The Shitting On Veterans and Their Families in Full Swing

between wahrrior102 & becki seems like being a vet only matters if you're a Rightie. What asswipes. :thup:

Of course.

Every vet from John Kerry to Wesley Clark to Colin Powell, who doesn't toe the republican line, gets demonized, marginalized and dismissed.

The GOP, we love our vets, as long as they vote 'R'.

You mean, they are treated like conservative blacks are by the liberal community?
Tissue? I know people that served honorably in combat and I know people that were fuck ups that signed up because they were fuck ups and never did anything to "earn" being taken care of for life.

So because of the few fuck ups, we shouldn't provide for the hero's? So you don't have a problem with me not wanting to provide for the fuck ups that don't want to work and just collect their goodies? Those people are not hero's, but you want to provide everything they need. Awesome! You just proved what kind of person you really are.
Where did I say we shouldn't provide for the the heros? warbler is no hero.

You know that how?
Here's a MUCH better idea, why don't you encourage your congress-critter to do something positive to bring civilian insurance costs in line with what veterans are paying?

I'm not in favor of government dictating prices to private businesses.

Neither am I. Nor am I in favor of ripping off people who put their lives on the line for basically peanuts. Especially when they've been promised certain standards.

yes but one point to clairfy the majority of those in the military services to not go into combat.
I'm not in favor of government dictating prices to private businesses.

Neither am I. Nor am I in favor of ripping off people who put their lives on the line for basically peanuts. Especially when they've been promised certain standards.

yes but one point to clairfy the majority of those in the military services to not go into combat.

That does not diminish the fact that while on active duty, they could be sent into combat at any time. Nowadays, there's almost none who have not seen combat duty. My SIL has been sent to the Middle East three times in seven years.
Neither am I. Nor am I in favor of ripping off people who put their lives on the line for basically peanuts. Especially when they've been promised certain standards.

yes but one point to clairfy the majority of those in the military services to not go into combat.

That does not diminish the fact that while on active duty, they could be sent into combat at any time. Nowadays, there's almost none who have not seen combat duty. My SIL has been sent to the Middle East three times in seven years.

Ahh yes the privitization of the military.
warbler never put his ass on the line. I've read his posts. He minced around in a sailor suit for 23 years. The biggest danger he ever faced was a potato peeler.
That's what you think, Ravi. I have a brother who served as a M something CPO on a ship for 20 years who worked around high-efficiency Phantom jets. From his work around dangerous metals and who knows what else of a chemical nature, he now doesn't know who anyone else is, and if it weren't for his dear wife, he'd be a vegetable in a military hospital somewhere.

You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Our men go in, do a job, may not complain, may get sick, still do not complain, and never know what hit them. I took chemistry, pathology, and consumer health issues. The FDA does not run the military, and the military puts men where they have to be with what they're dealt to handle, store, fix, and be exposed to.

Don't you ever let me hear you tell me about Navy men. They're some of the best, bravest men on God's green earth and over his deep marine oceans. They're serving up to 13 months away from wife and children, and when they're somewhere nobody is allowed to know about, they might as well not be part of the human race.

Don't you ever let me hear you gripe about our Navy mens' honor ever again. How dare you.

Your neg is for the sailors who lost their lives at Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, and for all those who got blown up on ships and whose jets never returned to their ships when serving in Vietnam, not to mention their shipmates who mourned their loss and whose lives were made unbearable by losing their best friends, separated when transferred elsewhere, then blown to bits. Dirtbag. If I had another neg to give out it would be to you for the Seals, no matter how long it took me being banned for it. And if I had a vocabulary like my brother's you'd get a lot more.
Tissue? I know people that served honorably in combat and I know people that were fuck ups that signed up because they were fuck ups and never did anything to "earn" being taken care of for life.
I know people that served honorably in combat and I know people that were fuck ups that signed up because they were fuck ups and never did anything to "earn" being taken care of for life.

You're such a self-righteous judge.

Been through seabee boot camp? That separates all fuckups to the pinkslip file, which tells me you are bs-ing your way through this entire discussion. There isn't anything left of fuckups half way through seabee boot camp, and that's the end of the line for them. Only a low-iq fuckup wouldn't understand what makes a person a full-fledged sailor. Your failure at logic and reason is duly noted.
So because of the few fuck ups, we shouldn't provide for the hero's? So you don't have a problem with me not wanting to provide for the fuck ups that don't want to work and just collect their goodies? Those people are not hero's, but you want to provide everything they need. Awesome! You just proved what kind of person you really are.
Where did I say we shouldn't provide for the the heros? warbler is no hero.

You know that how?
Ravi clings to leftist tripe of the "thinking it makes it so" lie. It's a house of cards, which means if you pull out the base card, it all comes crashing down. Exposure to the truth that warrior 102 is an extraordinarily good American man would make Ravi's little paradigm flatter than pita.
Went to pick up my high blood pressure meds at the pharmacy yesterday. What has cost me $8 a bottle (30 day supply) under Tricare for ages - is now $44.00. I asked the pharmacist what's up and she said all Tricare co-pays have gone up. She told me (a good friend) - "You guys (Vets) are really getting screwed. I've never seen anything like this."

When I signed up and served for 23 years, I always knew I would be taken care of. Hell, I was guaranteed it! Thank God I can afford $44 a bottle - I feel bad for those veterans who can't.

Obama is fucking veterans ladies and gentlemen.


Coburn: Cut Back on Tricare | Military Health Report

Tom Coburn?s cuts: Military?s Tricare Prime health care program targeted - Washington Post

That's the problem with right wingers. It always starts with the Republicans and then the ignorant masses blame it on Obama. You sit at a computer connected to the Internet. Why stay "stupid"? I don't get it.

From YOUR link: "Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) wants to cut taxpayer funding for non-military elements of the Defense department..."

What lie is it you wish me to conclude from your link battering a Republican viciously for cutting "non-military elements of the Defense department"?

You're trying to foist YOUR OPINION over FACTS REPORTED. The FACT REPORTED is that a Republican wished to cut nonmilitary elements of the Defense Department off from veterans' benefits.

They are not veterans, they did not serve in combat situations, they're government employees who deal with veterans and not veterans themselves. Why should anyone but veterans stand in the same line ahead of veterans who were wounded in conflict? Answer: they shouldn't, and it took a Republican congressman named Tom Coburn from Oklahoma to bring out this fact when budget cuts are needed to come from somewhere.

The reason your posts come across as fishy is because they are fishy due to your reading comprehension issues. Why do you anticipate that Navy veterans ought to suffer because you cannot understand the printed words that are written that you link as meaning something other than the simple truth that they tell?
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am i to feel sorry for you because you were underpaying for your medication for a very long time?

I'm not asking for your sympathy, you stupid little cocksucker.
I am merely illustrating how this administration is shitting on veterans.
Do you understand that point, or do you need it dumbed down more.

i don't consider being asked to pay a reasonable amount in co-pays to be shitting on anyone.

so again, are we supposed to feel sorry for you because you were underpaying for a long time?
the only people that are underpaying are the young lazy libbs on medicaid !!got nothing to say about them do you cumgobbler .
Wait, I thought most people here hated socialism.

What is the VA if not a socialist program?
Wait, I thought most people here hated socialism.

What is the VA if not a socialist program?

I wouldn't set foot in a VA hospital.
It's run by the government. Nuff said.
the va is not a form of socialism .social security ,and medicare are also not socialist hand outs .if you pay into the system it is not a handout .medicaid ,and welfare are socialist handouts .
Wait, I thought most people here hated socialism.

What is the VA if not a socialist program?

I wouldn't set foot in a VA hospital.
It's run by the government. Nuff said.
the va is not a form of socialism .social security ,and medicare are also not socialist hand outs .if you pay into the system it is not a handout .medicaid ,and welfare are socialist handouts .
Your honor, Judge Yidnar! If it please the courts: One of our veterans should have the right to choose where he wishes his care to come from, just like other citizens. Good care was promised for his service, and a free man, his choice is something other than a make-shift slap-together he considers VA hospitals to be. I wonder why that is, now? Why would one care to go someplace other than a VA hospital? :evil:
I wouldn't set foot in a VA hospital.
It's run by the government. Nuff said.
the va is not a form of socialism .social security ,and medicare are also not socialist hand outs .if you pay into the system it is not a handout .medicaid ,and welfare are socialist handouts .
Your honor, Judge Yidnar! If it please the courts: One of our veterans should have the right to choose where he wishes his care to come from, just like other citizens. Good care was promised for his service, and a free man, his choice is something other than a make-shift slap-together he considers VA hospitals to be. I wonder why that is, now? Why would one care to go someplace other than a VA hospital? :evil:

My Dad (God rest his soul) had to rely on the VA and it was a nightmare. TONS of red-tape. Somethinig as simple as an eye exam - you're there all day. Evrything requires a ream of paperwork to fill out. Old, run down place. High turnover of staff (Dr. X doesn't work here any longer). The list goes on and on. Pathetic way to treat our veterans.
the va is not a form of socialism .social security ,and medicare are also not socialist hand outs .if you pay into the system it is not a handout .medicaid ,and welfare are socialist handouts .
Your honor, Judge Yidnar! If it please the courts: One of our veterans should have the right to choose where he wishes his care to come from, just like other citizens. Good care was promised for his service, and a free man, his choice is something other than a make-shift slap-together he considers VA hospitals to be. I wonder why that is, now? Why would one care to go someplace other than a VA hospital? :evil:

My Dad (God rest his soul) had to rely on the VA and it was a nightmare. TONS of red-tape. Somethinig as simple as an eye exam - you're there all day. Evrything requires a ream of paperwork to fill out. Old, run down place. High turnover of staff (Dr. X doesn't work here any longer). The list goes on and on. Pathetic way to treat our veterans.
i know warrior you are right !! god bless your dad and all vets !! i just get tired of the left claiming that things we paid into are forms of socialism like social security the VA,and medicare .we paid a price for those investments so they are not socialist handouts. and when libbs attack vets and true Americans like you and your dad it sends me into a rage!!
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