The Secret Racist History of the Democratic Party

The secret history of the KKK as a right wing Christian organization:



We're Republicans now.
Should Christians Support Israel? - David

I am a Christian

Recently, I have been shocked and appalled by the unqualified support by some Christian televangelists for the most anti-Christian religion on the face of the earth, Judaism.

The truth is that there is no such thing as Judeo-Christianity. That would be like saying Satanic-Christianity.

Interestingly enough, Islam is much closer to Christianity than Judaism.

the left has spent many years

trying to airbrush history

to make it appear as if the Republicans are the the slave holders
I don't know what history books you read, but it's quite well known that the South was Democrat back then and continued to be heavily Democrat until the 1960s when they all abandoned the Democratic Party rather than lose their precious bigotry towards black people.

Start from here .. which party celebrates all the evil vestiges of slavery .. like the rebel flag?

None or no one, that is who. Your implication is a complete left wing fabrication.

You are right, that the right is too scared to say much. But I find this interesting that you call out the right but ignore the left.

if not all racist shit said here comes from posters on the Right/republicans .. not the Left, not democrats.

Who call blacks "super predators." Democrat

Who said that blacks need to be brought to heel. Democrat

Who said that a few years ago Obama would be serving him coffee. Democrat.

Who implied that all blacks before Obama were not clean and not articulate? Democrat

Who made a joke out of working in a gas station and being from India? Democrat

Who made the comment about Obama: “light-skinned” and speaking“with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” Democrat

Who asked a man with an Indian descent, if he were a member of the Taliban? Democrat

Who said that they wished Nikki Haley would go back to the country she came from because her parents are from India? Democrat

who made the joke about Dunkin Doughnuts and having to be Indian to work there? Democrat.

Who called his own grandmother, "a typical white person?" Democrat

There are lots more but you should get the point and if you don't I really don't see where more would do any good.

So it is democrats fighting for the rebel flag and all its ugly ass history? :0)

You posting slurs and attributing them an unnamed "democrat' is meaningless. What does have meaning is the Democratic Party believes that African-Americans and everyone else in this country is capable of political representation .. and that truth is reflected in their ranks. Your virtually all-white party does neither.

Republicans hate everybody.

The bottom line republicans hate black people .. black people hate republicans. We're real comfortable with that relationship.

Every quote I posted is well known you are just pretending to be dumb.

Who gives a shit about the rebel battle flag? It is just another concocted grievance created by the left wing since they have so little good things to run on.

Republican don't hate everyone but it sure sounds like you hate anyone that doesn't drink the same koolade you do.

BTW, are you a super predator?

Here is Mrs. Tuzla Clinton giving a speak in defense of the Clinton three strike law. BTW how has that worked out for the black community?

ALL your quotes are meaningless.

Your party is virtually all-white :0) and you're trying to make the stupid ass argument that democrats are racist even though THEY'VE elected a black president and the party is full of people of all races.

Your argument is for morons. :0) .. like you.

Translation ~ I am a ignorant moron and can't handle the fact LBJ and the democrat party bought my ass.


Nope .. you the ignorant asswipe who can't deal with your own nasty fucking history.

Pretty simple.

Well it's clear you can't.
Should Christians Support Israel? - David

I am a Christian

Recently, I have been shocked and appalled by the unqualified support by some Christian televangelists for the most anti-Christian religion on the face of the earth, Judaism.

The truth is that there is no such thing as Judeo-Christianity. That would be like saying Satanic-Christianity.

Interestingly enough, Islam is much closer to Christianity than Judaism.

Fuck David Duke.
He's just a white Louis Farrakhan.
Should Christians Support Israel? - David

I am a Christian

Recently, I have been shocked and appalled by the unqualified support by some Christian televangelists for the most anti-Christian religion on the face of the earth, Judaism.

The truth is that there is no such thing as Judeo-Christianity. That would be like saying Satanic-Christianity.

Interestingly enough, Islam is much closer to Christianity than Judaism.

Fuck David Duke.
He's just a white Louis Farrakhan.
And he's a Republican. The Klan has always been a right wing Christian organization. In the past, they may have been Democrats, but today they are Republicans.

What matters is the FACT they are right wingers. And Christian. And always have been.

Your puppet masters depend on you tards being too stupid to know Democrats could be, and were, right wing Christians back in the day. They were as conservative as it gets. Pro gun rights, pro states rights, pro low taxes, and pro small government. That's why you wave their Confederate flag about today. They are your heroes, those old time Democrats.

No one else is as stupid as you rubes. They already know this. That's why the monthly topics about the Klan and Democrats get nothing but belly laughs and pity for you poor, dumb, retards.
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Really? Where could they be found in the 1850's forward? The Boston or New York slums which were chocker block full of lily white immigrants from Europe at the time along with the other port of entry cities at that time and beyond?
At that time the parties were both very conservative....
And a happy pile of horseshit in your bowl back at you! The abolitionists of the period were conservatives along with the suffragettes and operating the underground railroad you say???? How many unicorns do you have in your herd? Did you actually think that crap would fly?:rofl::rofl::rofl:
You do realize that every right winger today is against slavery, right? Likewise with being for women's right to vote.

Today there is nothing even remotely progressive about being an abolitionist or being for women's suffrage because yesterday's progressives are tomorrow's conservatives.

The problem with Democrat idiots is that they continually assert that progressivism is always just common sense humanitarianism, and with that logic the long line of progressives who were against gay marriage, public sector unions, secularism etc never actually were progressives.

The abolitionists were bible thumping RWNJs that made Ted Cruz look like an atheist. The same with the suffragettes and the integrationists and all the way down the line.
I was responding to your post #45 which stated;
At that time the parties were both very conservative
I blew that horseshit out of the water and you come back with this crap to dodge responding honestly to the points made;

1) "You do realize that every right winger today is against slavery, right? Likewise with being for women's right to vote."
That is horseshit that would be impossible to prove either of those PLUS the period addressed was the 19th century America! STRAW MAN

2) "...yesterday's progressives are tomorrow's conservatives."
Into jingoisms are we? That didn't address the period noted either. STRAW MAN

3) "The problem with Democrat idiots is that they continually assert that progressivism is always..."
That didn't have anything at all to do with what I posted! STRAW MAN

4) "The abolitionists were bible thumping RWNJs that made Ted Cruz look like an atheist."
That has nothing to do with nothing worth even remotely related to what I posted! STRAW MAN

You aren't going to respond honestly so just piss off you POS!
You didn't blow anything out of the water. I just destroyed the crap your party has spouted to millions upon millions of people and you are bitching about it like a typical dumbass Democrat who can't put on your own fucking shoes without the NY Times directing you.

None of the Founders agreed with anything you dipshits believe in. Your party is nothing but a parasite on this country.
Gosh, it looks like you're going to take your crystal ball in for repair or new batteries or something PT!

ME A DEMOCRAT? What a total ignorant fuck you truly are. I know you're a 2nd Amendment nut too because you go straight for the LABEL GUN, draw and start shooting. I was a fully committed and conservative registered Republican until Aug 9, 1974. That was the day I swore off party affiliations and became a full functioning Independent and started to really learn. Your supercilious boast that you, "...destroyed the crap your party has spouted to millions upon millions of people and you are bitching about it like a typical dumbass Democrat..." makes you look the abject fool of an unthinking lemming you truly are.

I've told you before, edify thyself FOOL!
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Think it about it. The retards wave the Confederate flag about and say they do it because they are proud of their heritage.

And then the dumb fucks amazingly start topics about those old Confederates being racists!

I many pounds of brain damage do you have to have to celebrate the Confederates and then sound like you are actually BRAGGING about them owning slaves and being racists!


These pitiful dumb fucks are seriously confused.
Your enemy is demographics.

Republican hate of everyone is back to bite them in the ass.. and it's only going to get worse for them.
Repeating that lie over and over won't make it any less a lie.

What lie? :0) That changing demographics is your enemy?

That your ignorant sect of racist assholes is dwindling

.. or that it's only going to get worse for you stupid motherfuckers? Which is it?

None of it is a lie, nor my retelling of the history of both parties.

It doesn't go without notice that you failed to address where both parties are today and how they got there. Care to step up .. or is butt-hurt whining all you have?
I did address it in other threads this morning.

And it's pretty damned clear who is really racist here. You alluded to it when you said us, meaning white people, are dwindling. Meaning you hope you flood this country with non-citizens so you can push the dominant white culture that exists into history, never to be seen again. You forget that the only reason those non-whites are coming here is because 1. Democrats are offering them goodies and 2. Their own countries are total shitholes. Trust me, I've been in some of them. I wouldn't want you live their either.

Let me repeat what I really said for you ..

"your ignorant sect of racist assholes is dwindling" .. that does not sound like, nor imply 'white people.' Your sect of racists DO NOT REPRESENT WHITE PEOPLE.

Sorry if I don't feel your pain about immigrants because your sect said the same thing about black people that you now say about them. For me, the upside of immigration is that it further reduces the political power of republicans and racists. I have no problem with people looking for a better life.

Stop looking out the window for the evil .. rather take some time and stand in the mirror.
A can see a racist who is one step from firing up the ovens.

Expect me to do whatever I can to make sure people who think like you never become our leaders.

Btw, my wife of 38 years is black. She knows exactly what you are and to her credit wants nothing to do with you. 3 prior marriages and numerous beatings later she saw the light. The only difference between an ignorant black and a cracker is skin color.

Back when she was a kid white women had it as bad or worse than blacks. Constant beatings. Terrible abuse. Crackers who didn't have servants to beat just beat their wives. Good thing that bs is dying out. I figure a person that is as hateful as you is just ignorant or pissed off at the world and looking for a scapegoat.

Appears you are more than just a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

As soon as we're done here, I'm going to start a topic on USMB about the old time racist Confederates!

the left has spent many years

trying to airbrush history

to make it appear as if the Republicans are the the slave holders

NOBODY is 'airbrushing' history but you knuckleheads on the right. :0) Intellectualism is no where to be found in the minds of right-wingers. It just isn't there.

Start from here .. which party celebrates all the evil vestiges of slavery .. like the rebel flag?

See how easy that was? That alone destroys all the 8th grade bullshit 'logic' you knuckleheads have been spouting in this thread.

Here's the good news. :0) Even you braindead crybabies RUN from the word 'racist.' You know damn well that you clowns are racist .. but you RUN from it. :0) You Run like chickens. I don't see everything posted on this site, but I have no doubt that 90%, if not all racist shit said here comes from posters on the Right/republicans .. not the Left, not democrats.

When republicans employed the Southern Strategy, racism found a home .. and dixiecrats became republicans. Blacks who were republicans became democrats because the Republican Party no longer them. Racism became the driving force throughout the Republican Party .. and it was the Democratic Party that took up the challenge of Civil Rights. All the stupid shit republicans are spouting in this thread is pure nonsense.

Finally, it's not like planet earth doesn't know what's behind all this whining about your ugly ass history and black people. :0) Republicans are facing their own self-inflicted demise. You've already been reduced to nothing more then by-standers in presidential elections. :0) Can't elect a president, can't control the Supreme Court, can't stop democrats frpm progressive legislation .. America keeps getting browner. :0)

Republicans would have been much smarter to remain true to their roots and reject the evil knocking on their doors.

Start from here .. which party celebrates all the evil vestiges of slavery .. like the rebel flag?

None or no one, that is who. Your implication is a complete left wing fabrication.

You are right, that the right is too scared to say much. But I find this interesting that you call out the right but ignore the left.

if not all racist shit said here comes from posters on the Right/republicans .. not the Left, not democrats.

Who call blacks "super predators." Democrat

Who said that blacks need to be brought to heel. Democrat

Who said that a few years ago Obama would be serving him coffee. Democrat.

Who implied that all blacks before Obama were not clean and not articulate? Democrat

Who made a joke out of working in a gas station and being from India? Democrat

Who made the comment about Obama: “light-skinned” and speaking“with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” Democrat

Who asked a man with an Indian descent, if he were a member of the Taliban? Democrat

Who said that they wished Nikki Haley would go back to the country she came from because her parents are from India? Democrat

who made the joke about Dunkin Doughnuts and having to be Indian to work there? Democrat.

Who called his own grandmother, "a typical white person?" Democrat

There are lots more but you should get the point and if you don't I really don't see where more would do any good.

So it is democrats fighting for the rebel flag and all its ugly ass history? :0)

You posting slurs and attributing them an unnamed "democrat' is meaningless. What does have meaning is the Democratic Party believes that African-Americans and everyone else in this country is capable of political representation .. and that truth is reflected in their ranks. Your virtually all-white party does neither.

Republicans hate everybody.

The bottom line republicans hate black people .. black people hate republicans. We're real comfortable with that relationship.

Every quote I posted is well known you are just pretending to be dumb.

Who gives a shit about the rebel battle flag? It is just another concocted grievance created by the left wing since they have so little good things to run on.

Republican don't hate everyone but it sure sounds like you hate anyone that doesn't drink the same koolade you do.

BTW, are you a super predator?

Here is Mrs. Tuzla Clinton giving a speak in defense of the Clinton three strike law. BTW how has that worked out for the black community?

ALL your quotes are meaningless.

Your party is virtually all-white :0) and you're trying to make the stupid ass argument that democrats are racist even though THEY'VE elected a black president and the party is full of people of all races.

Your argument is for morons. :0) .. like you.

Progressives are the most racist, bigoted segment of people in our political spectrum.

Progressives pigeon hole all groups they consider inferior to themselves, blacks, Hispanics, gays, women, anyone. They then formulate a separate message to be delivered to each of them, pandering to them, convincing that specific group that they are INFERIOR and without the help and handouts the Progressives are eager to give to them, their group would surely fail in this nasty world.

Progressives convince these groups that without their help in demanding quotas, racial quotas that these groups do not have the intelligence to get into colleges without extra help.

Progressives then give extra rewards for bad behavior, free cell phones, they advertise on TV for people to get food stamps, section 8 housing, people just have to ask for free breakfast and lunch for THEIR OWN KIDS in school. Not to worry folks, you just have the kids and WE'LL TAKE OVER FROM THERE!


Conservatives and Republicans, on the other hand don't consider these people to be either inferior or superior to themselves but as just other Americans and to be treated that way.

Democrats have had control of the house and senate since 2007, the house, senate and Oval Office since 2009 and the senate and oval office since that time.

What have they done to help ANY of those groups? Aside from making them more and more dependent on government handouts, teaching them they are inferior and desperately need the help of the GOVERNMENT or they would surely starve and die in the streets.

What is the unemployment and poverty figures for young workers, minority workers and young minority voters?

How is this good for anyone?

It is utter shameful and immoral behavior.
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The poor dumbshits have to go back more than half a century to find those old right wing Christian Conservative Democrats. And they think they are proving something! :lol:

They actually are proving something, but not what they think they are proving.

They are proving they are full retards.
Should Christians Support Israel? - David

I am a Christian

Recently, I have been shocked and appalled by the unqualified support by some Christian televangelists for the most anti-Christian religion on the face of the earth, Judaism.

The truth is that there is no such thing as Judeo-Christianity. That would be like saying Satanic-Christianity.

Interestingly enough, Islam is much closer to Christianity than Judaism.

Fuck David Duke.
He's just a white Louis Farrakhan.
And he's a Republican. The Klan has always been a right wing Christian organization. In the past, they may have been Democrats, but today they are Republicans.

What matters is the FACT they are right wingers. And Christian. And always have been.

Your puppet masters depend on you tards being too stupid to know Democrats could be, and were, right wing Christians back in the day. They were as conservative as it gets. Pro gun rights, pro states rights, pro low taxes, and pro small government. That's why you wave their Confederate flag about today. They are your heroes, those old time Democrats.

No one else is as stupid as you rubes. They already know this. That's why the monthly topics about the Klan and Democrats get nothing but belly laughs and pity for you poor, dumb, retards.

I do enjoy the way you dispute your own post, and it happens in the very next sentence. Amusing!

I wear the Confederate flag because I am proud of my heritage!


I'm going to let you in on a big secret. Those old Democratic Confederates were slave owners and racists! Yeeeee-haaaaawwwww! That's my proud heritage!
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The secret history of the KKK as a right wing Christian organization:


It is an interesting take on things, Mudwhistle. If you wish to connect the current Democrats with what the Democrats did a long time ago.....hold they responsible for the behavior of those dead and gone.....then, if you are consistent, you would be for slave reparations even tho those who held slaves and those who were slaves are dead and gone.
the left has spent many years

trying to airbrush history

to make it appear as if the Republicans are the the slave holders

NOBODY is 'airbrushing' history but you knuckleheads on the right. :0) Intellectualism is no where to be found in the minds of right-wingers. It just isn't there.

Start from here .. which party celebrates all the evil vestiges of slavery .. like the rebel flag?

See how easy that was? That alone destroys all the 8th grade bullshit 'logic' you knuckleheads have been spouting in this thread.

Here's the good news. :0) Even you braindead crybabies RUN from the word 'racist.' You know damn well that you clowns are racist .. but you RUN from it. :0) You Run like chickens. I don't see everything posted on this site, but I have no doubt that 90%, if not all racist shit said here comes from posters on the Right/republicans .. not the Left, not democrats.

When republicans employed the Southern Strategy, racism found a home .. and dixiecrats became republicans. Blacks who were republicans became democrats because the Republican Party no longer them. Racism became the driving force throughout the Republican Party .. and it was the Democratic Party that took up the challenge of Civil Rights. All the stupid shit republicans are spouting in this thread is pure nonsense.

Finally, it's not like planet earth doesn't know what's behind all this whining about your ugly ass history and black people. :0) Republicans are facing their own self-inflicted demise. You've already been reduced to nothing more then by-standers in presidential elections. :0) Can't elect a president, can't control the Supreme Court, can't stop democrats frpm progressive legislation .. America keeps getting browner. :0)

Republicans would have been much smarter to remain true to their roots and reject the evil knocking on their doors.

Start from here .. which party celebrates all the evil vestiges of slavery .. like the rebel flag?

None or no one, that is who. Your implication is a complete left wing fabrication.

You are right, that the right is too scared to say much. But I find this interesting that you call out the right but ignore the left.

if not all racist shit said here comes from posters on the Right/republicans .. not the Left, not democrats.

Who call blacks "super predators." Democrat

Who said that blacks need to be brought to heel. Democrat

Who said that a few years ago Obama would be serving him coffee. Democrat.

Who implied that all blacks before Obama were not clean and not articulate? Democrat

Who made a joke out of working in a gas station and being from India? Democrat

Who made the comment about Obama: “light-skinned” and speaking“with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to have one.” Democrat

Who asked a man with an Indian descent, if he were a member of the Taliban? Democrat

Who said that they wished Nikki Haley would go back to the country she came from because her parents are from India? Democrat

who made the joke about Dunkin Doughnuts and having to be Indian to work there? Democrat.

Who called his own grandmother, "a typical white person?" Democrat

There are lots more but you should get the point and if you don't I really don't see where more would do any good.

So it is democrats fighting for the rebel flag and all its ugly ass history? :0)

You posting slurs and attributing them an unnamed "democrat' is meaningless. What does have meaning is the Democratic Party believes that African-Americans and everyone else in this country is capable of political representation .. and that truth is reflected in their ranks. Your virtually all-white party does neither.

Republicans hate everybody.

The bottom line republicans hate black people .. black people hate republicans. We're real comfortable with that relationship.

Every quote I posted is well known you are just pretending to be dumb.

Who gives a shit about the rebel battle flag? It is just another concocted grievance created by the left wing since they have so little good things to run on.

Republican don't hate everyone but it sure sounds like you hate anyone that doesn't drink the same koolade you do.

BTW, are you a super predator?

Here is Mrs. Tuzla Clinton giving a speak in defense of the Clinton three strike law. BTW how has that worked out for the black community?

ALL your quotes are meaningless.

Your party is virtually all-white :0) and you're trying to make the stupid ass argument that democrats are racist even though THEY'VE elected a black president and the party is full of people of all races.

Your argument is for morons. :0) .. like you.

You really hate facts don't you?

Dixiecrats who remained Democratics after 1964:

Rep. John Rarick D-LA
Commissioner of Public Safety Bull Connor D-AL

Racist & Segregationist Democratic Party Governors:

Gov. Orval Faubus D-AR
Gov. Frank M. Dixon D-AL
Gov. Benjamin Travis Laney D-AR
Gov. William H. Murray D-OK
Gov. George Wallace D-AL
Gov. Lester Maddox D-GA
Gov. Fielding Wright D-MS

Racist & Segregationist Democratic Party Senators:

Sen. B. Everett Jordan D-NC
Sen. A. Willis Robertson D-V
Sen. Olin D. Johnston D-SC
Sen. Sam Ervin D-NC
Sen. J. Lister Hill D-AL
Sen. John C. Stennis D-MS
Sen. James Eastland D-MS
Sen. Allen J. Ellender D-LA
Sen. Russell B. Long D-LA
Sen. John Sparkman D-AL
Sen. John “Little” McClellan D-AR
Sen. Richard Russell, Jr. D-GA
Sen. Herman Talmadge D-GA
Sen. Robert Carlyle Byrd D-WV
Sen. Harry F. Byrd D-V
Sen. Al Gore, Sr. D-TN
Sen. Spessard Holland D-FL
Sen. Herbert S. Walters D-TN
Sen. George Smathers D-FL

The opponents of civil rights have always been Democratics. This list, this long list of Democratic Party racists and segregationists – this list of haters, Klansmen, lynchers – evil opponents of the most basic of human rights? They all remained Democratic Party members til’ the day they died. None censured, none shamed, none were kicked out of the party they called home. Their Democratic Party home during America’s most horrible years of racism & bigotry – murder & mayhem – hatred & terrorism – intolerance & exclusion. But let’s take a look at how many Dixiecrat segregationists became Republicans after 1964. Only these three (3) switched parties, how surprising!

Gov. Mills E. Godwin, Jr. D-VA
Sen. Jesse Helms, Jr. D-NC
Sen. Strom Thurmond D-SC

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