The South Carolina incident & enabling

The moment she failed to follow the teacher's instructions, she lost her right to be treated as an adult so far as I'm concerned.

Having said thst, I'd have preferred to see her tased instead of wrestled with.

I do not believe that is the right way to handle the situation. It's a disciplinary matter. If she refuses to comply with the authorities at her school? She is either suspended (given grace) or expelled. She didn't break the law. She broke the school rules. There is a difference.

She did break the law. 4 of them.
Spinning, deflecting and poor behavior has been around since humans rose out of the primordial soup. What is new are cell phones so deflecting and spinning isn't as effective as it used to be.

Another reason why no kid needs a cell phone, iPod, or any ither electronic device in a classroom.

Absolutely. I agree. It would also give this girl the proper publicity she deserves. Make her behavior the reason that the schools are now opting to remove all cell phones, ipods, and electronic devices from school property. Once you are on school property? It is a cell phone free zone. Anyone found with a cell phone? Will be sent home with a one day suspension and they can increase it from there. Good idea, Anathema!

During boot camp if one soldier disobeys orders the entire group being trained with him suffer. It is known to work very well because the disobedient soldier is shunned by his own peers. If it works for the military it should certainly work for the school system. It could be that the school authorities wanted to allow this situation to escalate because they want cellphones removed due to teachers who have been exposed for wrong doing in the classroom. Still, the presence of eyewitnesses and their testimonies should be enough (in such cases) and removing the phones is a good idea.

Um, I believe denying someone something like a cell phone on their person and body-checking for them would be a very basic violation of their federal and state civil rights.

"During boot camp...." THIS ISN'T THE MILITARY. It's a freaking high school.
Spinning, deflecting and poor behavior has been around since humans rose out of the primordial soup. What is new are cell phones so deflecting and spinning isn't as effective as it used to be.

Another reason why no kid needs a cell phone, iPod, or any ither electronic device in a classroom.

Absolutely. I agree. It would also give this girl the proper publicity she deserves. Make her behavior the reason that the schools are now opting to remove all cell phones, ipods, and electronic devices from school property. Once you are on school property? It is a cell phone free zone. Anyone found with a cell phone? Will be sent home with a one day suspension and they can increase it from there. Good idea, Anathema!

During boot camp if one soldier disobeys orders the entire group being trained with him suffer.
The problem with this is that the other kids are kids, not soldiers in boot camp. Teachers and schools do not have the right, and shouldn't have, to punish one kid for another kid's behavior. What is acceptable in boot camp is not acceptable in schools.

The class should have moved to the library to finish their lesson, leaving the girl alone in the classroom without an audience. Parents should have been called and told to pick her up immediately. She should have been expelled for her belligerent behavior and not allowed to have a cell phone in school for the rest of the year. Kids can have cell phones in school as long as they are turned off during school hours. Many of them need them in order to call parents to pick them up after school. Teachers have the right to take away a cell phone that goes off during a lesson or that the kid is using in the hall between class.

The less publicity the misbehaving student gets, the less attention she gets, the better. The security person should not have gotten angry or aggressive with her. He should have cleared the classroom, except for her, sent the class and teacher to the library, and stayed with the misbehaving child in the classroom until parents arrived and took her home. She should then be expelled.
Now tell me who is at fault again?

The unruly little bitch.

Bullshit. If she had been a blonde, blue-eyed cheerleader this would have never happened.

Interesting comment. I don't know whether or not race factors into this story but had the matter been handled properly it would not have been given the opportunity to be exploited as such.

If you went to high school you would remember that there are no more arrogant, self-entitled kids than the jocks and the cheerleaders.
Spinning, deflecting and poor behavior has been around since humans rose out of the primordial soup. What is new are cell phones so deflecting and spinning isn't as effective as it used to be.

Another reason why no kid needs a cell phone, iPod, or any ither electronic device in a classroom.

Absolutely. I agree. It would also give this girl the proper publicity she deserves. Make her behavior the reason that the schools are now opting to remove all cell phones, ipods, and electronic devices from school property. Once you are on school property? It is a cell phone free zone. Anyone found with a cell phone? Will be sent home with a one day suspension and they can increase it from there. Good idea, Anathema!

During boot camp if one soldier disobeys orders the entire group being trained with him suffer.
The problem with this is that the other kids are kids, not soldiers in boot camp. Teachers and schools do not have the right, and shouldn't have, to punish one kid for another kid's behavior. What is acceptable in boot camp is not acceptable in schools.
The class should have moved to the library to finish their lesson, leaving the girl alone in the classroom without an audience. Parents should have been called and told to pick her up immediately. She should have been expelled for her belligerent behavior and not allowed to have a cell phone in school for the rest of the year. Kids can have cell phones in school as long as they are turned off during school hours. Many of them need them in order to call parents to pick them up after school. Teachers have the right to take away a cell phone that goes off during a lesson or that the kid is using the the all between class.

The less publicity the misbehaving student gets, the less attention she gets, the better. The security person should not have gotten angry or aggressive with her. He should have cleared the classroom, except for her, sent the class and teacher to the library, and stayed with the misbehaving child in the classroom until parents arrived and took her home. She should then be expelled.
You have a very expanded view of what "rights" kids have. They don't have a right to a cell phone.
He put his hand on her neck first. I'd damn sure knee-jerk my fist out if someone grabbed me ANYWHERE, too.
When the law (enforcer of the law) places the hand on you do not strike back, you have legal avenues to determine if the hand of law was lawfully applied or not.

That is true and that is why she has no hope of winning a lawsuit now. Had she not laid her hands on the officer she might have a case but as it stands? I do not believe so. She overplayed her hand (there was a report she had planned to provoke the situation before it happened).
Spinning, deflecting and poor behavior has been around since humans rose out of the primordial soup. What is new are cell phones so deflecting and spinning isn't as effective as it used to be.

Another reason why no kid needs a cell phone, iPod, or any ither electronic device in a classroom.

Absolutely. I agree. It would also give this girl the proper publicity she deserves. Make her behavior the reason that the schools are now opting to remove all cell phones, ipods, and electronic devices from school property. Once you are on school property? It is a cell phone free zone. Anyone found with a cell phone? Will be sent home with a one day suspension and they can increase it from there. Good idea, Anathema!

During boot camp if one soldier disobeys orders the entire group being trained with him suffer.
The problem with this is that the other kids are kids, not soldiers in boot camp. Teachers and schools do not have the right, and shouldn't have, to punish one kid for another kid's behavior. What is acceptable in boot camp is not acceptable in schools.
The class should have moved to the library to finish their lesson, leaving the girl alone in the classroom without an audience. Parents should have been called and told to pick her up immediately. She should have been expelled for her belligerent behavior and not allowed to have a cell phone in school for the rest of the year. Kids can have cell phones in school as long as they are turned off during school hours. Many of them need them in order to call parents to pick them up after school. Teachers have the right to take away a cell phone that goes off during a lesson or that the kid is using the the all between class.

The less publicity the misbehaving student gets, the less attention she gets, the better. The security person should not have gotten angry or aggressive with her. He should have cleared the classroom, except for her, sent the class and teacher to the library, and stayed with the misbehaving child in the classroom until parents arrived and took her home. She should then be expelled.
You have a very expanded view of what "rights" kids have. They don't have a right to a cell phone.
Yes they do. I doubt you have any experience with the educational environment. Children need to be able to contact their parents.
Spinning, deflecting and poor behavior has been around since humans rose out of the primordial soup. What is new are cell phones so deflecting and spinning isn't as effective as it used to be.

Another reason why no kid needs a cell phone, iPod, or any ither electronic device in a classroom.

Absolutely. I agree. It would also give this girl the proper publicity she deserves. Make her behavior the reason that the schools are now opting to remove all cell phones, ipods, and electronic devices from school property. Once you are on school property? It is a cell phone free zone. Anyone found with a cell phone? Will be sent home with a one day suspension and they can increase it from there. Good idea, Anathema!

During boot camp if one soldier disobeys orders the entire group being trained with him suffer.
The problem with this is that the other kids are kids, not soldiers in boot camp. Teachers and schools do not have the right, and shouldn't have, to punish one kid for another kid's behavior. What is acceptable in boot camp is not acceptable in schools.
The class should have moved to the library to finish their lesson, leaving the girl alone in the classroom without an audience. Parents should have been called and told to pick her up immediately. She should have been expelled for her belligerent behavior and not allowed to have a cell phone in school for the rest of the year. Kids can have cell phones in school as long as they are turned off during school hours. Many of them need them in order to call parents to pick them up after school. Teachers have the right to take away a cell phone that goes off during a lesson or that the kid is using the the all between class.

The less publicity the misbehaving student gets, the less attention she gets, the better. The security person should not have gotten angry or aggressive with her. He should have cleared the classroom, except for her, sent the class and teacher to the library, and stayed with the misbehaving child in the classroom until parents arrived and took her home. She should then be expelled.
You have a very expanded view of what "rights" kids have. They don't have a right to a cell phone.
Yes they do.

Really? What law or Constitutional concept gives them the right to a cell phone?

This should be good!
Spinning, deflecting and poor behavior has been around since humans rose out of the primordial soup. What is new are cell phones so deflecting and spinning isn't as effective as it used to be.

Another reason why no kid needs a cell phone, iPod, or any ither electronic device in a classroom.

Absolutely. I agree. It would also give this girl the proper publicity she deserves. Make her behavior the reason that the schools are now opting to remove all cell phones, ipods, and electronic devices from school property. Once you are on school property? It is a cell phone free zone. Anyone found with a cell phone? Will be sent home with a one day suspension and they can increase it from there. Good idea, Anathema!

During boot camp if one soldier disobeys orders the entire group being trained with him suffer. It is known to work very well because the disobedient soldier is shunned by his own peers. If it works for the military it should certainly work for the school system. It could be that the school authorities wanted to allow this situation to escalate because they want cellphones removed due to teachers who have been exposed for wrong doing in the classroom. Still, the presence of eyewitnesses and their testimonies should be enough (in such cases) and removing the phones is a good idea.

Um, I believe denying someone something like a cell phone on their person and body-checking for them would be a very basic violation of their federal and state civil rights.

"During boot camp...." THIS ISN'T THE MILITARY. It's a freaking high school.
I betting the feral negro bitch would have benefited from not having her cell phone in the class room.
Mobile Phone Bans Lead to Rise in Student Test Scores
Um, I believe denying someone something like a cell phone on their person and body-checking for them would be a very basic violation of their federal and state civil rights.

"During boot camp...." THIS ISN'T THE MILITARY. It's a freaking high school.

There is no Right for a minor to have a cell phone. Especially not in a school.

It IS a high school. That's a place for EDUCATION, not socialization. No need for a cell phone in thst environment.
Spinning, deflecting and poor behavior has been around since humans rose out of the primordial soup. What is new are cell phones so deflecting and spinning isn't as effective as it used to be.

Another reason why no kid needs a cell phone, iPod, or any ither electronic device in a classroom.

Absolutely. I agree. It would also give this girl the proper publicity she deserves. Make her behavior the reason that the schools are now opting to remove all cell phones, ipods, and electronic devices from school property. Once you are on school property? It is a cell phone free zone. Anyone found with a cell phone? Will be sent home with a one day suspension and they can increase it from there. Good idea, Anathema!

During boot camp if one soldier disobeys orders the entire group being trained with him suffer.
The problem with this is that the other kids are kids, not soldiers in boot camp. Teachers and schools do not have the right, and shouldn't have, to punish one kid for another kid's behavior. What is acceptable in boot camp is not acceptable in schools.
The class should have moved to the library to finish their lesson, leaving the girl alone in the classroom without an audience. Parents should have been called and told to pick her up immediately. She should have been expelled for her belligerent behavior and not allowed to have a cell phone in school for the rest of the year. Kids can have cell phones in school as long as they are turned off during school hours. Many of them need them in order to call parents to pick them up after school. Teachers have the right to take away a cell phone that goes off during a lesson or that the kid is using the the all between class.

The less publicity the misbehaving student gets, the less attention she gets, the better. The security person should not have gotten angry or aggressive with her. He should have cleared the classroom, except for her, sent the class and teacher to the library, and stayed with the misbehaving child in the classroom until parents arrived and took her home. She should then be expelled.
You have a very expanded view of what "rights" kids have. They don't have a right to a cell phone.
Yes they do. I doubt you have any experience with the educational environment. Children need to be able to contact their parents.

SaintM is such an idiot. Open carry of a cell phone is not against the law anywhere.
Now tell me who is at fault again?

The unruly little bitch.

Bullshit. If she had been a blonde, blue-eyed cheerleader this would have never happened.

Interesting comment. I don't know whether or not race factors into this story but had the matter been handled properly it would not have been given the opportunity to be exploited as such.

If you went to high school you would remember that there are no more arrogant, self-entitled kids than the jocks and the cheerleaders.

You're off topic. This is not about jocks and cheerleaders. This is about a student who told other students to get their cell phones out because something was about to happen (not exact words). By her putting her own hands on the officer she provoked a further response - I doubt a judge will award her a settlement in the case. It is a shame that the school didn't leave the officer out of it and call the parents to pick her up with a notice of supsension / being expelled. This entire thing could have been avoided. I do not believe the police officer should have been involved. It was a mistake to bring him into it. He was trained to arrest criminals. Not supervise unruly students.
Another reason why no kid needs a cell phone, iPod, or any ither electronic device in a classroom.

Absolutely. I agree. It would also give this girl the proper publicity she deserves. Make her behavior the reason that the schools are now opting to remove all cell phones, ipods, and electronic devices from school property. Once you are on school property? It is a cell phone free zone. Anyone found with a cell phone? Will be sent home with a one day suspension and they can increase it from there. Good idea, Anathema!

During boot camp if one soldier disobeys orders the entire group being trained with him suffer.
The problem with this is that the other kids are kids, not soldiers in boot camp. Teachers and schools do not have the right, and shouldn't have, to punish one kid for another kid's behavior. What is acceptable in boot camp is not acceptable in schools.
The class should have moved to the library to finish their lesson, leaving the girl alone in the classroom without an audience. Parents should have been called and told to pick her up immediately. She should have been expelled for her belligerent behavior and not allowed to have a cell phone in school for the rest of the year. Kids can have cell phones in school as long as they are turned off during school hours. Many of them need them in order to call parents to pick them up after school. Teachers have the right to take away a cell phone that goes off during a lesson or that the kid is using the the all between class.

The less publicity the misbehaving student gets, the less attention she gets, the better. The security person should not have gotten angry or aggressive with her. He should have cleared the classroom, except for her, sent the class and teacher to the library, and stayed with the misbehaving child in the classroom until parents arrived and took her home. She should then be expelled.
You have a very expanded view of what "rights" kids have. They don't have a right to a cell phone.
Yes they do.

Really? What law or Constitutional concept gives them the right to a cell phone?

This should be good!

Schools all over the country and the world allow students to have cell/mobile phones with them, just turned off and not used during school hours. I know this because I have 30 years of experience with education in the US and internationally. They have a right to have a cell phone in their backpack, on their person, or in their locker; they just can't use it in school. If you tell them no cell phones, you can tell them no this or that or any other private property. It is not a physically harmful item, like a knife or gun or drug. They have a right to have it with them.
Absolutely. I agree. It would also give this girl the proper publicity she deserves. Make her behavior the reason that the schools are now opting to remove all cell phones, ipods, and electronic devices from school property. Once you are on school property? It is a cell phone free zone. Anyone found with a cell phone? Will be sent home with a one day suspension and they can increase it from there. Good idea, Anathema!

During boot camp if one soldier disobeys orders the entire group being trained with him suffer.
The problem with this is that the other kids are kids, not soldiers in boot camp. Teachers and schools do not have the right, and shouldn't have, to punish one kid for another kid's behavior. What is acceptable in boot camp is not acceptable in schools.
The class should have moved to the library to finish their lesson, leaving the girl alone in the classroom without an audience. Parents should have been called and told to pick her up immediately. She should have been expelled for her belligerent behavior and not allowed to have a cell phone in school for the rest of the year. Kids can have cell phones in school as long as they are turned off during school hours. Many of them need them in order to call parents to pick them up after school. Teachers have the right to take away a cell phone that goes off during a lesson or that the kid is using the the all between class.

The less publicity the misbehaving student gets, the less attention she gets, the better. The security person should not have gotten angry or aggressive with her. He should have cleared the classroom, except for her, sent the class and teacher to the library, and stayed with the misbehaving child in the classroom until parents arrived and took her home. She should then be expelled.
You have a very expanded view of what "rights" kids have. They don't have a right to a cell phone.
Yes they do.

Really? What law or Constitutional concept gives them the right to a cell phone?

This should be good!

Schools all over the country allow students to have cell/mobile phones with them, just turned off and not used during school hours. I know this because I have 30 years of experience with education in the US and internationally. They have a right to have a cell phone in their backpack, on their person, or in their locker;they just can't use it in school. If you tell them no cell phones, you can tell them no this or that or any other private property. It is not a physically harmful item, like a knife or gun or drug. They have a right to have it with them.

Perhaps that is up for change now. Let us hope so. They can name the cell phone ban rule after this girl. She wanted notoriety so let them give it to her.

What is her name? We've read the name of the school, the name of the officer that was fired, the classmate who was 18 years old. But I didn't catch her name. Did they release the name of this student yet? What is her name?
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Schools all over the country allow students to have cell/mobile phones with them, just turned off and not used during school hours. I know this because I have 30 years of experience with education in the US and internationally. They have a right to have a cell phone in their backpack, on their person, or in their locker;they just can't use it in school. If you tell them no cell phones, you can tell them no this or that or any other private property. It is not a physically harmful item, like a knife or gun or drug. They have a right to have it with them.

A RIGHT to a phone? In a school? What document do you know of which gives MINORS a RIGHT to have a cell phone in a school. In the UNITED STATES.
The problem with this is that the other kids are kids, not soldiers in boot camp. Teachers and schools do not have the right, and shouldn't have, to punish one kid for another kid's behavior. What is acceptable in boot camp is not acceptable in schools.
The class should have moved to the library to finish their lesson, leaving the girl alone in the classroom without an audience. Parents should have been called and told to pick her up immediately. She should have been expelled for her belligerent behavior and not allowed to have a cell phone in school for the rest of the year. Kids can have cell phones in school as long as they are turned off during school hours. Many of them need them in order to call parents to pick them up after school. Teachers have the right to take away a cell phone that goes off during a lesson or that the kid is using the the all between class.

The less publicity the misbehaving student gets, the less attention she gets, the better. The security person should not have gotten angry or aggressive with her. He should have cleared the classroom, except for her, sent the class and teacher to the library, and stayed with the misbehaving child in the classroom until parents arrived and took her home. She should then be expelled.
You have a very expanded view of what "rights" kids have. They don't have a right to a cell phone.
Yes they do.

Really? What law or Constitutional concept gives them the right to a cell phone?

This should be good!

Schools all over the country allow students to have cell/mobile phones with them, just turned off and not used during school hours. I know this because I have 30 years of experience with education in the US and internationally. They have a right to have a cell phone in their backpack, on their person, or in their locker;they just can't use it in school. If you tell them no cell phones, you can tell them no this or that or any other private property. It is not a physically harmful item, like a knife or gun or drug. They have a right to have it with them.

Perhaps that is up for change now. Let us hope so. They can name the cell phone ban rule after this girl. She wanted notoriety so they should give it to her.
They won't do it. They are not going to punish every student in the school because of this one girl and her behavior. There are many, many kids who challenge teachers and the rules every day. We don't deal with that behavior by taking away privileges from all students.

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