The Selling Out of The Mormans!!! Coincydink???


I Post Because I Care
Mar 24, 2009
Seattle at large...Ballard lately
Why is it I cannot turn on the tube for the last two weeks and watch anything for more than ten minutes when any number of otherwise normal looking people come on as slick as a viagra commercial and tell me that they are MORMANS?????

Well it appears the CULT is putting the money they steal to good use. You would think that they are trying to sell Mormanizm to the American public!!!

Jeezzz.... Hmmmm???? I wonder why??????

Your thoughts?
Exactly who steals any money from anyone?

And considering the commission to preach the Gospel to everyone in the world, you would think America is somehow excluded?
Why is it I cannot turn on the tube for the last two weeks and watch anything for more than ten minutes when any number of otherwise normal looking people come on as slick as a viagra commercial and tell me that they are MORMANS?????

Well it appears the CULT is putting the money they steal to good use. You would think that they are trying to sell Mormanizm to the American public!!!

Jeezzz.... Hmmmm???? I wonder why??????

Your thoughts?

you're psychotic
Why is it I cannot turn on the tube for the last two weeks and watch anything for more than ten minutes when any number of otherwise normal looking people come on as slick as a viagra commercial and tell me that they are MORMANS?????

Well it appears the CULT is putting the money they steal to good use. You would think that they are trying to sell Mormanizm to the American public!!!

Jeezzz.... Hmmmm???? I wonder why??????

Your thoughts?

Bet you don't mind that Reid is a Mormon do you?
Why is it I cannot turn on the tube for the last two weeks and watch anything for more than ten minutes when any number of otherwise normal looking people come on as slick as a viagra commercial and tell me that they are MORMANS?????

Well it appears the CULT is putting the money they steal to good use. You would think that they are trying to sell Mormanizm to the American public!!!

Jeezzz.... Hmmmm???? I wonder why??????

Your thoughts?

Bet you don't mind that Reid is a Mormon do you?

Reid isn't trying to represent me. Much of Nevada especially rural Nevada is Morman.

If he was running for POTUS I would be his worst enemy.
Why is it I cannot turn on the tube for the last two weeks and watch anything for more than ten minutes when any number of otherwise normal looking people come on as slick as a viagra commercial and tell me that they are MORMANS?????

Well it appears the CULT is putting the money they steal to good use. You would think that they are trying to sell Mormanizm to the American public!!!

Jeezzz.... Hmmmm???? I wonder why??????

Your thoughts?

Bet you don't mind that Reid is a Mormon do you?

Reid isn't trying to represent me. Much of Nevada especially rural Nevada is Morman.

If he was running for POTUS I would be his worst enemy.

But he does represent you. he represents the Democrats as the Senate majority leader.

However, I think that's off point. So why don't you answer the other questions?
Bet you don't mind that Reid is a Mormon do you?

Reid isn't trying to represent me. Much of Nevada especially rural Nevada is Morman.

If he was running for POTUS I would be his worst enemy.

But he does represent you. he represents the Democrats as the Senate majority leader.

However, I think that's off point. So why don't you answer the other questions?


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You seemed to feel it important enough to start a thread. I presumed you actually wanted to talk about it. silly me.
You seemed to feel it important enough to start a thread. I presumed you actually wanted to talk about it. silly me.

Not really...but sort of... I'm mostly just sick of seeing the Morman ads on my television.

It is obviously NO coincidence that Romney's candidacy and the overload of Morman commercials are happening at the same time.

Why the big Morman push? Because as it stands a Morman is unelectable as POTUS?
The Church has been advertising using the television since the television was invented. Why on earth would it be different now?
The Church has been advertising using the television since the television was invented. Why on earth would it be different now?

Ya I've seen a few sporadic LDS ads on the tube over the years but for the last couple of weeks here in Seattle the Morman push is over the top. It's a blitz campaign.

You don't see the same thing coming from the fundi Christians in support of Perry or Cain.

True ..they don't mention Romney by name..that would be "campaigning". Which is why it is so disingenuous.
I can assure you the Church doesn't care whether Romney is President or not.
Mormon Church Tries to Resurrect Its Image, Spends Millions to Repair Prop 8 Damage
Fox News has reported:

"The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints [sic Mormon Church] has been in a public relations tailspin in recent years, taking hits from both the left and the right."

"In 2008 it became the whipping boy for those who opposed Proposition 8, the California ballot initiative that banned gay marriage. Mormons were some of the greatest supporters -- and funders -- of the initiative."

How Bad is the Damage?

Having suffered a blistering blow the last two years to its already shaky image, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church) has begun a massive multi-media campaign to come back from the depths of unfavorability in the national polls. They're spending millions and millions of dollars in an unprecedented national advertising campaign on television and radio. They also launched a new web site, all in an attempt to fix its PR problems.

The Mormon Church is in full damage control mode. Even its own pollster, Gary Lawrence admitted it in the Washington Post last year, when he stated, "We're upside down on our image. Favorability ratings declined for Mormons over the last year..."

Lawrence, who is also a high-ranking Mormon Church leader, does all the polling for the Salt Lake City based religion. His Lawrence Research of Santa Ana, California was the pollster of record for the successful Mormon run Proposition 8 campaign in California two years ago. He also did all the polling for their successful Amendment 1 campaign one year ago in Maine, that took away that state's gay marriage law.

Mormon Church Tries to Resurrect Its Image, Spends Millions to Repair Prop 8 Damage - salt lake city legal services -
1) They are an evangelical religion that wants to bring the good word (YMMV) to the whole world and bring more folks in
2) Lately there have been really weird attacks on the religion and its practices by ignorant jackasses. They want to lesson the damage
3) there are some high profile members running for public office. There are those who oppose them on the grounds that their religion is stupid and dangerous. They want to re assure folks that Mormons are normal everyday people

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