The SIALCHWM Community


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2009
Los Angeles CA
To all Forum members,

Going forward, please refer to me as Scottish, Italian, American, Lapsed Catholic, Heterosexual, White Male otherwise you will reveal your gross insensitivity. I am a part of the SIALCHWM community (Pronounced : see-alcha-wim) and I am not alone.

We SIALCHWM's will no longer be marginalized and placed in the "White Male" box that the xenophobic, intolerant, racist, fascist, hateful bigots want to place us in. We are special!

PS- Since I am the founding father of this new victim group, I demand and expect special legal protections, and free money from the government, PM me for details on how to send private and large donations.

PPS- I am outraged and offended.

Thank you.
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Be forewarned. We SIALCHWM's are organized and ready to fight for our special rights as a victim group. If we feel offended, marginalized, threatened, or triggered in any way, no matter how seemingly small, it is LIFE ALTERING and we WILL demand compensation. Get your fucking checkbooks out bitches.......

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