don't think you need some work on your head.:teeth:
There's no conflict. The one who reads what's written and applies basic knowledge of 'context' gets it right - regardless of denomination.

LOL...And i bet when reading said passage, it is YOUR denomination that "gets it right", right?

You really fear God, don't you?

I have to believe in something to fear it. I fear god about as much as I fear Santa Claus, the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny...:dance:
On one hand you say that being homosexual is too hard and then when offered a solution to help you enjoy a normal life you talk about suicide.... you don't think you need some work on your head.:teeth:
Heh. Apparently you don't quite get what I was getting at. Being gay is hard, but I am happy and I am dealing with being gay. And my point is that I'd rather jump off a bridge than go to a reparative therapy clinic that'll somehow fuck me up psychologically.
Heh. Apparently you don't quite get what I was getting at. Being gay is hard, but I am happy and I am dealing with being gay. And my point is that I'd rather jump off a bridge than go to a reparative therapy clinic that'll somehow fuck me up psychologically.

Fine, just trying to help..... don't expect sympathy then for how tough it is to have the area that was designed to expel waste...... nasty ,dirty, bacteria infested waste, used for what it wasn't designed for. Do plenty of heavy drugs, you'll need them to keep the illusion going and drink very heavily.
Fine, just trying to help..... don't expect sympathy then for how tough it is to have the area that was designed to expel waste...... nasty ,dirty, bacteria infested waste, used for what it wasn't designed for. Do plenty of heavy drugs, you'll need them to keep the illusion going and drink very heavily.
Great way to stereotype! There's a lot of things that goes into anal sex and being clean is one of them. But I will spare you all the details. I don't do drugs and I don't drink that much. I'm quite happy being sober most of the time, thanks.
And my point is that I'd rather jump off a bridge than go to a reparative therapy clinic that'll somehow fuck me up psychologically.

Brother, you're that way already. You don't HAVE to 'be' gay. You can learn to deal with your addictions and frustrations in a way which'll likely prolong your life.

Brother, you're that way already. You don't HAVE to 'be' gay. You can learn to deal with your addictions and frustrations in a way which'll likely prolong your life.

Thanks for have the most correct evaluation of me ever!

Psychologically I'm fine. I'm more than willing to bet money on that. And someone can cure me of my jelly bean addiction? HOT DAMN! Frustration: the only I have is that I can't focus on my writing for longer than twenty minutes.

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